Eagle Time
The Tower - Printable Version

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The Tower - Elita - 04-22-2016


[Image: Yt8psWy.png]

[Image: fB2ZsNe.png]

[Image: wfcca8n.png]

The Tower

[Image: Tzj2RJ0.png]

You are part of a relatively large Adventuring Party returning from a successful campaign. The party just arrived at the tower where they are to await transportation home.

You find yourself on the tower's first floor, the entry room. Like every floor, there is a door to the stairwells on the east and west sides. The tower entrance is to the south, and you think you hear someone knocking at the door.

Your role in the party is the Alchemist. Talking among themselves you see the Warrior, Sorcerer, and Thief.

RE: The Tower - Dragon Fogel - 04-22-2016

Check out that lantern on the ground, you can probably use it for your alchemy.

RE: The Tower - Solekii - 04-22-2016

Check the note on the wall and open that chest. We can't just leave a chest unopened!

RE: The Tower - Gatr - 04-22-2016

Speak to Sorceror. Something might be on her mind.

RE: The Tower - Whimbrel - 04-23-2016

Go up the stairs and look out a window, see who's knocking

RE: The Tower - Elita - 04-23-2016

Check out that lantern.

[Image: NIHRls5.png]

[Image: JdRgJi4.png]

This large round lantern lights the room. It looks like the top comes off if you need to access the flame.
As it is the room's only light source, you decide to leave it where it is.

Check the note on the wall

[Image: fWNF8db.png]

It appears to be a transferal notice about this adventuring group obtaining ownership of this tower. It was posted here when you arrived.

Open the chest.

[Image: 0KnxGla.png]

It's full of food. One side is full tough Bread and Cheese. The other compartment contains a bag of Coffee, some Flavorful Ingredients, and a card with a moon on it.

Speak to the Sorcerer

[Image: qfLMH9O.png]

You approach the group.

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: Ux8JtZE.png] [Image: y5OK1ee.png] [Image: Xw9cO8F.png]

A: Hey, what are you talking about?
S: We were wondering how long we're going to be staying in this tower.
W: Its a little claustrophobic being trapped in here..
S: As soon as we got here, Captain locked us in and headed to the top.
A: Well, it looks like we were provided with food, so I assume it's going to be at least a day or two.
W: Auugh..
A: Oh, Do you hear that knocking?
S: Everyone is already inside. Its probably just the wind.
A: Did anyone look through the viewing slot?
T: Can't open the door anyway. Whoever it is isn't coming in.
A: But we should still check right?
S: Do whatever you want. I'm going upstairs.
T: ...
W: ...

Go up the stairs and look out a window.

[Image: bXDOafG.png]

Recalling the tower's exterior, it didn't look like it had any windows. At any rate, you hate climbing stairs. Ideally, your stay here will involve as little stair-climbing as possible.
Sorcerer leaves through the east door.

RE: The Tower - Whimbrel - 04-23-2016

Climb the stairs and look over the parapet, then?

If a no-go, talk to the Warrior and Thief about the successful campaign

RE: The Tower - Solekii - 04-23-2016

Check out those little shoes on the bed. Do they belong to anyone?

RE: The Tower - AgentBlue - 04-23-2016

You should probably check.

RE: The Tower - Elita - 04-23-2016

Check out those shoes.

[Image: gAU0gzN.png]

[Image: LPA1luk.png]

These are your shoes. This bed is creaky and filled with straw. It doesn't look very comfortable or warm at all.
But more importantly, you didn't have to climb any stairs to get here. You placed your shoes here to claim this prime sleeping location.

Talk to Warrior and Thief about the successful campaign.

[Image: rH4WZ69.png]

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: y5OK1ee.png] [Image: Xw9cO8F.png]

A: That was some adventure, huh.
T: It's amazing it went so well. If anything its a testament to Captain's impressive planning skills.
W: Just as we were told, everyone played a necessary role, and because of it we're all rich wahahaha.
T: After we make it home with the treasure that is.
A: Oh, speaking of treasure, where did it go?
T: I think they brought it all to the basement for accounting. It's being well guarded no doubt.
A: That's a relief...

You should probably check.

[Image: YH39Q1g.png]

Every once in a while you hear what sounds like knocking coming from the door. You decide to peer through the slot to check if someone is there.

[Image: L2KEmU2.png]

[Image: K8npzmB.png]


[Image: IPiydT7.png]

Oh, wait. For a second you though you saw someone, but noone is here.

[Image: yUyUCtf.png]

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: y5OK1ee.png] [Image: Xw9cO8F.png]

T: What was it?
A: Eheh just my imagination I guess.
W: Wahahaha!

RE: The Tower - Solekii - 04-23-2016

Is there a key anywhere to open that door?

RE: The Tower - Arashi500 - 04-23-2016

>Accuse your companions of playing tricks on you.

RE: The Tower - Schazer - 04-24-2016

Go back to box and examine the red card with moon.

RE: The Tower - Justice Watch - 04-24-2016

Check out the insignia on the banner of there. What does it represent?

RE: The Tower - Whimbrel - 04-24-2016

Fall down the stairs + check on the loot

RE: The Tower - Elita - 04-25-2016

Talk with your companions.

[Image: oz1aRq6.png]

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: y5OK1ee.png] [Image: Xw9cO8F.png]

A: ...Are you playing tricks on me?
T: Are you asking if we're conspiring to confuse you by faking someone being outside?
W: No tricks here hahaha.
A: Okay I guess.
A: Where's the key to this door?
W: Captain still has it no doubt. Safety minded as always - noone comes in or out without the Captain's say.
T: The west stairwell is also locked on all floors, but it was like that when we got here. The key is probably around somewhere.
W: I don't think we'll be needing both stairwells anyway..

Check out the insignia on the banner.

[Image: ciARjPr.png]

This is the banner of Captain's adventuring group. It kind of looks like a sword? You've seen this insignia a lot since your adventure started.

Examine the moon card.

[Image: k1CZ5ki.png]

[Image: XxtZAor.png]

Nothing about the card informs you of its purpose. Some sort of game or collectable you guess.

Check on the Loot.

[Image: CnjDRl7.png]

You enter the east stairwell. Going down stairs isn't too bad, but you'll have to climb them again eventually so you are still reluctant.


[Image: 0yOg2Yi.png]

You descend the stairs and are met by the Paladin of the group.

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: On1e36R.png]

A: Oh, hello. I was just going to go see the treasure.
P: No can do Alchemist. I am here to guard this door while Merchant and Vanguard are accounting.
A: Are you sure I can't just take a quick look?
P: I must be vigilant.
A: Awh.
P: However...
P: My guard duty is going to last well into the night.
P: If you were to help me out with one of your Energy Potions, I might make an exception.
A: Ah shoot I'm all out of potions..
P: Well here, take my bottle. If you manage to whip one up I'll be here.
A: I'll see what I can do.


[Image: RsLstBI.png]

You stow the Empty Bottle inside your Alchemy Pouch, alongside your remaining flask of Arcane Essence.
You also make a note of the recipe for an Energy Potion. You'll need a bottle, some Arcane Essence, some Coffee, a Vital Root, and a way to heat the concoction.
With this in mind you return to the first floor.


[Image: y05VhGZ.png]

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: cMIDO47.png]

?: Hey, now that we have a moment to ourselves, there's somethin I wanna talk about.
A: What the heck! Who said that??
?: Hey, not so loud okay.
?: I'm a spirit who was summoned to this tower to protect it from disaster.
A: Eehhh??
?: Thanks for letting me in, by the way.
A: Eehhhh?
?: Okay, listen. You're in a dangerous situation and someone saw fit to ask for my protection, but I'm gunna need your help.
A: Dangerous? How?
?: Well you're in a party carrying a great treasure to be divided amongst those who make it home. Even I can see the potential disaster here.
A: You mean like, betrayal?
?: Murderers, thieves, con artists. This tower is a powder keg and that treasure lights the fuse.
?: So hey, help me out. You want everyone to survive this right?
A: ...
A: Okay I guess...
A: How can I help?
?: Start by giving me a run down of the personalities of everyone here.
A: Haha uh. I haven't really talked to many people...
A: Like, four..
?: ...Alright then. How many of you all are in this tower?
A: Hmm like... 25 or 30?
?: You don't even know that much?
A: Sorry...
?: Then I guess we should start by gathering information.
A: ....

RE: The Tower - Dragon Fogel - 04-25-2016

Hold on. Somebody "asked" for this spirit's protection? So who was it?

RE: The Tower - Whimbrel - 04-26-2016

Start by introducing yourself to the spirit!

RE: The Tower - Justice Watch - 04-26-2016

See who's on the higher floors.

RE: The Tower - TheFoolOfThought - 04-26-2016

> How do you know if you can trust the spirit?

RE: The Tower - Solekii - 04-26-2016

> Ask the spirit to reveal itself and its name first

RE: The Tower - OTTO - 04-26-2016

You must be registered to view this content.

RE: The Tower - Elita - 04-26-2016

Introduce yourself.

[Image: hMtqPDr.png?1]

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: cMIDO47.png]

A: Nice to meet you by the way.
A: Call me Alchemist.
?: Yeah, alright.
A: ... What do you go by?
?: Ah, well, my name is incomprehensible to mortals.
?: Just call me spirit if you need to.
A: Awh come on, let me hear it.
?: ...
?: My name is ?$#@!#
A: Uh, could you repeat that?
?: No.
A: So can you show me what you look like?
?: You have seen my physical manifestation in its entirety.
?: There is nothing to show.
A: Oh...
A: So you mentioned someone summoned you. Who was it?
?: I don't know who preformed the ritual, but it must be someone inside this tower.
A: Hmm...
A: How do I know I can trust you?
A: You're being awfully mysterious.
?: I'm not asking for your blind trust.
?: All I can do is offer information and guidance. Do with it what you will.
?: For starters, tell me about the people you've met so far.
A: Well,


[Image: oZFgVXR.png?1]

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: cMIDO47.png]

?: Great.
?: Any time you want to review the people in this tower, or want my insight on anyone in particular, just ask.
?: Knowing your party members is the first step toward keeping everyone safe.
A: I'll keep that in mind.

See who's on the higher floors.

[Image: oM8SG0q.png?1]

You manage to climb the next set of stairs and enter the second floor of the tower. Inside you see the Explorer and Fighter of the group.

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: cMIDO47.png]

?: Hey, one more thing.
?: You don't have to actually speak when communicating with me.
A: Oh okay.
?: No, see, you're still doing it.
?: If you talk out loud to yourself people will get suspicious.
?: Just think about talking to me, but don't actually say anything.
A: Like this?
?: ....
?: Hey, maybe just avoid talking to me while people are around.
A: Eheh sorry..

RE: The Tower - Justice Watch - 04-26-2016

Is that another card on the ground there? Maybe you should start a collection.

RE: The Tower - Solekii - 04-26-2016

Look inside all those bins. All of them.