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The Competely Custom Quest! - Printable Version

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The Competely Custom Quest! - wyatt - 04-09-2016

Here you can make your own character and one lucky person will be able to make the entire world!

Duckreport TIME FOR HELL Drudgerepond[/size]

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - Whimbrel - 04-09-2016

I vote for Wyatt to make the entire world

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - a52 - 04-09-2016

I'd like to submit Whimbrel as a character

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - Reecer6 - 04-09-2016

I submit Whimbrel as a character a second time.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - Whimbrel - 04-09-2016


RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - Reyweld - 04-09-2016

The world should be an entirely flat picture of Whimbrel's avatar.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - OTTO - 04-09-2016

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RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - Whimbrel - 04-10-2016

I've taken a vow to never touch my own avatar. Whimsun has been bestowed upon me by the grace of the mods!

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - wyatt - 05-16-2016

Ok so the world is mspaforums corpse and you must traverse it and go to the area where you must do the funny dance.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - OrangeAipom - 05-16-2016

a dog ate the corpse and now it can't be traversed.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - AgentBlue - 05-20-2016

But I have no legs.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - ForestGardener - 05-20-2016

I present 187,050 microtome slices of this world. They are scattered through space and time, poorly connected, difficult to search through. They represent a very small portion of the original beast, many are duplicates, and many contain no useful information at all. Very like what may be salvaged from the scattered remains of one violently deceased.

If you wish, you may consider them islands, or perhaps the few surviving structures after some cataclysm.

It seems the purpose (or at least function) of the internet archive is to take and preserve a broad sample, from which the historical content and culture of the internet can be derived.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - wyatt - 05-31-2016

^ Stop being so fancy and speak english.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - Schazer - 05-31-2016

If you can't stuff everything on your ark, it's better to grab a couple of everything instead of 6 billion wasps

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - Reyweld - 05-31-2016

I jump into a jar of brine and begin pickling.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - wyatt - 06-01-2016

You slowly become a pickle.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - Reyweld - 06-01-2016


RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - Reyweld - 06-01-2016

I make sure there's some tumeric and sage in here with me. I've got to be flavoured right.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - wyatt - 06-09-2016

Suddenly a bIG MAN COME and he put salt on you.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - ICan'tGiveCredit - 06-09-2016

i hurl insults at him, becoming even saltier

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - Reyweld - 06-09-2016

My silent pickle screams can be heard only by the subconscious of the most sensitive of listeners, and a single tear escapes each of them.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - ArcaneMusic - 06-17-2016

This planet's core is in fact formed of 100% pure sentient Honey.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - wyatt - 06-18-2016

The sentient honey EBECOME A MONTER!1

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - GuardianTempest - 06-19-2016

Eat the honey, absolutely nothing wrong with that.

RE: The Competely Custom Quest! - Reyweld - 06-20-2016

I want to ascend to pickle heaven.