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Please delete this thread - Printable Version

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Please delete this thread - Novelette - 04-07-2016


RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Schazer - 04-07-2016

Cat: be rudely awoken by something blocking the sweet Sunrays

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Whimbrel - 04-07-2016

Cat: Shed profusely

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - btp - 04-07-2016

Claw the stuffing out of that bed.

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - AgentBlue - 04-07-2016


Demand to be let out.

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-07-2016

> Cat: meow

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - bo - 04-08-2016

Take one last peek at your dreams before you wake up.

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Justice Watch - 04-08-2016

Are you hungry? Go beg for food!

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-24-2016

> Beg transparent hooded figure for food.

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - btp - 04-24-2016

Hiss. Scratch.

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Solekii - 04-24-2016

Stare at the hooded figure with your wide, unblinking cat eyes. Try to get its attention.

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Justice Watch - 04-24-2016

Try to rub against their legs to claim them as your own.

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Whimbrel - 04-24-2016

swat at the wiggly paper list

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Schazer - 04-25-2016

Play with their scroll.

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - AgentBlue - 04-29-2016

knead the scroll!

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Colby - 04-29-2016

sit on scroll, maybe begin to chew on it

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - CrimsonMage - 05-01-2016

> The figure is obviously an intruder bent on STEALING YOUR FOOD! Attack it.

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Kíeros - 05-03-2016

> Walk around the hooded figure's legs. You know, just close enough that they can't help but trip on you if they try to move.

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - ArcaneMusic - 06-21-2016


RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - ICan'tGiveCredit - 06-21-2016

> make person stay

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Kíeros - 06-22-2016

> The person was holding the paper before, and the paper's not there any more. It must be on the person!

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Mayu_Zane - 06-22-2016

Continue search for food. Food is always top priority

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Schazer - 06-30-2016

piss in their cornflakes

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Kíeros - 06-30-2016

> Walk between their legs repeatedly. You know, like a cat.

RE: Detective Snipes Epic Adventure - Kíeros - 07-11-2016

> Continue doing cat things. Maybe a hairball?