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Fortuna Fanart Thread - Printable Version

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Fortuna Fanart Thread - TangledAlmond - 12-18-2015

Post your Fortuna fanart here! ;u;

Old OP:

RE: Every Fanart Ever - Schazer - 12-18-2015

Yoooo this is a really cool endeavour, and I'm aware I'm an outsider to the community and probably also backseat moderating with this, but Rule 3 seems iffy to me if you're not asking artists for permission to reupload their work beforehand.

Irrespective of the content (original or fanart), artists should have a right as creator to decide where their work is distributed. That's obviously impossible for an individual to enforce online, so it falls on the artist's followers+fans to respect the creator's rights.

If you added "get the creator's permission before rehosting their work" to Rule3, it'd set a better standard, imo.

RE: Every Fanart Ever - Jacquerel - 12-18-2015

As someone who ran a forum heavily invested in images stored online for about seven plus years (and with a lot of experience of those links slowly vanishing as "reliable" sites revise their policies, leaving most of our history lost to the mists of time) I'd also like to add that any image host is only reliable right up until they are suddenly not, and you might not want all of your eggs in one basket.
Imgur you can probably expect to hang around for a good while before they start closing old URLs but I would not extend that expectation to gyazo, as a clip hosting site it's going to hit the peak of user unsustainability before they need to start gouging people for money or shut down much faster.

If you really want everything secure your best bet would probably be a Dropbox folder, as a data archiving service rather than a free public image hosting one.

RE: Every Fanart Ever - TangledAlmond - 12-18-2015

@Schazer I understand and agree with what you are saying but I do not think anyone would have a problem with it seeing as how it is not being made public on imgur, and how all images will be sourced. The sole purpose of being uploaded to imgur would be to ensure the image link doesn't break. In fact, there was already one incident where we had to reupload a particular plot-relevant fanart to imgur due to the link breaking.

However, you make a good point here and so I think I will wait for Gime's verdict on this before deciding the course of action to take.

@Jacquerel Thanks for the advice! I still feel that imgur will be good enough as well as more accessible to anyone who wants to help with archiving, especially considering that all of Fortuna is also hosted on imgur, meaning we'd have much bigger problems if imgur goes down!

I think that's a good call about gyazo though we should probably reupload those too

RE: Every Fanart Ever - Gimeurcookie - 12-18-2015

I think asking would be a good idea if re uploads of done! I can't think of many situations where someone would say no to that but if they do then a simple link can just be provided to whatever link is hosting their art. If it goes down then so be it, it's fine.

The one case I did have to reupload someone's art was ok because I asked the person before hand if I could use the art in comic as a plot related thing so it was more of "This is already part of the comic" situation. All the plot related fanart (There's only two that are heavily plot related) are pretty much under that situation.

You don't have to worry about the issues that would arise if imgur went down, I have 3 whole backups of Fortuna and it'd only take me a week or 2 to do the slightly mind numbing task of reuploading and reposting.

I do wish you luck on this, current the fortuna fanart folder I have has a total of 410 pieces in it included the oc folder.

RE: Every Fanart Ever - TangledAlmond - 12-19-2015

Ok, I updated Rule 3 by removing the gyazo exception and specifying to ask the artist before reuploading.
I've been thinking about it and I think I will remove the reuploading rule altogether, as having to ask permission makes this project less accessible to join in. As long as we stay on top of it we can easily use the Edit Post function to fix any broken image links. And of course anyone is still free to ask an artist if they can reupload their art to imgur but now it is just no longer a rule.

@Gime It certainly is a big endeavor but that's why it's a group effort! You can even help too if you want.

First wave of fanart; all fanart in the "Thread 1 Fanart" section in the OP of the Fortuna thread, with fixed image links:

RE: Every Fanart Ever - LoverIan - 12-19-2015

Yeah full honesty it makes me really sad when I see something hosted on photobucket or another of the old image hosting sites

Thanks for doing this!

RE: Every Fanart Ever - TangledAlmond - 12-21-2015

All fanart in the "Thread 2 Fanart" section in the OP of the Fortuna thread, with fixed image links.


.....So... yeah it would be nice if some of those were to be reduced in size... but idk how to do that with forum code...
Thank you Fellow!!! :D

RE: Every Fanart Ever - Fellow - 12-21-2015



Replace [img] with [img=WIDTHxHEIGHT]

RE: Every Fanart Ever - TangledAlmond - 01-04-2016

Haven't given up on this, just been busy lately. You guys can help too tho ya know! :p Feel free to chuck any fanart you find into this thread.

Here's all fanart in the "Thread 3 Fanart" section in the OP of the Fortuna thread, with no image links needing fixing this time.

And now that we've mirrored all the fanart from those fanart sections, we can move on to all other fanart we can get our hands on! B) And there's quite a lot, believe me.

RE: Every Fanart Ever - a52 - 02-15-2016

[Image: cobalt.png]
I made this about a year ago and put it in the old cosmodex.

RE: Every Fanart Ever - awkwardcarapace - 02-22-2016

[Image: xrpzy.png]
Rodney needs more love.

RE: Every Fanart Ever - Gimeurcookie - 02-24-2016

Awwwwwww that's a mega cute Rodney, I love it!

RE: Every Fanart Ever - InoIno - 04-09-2016

here's my fan art of Captain Hermes [Image: tumblr_o5cmd0MZPz1uz73lyo1_500.png]

RE: Every Fanart Ever - TangledAlmond - 04-09-2016

THERE'S TOO MUCH FANART THIS is an overwhelming endeavor. I think, yeah, I'll just turn this into a thread where people can post fanart they made if they want (since that's what people have been doing). I might gather some fanart if I feel like it later... we'll see. Anyway I'll change the OP.

Also that's a nice Cpt. Hermes

RE: Every Fanart Ever - awkwardcarapace - 04-22-2016

(02-24-2016, 12:07 AM)Gimeurcookie Wrote: »Awwwwwww that's a mega cute Rodney, I love it!

Ah gosh, thank you!! ;v;

Here's a Coblat, done in the same four-object style! (I still cannot draw feety claws for the love of me.)

[Image: fxfsg.png]

RE: Fortuna Fanart Thread - nonexistentPumpkin - 06-06-2016

Okay this post's long overdue.

Here's my somewhat serious fanarts:



That about sums it up for all of my image-based fanart, but here's:

-My Tindeck, containing all my Fortuna voice attempts.

-The Fortuna tag on my tumblr, because why not. (There's more than one page of it, you just have to scroll all the way down for the next page button because of the theme.)

RE: Fortuna Fanart Thread - TangledAlmond - 06-06-2016

I'm getting the verve to do this again, and as Gime has recently pointed out to me, the fanart sections in the OP's of the Fortuna threads are no longer available now that the MSPA Forums have gone down. I thought, well it's a good thing I mirrored those fanart sections then! However, the Thread 4 section still hasn't been mirrored, so I figured it would be prudent to do so in order to make the art more accessible than trying to delve into the internet archives of the thread.

Here it is: All fanart from the "Thread 4 Fanart" section in the OP of the old Fortuna thread.

I'll try to compile even more fanart soon!


RE: Fortuna Fanart Thread - AABowser - 09-25-2016

Here's a doodle of Cupid that I paid someone to do! Sort of. It was a patreon stream thing.


RE: Fortuna Fanart Thread - Apple - 10-13-2016

Figured I'd share a Mors doodle I did in Drawpile, since it still counts as fanart! ...I think.


RE: Fortuna Fanart Thread - Gimeurcookie - 10-13-2016

(09-25-2016, 01:18 PM)AABowser Wrote: »Here's a doodle of Cupid that I paid someone to do! Sort of. It was a patreon stream thing.

AWWW MAN! I saw this before but I totally forgot to comment on it! This is really cute! Cupid is awesome.

(10-13-2016, 07:44 AM)Apple Wrote: »Figured I'd share a Mors doodle I did in Drawpile, since it still counts as fanart! ...I think.


Awwwwww This is a really cute Mors and it totally counts as fan art. Also welcome to the crew newcomer!!!

RE: Fortuna Fanart Thread - Dorsidwarf - 11-26-2016

Caution: GargantumungousShow

Stuff I've been working on for like a week now. This was originally a pencil drawing, then I decided "Hey I suck at digital art, lets do some of that."

wait what

Pumpkins Apollo AUShow

And many lamps which I should sort out.

RE: Fortuna Fanart Thread - SirBlizz98 - 11-26-2016


Here are some arts i do, previously shown only on the discord, but now, Here for everyone else.

RE: Fortuna Fanart Thread - Dorsidwarf - 11-26-2016

Slate Q_Q

RE: Fortuna Fanart Thread - awkwardcarapace - 11-26-2016

Press F to pay respects and also press F to admire these great artworks