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little grid, big dreams - Printable Version

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little grid, big dreams - Reyweld - 11-19-2015

little grid, lvl 0.00 Wrote:| = = = = = |
| _ _ _ _ _ |
| _ ? ? ? _ |
| _ ? _ ? _ |
| _ ? ? ? _ |
| _ _ _ _ _ |
| = = = = = |

`|` or `=` - The edge of the grid
`_` - Empty
`?` - Something unknown

Dream Machine:
  • Get bigger {0/1}
  • Identify those things! {0/9}
  • Acknowledge the Dream Machine's Excellent Taste in Art {0/5}

little grid has big dreams. Well, dreams of getting big! And other dreams. Like once, little grid had a dream that the 8 things inside of it would be identified. Oh, it might have been a lifetime ago, but it feels like seconds. Minutes, even. Or wait; what's that in the Dream Machine?


RE: little grid, big dreams - ICan'tGiveCredit - 11-19-2015


RE: little grid, big dreams - AgentBlue - 11-19-2015

I expect they are, in fact, question marks

RE: little grid, big dreams - Reyweld - 11-20-2015

little grid, lvl 1.00 Wrote:| = = = = = |
| _ _ _ _ _ |
| _ ? ? ? _ |
| _ ? _ ? _ |
| _ ? i ? _ |
| _ _ ? _ _ |
| = = = = = |

`|` or `=` - The edge of the grid
`_` - Empty
`?` - A Question Mark
`i` - icing spawn

Dream Machine:
  • Get bigger {0/1}
  • Identify those things! {9/9}
  • Acknowledge the Dream Machine's Excellent Taste in Art {0/5}
  • Spend Level {0/1}

That's right, they're question marks! Oh, and man-eating cakes. Luckily, the box is no man's land, so they all can live in harmony. An objective has been completed! little grid has leveled up! A man-eating cake rolls around, leaving a trail of icing spawn.

Guest Star: Skill Tree (you have 2 points) Wrote:Size up (Level 0) - +roomier; next level: +roomier & +roomier
Chaos up (Level 0) - +spawner; next level: +spawnier & +antibodies
Dating up (Level 0) - +heartier; next level: +grid

So many compelling options, what do you want to level?

Hmm... better be...


RE: little grid, big dreams - AgentBlue - 11-20-2015

Dating! You need to make love to the cake.

RE: little grid, big dreams - ICan'tGiveCredit - 11-21-2015


RE: little grid, big dreams - SupahKiven - 11-22-2015

Go with Dating because that's the closest thing to sexier that you can get

RE: little grid, big dreams - OTTO - 11-22-2015

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RE: little grid, big dreams - Kíeros - 11-25-2015

> We need to increase the dating

RE: little grid, big dreams - Ferociousfeind - 01-21-2016

you have two points, so
Size up, and Chaos up.
Those antibodies might be essential for what's to come (such as "man-eating cake" viruses or something?)