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TAKE X (6-5-17: The End) - Printable Version

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RE: TAKE X (12-24-16: Showtime) - ProfessorLizzard - 12-24-2016

>Read ancestnotes

RE: TAKE X (12-24-16: Showtime) - Taylor - 12-25-2016

Hmm, trying to kill your NG+ self might be difficult. Or is it pre-party member vs party member self? Which one of you would be the party member? (I realise Sienna probably doesn't know the OG is her. At least, maybe is? So...)

> Consider hiring help with this job, the One Goddess is a god, after all.

RE: TAKE X (12-24-16: Showtime) - AScWCC - 12-25-2016

> If the thing with the orbs doesn't work, shouldn't you have some kind of backup plan?

RE: TAKE X (12-26-16: Some schmucks) - NonAnalogue - 12-26-2016

> Consider hiring help.

[Image: zK6kUSD.png]

The thought passes your mind to maybe get some help in this endeavor. Well, more help, anyway - you've hired plenty of people so far over the course of the job. There was the thief Shadan Hamidi, for one. You've never been stellar at stealing, so you contracted that task out.

Before Hamidi, you paid a member of a 'legitimate shipping crew', Allice Onnred, for information about an old abandoned island that an ancestor of yours built something on. She couldn't get into the structure, but she took notes on some etchings that he left behind - the same notes you currently have on you.

Of course, you can't leave out how you paid some schmuck named de Soren to get arrested intentionally so he could see if there really was treasure in the catacombs underneath the Church. That one took some convincing, since the Church is not well-known for treating their prisoners well.

There've been other people here and there, but the point is that you've had plenty of help. However, you've always been very careful to hide your true intentions. You have no way of knowing who all is loyal to the One Goddess, and one misstep could mean your death.

No, for the last part of your job, you'll have to go it alone.

> Consider a back-up plan.

[Image: 1BNt5BM.png]

Your thoughts next turn to back-up plans, but only briefly. If this plan fails, you'll probably be dead, so not much point in considering an 'after that'.

> Read your ancestor's notes.

[Image: GGd9eyV.png]

You pull out the notes you have on what your ancestor, Rufus Traveller, etched on his monument.

"I commend my discovery to those that reach it. Those who would do so must find the twin treasures: one of light housed under divinity, and one of stone buried within the forgotten archipelago. To those who may come after me, treasures in hand, I hope that what rests within this catacomb will atone for my sins. ~ Rufus Traveller"

You have the twin treasures - the glowing yellow rock found under the Church, and the inky black rock retrieved from the Emek Archipelago.

Now you just need to bring them to Rufus' monument, where you're pretty sure something will happen.

RE: TAKE X (12-26-16: Some schmucks) - Dragon Fogel - 12-26-2016

So... do you know where it is? If not, what information do you have about its location?

RE: TAKE X (12-26-16: Some schmucks) - flairina - 12-27-2016

Phew! Finally caught up again. Certainly took me longer than it really should have.

Okay. So, good news is, Sienna ain't anywhere near omnipotent. Meion stole back the library from beyond death, and thus she isn't going to be changing history anymore. She can also be mentally messed with, and had some oversights in not getting rid of the ENTIRE pantheon, as we already knew. AND, she can't see void creatures/void aligned things, forcing her to rely on the "Miracle Men". This makes the job of killing/ousting her much easier, as she has actual points of fault to exploit.

The bad news is, Sienna is also probably inhabiting the body of the void/shade whatever thing that became Monitor, and whom I assume stole Palmer's divinity. Meaning that if she figures this out, we're all screwed, since her unlocking void understanding/abilities means we lose the only effective way to hide our actions from her and/or potentially hurt her. We might be screwed by my saying this in fact since the MSPA boards seemed to indicate she could see what was posted on them, but I have no way to make a spoiler here so we'll just have to hope the move to eagletime confused her I suppose.

Right now we have two characters that can effectively use the void element, whether intentionally or non-intentionally. This Sienna (who shall henceforth be referred to as Sienna-NG to avoid confusion) could be majorly helpful because of that, but we have no idea how this plan is supposed to work. Do we have any idea whatsoever what's going to happen beyond "something"? How exactly is Sienna-NG planning on getting out to that monument to begin with? Twould be nice if she could expound on those points.

RE: TAKE X (12-26-16: Some schmucks) - LoverIan - 12-27-2016

>Where exactly is that monument again, and how hard is it to sneak/get in unnoticed
>Check combat abilities, and how void magic would prepare yourself against any fights

RE: TAKE X (12-26-16: Some schmucks) - Taylor - 12-28-2016

I guess we could call them Sienna-OG and Sienna-NG.
These can stand for both One Goddess or Original Generation, and New Game or New Generation or Not Goddess, respectively.

Hold up, didn't Sienna-OG already kill (or at least encounter) a Sienna-NG in a previous take?
Oh, no never mind she just sorta appeared, told her to go to Monitor, and then made things Worse.

So yeah going to kill the One Goddess could cause problems.
> How do you get to this monument?

RE: TAKE X (12-26-16: Some schmucks) - ProfessorLizzard - 12-28-2016

>Look up location in the library

RE: TAKE X (12-28-16: Heavy thinking) - NonAnalogue - 12-28-2016

> What will happen?

[Image: S9MaRMN.png]

All you have to go on is legends and myths, but you've managed to piece together a working idea of what will happen when you use the stones.

First, Rufus Traveller mentioned in his etching that there is something that rests inside the monument - specifically, that whatever is in there would 'atone for his sins.'

You're not sure specifically which sins he was referring to, but if you're being honest, people in your family generally have no shortage of sins to choose from.

Either way, though, it sounds like there's some kind of artifact or something inside the monument. That lines up with the myths you've meticulously pieced together, which say that what lies within the monument could rival the power of a goddess.

Basically, it sounds to you like there's some manner of super-weapon inside the monument. Your plan is to steal it, head to the mountaintop near Eldarin, call the One Goddess, and use the weapon on her.

> Where is the monument?

[Image: fqUDEW3.png]

You have some more concrete information on the location of the monument itself, thanks to information you found in the bookstore here. It's on an island in the sea between Erdric and Vandrio. Your intelligence says that the island is abandoned "except for this one travesty of ammons that were all completely adorable."

You're not a fan of ammons, but they're not generally a threat.

> Check combat capabilities.

[Image: elomvjm.png]

You can use the following skills in battle:

Mimic - This skill mirrors whatever skill the opponent used last.
Roulette - This skill uses, at random, one skill that you've used Mimic on in the past.

Additionally, you also have the passive skill Void Cloak, which makes it hard for people to notice you unless they're looking straight at you.

> How do you get to the monument?

[Image: ANGZv40.png]

The next part of your plan - getting to the monument itself - will be tricky. You have a contact here in Port Yarcia who knows how to use teleport magic, despite magic-users in general being lightning rods (usually literally) for the One Goddess. He's avoided the One Goddess' notice pretty well up to this point.

It occurs to you that if you fail at your task, your contact will probably also be at risk of retribution from the One Goddess. That doesn't make you feel great, but sometimes sacrifices must be made.

RE: TAKE X (12-28-16: Heavy thinking) - ProfessorLizzard - 12-28-2016

>time to fly!

RE: TAKE X (12-28-16: Heavy thinking) - flairina - 12-29-2016

We might want to revise the plan of "walk up to monument and attempt to use artifact on goddess we for some reason presume will show up in person", but I'm sure things will go wrong before then anyways, so we'll save that for later.

Anyways. Even if the artifact doesn't do anything good enough to actually hurt Sienna-OG, still seems like a good goal to aim for. Now remind me, is that island ACTUALLY where Sienna-NG thinks it is? Where was Duximas sailing towards when she found it? The that boat got blown off course before being literally blown up, but it would at least tell us if she's got the general area right. Though if she knows about the ammons she probably has the right of it in any case.

> Meet up with contact. Make sure whatever he's been using to hide himself will apply to you as well before going through that teleport though.

RE: TAKE X (12-28-16: Heavy thinking) - Electrum - 12-29-2016

> Clasp your hands and do a hearty laugh, hoping that nobody notices you.

RE: TAKE X (12-31-16: On the move) - NonAnalogue - 12-31-2016

> Laugh.

[Image: gt2wIKD.gif]

You laugh. When it gets right down to it... it's a contest with unimaginable stakes. The odds are stacked sky-high against you. This is your element.

Let's do this.

> Find your contact.

[Image: STLyZXV.png]

You enter the alley behind the inn.

[Image: 6eNhtD9.gif]

Your contact is crouched behind the barrels, just like he said he would be. Based on what he's told you before, you know that he's kept himself safe by constantly being on the move. The absurdly complicated lattice of protective spells he keeps active at all times probably helps too.

You, on the other hand, have stayed pretty well hidden with the void element, but you're not too keen on letting people in on that secret.

> Get going.

[Image: TG02vLO.gif]

Your contact sets up the warp, and you step through.

[Image: qcrNz2y.gif]

You arrive in one piece. Ammons (Ammon? Ammen? You've never been too clear on the plural) litter the beach, but otherwise there doesn't seem to be anything notable around these parts.

RE: TAKE X (12-31-16: On the move) - flairina - 01-01-2017

> Ask the ammons for assistance. If they are of no help, go explore the island on your own.

RE: TAKE X (12-31-16: On the move) - Dragon Fogel - 01-01-2017

Hey, did someone dig a hole?

And there's a boat.

You may not be alone here. And I don't just mean the ammons.

RE: TAKE X (12-31-16: On the move) - ProfessorLizzard - 01-02-2017

>Command the Ammons to avert their gaze, it is creepy

RE: TAKE X (1-2-17: Welcome to the jungle) - NonAnalogue - 01-02-2017

> Examine the stump

[Image: sGh2ngb.png]

There's a tree stump here. Maybe someone cut down one of these trees. From the looks of it, it can't have been very long ago. Maybe someone's here.

> Examine the boat.

[Image: 0UWqA1C.png]

Lending credence to your theory is the boat on the shoreline. You keep quiet for a moment and listen for signs of life, but all you can hear is the ammons chirping.

> Ask the ammons for assistance.

[Image: t0szQsi.png]

You consider asking the ammons for help, but... you're not a huge fan. You just tell them to go away or to stop staring at you or something.

[Image: bPerS7N.gif]

The ammons follow you instead.


> Explore the island.

[Image: EtBL17X.png]

You make your way through the jungle, making sure to stay hidden, until you arrive at a clearing with a monument built in the center. It's certainly seen better days, but it's still standing.

There's a pillar near the door with an inscription on front:

"I commend my discovery to those that reach it. Those who would do so must find the twin treasures: one of light housed under divinity, and one of stone buried within the forgotten archipelago. To those who may come after me, treasures in hand, I hope that what rests within this catacomb will atone for my sins. ~ Rufus Traveller"

On top of the pillar are two indentations.

RE: TAKE X (1-2-17: Welcome to the jungle) - ProfessorLizzard - 01-02-2017

>Place stones dramatically

and fast so the Ammons don't steal them

RE: TAKE X (1-2-17: Welcome to the jungle) - flairina - 01-03-2017

> Check for indication of which stone goes in which indentation. Then do the blatantly obvious.

RE: TAKE X (1-2-17: Welcome to the jungle) - Dragon Fogel - 01-03-2017

You know, those look like claw marks.

...just how recent are they?

Oh well, if whatever made them shows up, you've got plenty of ammons to distract it with. Probably not worth worrying about.

RE: TAKE X (1-5-17: Shedding light) - NonAnalogue - 01-06-2017

> Examine the monument.

[Image: 2Xn1M2p.png]

You examine the monument. There are claw marks all over it - alarmingly big ones. Well, hopefully you won't be here long enough to find out whatever monster left them.

> Place the stones.

[Image: mhsRahh.png]

You place the stones. When you set the glowing one down, it casts a beam of light out into the jungle, part of which is blocked by the black one.

[Image: tiiakoM.png]

You hurriedly switch the stones.

[Image: zSCTM1U.png]

The light and shadow hit the door. It looks like...

[Image: tM9AhwP.png]

Yes! They make a hole in the stone! It's just big enough for you to climb through.

[Image: 7gPgiyV.png]

That was less fuss than you expected.

[Image: kmCi6Gw.png]

[Image: GTrsCgC.gif]

[Image: 2DXxvjE.png]

It's... Indivar. Blue Indivar. You know all about him, but thankfully you'd managed to evade his notice for the most part. Up until now, anyway.

"Hey, what's the rush, y'know?" he says with a grin on his face.

You brush yourself off. "You're here to get in my way, then, Blue-boy?" you ask, fixing him with the fiercest glower you can muster.

Indivar doesn't seem perturbed. "Nah, you got the wrong idea. I'm not supposed to get in your way. I'm supposed to kill you."

"Why? Just because the One Goddess told you to?"

"Yeah, that's about the long and short of it."

You cross your arms. "So that's it, then. She just sends her lapdog after me. She can't even do the job herself."

Indivar scowls. "Look, I may not--"

[Image: LBLfzRf.gif]

You hear a familiar voice cut in. "Hey, can it, Travler," it says. "I've got a lot on my plate right now. So just shut up and die already. And Blue?"

"Wait!" Indivar's eyes widen. "No, please, don't--"

"Have a little pick-me-up. You can thank me later."

[Image: y0GAi9g.gif]

[Image: LrdXYRF.png]

Well. Here goes nothing.

[Image: WXdm1Od.gif]

[Image: pFKEzMD.png]

[Image: jfjWLcF.png]

RE: TAKE X (1-5-17: Shedding light) - Taylor - 01-06-2017

> Make optimal use of your ammon allies.

RE: TAKE X (1-5-17: Shedding light) - Dragon Fogel - 01-06-2017

(01-06-2017, 03:44 AM)Taylor Wrote: ยป> Make optimal use of your ammon allies.

Which is to say, throw them at him.

RE: TAKE X (1-5-17: Shedding light) - ProfessorLizzard - 01-06-2017

>Call your Ammonknights in a helix pattern