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ZooStuck - Printable Version

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Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - Dragon Fogel - 02-08-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Xindaris Wrote:>Paris. The Eiffel tower, to be exact. Because that's what ALWAYS gets destroyed in Paris by superpowered monsters.
snuffysam Wrote:> THE SUN.
You are a little lost.
That's right. You're in Sun Paris, eating the Sun Eiffel Tower. You aren't entirely sure how you got here, or whether you're getting any closer or farther to the celestial restaurant you used to live in. All you know is, you're incredibly hungry.

A bunch of sun tourists are taking pictures of you, or rather attempting to; they'll be surprised when they discover you can't be captured on film. You don't know why exactly that is, and you also don't care because it doesn't help to feed you. You continue eating the Sun Eiffel Tower.

You are now a Sun Frenchman. A strange creature that cannot be photographed is eating the Sun Eiffel Tower, which angers you because it is one of the great symbols of Sun France. What are you going to do about this?

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-08-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by omegawill.

Wield your sun baguette menacingly

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - AgentBlue - 02-08-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Agent1022.

Summon your sun son and show him how it's sun done.

Then sundance.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - MaxieSatan - 02-08-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

Petition The Sun King to raise his army.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-08-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by snuffysam.

> Convince him that you are just as nutritious as any tower!

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - Dragon Fogel - 02-08-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

omegawill Wrote:Wield your sun baguette menacingly
You are already doing so. But the strange creature doesn't seem to be taking any notice of you. You were sure it would either be afraid of or hungry for a sun baguette, but it's simply continuing to chew on the tower.

You're going to need another plan.

MrGuy Wrote:Petition The Sun King to raise his army.
What an absurd idea. There hasn't been a Sun King since the Sun French Revolution!

No, you need to call the Sun President, obviously.

You are now Sun Francoise Hollande, the Sun President of Sun France. You've received a number of complaints about an unidentifiable creature eating the Sun Eiffel Tower, but before you can address that, you need to convince the Sun French Parliament to pass an important bill on... on...

Darn it, your sun memory isn't what it used to be. What's the bill about again?

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-08-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by snuffysam.

> Sun Rennovations to the Sun Eiffel Tower.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - Solaris - 02-08-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Taking away Sun Lance Armstrongs Tour De Sun France medals in favor of a REAL SUN FRENCH HERO

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-08-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by omegawill.

Locating Sun France's greatest secret agent, gone rogue: Kent Reasure. You must put all your efforts into finding sun kent reasure
no that's dumb the bill is actually about eating more sun baguettes

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - MaxieSatan - 02-08-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

Increasing funding to sun snail farms.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - Dragon Fogel - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

snuffysam Wrote:> Sun Rennovations to the Sun Eiffel Tower.
Solaris Wrote:Taking away Sun Lance Armstrongs Tour De Sun France medals in favor of a REAL SUN FRENCH HERO
omegawill Wrote:no that's dumb the bill is actually about eating more sun baguettes
MrGuy Wrote:Increasing funding to sun snail farms.
Oh, yes, that's right. You're going to take away Sun Lance Armstrong's Tour De Sun France medals and sell them to fund sun renovations to the Sun Eiffel Tower so you can convert it into the sun's largest sun snail farm and sell more sun baguettes at the sun gift shop.

You honestly have to wonder how it could be taking so long to approve such a simple, straightforward bill. What's the holdup, anyways?

You are now Sun Jean-Marc Ayrault, the Sun Prime Minister of Sun France. You are currently overseeing the voting in the Sun French Parliament on the Sun President's new bill, but some sort of incident on the floor has made it difficult to proceed.

What exactly is the sun problem here?

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - MaxieSatan - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

People are up in arms about the Moonited States fucking again.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Professor Science.

MrGuy Wrote:People are up in arms about the Moonited States fucking again.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by snuffysam.

MrGuy Wrote:People are up in arms about the Moonited States fucking again.
That isn't a sun problem dude.
That's a moon problem.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by DS Piron.

> Mercury wants to be the french-planet-expy.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by omegawill.

The nation's vampires are concerned about the public's attitude towards them, given that they a) wear garlic around their neck all the time, and b) live on the sun, which is harmful to vampires

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - Dragon Fogel - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

MrGuy Wrote:People are up in arms about the Moonited States fucking again.
Oh, right. That nutty country on the other side of the Sun Atlantic Ocean that insists this isn't the sun, it's the moon. Never mind that they can't specify which of the sixty or so moons in Sol System they think they live on, or that everything is on fire all the time, nope, they just have to be different from everybody else.

But you honestly don't mind it that much, at least not at times like this when Moon Washington isn't calling you moon-cheese eating surrender moon-monkeys or other ridiculous names like that. Of course, that doesn't stop these dumb sun protests from making their way into the session. You're not even sure what they're actually protesting, they're just holding signs that say "DOWN WITH THE MSMA" and other meaningless slogans. Of course, the Moonited States of Moon America has nothing whatsoever to do with this bill, but that hasn't stopped them. Or any of the other half-dozen protests going on here, absolutely none of which is remotely related to the actual contents of this bill.

omegawill Wrote:The nation's vampires are concerned about the public's attitude towards them, given that they a) wear garlic around their neck all the time, and b) live on the sun, which is harmful to vampires
Take the vampires, for instance. They're always complaining about how they need to wear special sun suits to not burn up in the sunlight, which is really hard when you live on the freaking sun, and about the sun garlic necklaces everyone wears. What does any of this have to do with Sun Lance Armstrong, the Sun Eiffel Tower, sun snail farming, or sun baguettes? Nothing, unless Sun Lance Armstrong is secretly a vampire.

You are now Sun Lance Armstrong and you are secretly a vampire. The Sun French government is trying to take away your Tour De Sun France medals just because you may have used your secret vampire powers and/or illegal sun drugs to win. This is a sun outrage, and you're not going to just take this lying down!

So what the sun hell are you going to do about it?

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - Solaris - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Solaris.

Call your Vampire President Friend

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - AgentBlue - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Agent1022.

Bring in the sun nuns.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Xindaris.

>Bask in the sun sun's sun light from the sun window while sitting on your sun couch in the middle of your sun room, with the sun jerseys you got from winning the sun tour de sun france hanging on the sun walls around you. Take a sun picture and sun post it on sun twitter.
>Sun sun sun sun sun sun sun.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - Dragon Fogel - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Solaris Wrote:Call your Vampire President Friend
What? Don't be absurd. Sun Francoise Hollande is no friend of yours. He's the one trying to take your Tour De Sun France medals away!

And he's not a vampire either. He's a werewolf. Lucky jerks, they don't have to do anything special to hide on the sun. After all, when's the last time any moonlight bounced back all the way here?

You suppose there might be a vampire Sun President in one of those other unimportant sun countries, but they're not important and you certainly wouldn't go around making friends with anyone there.

Agent1022 Wrote:Bring in the sun nuns.
This is an even worse idea! The sun and nuns are two of the things you hate the most, why on the sun would you try to combine them? Seriously, how did you even come up with this stuff.

Xindaris Wrote:>Bask in the sun sun's sun light from the sun window while sitting on your sun couch in the middle of your sun room, with the sun jerseys you got from winning the sun tour de sun france hanging on the sun walls around you. Take a sun picture and sun post it on sun twitter.
>Sun sun sun sun sun sun sun.
ARRRGGH WHY IS EVERYTHING HERE ALWAYS ABOUT THE SUN? And why are you coming up with all these terrible ideas? They won't help you hold onto your Tour De Sun France medals or do anything remotely useful? Is somebody beaming bad ideas into your head from the moon or something?

You are now the guy beaming bad ideas into Sun Lance Armstrong's head from the moon. Why exactly were you doing this, again?

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - Ixcaliber - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

> To destabilize the Sun Economy of course.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by omegawill.

To get them to shine light on the dark side of the moon so you can FINALLY see what's going on over there

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by DS Piron.

> Because what you want them to do is a bad idea (for them), and this is the only way you can influence them without going to the sun, bruning, burning, and dying.

Re: ZooStuck (U4G) - OTTO - 02-09-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by snuffysam.

> You're trying to get him to send you sun hamburger buns.
> You really want sun food.