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Four. - Printable Version

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RE: Four. - Seyhial - 07-17-2017

> Looks like your friend may have been sacrificed to create a new space in the In-Between. Such a shame. But you could still get revenge.

> At least the emo girl doesn't seem hostile. Ask for her name I'm tired of seeing question marks. Then make her tell you where to find this space she spoke of.

RE: Four. - Dediles - 07-17-2017


RE: Four. - typeandkey - 07-17-2017

>Hey Aubrey, since now is the perfect time for it, what's your favorite animal and why? Spare no detail, tell us everything.

RE: Four. - Seyhial - 07-17-2017


RE: Four. - Dediles - 07-17-2017


RE: Four. - Seyhial - 07-17-2017


RE: Four. - Myeth - 07-17-2017

>Aubrey, it's going to be okay. Just leave the book, and let's go find em', okay? Don't listen to her, they feed of your anger. It's going to be okay.

RE: Four. - wiltingMyosotis - 07-17-2017


> Perhaps you should ask for more details, Aubrey. I've always found that useful, and on occasion quite intresting. Perhaps you would as well?

> You need to breathe. Do not get angry, for your sake.

RE: Four. - Seyhial - 07-17-2017


RE: Four. - Kowlb - 07-17-2017

Deep breaths. Name of this master plz. Any other masters we should be aware of?

RE: Four. - wiltingMyosotis - 07-17-2017


RE: Four. - Seyhial - 07-17-2017


> Wait did I say this out loud ?

RE: Four. - NotABear - 07-17-2017


"Visitor Aubrey, it is our opinion that if this one intended to keep you trapped, you would not have gotten out so easily. Advising you to enter their house was our mistake, and trespassing is still impolite, even if you are not aware of it. However: Even if the Blue World is not as you remember it, you will still want to see it yourself, yes? The Techmind suggests you make your intention to go there clear, for you must confirm things with your own eyes. "

RE: Four. - Lordlyhour - 07-18-2017

(07-17-2017, 11:46 PM)NotABear Wrote: »

"Visitor Aubrey, it is our opinion that if this one intended to keep you trapped, you would not have gotten out so easily. Advising you to enter their house was our mistake, and trespassing is still impolite, even if you are not aware of it. However: Even if the Blue World is not as you remember it, you will still want to see it yourself, yes? The Techmind suggests you make your intention to go there clear, for you must confirm things with your own eyes. "

The Management Advises The Techmind to remember that The AUBREYOur Dear Patron is in possession of our Insignia and her own WILL. The Likelihood of any Denizen of the Inbetween being aware of this combination and being able to Counter it is incredibly unlikely.

The Management Seconds the recommendation to remain cautious, but polite. You may have our favour, and access to our resources, but this may be a battle you cannot win. It will be of no help to anyone, Jackie Least of All, if you Die here. Do what you need to do to de-escalate the situation. Have a Cup of tea. Offer your host a cup of tea. It may be tempting to lose your temper, but it rarely helps. Trust me on this Take the first opportunity you can get to flee. If only you had a Skateboard, Hrrm?. .

Internal Memo to Council Member Sayhial; In my experience, anger is satisfying but never leads to making smart decisions. Making dumb decisions in the Inbetween might get The AUBREY killed. And of course the AUBREY enjoys violence. I enjoy violence. Everyone Enjoys Violence, New Management nowithstanding. but you do not need to be Angry to engage in Violence. In fact, it is always better to do Violence when one is Calm and Collected. Berserk rages are only helpful if you are a Berserker and I do not think the AUBREY is one of those. Too Few Skulls in her choice of Nudity Obsurers. Also, Honestly, did you even think out your plan? Make the AUBREY angry, have her Unleash her WILL to its maximum and then..? You would have a Very Powerful Being who was Very Angry because of you. Quite probably very angry AT you. That doesn't end well

RE: Four. - Tuesbirdy - 07-18-2017

(07-17-2017, 10:01 PM)typeandkey Wrote: »>Hey Aubrey, since now is the perfect time for it, what's your favorite animal and why? Spare no detail, tell us everything.

Aubrey's too wrapped up in thought to consider your japery.

(07-17-2017, 09:49 PM)Seyhial Wrote: »> Looks like your friend may have been sacrificed to create a new space in the In-Between. Such a shame. But you could still get revenge.

> At least the emo girl doesn't seem hostile. Ask for her name I'm tired of seeing question marks. Then make her tell you where to find this space she spoke of.


Aubrey's expression remains controlled, but you sense her WILL growing with every heartbeat.
Reality ripples—almost imperceptibly, but ripples all the same. Outside, the static crackles.

**Aubrey's emotions continue rising.**

[Image: speaking.png?raw=true]

? ? ?
"Such cold eyes. How did a simple being like you wander into the In-Between all by its lonesome?"

"At least a̭̱s̯̲̼̮̳̠̙k̡ ̮̥͎̖m͞y̙̜̪͖̭̲̩ ̤n̘̠a͖̞̟m̧ͅḙ̪͙̲̮̖̞͟ before prying into my backstory."

? ? ?
"I beg your pardon. What is your name, little lost one?"

Aubrey glares at the patronizing tone.
Ada gives a concerned hum, trying to soothe her.

(07-17-2017, 09:45 PM)Dediles Wrote: »>take a breath Aubrey. no plan survives contact and all that. we'll find a way.

(07-17-2017, 11:00 PM)Myeth Wrote: »>Aubrey, it's going to be okay. Just leave the book, and let's go find em', okay? Don't listen to her, they feed of your anger. It's going to be okay.

(07-17-2017, 11:03 PM)wiltingMyosotis Wrote: »

> Perhaps you should ask for more details, Aubrey. I've always found that useful, and on occasion quite intresting. Perhaps you would as well?

> You need to breathe. Do not get angry, for your sake.

Your combined efforts at consoling Aubrey give her the strength to hold back her temper.
Distress rolls off her in waves, but she won't act out unprovoked.

"And you?"

The creature hesitates for a split-second.

? ? ?
"Rahasya; Master of the Colorless World."
"...Though, right now, I suppose the 'Colorless Isle' describes my territory better."

"Hm. So they're a 'boss monster', huh..."

"What was that?"

"Don't mind me. I think aloud when I'm concentrating."

(07-17-2017, 11:10 PM)Kowlb Wrote: »Deep breaths. Name of this master plz. Any other masters we should be aware of?

"So, this Master of the Blue World..."
"What's its name? What can you tell me about it?"

"Very little—aside from that they're most unpleasant."
"The Colorless World was a grander thing before Biru grew sour towards me."

Aubrey considers this for a beat.

"Biru, huh? I'll keep that in mind. What about the Yellow World? And the Red World? Do those still exist?"

"Not in the way as when you were last here, judging by your ignorance."

"But they're still around, and I can still visit them."

"If you're so set on oblivion, yes."

(07-18-2017, 09:35 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »
(07-17-2017, 11:46 PM)NotABear Wrote: »

"Visitor Aubrey, it is our opinion that if this one intended to keep you trapped, you would not have gotten out so easily. Advising you to enter their house was our mistake, and trespassing is still impolite, even if you are not aware of it. However: Even if the Blue World is not as you remember it, you will still want to see it yourself, yes? The Techmind suggests you make your intention to go there clear, for you must confirm things with your own eyes. "

"Can you take me there? Or at least point me in the right direction...?"
"If I can do any favours in return, I'm willing."

[Image: thoughtful.png?raw=true]

Rahasya lifts a rubbery arm and strokes their jaw thoughtfully.

"Perhaps, perhaps not."
"Your motives matter."

Aubrey feels this conversation is going nowhere, fast—


A faint thud sounds from above. The In-Between shivers, just a little.

RE: Four. - Arcanuse - 07-18-2017

I guess that answers the question of whether or not this room has a roof.

Probably the care package, but might want to play it safe.

RE: Four. - wiltingMyosotis - 07-18-2017

> Aubrey, what was that?

RE: Four. - Lordlyhour - 07-18-2017

Let us hope it was the Care Package and not the MISTAKE...Honk Creature

RE: Four. - Seyhial - 07-18-2017

> Switch Ada to GUARD mode. Be careful if you don't want to be killed like your friends.

RE: Four. - Smurfton - 07-18-2017

If you have the time, tell Rahasya that you plan on rescuing someone from Biru. Given that Rahasya doesn't seem too fond of Biru, you might be able to receive some aid, become friends, or something along those lines.

RE: Four. - typeandkey - 07-18-2017

>A thump? This could be a hostage situation, The time for diplomacy is over, time to play bad cop.

RE: Four. - Myeth - 07-18-2017

If this is the honk creature I'll fuckin climb out of this here council room and grabbing it. It's mine now, first dibs.

RE: Four. - NotABear - 07-18-2017

" Councilor Myeth, No! . . . Allow the Techmind to helpfully send a [Tier 1 Courier] to retrieve the Honk Creature for you. We do not understand your fascination with them, but the Techmind does not discriminate based on taste. Besides, if we retrieve it, then it's one last thing that Visitor Aubrey has to worry about. Although it's probably the care package. Hopefully. "

RE: Four. - Dediles - 07-19-2017

you should probably suspend this conversation to inspect the thump. guard up Aubrey, you were really scorching there for a moment, who knows what that could have attracted.

RE: Four. - Reyweld - 07-19-2017

>Hello, brand new council member Super here telling you not to trust this colourless Rahasya with your true reason for being here, especially as it may expose you as a source of infinite power. They already tried to trap you once with the 'cage'; this noise could be another trick.

>And, if it isn't, you could convince her to check it out and make your escape. Don't take the book though, that will cause her to pursue with enthusiasm.