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Reforge - Printable Version

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RE: Reforge - smuchmuch - 05-23-2018

>Well it is part of the vizier's job to advise you so waiting a minute to listen to what they have to say should not undermine your authority, as long as, and make it clear, it's just that, advice.

RE: Reforge - vie - 05-31-2018

(05-23-2018, 05:20 PM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>Well it is part of the vizier's job to advise you so waiting a minute to listen to what they have to say should not undermine your authority, as long as, and make it clear, it's just that, advice.
Oh... right. Of course! Their entire purpose is to advise you! You just have to make it clear who's really in charge.
[Image: QLJpRxQ.png]
Donnella: Very well. I will hear out your suggestions.
Vizier: Thank you, Firstbor-
Vizier: Is that an officer’s coat with the pins stripped off?
Vizier: -er- regardless! While I appreciate you permitting me to do my job, I still have no idea what you want advice on.

Oh, right.

Donnella: Four Corners. Earlier today there were materials in my room- a crate and a locked metal box- that I couldn’t remember and had no clear way to be there, along with a paper marked with the Four Corners logo taped behind my bed. I know they had something to do with this and I am here to apprehend them immediately.
Vizier: What!? And you couldn’t have mentioned…
Vizier: Alright. I… have to agree that they are clearly up to something.
Vizier: But charging into all this is, with all due respect, foolhardy.

[Image: hMfGdiq.png]
Vizier: We don’t have enough concrete evidence about this situation.
Vizier: We do not want the most expansive mages' guild in the known world against us if we can help it. While your line has clear reason to… mmm… disapprove of them under any circumstances due to the competition they represent, the best outcomes for this crisis likely include their involvement. The resources they have, the raw talent pool, and the connections to various sovereign states could make a massive difference in the effectiveness of our response to this Beast.

Donnella: But-
Vizier: We can’t trust them, obviously. Not that I’d recommend trusting them even without this blatant sign of some scheme. It’s safe to assume that Four Corners is always up to something. But if we play along for now, we may be able to make use of them while working to defuse whatever plot they’re bringing to bear.

Vizier: I see three major ways forward. That would be the first- to meet with them in a secure location of our choosing. We play along, we accept their aid, and we work to uncover them while they think us unaware. It’s a risk, but it allows us to keep an eye on them and glean whatever we can from their, I must reiterate, vast expertise.

Vizier: We could turn them away. We lose this opportunity for early help from them but reduce the level of risk from allowing them access to us or our city. We may suffer for their absence in these early stages of whatever this situation will become, but this route at least leaves open the possibility of reopening communications with them later- although it would likely be on worse footing.

Vizier: Finally, we could arrest them. I admit that it’s our best bet for keeping them contained, and would allow us to ply them for answers, but could limit our options in the future… and potentially force us to begin dealing with Four Corners as an enemy simultaneous with this spirit’s first moves.

Vizier: The choice is, of course, yours to make, Firstborn.

RE: Reforge - Smurfton - 05-31-2018

Let's work with them. If we can rely on anything, it is that they do not wish to die in the remaking of the world under a god they will have little to no record of.

RE: Reforge - vie - 06-06-2018

(05-31-2018, 07:47 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Let's work with them. If we can rely on anything, it is that they do not wish to die in the remaking of the world under a god they will have little to no record of.
You resolve to work with Four Corners for as long as it's prudent; you just hope they'll want this thing dead as much as you do.
[Image: ba9lng9.png]
You set up for the meeting as quickly as you can, but it still takes time. Servants bustle to and fro, relaying messages, preparing a room, and making you all presentable. The vizier insists on having a mage check your mind for outside influences. You... have to put up with it. You still look terrible, you don't have a coat- did they time this on purpose? Underline your failure at the same time you're vulnerable, not even properly dressed? Is that what this relationship is still going to- no. You'll deal with that later. You can... put your pride aside for now, you hope, if it's to meet this crisis as strongly as possible. You have to believe that this is the best way forward for now.

...that's what your father would have done, right?

...they don't find any traces of such magic anyway which, while reassuring, raises further questions about how Four Corners snuck those materials into your chamber without your noticing.

So. Four Corners is here begging for information- but you're sure they won't have arrived empty-handed themselves. How will you approach this? Will you share what you know freely to establish a sense of trust and cooperation? Bargain your knowledge and resources for theirs, on even footing? Or simply demand what they've come to offer you on the understanding that you might later reciprocate?


RE: Reforge - Smurfton - 06-06-2018

Don't be completely open, but otherwise try to match the tone they're aiming for. Definitely insist on knowing why they came to your room before anything real starts.

RE: Reforge - eerr - 06-06-2018

>Nobody will be able to take you seriously without the coat.

RE: Reforge - vie - 06-15-2018

(06-06-2018, 07:06 PM)eerr Wrote: »>Nobody will be able to take you seriously without the coat.
Well of course! You had a new one fetched for you.
(06-06-2018, 05:18 AM)Smurfton Wrote: »Don't be completely open, but otherwise try to match the tone they're aiming for. Definitely insist on knowing why they came to your room before anything real starts.
[Image: 3exkkgi.png]
What draws your eye when the pair scuttles into the hall you’ve arranged is him- and how on earth could he not? The Sword-bearer is renowned the world over, the most successful and popular adventurer of the modern age- quite the celebrity. You wonder where the rest of his retinue is? He has this sort of band of sidekicks that he travels with, but he’s alone now. As he approaches he pulls off a flawless bow in the local style- He even got the depth exactly right. He has all the poise and charm you’d heard of.
… you might have owned some merchandise when you were younger.

[Image: TFzbq81.png]
But that ownership has been past tense since he formed a partnership with Four Corners, the traitor!

The rather disreputable-looking mage with him, for her part, blatantly doesn't even try to get it right. From the way her darting eyes glare at the Swordbearer as they bow, you get the distinct impression that he had to talk her into doing it. Apparently she's named 'Morgan'- which, who doesn't give a family name? Ridiculous.

[Image: nGvDpc1.png]
Donnella: What business brings you to Edison?
You already know the answer, but that’s the best kind of question.
The Sword-bearer: Providence upon you, Firstborn. Put simply, we’ve travelled here to inquire as to the identity of the god that seems to have emerged not far from here earlier this morning.
Donnella: And what, exactly, does a summoning on Edison soil have to do with you? You can't possibly keep pretending that's what this is about. Edison maintains relationships with many powerful spirits-
Morgan: Not like this you don’t.
Did she just interrupt you? Who- wait a second is she implying Four Corners knows which gods Edison is in contact with because-

Morgan: Let’s not fuck around here. This was the largest recorded magical event.
There’s a silence that extends just a touch too long as you realize she’s apparently not finishing that sentence.
Donnella: In…?
Morgan: No qualifiers. Far as recorded history goes anyway.
A slow, crooked smile stretches across her scarred face as she says it.
Morgan:… so you can see why folks have taken a particular interest in what you’ve got on your hands.
Out of the corner of your eye, you note your Secretary of Magic hesitate for a second before signaling you with a covert hand signal- tentative confirmation. Well. Fuck.
The Sword-bearer: Firstborn, if I may- whatever emerged today is extraordinary, seemingly unprecedented… but there are six and one forces that, while plainly not accessible to direct observation, could bring that degree of power to bear based on theoretical predictions.
Hold on. Can he actually mean-?
The Sword-bearer: I humbly beg of you to answer… has Edison been in contact with one of the High Gods?

[Image: ssIoWVH.png]
The silence slinks back again as all present take a moment to digest that.
To allege- ignoring for the moment that Four Corners is now claiming to have a theoretical framework for predicting the size of the High Gods- that this Prism Beast has power rivaling the divinities directly credited with creating the universe?
If only a fraction of that is true… how are you going to fight this thing? Could these Cursed Ones really act on their desire to remake the universe?

The Sword-bearer: Please.
Genuine emotion distorts his impeccable manner for the barest fraction of a second. Desperation? Longing? Whatever. You made a decision to work with your enemy for the time being, to play nice for as long as they did. Time to follow through.

Donnella: This is... not one of the Six. It’s something else- a powerful spirit that eludes our knowledge, apparently accompanied by a host of highly competent servants. They are hostile, dangerous, and by their own admission seek to position their spirit as the sole power in the cosmos.

The Sword-bearer: …I see. Then you seek our assistance in dealing with these beings?
Donnella: We may...
ooooooh you don't want to finish this sentence
Donnella: deciiiiide to...
forming the words is like trying to fit your mouth around the table in front of you.
Donnella: Negotiate. Some sort of a deal.
And instead of any kind of relief once you get them out, there's only a cold writhing settling into your stomach. The Sword-bearer, for his part, carries on bright as ever.

The Sword-bearer: Very well! We'll need a sense of what we're up against, then- let us discuss details. Of what elemental nature is this god? What do you know of its followers and their number? Of the methods it intends to pursue its goal?

You’re ready to fill them in, but you hesitate slightly.
You could bring up your suspicions that Cyan’s magic was not elemental in nature- frankly you’d half convinced yourself that you were somehow mistaken, but now… one of the High Gods' divine aspects is their transcendence of the elements. If this Beast truly is comparable to them in terms of raw strength, could it also be comparable in this transcendental nature? Even if it could, would it be able to somehow pass that power onto its servants? You might want to present the possibility now… it unfortunately seems less absurd than it did just minutes before.

But more than that, as far as its goals, you know one peculiar thing in particular: it apparently needs you, specifically, on its side- or at least it wants you in general, given how readily ‘recruitment’ became ‘kidnapping’. Should you mention this? On one hand, it’ll be just a bit important to your strategy for proceeding. But it could also get… dicey, if people knew that this evil god’s servants were looking for you- that seems like something that would reflect poorly on your image, and that’s not mentioning the possibility of betrayal. What's more, it seemed like your Vizier knew something about it, but kept it hidden from you, which you're honestly still processing. But perhaps making the knowledge public would force them to share what they know?


RE: Reforge - Smurfton - 06-15-2018

Maybe start with basic info, like each Cursed One's name, before making a hard pivot and asking why Four Corners entered your private chambers on the day. If they're forthcoming, talk about Cyaan's bedrock magic and flight.
If they really seem to share everything, add the recruitment thing and your suspicions.

Six and One? But there are only six High Gods?

RE: Reforge - vie - 06-22-2018

(06-15-2018, 07:36 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Six and One? But there are only six High Gods?
[Image: emUxw6i.png]
Weeeeellllll, it depends on who you ask. Apparently the Sword-bearer, like most people by total numbers in the known world, would say 'six and one'. It's something or other about viewing them as a gestalt and as individuals at the same time? Geometry gets involved eventually? Listen. High God worship isn't big in Ogorath and you don't know that much about it. The point is, all sorts of different sects would count them very differently and that's supposedly extremely important to some people.

Maybe if the High Gods didn't want any confusion about it they shouldn't have all but vanished over a thousand years ago. Hmm! You'll take a god that's actually around, thanks.

(06-15-2018, 07:36 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Maybe start with basic info, like each Cursed One's name, before making a hard pivot and asking why Four Corners entered your private chambers on the day. If they're forthcoming, talk about Cyaan's bedrock magic and flight.
If they really seem to share everything, add the recruitment thing and your suspicions.
You start out with some basics to get their guard down. You run through the list of names you found and the few details you know about them; that they ritually assumed their position and names as a group, that they worked under an unnamed High Priest who you aren't sure is still around, and that they appear to be occupying what used to be your father's castlab...
Donnella: Much as YOU had infiltrated that same building not an hour beforehand!

[Image: UHAXfOW.png]
...it doesn't get the reaction you wanted.
The Sword-bearer: With all due respect, Firstborn, I am only now visiting Edison for the first time. As far as I am aware the same is true for Morgan as well.
Donnella: No, not- not you specifically, necessarily, just- the mysterious boxes in my room? With the Four Corners logo!?
The Sword-bearer: I... am afraid I cannot profess to know anything about materials smuggled into the Edison estate. Of course I also lack actual membership in the organization in question- Morgan, do you... know what this is about?
Morgan: Why the fuck would I know?
The Sword-bearer: Well now, I was just asking! You know, espionage is somewhat of a speciality of yours, so...
Morgan: Yeah I fucking, I fucking snuck like a box of like, illicit goods into some foreign leader's kid's room, what the fuck are you talking about. I don't know anything about it just because I 'do espionage', c'mon. I have no clue what she's talking about.
You can tell that neither of them are lying. But there's something there, when Morgan says that- her expression shifting, a slight hesitation- you're sure! Morgan might not have anything directly to do with those boxes, but she knows something about the situation that she's not mentioning!

[Image: AbgxeXH.png]
Donnella: Morgan. You are hiding something. You will tell me everything you know.
Morgan stares you dead in the eyes, wearing only the slightest frown, the most diluted imaginable bemused frustration.
Morgan: ...no?
Morgan: I'm not going to 'tell you' some ambiguous bullshit you've arbitrarily decided you think I know based on? What? No evidence?
Morgan: And, fuck, even if I did know something about whatever nonsense FC might have pulled, why would I tell you?
Morgan: We both know you don't have the time or resources to try and 'make me talk', either, which, again, fucking, really meaningless. There's some kind of roided up supergod a few miles away right now. You asked us to help you with it, remember? Which, also, great opening to negotiations, pulling this shit.
Morgan: This is stupid.
Morgan: Just, really, really, really, really fucking stupid-

The Sword-bearer: I think! What Morgan means is!
The Sword-bearer stays perfectly in place for several seconds as everyone in the room stares at him.
The Sword-bearer: Er. Well.
The Sword-bearer: If you would allow it, I can vouch for her, at least?

You try to bring your seething fury under control a little. You are the acting governor. You are authority and you are very rational and collected and not at all upset about anything because what would you even have to be upset about apart from being insulted directly multiple times and disrespect from your vizier and a national crisis and someone who you're pretty sure is at least partially responsible for your FATHER being DEAD- okay. Try again. You've got this. You simmer down to about forty-five percent seething? Good enough.

Donnella: You can assure me, given this ongoing conspiracy and her flimsy denials, that she's trustworthy?
The Sword-bearer: Perhaps I wouldn't go so far as to... that is...
The Sword-bearer: Trustworthy is a strong word.
The Sword-bearer: She's... trustworthy-adjacent?
The Sword-bearer: I have trusted her.

[Image: VHZ9xv9.png]
The Sword-bearer: Yes! That's just it. I have put my life in Morgan's hands many times and yet here I stand before you!
Morgan: Dude...
The Sword-bearer: I know her to be sturdy as the mountains, unflinching in the face of mortal peril. Her mind is sharper than any blade this land can bring to bear, and makes for a far more potent weapon, aha! In the attainment of knowledge, in manipulating the Dream, in plunging the fundamental nature of magic and reality, she stands proudly at the top of her field!
Morgan: Are you fucking serious.
The Sword-bearer: I know that she can be... abrasive, more often than not. But you may trust that, in whatever lies ahead, you will want her by your side.
The Sword-bearer: If my words carry any weight to you, then I politely ask that you take this into consideration.

And, speaking of consideration, you feel the court's focus shift to you. You have a small council of officials here- you can call on each to leverage whatever resources you need for you, or to lend their input to any topic. But, ultimately, they are all waiting for you to make the final call. Maybe not all of them are comfortable with it yet- grumble grumble your Vizier- but as of today it's you in charge. Time to exercise that inherited authority!

What will you do? Are you going to take the time to press Morgan now and pursue the truth of Four Corners' plans immediately, and if so, what threats or offers will you use to make her comply? Or will you put some, UGH, faith in her and move on to dealing with the Prism Beast, and if so, what precautions against more Four Corners meddling will you establish?


RE: Reforge - Smurfton - 06-22-2018

Get a hot take from your secretary of magic and defense. They would probably know about Morgan if she's actually that cool.

Continue providing info either way. Try not to get mad, they don't like you much for some reason.

speaking of advisors, what do the priests advise on?

RE: Reforge - vie - 06-29-2018

(06-22-2018, 10:37 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »speaking of advisors, what do the priests advise on?
[Image: lwzSh9M.png]
They’re mostly here as intercessors to their respective spirits, and interpreters of their wills. Speaking through a vessel makes dealing with spirits much less... well. You don't want the alternative. As for why they're here right now? You need gods to fight gods. Mortals can inconvenience spirits, but you just aren’t on the same level of reality; only something else that is can truly hurt or kill one.

The Progat Bah is a spirit of Life and Earth- a manifestation of material wealth and prosperity. Its claim on Ogorathean territory is ancient, and its presence has defined the history of the nation. It’s kind of a big deal.

Your covenant with Pleclear is more recent. Your line began to call on the spirit embodying water-as-purification when urbanization started to make public health a serious concern. You know it took a lot of wrangling and careful promises for the Progat Bah to allow an intrusion of Pleclear’s power within its own land, but Pleclear’s influence has been an accepted part of life and society for a long time, now.

They’re the two major spirits that you have longterm positive relationships with. With careful negotiations and a lot of charisma- if only you had an advisor who specialized in that (it’s you, you are the person who does that)- they’ll fight the Beast for a pittance to defend their own claims to Edison.

(06-22-2018, 10:37 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Get a hot take from your secretary of magic and defense. They would probably know about Morgan if she's actually that cool.
You ask your Secretary whether she’s heard of this oh-so-great mage. She can’t say. Four Corners has put out ‘impressive’ work, which, sure, fine, and everyone knows they only hire the brightest and strangest out there- innovators, rebels, dabblers in the forbidden- but who can say how large a part Morgan has in their work? It’s not like there’s any work published under ‘just Morgan’. Ha! See, total nonsense. Juts goes to show that-
The Sword-bearer: Ahem. If it helps, Morgan wrote ‘Psychic Impositions on the Nil-Dimensional: Analysis of Historical and Modern Dream Mappings’.
[Image: lyCUPxL.png]
You hear your Secretary of Magic gasp audibly as she fixes an appraising gaze on Morgan. Gods. Dammit.
Secretary of Magic and Defense: Oh my goodness! You wouldn’t happen to be- the creator of the Bellicosia Mapping?
Morgan slaps a hand to her face and groans.
The Sword-bearer: She surely would! Not to mention that she is all but solely responsible for the thought linking techniques used in our personal commercial devices along with our progress in developing- I believe many mages call it ‘Aspected Nous-Conglomeration’? I know her 'Godspeech: A Multiple Wavelength Reexamination’ attained some notoriety as well, among others.
Morgan: You don’t even know what half of that means- how the fuck did you remember I did that?
Secretary of Magic and Defense: Firstborn- there’s been a long line of anonymously published, revolutionary research on psychic manipulations and Dream mechanics inexplicably finding their way into circulation for years- all in such a distinct style with such a distinct development that they could only be written by one author- but clearly one without any kind of traditional magical education. They can all be traced back to the area around where Four Corners is headquartered, so we expected there to be some relationship there. The author has become, well, something of an urban legend in academia-
Morgan: Sibs what the fuck. I can’t believe you’re pulling this shit, I thought your whole schtick was protecting the innocent!
The Sword-bearer: Morgan by that reasoning trying to get the Edison court on your side is the last thing I should be doing.
Secretary of Magic and Defense: I do not mean to overstep my bounds, but if this is she, I have to lend my own endorsement for maintaining her services.
Curses! Foiled by nerd solidarity!!!
Donnella: Alright! I’ll deign to show mercy for now, can we move on?

(06-22-2018, 10:37 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Continue providing info either way. Try not to get mad, they don't like you much for some reason.
[Image: fOU1k3O.png]
You recap everything! Even the idea that they’re using non-elemental magic; under any ordinary circumstances saying that would get a person laughed out of the room- not you, obviously, but 'someone' in general- but here and now? Nobody feels comfortable dismissing it as much as you’d all like to. You can tell your Secretary of Magic is barely holding back the urge to give million reasons why it can’t be the case, actually, but at least she has the common sense not to challenge you like that in front of Four Corners. The Sword-bearer looks to feel the same, appearing disturbed and almost indignant at the very mention of the idea. He and Morgan agree that the possibility is the absolute first thing they have to verify- Morgan apparently believes that she can do it in a way that is, and you quote, ‘basically safe’.

The news of your attempted recruitment doesn’t cause any less of a stir. You’re looking for it this time, and you just catch it- tiny tells from certain members of your court when you explain Cyan’s interest in you. Your Vizier again, your secretary of war, and, strangest of all, the guardian of the Priest of the Progat Bah but not the priest themself. They all know something, but not a one of them speaks up, and you’ve never heard anything about this before. How in the world do so many of your advisors know… something about you that you don’t? …did your father know? How deep does this go? You’d like to believe that they’re merely waiting to tell you until Four Corners leaves, but… Well. It doesn’t matter. You’ll get to the bottom of this.

Morgan has the nerve to interrupt your thoughts.
Morgan: Uh huh. Okay. You’re on the cusp of adulthood?
Donnella: …I am a grown adult, thank you
Morgan: Right, whatever. And you’re the sole heir to an ancient throne. And you’re a young woman?
Donnella: Sometimes, yes.
Morgan: And your lone parental figure is definitely mysterious. Plus the forces of evil, as it were, have taken a bizarre interest in you… find weird shit happens around you a lot?
Donnella: Where are you going with this?
Morgan: Fuckin’ forget it, doesn’t matter. Ignore that.
You agree to ignore her with relish. You don’t care to get drawn into whatever asinine waste of time she’s going on about; you have important things to get to.

Everything’s on the table, now. Time to go forward with the whole ‘have Four Corners help you’ thing that you’re doing. You know they have a lot to offer- covert ties to many regional governments, deals with powerful spirits, a reputation for producing cutting edge technology- who knows what experimental spellworks they’re researching?

The question is, what will you ask them to help with? Accruing more allies, be they mortal or spiritual? Defending your city and other strongholds? Gaining the means to launch an assault against the Beast? Or will you merely keep them on in an advisory and research capacity? Keep in mind that although you all want this rising god to fall, you’re asking them to pledge resources to the most dangerous areas at a time when you know close to nothing about this threat. Four Corners isn’t going to give any help for free, and the more you ask for, the more they’ll demand in return.

RE: Reforge - Smurfton - 07-01-2018

Quote:Four Corners isn’t going to give any help for free
....... ok. Definitely thought they wouldn't be that mercenary that help saving the world isn't free. It's hard to tell when Donna is so obviously biased.

Try to cash in on your honesty; get them to commit to sharing any knowledge they learn about the Prism Beast and Cursed Ones in writing. Point out how much you've shared for free if they complain.

Maybe you should adjourn for the day, meet with your advisers (privately) about the matter, then meet with Four Corners again? They're there to give opinions, let's hear them before finalizing everything.

RE: Reforge - smuchmuch - 07-01-2018

Well, if Cyan interest and the vizier discreet fear werent enough, Morgan pretty much spelled it out...

>For no gtherng information about your comon enemy' magic and methods seems a priority.

>Assure eveyone (maybe keep it for the private meeting with you advisor) that no matter what some kind of prophecy mentioning terms that may happen to loosely fit youmight say, you have no intention , even if you could, of helping an evil god ascend or ushering the end times or anything of the sort so unless there's a real good reason, you'd quite appreciate knowing about it rather than beating around the bush.

RE: Reforge - vie - 07-06-2018

(07-01-2018, 05:01 AM)Smurfton Wrote: »
Quote:Four Corners isn’t going to give any help for free
....... ok. Definitely thought they wouldn't be that mercenary that help saving the world isn't free. It's hard to tell when Donna is so obviously biased.
[Image: pdNfria.png]
Listen. You have several perfectly good reason to be biased, understand?
Not that that would factor into you expecting them to ask for payment for this, it’s basically the only thing you can respect them for. It’s just good business sense.

(07-01-2018, 11:11 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>For no gtherng information about your comon enemy' magic and methods seems a priority.
(07-01-2018, 05:01 AM)Smurfton Wrote: »Maybe you should adjourn for the day, meet with your advisers (privately) about the matter, then meet with Four Corners again? They're there to give opinions, let's hear them before finalizing everything.
You decide you’ve had enough of mysteries and I’ll-figure-it-out-laters; everyone’s going to tell you everything they know right this instant, dammit! You tell The Sword-bearer and his companion that you’re finished with them for the time being.
[Image: 8A6qwg4.png]
The pair agree to share any new intelligence as the situation develops. For now, they plan to contact Four Corners’ leadership and work out what assets the group is willing to spare and what concessions it will demand in turn.
The Sword-bearer: Worry not, Firstborn. The Founder is a good woman.
Your Vizier snorts derisively.
The Sword-bearer: Nobody wants to see lives lost before a god’s fell vision. I am certain that Four Corners will do all that it can to prevent another tragedy.
Morgan: I’m not.
The Sword-bearer: Morgan! Don’t say that!
Morgan: What? C’mon, it’s not like they’re gonna throw everything into saving Edison. Spirits wreck shit all the damn time, she’s gonna hold off until she’s situated herself to win on her own terms, just you watch.
They draw increasingly into a hushed argument as they approach the door- until The Sword-bearer stops and turns back to you.

The Sword-bearer: Firstborn… I can guarantee nothing about the coming events, nor Four Corners’ role in them. However. You have my word as a warrior and as a holy man that I, for one, will not allow this beast to destroy your lands.
Morgan: You can’t fucking promise that, get back here!
The Sword-bearer: I’m an independent agent and I can promise whatsoever I please, good Morgan.
Morgan: You just know you’re too valuable to fire you smug bastard.

[Image: sgDWwYL.png]
The Sword-bearer locks eyes with you, and there’s an intensity in his gaze that almost takes you aback.
The Sword-bearer: If it comes to it, I will fight to my last breath to prevent the destruction of your lands. And, as you yourself may very well be the deciding factor in this coming conflict's resolution...
The Sword-bearer: I do not mean to infringe on your sovereignty, nor your culture. But, please, will you allow me and my retinue to defend you?

RE: Reforge - Smurfton - 07-06-2018

How much can you trust him? Is Four Corners in the business of betrayal? If not, this is probably a spontaneous offer, based on Morgan's reaction. So it's safe at least.

Is there a cost?
If it's not large, uh sure. Would be cool to hang out with this guy

RE: Reforge - vie - 07-18-2018

(07-06-2018, 02:36 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »How much can you trust him? Is Four Corners in the business of betrayal? If not, this is probably a spontaneous offer, based on Morgan's reaction. So it's safe at least.

Is there a cost?
If it's not large, uh sure. Would be cool to hang out with this guy
[Image: A3v5qa9.png]
No, you think you can trust this guy, even disregarding his phenomenal reputation as an adventuring hero before and after joining up with Four Corners. Right now, he’s an open book, and it has a single page that reads, ‘He’s just like that’.
Donnella: Well, obviously it depends on what you ask in return...?
The Sword-bearer: Defending humanity requires no reward!
Hahaha, wow.
Donnella: That makes it simpler, then. I accept your offer.
And hey, you kind of want to get to know this guy better.
The Sword-bearer: Excellent! Fear not, Firstborn, I will not leave your side!
Donnella: Okay I appreciate that sentiment but I do need you to do exactly that for the moment. I was going to talk with only my advisors?
The Sword-bearer: Ah! Yes! Forgive me, Firstborn, I will away!
He bows and exits the room. Morgan’s already long gone.

(07-01-2018, 11:11 AM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>Assure eveyone (maybe keep it for the private meeting with you advisor) that no matter what some kind of prophecy mentioning terms that may happen to loosely fit youmight say, you have no intention , even if you could, of helping an evil god ascend or ushering the end times or anything of the sort so unless there's a real good reason, you'd quite appreciate knowing about it rather than beating around the bush.
Donnella: Alright. Now. Would any of my dedicated advisors care to inform their ruler about what you’re so utterly failing to hide that you know? I promise I won’t actually help destroy the world, so I’d appreciate sharing anything you know about why the Beast wants to recruit me rather than continuing to give me the side-eye every time it’s brought up.
This predictably starts another round of a more evenly distributed side-eyeing. But your Secretary of War breaks it, almost immediately.

Secretary of War: Firstborn. Some years ago your father entrusted me with certain delicate information should this matter ever arise. Reviewing it could take up quite some time, however; perhaps you would rather wait until after the rest of the meeting?
Donnella: I would rather hear this pertinent, need-to-know information to have before drawing up battle plans. We’ll finish this nonsense now.
Secretary of War: In that case… your father was quite specific that these secrets be shared only with you. If you would care to-
Donnella: Yes! Fine! Everyone else is dismissed.

[Image: 7OUDeUx.png]
The rest of your council begins to file out of the room, each eyeing your Secretary and you withs one degree of suspicion and curiosity. But your Vizier… they lock eyes with you just before passing the darkness-wreathed threshold. They definitely also knew. Did your Secretary of War not realize she wasn’t the only one in on the secret? Was your Vizier even supposed to be, if they’re playing along as though they aren’t? Have they or are they working against your father's wishes somehow?
Secretary of War: There’s no easy way to say this.
Secretary of War: Firstborn, you know Aeon Co has experimented with many new forms of magic.
Secretary of War: A particular interest of Governor Edison for some time has been the creation of life.
Secretary of War: I am not sure what form it takes- people have been attempting to magically fabricate life from nothing for as long as there have been people, and always failed- but he succeeded. New life. New people, and with some degree of control over those results. Humans with specific physical and mental properties, crafted for specific purposes.
Secretary of War: Firstborn, you were neither born, nor were you the first.
Secretary of War: From my limited knowledge on the matter Governor Edison designed you for use as some kind of experimental spiritual weapon.

[Image: TeRdkcP.png]
Secretary of War: Strictly speaking even your claim on the Edison line is legally ambiguous but- er-
Secretary of War: That is to say. Um. I'm sure he eventually came to love you as more than a powerful tool-
Secretary of War: Oh shoot. I have no idea what to say here.
Secretary of War: Firstborn… Donnella. I understand that this is a great deal to absorb. However, your father informed me on these secrets in case of an emergency just like this.
Secretary of War: There is a sanctuary- a location no others know about, where I am to hide you from any who would attempt to use you for their own gain. If you require time to process this, we could take a recess. If you feel up to it we could find some way to remotely patch you in on the meeting. Or you could simply take a leave while we meet on our own and prepare a report for you. It is of course your choice. You could stay here and carry on; however, for your emotional health and physical safety…. would you like to leave?


RE: Reforge - Smurfton - 07-18-2018

Wait hang on, couple questions
When somebody tries to use me as a weapon, can I say no?
What is required to use me? Magic? Voice? Touch?

When was the actual firstborn born? For the cursed ones to know this, they must have been sealed afterwards.

RE: Reforge - vie - 07-23-2018

(07-18-2018, 06:12 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Wait hang on, couple questions
When somebody tries to use me as a weapon, can I say no?
What is required to use me? Magic? Voice? Touch?

When was the actual firstborn born? For the cursed ones to know this, they must have been sealed afterwards.
[Image: L3uvyVt.png]
Donnella: No. Stop. I…
Donnella: How does this even work? I’m a- a weapon? What does that atcually mean? How would someone ‘use me’?

Secretary of War: I don’t know. I’m sorry, Firstborn. You know how your father was with his secrets. He only gave me the faintest outline of what was going on. I’ve pieced some together myself, but…
Secretary of War: The most I can offer is that his concern was always that you would be kidnapped, specifically, and you were never to spend long periods of time isolated with anyone, particularly not anyone with strong links to a spirit. So whatever your function is, I would presume that it requires some sort of involved, time-consuming process to activate… but also that it may be difficult or impossible for you to resist.

Donnella: Okay… okay. That’s something.
Donnella: But… hold on. You say my father only told you about this?

Secretary of War: It was his most closely guarded knowledge, yes.
Donnella: But there were… others… before me?
Secretary of War: Your father produced many failed attempts at creating you over the past few decades, but you are apparently the first of that line to be viable. As far as the world knows, you are his first heir.
Donnella: That doesn’t make sense!
Secretary of War: I’m sorry?
Donnella: The Cursed Ones know about me somehow! But that book was ancient- they can’t have been around while any of that was happening! So if they couldn’t have learned it from… that, and they’ve never gotten near you, then-

[Image: wIvF0Oy.png]
Donnella: He’s still alive. He’s the only way they could know.
Donnella: He’s in that tower. You’re going to help me get him back. Now.

Secretary of War: Wh- Hold on, Firstborn!
Secretary of War: Your reasoning appears sound, but-
Secretary of War: Even if your father were still alive, as a prisoner, we cannot extract him now. It’s too dangerous to break this calm and openly act against the Beast! We don’t have any way of retrieving him diplomatically, either, because we both know there’s only one thing they’ll ask for in exchange and we cannot let them have you.
Secretary of War: The right move now is to retire to the sanctuary and draw up plans for the defense of our people.
Secretary of War: You have to give up on him, Firstborn. He would not want you to jeopardize yourself, and your land, for his sake.

He's still alive. You can't- You just-
You just need to get him back and then everything will make sense.
And yet...

It's your call. What will you do?

RE: Reforge - Smurfton - 07-30-2018

Hm. I don't like being completely isolated. I don't feel like it's safe to just waltz on into that tower, but it's known that the artifact functions against the Beast's Servants.

Donna is fairly impulsive so I think we're going for the rescue, but I think she'd want to pretend that she hasn't just completely flipped her position on something in front of Four Corners.

Let's invite the other advisors/priests back in for their opinions on help from Four Corners.

I should clarify this.
- I'm for invading the tower
- Against the safe house (partially out of worry that she will effectively be removed from the plot)
- I think she'd want to pretend there weren't any major developments in front of Four Corners.
- We didn't get to the opinions on FC help yet, it'd be nice to hear that, especially from our priests.

RE: Reforge - vie - 08-05-2018

(07-30-2018, 07:18 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Hm. I don't like being completely isolated. I don't feel like it's safe to just waltz on into that tower, but it's known that the artifact functions against the Beast's Servants.

Donna is fairly impulsive so I think we're going for the rescue, but I think she'd want to pretend that she hasn't just completely flipped her position on something in front of Four Corners.

Let's invite the other advisors/priests back in for their opinions on help from Four Corners.

I should clarify this.
- I'm for invading the tower
- Against the safe house (partially out of worry that she will effectively be removed from the plot)
- I think she'd want to pretend there weren't any major developments in front of Four Corners.
- We didn't get to the opinions on FC help yet, it'd be nice to hear that, especially from our priests.
[Image: OXNOkk9.png]
You take a few deep breaths and recenter yourself.
Donnella: I’m not going to be completely isolated. I know it’s important I keep out of their hands, but we’re going to do that without without sticking me in some bunker out off the way somewhere.
Donnella: And I’m not going to give up on this rescue either. I know it’s risky.
Donnella: I can’t not.
Donnella: And it’s not as risky as you might think- not with this.

You explain about the jar and how you used it. Your Secretary apparently knew it existed- what the hell, father- but seems a bit shaky on the details.
Secretary of War: Well, that’s certainly intriguing…
Oh, good, an impending however.
Secretary of War: However, I can’t advise resting such a vital task’s success entirely on an artifact we know so little about. There’s also the matter that, even if it could be used to protect an infiltrating unit, you would presumably be left without its protection in the meantime…
Donnella: Not if I went!

[Image: J9CGLqA.png]
Donnella: I was joking.
You'd do it though.
Donnella: Listen, like I said, this will happen. But for now, let’s end this recess. We’ll finish dealing with Four Corners and make our plans for the rescue with those for the rest of our initial response. There’s obviously urgency, but that’s no reason not to plan things out.
Donnella: Secretary.

She bows her head in shame. Damn right.
Secretary of War: Forgive me, Firstborn. I apologize if I implied any doubt on the part of your wisdom.
Is this what its like to be respected by your gods damn servants? Wow! Imagine!

While you wait for the rest of your council to rejoin, your Secretary poses one last question to you.
Secretary of War: Firstborn… with that artifact in hand, it could actually be possible to extract your father covertly, even if it would be discovered later. But would you really be willing to give up using that protection for yourself, when your safety is the highest priority?

RE: Reforge - Smurfton - 08-07-2018

I suppose not. Testing for limitations in range sounds valuable, but if Donna isn't going, she will be entirely unprotected from the artifact user.

RE: Reforge - vie - 08-14-2018

(08-07-2018, 11:17 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »I suppose not. Testing for limitations in range sounds valuable, but if Donna isn't going, she will be entirely unprotected from the artifact user.
[Image: QBF6yeg.png]
Donnella: No. That’s very fair.
Donnella: It’d be wonderful to gain a clearer picture of this jar’s capabilities, but…! This situation is simply too high-stakes.

Secretary of War: Then we assume that its forces will discover our intrusion immediately. Pursuing this rescue will initiate open hostilities.
Donnella: So, we'll simply prepare for that and execute the mission flawlessly.
With you at the helm? It’ll be nothing. You execute flawlessly all the time.
Piece of gold-leaf-dusted cake.

[Image: txgYxW8.png]
Your remaining advisors take their seats once more, with, unfortunately, no degree of reduction in the sheer quantity of side-eye being cast your way. Your Vizier tries to start some kind of meaningful eyebrow waggling in your direction but you are having no more of their nonsense. Oh, yes. You’re going to have a talk.
But first, The Sword-bearer hands over a sheaf of paper covered in neat, blocky handwriting: a list of offers and prices directly from Four Corners’ founder.

The aid she offers consists largely of cashing in favors owed to Four Corners on your behalf, along with access to some of the guild’s more exclusive services:
1. Complete communication of any new discoveries in the ongoing research on the Beast, which is frankly obvious but bears stating formally.
2. Using of Four Corners’ ties to Derexes to persuade its leadership not to attack you in your time of crisis. Derexes is your immediate western neighbor, as well as the nation in which Four Corners is headquartered, and you've had a history of conflict ever since they overthrew their perfectly decent aristocracy. It would be nice, you guess, to worry less about them preying on fresh Ogorathean weakness.
3. Securing communication with and rapid response from the distant Order of the Crystal Sea, the world’s premier knighthood of elite spirit-fighters. You'd need to wait for messages to cross the ocean to get it, but the founder somehow has a direct line, because of course she does.
4. The services of all adventuring heroes tied to Four Corners, including, and this is what really catches your attention, a dedicated infiltration group of high level roguish types (and yes, obviously, it’s unbelievably suspect that they have one on call).
5. Access to Four Corners’ powerful transportation and communication network. They’ve been angling for a node in Edison for ages, and you’ve always refused, but it is supposedly the best in the world.
6. Access to cutting-edge and experimental magic and technology like their advanced inventories, protective gear, etc. at drastically reduced cost.
7. Finally, they have debts to cash in with some major spirits: the God of Walls, Behemoth; the God of Lost Things, Graavbaar; and the God of the Dead, Nihmin. Of course, you'll still need to bargain with them yourself, but Four Corners can give you an in that you can't afford to pass up.

The costs she demands are... well. They're something.
1. Allowing the expansion of their transportation and communication blah blah you already covered that one; they need a land permit. It's just... an indignity, to let them build on your soil.
2. They want some of Aeon Co’s trade secrets, especially those concerning your optics systems. Which, please, who isn’t after that? It’s what your company most excels at… but do you have a choice when everything else is on the line?
3. Giving visiting adventurers sponsored by their organization honorary rank despite their lack of Ogorathean noble blood. An utterly inappropriate level of temporary authority for them, really, nearly on the same level as your personal council... which is guaranteed to rile said council right up.
4. Total access to all bloodline archives; every Ogorathean province obviously keeps extensive records of every familial line, and Edison is no different. What she’d need this for you can’t imagine, but it's utterly unprecedented. To allow foreign intrusion into the archives? Before you even formally assume governance? Not a good look. One of the worst looks you could think of, actually.
5. This is the intriguingly vague part: the founder can, at any time, mark individuals under your sovereignty as ‘people of interest’; you are to arrange for Morgan to interview and ‘assess’ them, under watch, of course, so you know they aren’t trying any mental manipulations. To what end? You haven't the slightest, but it can't be good.
6. Then there’s the dull vague part: you’ll owe Four Corners three favors. Well, the Edison line will, that is. Favors to be disclosed and/or decided later, because why not be as sinister as possible about everything.
7. The founder wants to meet ‘The Firstborn Edison and their Guardian’- yes, she specifically mentions Aeron, which is just peculiar- privately, at a location of your choosing. Funny how right after you’re warned against ever spending time alone with people, one of the shadiest ones you’re in contact with wants just that! You’d have the opportunity to place all sorts of safeguards, but still. Suspicious.

What Four Corners is offering? Potentially game changing. But these prices... the founder is clearly intent on sinking her claws as far into Edison as she can. The costs aren't so much material as much as they are a loosening of control and a hit to reputation. Of course, turning down some of their offered boons would reduce those costs in turn...

Are there any parts you need to renegotiate?

RE: Reforge - Smurfton - 08-15-2018

1 ok
2 is Four Corners the type of organization to make sure something bad happens when you don't pay for it to not happen?
3 this sounds nice, try to keep it
4 What, at the same time? No limitations? Without cost?
5 this is ok...
6 How does Aeon tech compare? Would it likely be possible to reverse engineer any of their experimental stuff? If so, giving up trade secrets is much more palatable.
7 Try to keep at least one of these on the table.
Costs: it's very strange that they do not request information on the Prism Beast in return. Do they not feel threatened by a spirit of that power?

1. Ugh, Fine. i guess
2. I'd like to negotiate this away
3. A few questions:
- How are adventures currently treated?
- Are they allowed to enter by default?
- Is there any amount of authority that could be granted to adventurers which is more than nothing but less than ranking noble?

i'm thinking the process ought to slow down. The adventures ought to be vetted first. Also see if you can get a duration on this one.

4. What is the public level of access?
5. How about a warrant type system where the founder needs to show that it is likely that the individual knows something about a crime (as defined by Edison law) that was committed. Also get a duration here.
6. Get some scope on the favors. Establish a few things they can't be, such as unlimited duration.
7. Are you meeting the founder at the same time? That sounds much safer.

RE: Reforge - vie - 08-26-2018

[Image: 505I9cO.png]
You spend some time reviewing the information.

(08-15-2018, 04:23 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »2 is Four Corners the type of organization to make sure something bad happens when you don't pay for it to not happen?
You don’t know, but it won’t matter. Ogorath kind of annexed a swath of Derexi land- a tiny amount, honestly, get over it- several decades ago, and they’ve been itching for an opportunity to take it back. You always thought that the risk was from your other mundane enemies weakening you, but then you suppose nobody expects to stumble on a secret, extra high god. Anyway. If Derexes isn’t being stopped by something? It’s only a question of how quickly they can sharpen their pitchforks.

(08-15-2018, 04:23 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »4 What, at the same time? No limitations? Without cost?
Seems that way, yes. Apparently the founder deemed her other costs sufficient. Not that giving you her adventurers is entirely without benefit to her, given the power she wants for them.

(08-15-2018, 04:23 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »6 How does Aeon tech compare? Would it likely be possible to reverse engineer any of their experimental stuff? If so, giving up trade secrets is much more palatable.
Aeon Co. develops tools for large-scale projects: diagnostics, construction, surveillance, infrastructure, and the sort. Most Four Corners products are personal conveniences and adventuring gear, excepting the bizarre ~cutting-edge~ nonsense they’re working on behind the scenes. Because they don’t overlap much with your own field, you’ll have a difficult time reverse-engineering it. But that won’t stop you trying! Or at least, won’t stop your research team, you won’t be directly responsible for most of that.

(08-15-2018, 04:23 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »Costs: it's very strange that they do not request information on the Prism Beast in return. Do they not feel threatened by a spirit of that power?
It is strange that they don’t explicitly ask for reciprocation. If you were more charitable you’d take that as a sign of some kind of ‘trust’, but you get the suspicion they just assume they’ll already know everything you do.

(08-15-2018, 04:23 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »3. A few questions:
- How are adventures currently treated?
- Are they allowed to enter by default?
You don’t know that much about it, frankly. Adventurers are tolerated in Edison despite the guard’s effectiveness rendering them redundant near civilized areas; you believe they have more business out in the rustic regions, but, needless to say, it’s never been a high-class vocation. They are certainly free to attempt to find work within the walls so long as they don’t cause trouble- which they usually do.

(08-15-2018, 04:23 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »4. What is the public level of access?
Generally, only to one’s own history. You alone hold full access, without the usual request processing time, as well as the power to grant that access to others. Yeah. They want a power reserved to the governor. It’d be inappropriate no matter the specifics. Needless to say, these specific specifics make it more than doubly so. The archives are the… beating heart of Ogorathean culture made manifest. It’s an intrusion of privacy, all but a violation of sovereignty… it’s difficult to explain. But it would not be a good look.

(08-15-2018, 04:23 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »7. Are you meeting the founder at the same time? That sounds much safer.
Yes, she wants to meet you both at once.

[Image: y07RXym.png]
Then you move into a revision process. Between the stack of papers and exchanges with The Sword-bearer, it seems that the founder had contingencies for most anything you ask.

(08-15-2018, 04:23 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »6. Get some scope on the favors. Establish a few things they can't be, such as unlimited duration.
First, you work out some restrictions on those favors. They are limited to performing singular tasks for Four Corners. In addition, they cannot force you to cede land or titles, nor to strain your relationships with your godly patrons. These terms are standard enough to pass without disturbance.

(08-15-2018, 04:23 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »2. I'd like to negotiate this away
Then you see about denying her your optics secrets entirely. It seems that the founder is looking at that as a way to expand her business and recoup her losses for helping you; without giving away your techniques, you’ll be stuck paying full price for any Four Corners gear you want to get your hands on.

(08-15-2018, 04:23 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »- Is there any amount of authority that could be granted to adventurers which is more than nothing but less than ranking noble?

i'm thinking the process ought to slow down. The adventures ought to be vetted first. Also see if you can get a duration on this one.
You hash out some of the details of the authority for adventurers. You can agree that it would last only the duration of the conflict with the Beast, and be a position lower than your titled nobility. The founder also provided plans for a vetting system, but it is primarily designed to prevent you from finding arbitrary reasons each of them can’t receive that authority, which, to be fair, was exactly what you were going to do. You know that even this limited power will still ruffle some noble feathers. Of course, you could refuse them any special position; the founder appears fairly accepting of the possibility, so long as you at least agree to listen to their years of experience in the field. She would demand another price in return, however; one of the other Ogorathean houses responsible for the aforementioned annexation of Derexi land is deeply indebted to Edison. The founder asks that you force them to begin withdrawing from that territory.

(08-15-2018, 04:23 PM)Smurfton Wrote: »5. How about a warrant type system where the founder needs to show that it is likely that the individual knows something about a crime (as defined by Edison law) that was committed. Also get a duration here.
The Sword-bearer explains the terms in more detail; the interviewees would be people marked for recruitment based on ‘esoteric proprietary methods that he is, alas, unable to divulge’, and yeah, he does say alas. The person would be observed at their work for several days, followed by a single interview with Morgan, during which Four Corners would have the option to offer employment. Basically Four Corners just wants you to stay off their case when they start randomly spying on your citizens. If you don’t accept those terms, you’ll either receive no support from Four Corners’ adventurers, or have to surrender two of those godly favors. Why that's an option you haven't the faintest idea, but you’d have to choose only one of the three spirits to gain a debt on: Behemoth, which would raise fortresses and render cities impenetrable, Nihmin, which would bring to bear not only the knowledge but the devastating magic of a legion of ghosts, or Gravebaar, which would provide nigh-limitless versatility through the objects, locations, and people that have become lost- and taken by it- over the centuries.

Finally, as far as archival access, if you do decide not to let Four Corners snoop, the Order of the Crystal Sea won’t come to save you. Simple enough, if weird.

So. Which costs are you willing to pay? Which benefits to you want enough to accept the price of?

RE: Reforge - Smurfton - 08-29-2018

(Not finished)
1 sharing info: please.
2 Derexes won't attack: yes.
3 Order of Crystal Sea access in exchange for Archive access: Not worth it.
4 Use of all adventurers: I want to say no so badly. Yes.
5 Communication Network
6 cheap magitech for trade secrets
7 High Spirit access: pls

1 Land permit
2 Trade secrets
3 Adventurers have rank:
4 Archives: no chance
5 Recruitment:
6 Favors: yes
7 meeting founder: yes