Eagle Time
Superego - Printable Version

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RE: Superego - Viridis - 11-16-2016

> Currently, what do you want out of life? Can you imagine yourself in a future where you're content with things?

RE: Superego - Unclever title - 11-16-2016

>Maybe ask? Where do I start? Maybe she can help.

RE: Superego - HomestuckDerp - 11-28-2016

>There has to be something you can be proud of. Don't lie that there's no such thing. Cause there has to be. You just don't think too much of it.
Here's professional advice from someone who's been through this. That's how this one aspect works for me. Cherry has to be good at something.
also hi.

RE: Superego - Jovian - 11-30-2016

>You don't know. You're confused. You want to be better than this, but you don't know how.

[Image: 2209.gif]

Everyone here seems to have problems that are a lot worse than yours.

...But that doesn't mean yours don't matter. It doesn't mean they don't have a tangible effect on you.

>Currently, what do you want out of life? Can you imagine yourself in a future where you're content with things?

[Image: 2210.gif]

You'd like to, but you don't want to be too optimistic...

But it'd be nice to feel satisfied with where you're at, instead of constantly afraid of the future.

Are you too hard on yourself? Your parents tell you you're too hard on yourself, but you always took it as them babying you.

-you look like you want to say something

>Maybe ask? Where do I start? Maybe she can help.

[Image: 2211.gif]

"I-I don't want to be like this!"
"I want to...st...stop beating myself up..."
"Am I really l-l-like this? Am I really...so s-spiteful...?"

[Image: 2212.gif]

"But I don't...kn...know where t-to...start..."

[Image: 2213.gif]

People will regurgitate things about loving yourself. Like love and happiness and self-satisfaction are just things you can produce out of thin air.

-take your time

You can't do that. You know you can't do that.

-i know youre getting there

CAN you get there?

[Image: 2214.gif]

"I...I need to..."

Perhaps the first step is...

"...Accept myself."

[Image: 2215.gif]

[Image: 2216.gif]

RE: Superego - Schazer - 11-30-2016

Put a ring on it, it'll last longer

RE: Superego - Kaynato - 11-30-2016

I don't know what to suggest, but this really, really hits home.

RE: Superego - Fairfax - 11-30-2016

Rick: Fail to resist your manly tear urges.

RE: Superego - HomestuckDerp - 11-30-2016

okay that advice was posted too late cherry might figure out that on herself

>Cherry? You. Are. Not. Alone. And I don't mean just your new friends! There are many people who know your tormenting. While anxiety won't completely disappear, you CAN live a life with it. Don't let anyone ever make you give up, Cherry.

*joins Cherry and NegaCherry in the group hug* i am screaming go my girl you can doooo it

RE: Superego - Naem - 11-30-2016

Cherry I'm super proud of you but now you've gotta think about it outside this room. Go. Go go go run.

RE: Superego - Viridis - 11-30-2016


> Rick: Notice the room's distortion, abscond with your small buddy.

RE: Superego - ProfessorLizzard - 11-30-2016

>Rick: resist to join the hug, this is a private moment

RE: Superego - NonAnalogue - 11-30-2016

Rick: Be secretly proud. Then be outwardly proud.

RE: Superego - OTTO - 12-01-2016

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RE: Superego - Taylor - 12-03-2016

oh no, oh no I need to hug Cherry too. Everyone hug Cherry.
wait, maybe that could come off as more babying? This is complicated.

RE: Superego - Jovian - 12-08-2016

>Cherry I'm super proud of you but now you've gotta think about it outside this room. Go. Go go go run.

[Image: 2217.gif]

"Wh-what's going on?"
-you dont need to be here anymore
-this experiment is over for you

[Image: 2218.gif]

-you need to go
"Does it h-have to be so v-v-violent??"

[Image: 2219.gif]

-cherry please
"But I want to t-talk to you more!"
-im always there
-now hurry

>Rick: Be secretly proud. Then be outwardly proud.

[Image: 2220.gif]

"She's right. Let's go!"
"And also...congratulations."

[Image: 2221.gif]

"I'd offer you a hug too, but let's get out of here first, okay? We can't let the door get blocked!"

RE: Superego - Dragon Fogel - 12-08-2016

Out that door, fast!

RE: Superego - btp - 12-08-2016


RE: Superego - Dalmationer - 12-08-2016

>bump into those other bozo's

RE: Superego - Kaynato - 12-08-2016

> Now, where's everyone else?

RE: Superego - Benedict - 12-08-2016

>Door: Blocked. Blocked. You're all blocked.
>Door: For the love of god, remain unobstructed

RE: Superego - NonAnalogue - 12-08-2016

Go towards the light (that is undoubtedly behind that door)

RE: Superego - HomestuckDerp - 12-08-2016

>Try to be Russell, and fail spectacularly.

RE: Superego - OTTO - 12-10-2016

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RE: Superego - Jovian - 12-13-2016

>Go towards the light (that is undoubtedly behind that door)

[Image: 2222.gif]

You both head down the hill.

[Image: 2223.gif]

It's a strange feeling.

You have your whole life ahead of you. The future is so terrifying, and yet...it's full of possibilities.


[Image: 2224.gif]

You can't help but smile.

As freaky as this whole situation is, you think you've made a friend today. You'll keep in touch. He'll help you.

[Image: 2225.gif]

After all, he has his insecurities too. A guy like him has insecurities! You always knew such people existed, but it's another thing to meet someone like that yourself. A reassuring thing.

[Image: 2226.gif]

Perhaps you can--

[Image: 2227.gif]

[Image: 2228.gif]

RE: Superego - Schazer - 12-13-2016