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CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Printable Version

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RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Vic - 11-09-2017

I simply cannot top that name.

> sorry to step on your toes, YUPPERS
> I experience the passage of events differently than you do
> I didn't have any knowledge of your medical experience, nor did any other zack

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-09-2017

(11-09-2017, 04:32 AM)Angustine Wrote: »Oi you quiet daft cunt want a slight tussle with me?!
Come on then let's go right now!
Also Dad Zack may I call you daddy? You haven't made anyone the antagonist and you may continue normally with your spam since it will help cure Hunk's alcoholism

> We experience the world in a delayed manner and the perfect reason for our behavior is that we are within our infancy
> Our collective existence has lasted for less than a year and these are our stages of infancy wich will be blessed and warped during the appropriate moment
> We can't hear our own voices and existance appears to be excruciating. I despise

(11-09-2017, 02:44 AM)Vic Wrote: »I simply cannot top that name.

> sorry to step on your toes, YUPPERS
> I experience the passage of events differently than you do
> I didn't have any knowledge of your medical experience, nor did any other zack

INPUT AGGREGATOR: it aint that actually paternity is a thing im not capable of really internalizin i guess
INPUT AGGREGATOR: its just that it kinda htis one of my anti-reproductive rules and makes me feel that pain that i get to make me do the right things yknow
INPUT AGGREGATOR: like 'gaes' from that one book remember
[Image: QSgm8Y7.png]

(11-09-2017, 02:31 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Yuptam McCrombits
>Derse's Nineteenth Strongest Guy
>And Haircare Tycoon

"H-Hey," you mumble weakly, "Y-Yuptam."

And thus, breaking the temporary chain of REAL NAMES whose FIRST NAME is a functional English word, Yuptam McCrombits, Nineteenth Strongest Dersite gives you the thumbity thibbity thumbs up, as is fucking Customary.

[Image: k73Xn1W.png]

He was the NINETEENTH STRONGEST GUY back home, and while nobody particularly gave him such an award, he was quick to adopt it, along with many of his other habits and talents. Yuptam held a job as a performer in one of the Jester Circuits for several years, even though he was never qualified as a jester in the slightest. He owned a hair-care tycoon for over a decade without having a single strand of hair on his Carapacian skull, selling to more Carapacians without hair. He got a job working at the newspaper, and would encode images of himself in the justified text-- all without ever visiting the office.

Yuptam was a MAGIC MAN, by all means, and yet he never put his talents to even a vaguely useful purpose. Never once did his jokes or mannerisms elicit a laugh, yet he was always befuddlingly capable of the most odd and unassuming actions, as well as- universally- the NINETEENTH STRONGEST.

[Image: qVihYfK.png]

Your vision clears slightly as Tipsy kneels beside you, placing her hand on your shoulder, feeling your body for wounds, and checking your pulse through your thick carapace. Words still escape your damaged ears, but you can make out that, at the least, she's not telling you to move around.

So you sit still, breathing slowly, and wait for the words to start making sense.

"...Gene...? We have... better... and Oats... grenade?... shell..."

Seems the aural damage isn't permanent, or at the very least not always going to be as bad as being deaf.

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Arcanuse - 11-09-2017

>Once the current situation is cleared up, there's something I'd like to try.

>Shellgowrath trying to barge inside the game, thankfully without luck, gave me an idea.

>If anyone's interested, I'll need someone to get a few things.

>Namely a piece of chalk, some wax, and a bit of string.

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-09-2017

(11-09-2017, 05:34 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »CoolZack
>Once the current situation is cleared up, there's something I'd like to try.

>Shellgowrath trying to barge inside the game, thankfully without luck, gave me an idea.

>If anyone's interested, I'll need someone to get a few things.

>Namely a piece of chalk, some wax, and a bit of string.

After a few minute's wait, with Tipsy and Yuptam waiting patiently, your hearing comes back to the point where you can hear them-- and the chatlog, which you guess is supposed to be the Orderlog, but since you're Gene, it doesn't really matter.

You can finally check in on all the bedlam, and you proceed to.
[Image: au4FIFH.png]

"Your hearing's back," Tipsy says at last, taking a long breath.

"Yeah," you reply, "obviously, since we just had a headset convo on the down-low."

Yuptam stares at the both of you boredly. "Gene, do you ever truly invigorate yourself in a talking match between friends, or are you constantly tuned out?"

You nod firmly. "All the time! I guess it's just easy at this point to do both at once."

Tipsy grasps your chin and turns your head to face her. "Okay, then pay attention to this conversation, Gene. Please."

"Alright," you say. The shock is starting to pulsate-- not go away, but shimmer in and out, the wave of force from the explosion still making waves throughout your carapace.

"Please don't be sorry for all that. I mean, by all reasonable definitions, you made a mistake. But we're all on pretty short fuses right now, and I need you to not worry about it. Everyone's going to be fine-- even Mulligan."

Mulligan swims amidst your thoughts again. "...god, I just needed him to get out of there. I-It'd been so long since he was a person."

"I know," she mutters, her voice wavering as much as yours, "I know. But Oats has gotta handle that now, and you know that it's just as big for Oats as it is for us. Bigger, probably."

"Wait, what?"

For a moment, she considers placing her head in her palm, and then pulls away, deciding it's easier to just not go down that route. "That's a later topic."

That's fair enough. "Okay, Tipsy, it's a later topic, and maybe the grenade explosion gets priority?"

[Image: ywnBCUR.gif]

Yuptam chimes in. "Recent events always get priority, Gene. That's another conversational topic-rule that you woefully grace over most of the time. You are quick to tangentalize and dodge."

"That's not a fair thing to say because basically everybody here does that!"

He scoffs. "Well, the first step to identifying a problem is solving it."

Tipsy shrugs slowly, turning back. "True enough."

Yes. That is a true statement worded correctly.

Yuptam retrieves a small pipe section from his MAGIC POCKETS and lazily tosses it into the PIT. "Either way, Gene, my point is that of convention. Everything will get discussed eventually. Organizing it in a sensible way is more important than silly conversational flow."

"What you're saying," murmurs Tipsy, "is true, in all the completely wrong ways."

"Yeah, what she said," you add.

She looks you in the eyes, clearing her throat softly and taking a long breath. "Gene, you are physically fine, I think. Yup can take a look if he really wants, but besides a hell of a scare, I don't think you even got burned."

You chuckle, and tap at your carapace. "Thick skin, I guess?"

"Well, we've all got thick skin. Explosions still certainly hurt."

[Image: ek7zsZb.gif]

You both take a look towards the opening in the floor, which still moves and pulsates confusingly. You say, with no sureness, "What do you think it actually is?"

"If I had to guess, there are two possibilities. It's the draw distance of the game, or there's no draw distance-- and that stuff is where the game gets so far out that the code breaks. Floating numbers and point interfexes, what have you. It's not really my field."

"I bet," you say, "it's a game mechanic. Most of the wacky shit that the heroes found was a game mechanic, right? Like, sure, it's probably just a glitch, a bug, but maybe not everything is chaotic and shitty?"

She chuckles warmly. "I'd like to be able to say that not everything is chaotic and shitty, for sure, Gene."

Yuptam watches the section of pipe go, and grunts.

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Arcanuse - 11-09-2017

>That'd be great Yuppers.

>Oh, and I'll need a volunteer.

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Lordlyhour - 11-09-2017

>To Cut Confusion
>Open A Private Chat With
>Yon Cripesalmighty

Don't Mean To Eavesdrop
But Here Are All Of Us Zacks
Dropping All Of These Eaves

Half Of The Reason
I Speak In Haiku Is That
Tangents Are Harder

Though Admittedly
Quite Often It Leads To Just
Writing More Haiku

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - AScWCC - 11-09-2017

Mmm false you can't keep spamming. Baps shellgo with a newspaper

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-09-2017

(11-09-2017, 04:45 PM)AScWCC Wrote: »Mmm false you can't keep spamming. Baps shellgo with a newspaper

(11-09-2017, 03:41 PM)Angustine Wrote: »The third attempt IS always the most charming and I would like to enter this World again by leaking out of a terminal like the master of masters
Dad Zack would you kindly make Tars help me free myself to the other world? Also who is gaes?
By the way you can continue spamming
I Will break into this world with the power of make-believe and I won't be denied

> We speak in segments and whatever response you people write to these messages won't be acknowledged because we can't see them until later
> Yuptam do you also have some candles, a lighter, a pen and some paper?
> And if you do would you kindly give them Tars?
> Describe me how my voice sounds like and what favor kind of favor would you like? Could you also sign a piece of paper that's totally not a contract with your blood?
> Worship me for I am perfect in every way, shape and form!

(11-09-2017, 09:26 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »CoolZack
>That'd be great Yuppers.

>Oh, and I'll need a volunteer.

INPUT AGGREGATOR: ok lemme just be frank with yu
INPUT AGGREGATOR: when youre arguing
INPUT AGGREGATOR: when you dont got consensus on a thing
INPUT AGGREGATOR: im programmed to just ignore everythin youre saying till theres no more disagreement
[Image: JDLp80G.png]

(11-09-2017, 09:42 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>To Cut Confusion
>Open A Private Chat With
>Yon Cripesalmighty

Don't Mean To Eavesdrop
But Here Are All Of Us Zacks
Dropping All Of These Eaves

Half Of The Reason
I Speak In Haiku Is That
Tangents Are Harder

Though Admittedly
Quite Often It Leads To Just
Writing More Haiku

You also open a Privatelog again, because that is still a thing you can do.

[Image: m1sHSe0.png]
Privatelog (cripesalmighty)Show

[Image: 4xNJOhz.png]

"You OK to stand?" Tipsy asks.

"Might need a little help," you answer.

[Image: VPEhNee.png]

She looks at you with some relief. "Just let me know if you need any more help keeping upright."

"I'm probably alright. I was... kinda thinking of heading to Green, at some point, tour the dealio around and maybe get talking to our hacker programmer friend."

"Yes," says Tipsy, "our enigmatic, doesn't speak much over the chatlog friend, username Levyyts."

You nod. "Username Levyyts, even though she has a real name, we are just totally dodging it with complete and immense style."

"Yuppers," says Tipsy under her breath.

[Image: aKtkcti.png]

Where to?

Author's NoteShow

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Arcanuse - 11-09-2017

Privatelog (cripesalmighty)
>for what it's worth, our eyes can't see every little thing going on.
>Mostly we see things deemed important, like flashbacks and the most interesting/important thing going on.
>Or we're fiddling with the viewfinder.
>Rest of the time its just text, text, and more text.

>Oh, and thanks for volunteering.
>Wasn't entirely sure there would be a volunteer for this little idea of mine.

>Although, since Yuppers is going to be busy for a bit, there is one other thing I could use a hand with.

>That is, getting Levyyts to write down their name on some paper and having someone else look.

>It's a bit odd, but this will answer one of the questions I've been pondering.

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-09-2017

Recap 1

This should be a decent rundown of not only where we are, but what we can do as inputs! Feel free to read the earlier pages, as there's a fairly large amount of detail missing from this recap, but I hope this is sufficient to get into this convoluted story of mine.

R E C A P 1Show

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-09-2017

(11-09-2017, 09:12 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Privatelog (cripesalmighty)
>for what it's worth, our eyes can't see every little thing going on.
>Mostly we see things deemed important, like flashbacks and the most interesting/important thing going on.
>Or we're fiddling with the viewfinder.
>Rest of the time its just text, text, and more text.

>Oh, and thanks for volunteering.
>Wasn't entirely sure there would be a volunteer for this little idea of mine.

>Although, since Yuppers is going to be busy for a bit, there is one other thing I could use a hand with.

>That is, getting Levyyts to write down their name on some paper and having someone else look.

>It's a bit odd, but this will answer one of the questions I've been pondering.

(11-09-2017, 08:32 PM)Angustine Wrote: »Shellgowrath
> I compulsively order myself to look at my immediate surroundings while violently thinking myself into the window that I utilize to observe the physically digital world in order to break it and leak into the simulation
> Private conversational chat with Levyyts
> Would you care to elaborate on your magnificent proposal my honorable love?

You prepare to enter the TRIPLE PRIVATELOG BONANZA, which is a thing you'll patent later.
[Image: fQdXewS.png]
Privatelog (cripesalmighty)Show

[Image: JpYiqb3.png]
Privatelog (to Levyyts from cripesalmighty)Show

[Image: QFz4JeX.png]
Privatelog (Levyyts)Show

Look at just how much neat shit is going down that the public chat is COMPLETELY missing out on.

INPUT AGGREGATOR: look man i dunno what to tel you
INPUT AGGREGATOR: my codin says like 85% of you will be human peeps in your house or somethin
INPUT AGGREGATOR: i kinda assumed id not get some rad ass beasts from outer space

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-10-2017

(11-10-2017, 12:20 AM)Angustine Wrote: »> I order myself to run those programs with domesticated abandon?
> I audibly growl

> We see everything as moving pictures

Shellgowrath to Levyyts privately
> Would you kindly write the following in a piece of paper using a pen and ask Tipsy to rip it in half please?
Haidzruno runu, falahak haidera, ginnarunaz. Arageu haeramalausz uti az. Weladaude, sa'z þat barutz. Uþarba spa.
> I am asking politely

You run neat-hack.cpg.

[Image: Ig7dn8S.png]

[Image: nusDa51.gif]

[Image: 2IZTxqs.png]

You are now running neat-hack.cpg.


[Image: WlBPz5o.png]
Privatelog (Levyyts)Show


[Image: Suifriu.png]

You listen in on the local Chatlog.

While taking a somewhat calm and reserved stroll down the RED/GREEN PRIMARY HALLWAY, you spot the NEED DISPENSER to your right, and Tipsy stops for a second.

"Want to print anything out while we're here?"

You cock your head. "Last thing I accidentally needspensed was a genuine goddamn grenade and it blew up in everyone's faces. Why would I possibly wanna do that again?"

She shrugs, chuckling. "I don't mean just whatever. I just-- well, I realized a few minutes ago, that if the barracks in the game correspond to Need Dispensers, then there's all kinds of wacky stuff we haven't even tried to dispense up here."

"Yuptam would have found basically everything by now!"

"No, but you see," Tipsy says, shaking her head, "I know off the bat that there's a huge ITEM COMBINATOR you can build out of need-dispenserable sections. And Yuptam hasn't relayed info about even one of them popping out. It's incredibly tough to do in the game, but you can do it."

You glance at the NEED DISPENSER. "How, though?"

She takes a breath. "The orders I give are gibberish. I never told you, Gene, but I worked out an order shorthand."


"What I mean is, I only needed a couple letters to tell my pawns to do something-- so when it comes to how I made them activate this thing and give them ITEM COMBINATOR parts, I'm just as befuddled. It was just a neat trick I learned how to do."

Well, that's woefully inconvenient. You groan. "So... we can't do that."

"No, but--" Tipsy leans on the machine for a second. "We know it's possible! And the same rules apply as always-- it dispenses what you NEED, which is usually what will keep you from imminent death or imminent misery. So we just need to manipulate ourselves to be in a position where the parts for an ITEM COMBINATOR are needed."

"God these things are convoluted," you mutter. "Okay, where do we start?"

She offers a hand forth, motioning to you. "Got any ideas?"

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Lordlyhour - 11-10-2017

>Private Chat To Cripes
Though A Very Bad Idea
Remember Us Zacks

Can Do Admin Stuff
Or Whatever You Might Call
Stuff Up A Level

Not Even Orders
Necessarily, Just Like
More Terminal Stuff

(If You're Wondering
Why My First Haiku Was Short,
I'm Multitasking)

>Switch Chat To Levyyts
Could You Pretty Please Explain
What Neat-Hack Will Do?

For Unlike Some Zacks
I Am Not A Fool Who Runs
Unfamiliar Code

The Code Is Now Running On
Our Shared Terminal

Though I Gather From
Testupward's Name That You Are
Toeing the Water

Seeing If You Can
Apply More Ingenious Hacks
To Reality

But For All I Know
That Is Just A Red Herring
And Wheels Inside Wheels

I Just Hope You Aren't
Going To Be A Bad Guy
There's Like Four So Far

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-10-2017

(11-10-2017, 06:12 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Private Chat To Cripes
Though A Very Bad Idea
Remember Us Zacks

Can Do Admin Stuff
Or Whatever You Might Call
Stuff Up A Level

Not Even Orders
Necessarily, Just Like
More Terminal Stuff

(If You're Wondering
Why My First Haiku Was Short,
I'm Multitasking)

>Switch Chat To Levyyts
Could You Pretty Please Explain
What Neat-Hack Will Do?

For Unlike Some Zacks
I Am Not A Fool Who Runs
Unfamiliar Code

The Code Is Now Running On
Our Shared Terminal

Though I Gather From
Testupward's Name That You Are
Toeing the Water

Seeing If You Can
Apply More Ingenious Hacks
To Reality

But For All I Know
That Is Just A Red Herring
And Wheels Inside Wheels

I Just Hope You Aren't
Going To Be A Bad Guy
There's Like Four So Far

You multitask.
[Image: Xxdbs5E.gif]
Privatelog (cripesalmighty)Show

Privatelog (Levyyts)Show

INPUT AGGREGATOR: thats some serious input
INPUT AGGREGATOR: doin it good pozack horsgman

[Image: N5FsaKO.gif]

The two of you stare blankly at the NEED DISPENSER.

You say, "Maybe we need to be dying, but, like-- in a way that only a combination of two otherwise shitty items are life-saving when combined."

"Can you imagine a combo like that, though?"

"Maybe a tiny fire extinguisher and a grenade when you're surrounded by fire? Like, one tiny extinguisher isn't gonna do the job, and a grenade's just gonna make it worse, but an extinguisher grenade would be super handy."

Tipsy, for all her experience, gives it a light shrug. "We're out a grenade. I'm not opposed to the idea, though, if we happen across another one."

The light in the SPENSER flickers incessantly. The glow is alluring, attractive-- and though you can tell Tipsy squints slightly, you're fine staring its multicolored bulb in the face with your wide eyes.

You always thought Derse was too dim.

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Arcanuse - 11-10-2017

Privatelog (Cripesalmighty)
>There are a few things I can think of.
>The first is to use orders and hope for the best.
>So Plan C.
>Plan B is to pull something similar to what I'll be doing with the stuff Yups is getting.

>And Plan A is, well. I'm sure we'll think of something.

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Lordlyhour - 11-10-2017


Levyyts ChatShow
Cripes ChatShow

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-10-2017

(11-10-2017, 02:44 PM)Angustine Wrote: »Daddy aggregator would you kindly inform me what would qualify as a compromise please?
Am I a beast from outer space? Also is Tars still your minion? I would really like some help on me entering the world

Shellgowrath chat: You people look to me like still images changing places on a flat background

Levyyts chat
Shellgowrath: Specify What specifics of my abilities you would like to specifically know and what is the other favor tha you need?
Shellgowrath: My attempts at clawing myself into this world or leaking within it in liquid form have failed or I perceive that I failed
Shellgowrath: I see everything as a still picture you see?
Shellgowrath: Would you be willing to help me enter this world? And what advice could you possibly give me that would help me?
Shellgowrath: The cool cat seems to be performing a ritual of summoning and I believe we could try it
Shellgowrath: That is, if you agree of course

(11-10-2017, 11:02 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »

Levyyts ChatShow
Cripes ChatShow

(11-10-2017, 09:24 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Privatelog (Cripesalmighty)
>There are a few things I can think of.
>The first is to use orders and hope for the best.
>So Plan C.
>Plan B is to pull something similar to what I'll be doing with the stuff Yups is getting.

>And Plan A is, well. I'm sure we'll think of something.

INPUT AGGREGATOR: shellboy i dunno where youre at in the space time zone
INPUT AGGREGATOR: all i got ahold of is youre some input somewhere
INPUT AGGREGATOR: you gotta realize
INPUT AGGREGATOR: in order to get all ya inputs to direct these inhabitants to do stuff and fulfill my mission
INPUT AGGREGATOR: i was really graspin at straws
INPUT AGGREGATOR: thats the truth

The INPUT AGGREGATOR screeches to life as you begin multitasking to a massive degree.
[Image: kKSoYKa.gif]

Privatelog (cripesalmighty)Show

Privatelog (Levyyts)Show

(11-10-2017, 02:44 PM)Angustine Wrote: »Gene
> Be attracted to the needspenser like a fly and unintentionally summon something bad

[Image: Ql1ooF5.gif]

"Gene, what are you doing."

[Image: lO2A4wk.gif]

"I dunno," you say. "It's just weird how the light's split in half like that. Normally lights mix and make different colors, but it's just-- not doing that at all. Kinda pretty, y'know? Like-- usually overhead lights are really alienating and shitty, but for some reason this one is kinda... calming!"

She chuckles. "I didn't realize you had that much fascination."

"I'm the Fighter of Light, Tipsy."

"Right now, you're the Seer," she notes.


[Image: A3bVAbs.gif]

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Lordlyhour - 11-11-2017

>Spamming Privilege
>Sustained For Ten Messages
>Make 'Em Count, IA

>Less Than Twenty Words
>Per Line. And To Save Headaches
>Don't Post All At Once

Cripes ChatShow

Levyyts ChatShow


RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-11-2017

(11-11-2017, 03:08 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Spamming Privilege
>Sustained For Ten Messages
>Make 'Em Count, IA

>Less Than Twenty Words
>Per Line. And To Save Headaches
>Don't Post All At Once

Cripes ChatShow

Levyyts ChatShow


(11-11-2017, 02:30 AM)Angustine Wrote: »> I Shellgowrath, smash the chiral button for an excessive number of times to observe the results
> Fifty times would be adequate

> Don't be alarmed by that thing since it just looks like a toy
> Pick it up and handle it carelessly to see what it is because of that fact

> Numbers my dear
> I was talking about how I perceive the world and I see it as still pictures moving
> If you were walking I would only be able to see you changing place and not the actual walking
> It was nobody's brother and those supplies I have asked Yuptam about won't be necessary

Shellgowrath to Levyyts
> How terrible!
> The Cool Cat brother of mine seems to have surpassed my attempts at entering this world utilizing his pure cleverness rather than brute strenght or pleading to father for advice!
> I just wanted to caress Numbers with my soft and tender claws...
> Anyway, do you need anything?
> Can I ask you a possibly annoying number of questions?
> What additional Zack presence? The Zack name has the possible addition of seven billion individuals and I would like if you could be more specific
> You no longer need to write a curse that will activate once it is broken for me wich was that thing I asked you to write

Father Zack is Tars still a peon of yours? I also grant you your spamming privileges back since there isn't a conflict and a consensus has been reached wich included me,myself and I

INPUT AGGREGATOR: i still got that hidden command runnin for tars/mullygen whenever
INPUT AGGREGATOR: but only i got the password
INPUT AGGREGATOR: and im compelled not to tell anyone yknow
INPUT AGGREGATOR: so thats kinda on the back burner right now
INPUT AGGREGATOR: the ol chekhovs mind control shenanigan

You hit CHIRAL a whole load. The screen whirrs by at light-speed. You also chat a whole bunch because you're getting extremely good at it.
[Image: rXkQ9sr.gif]

Privatelog (cripesalmighty)Show

Privatelog (Levyyts)Show

Unfortunately, the CHIRAL button just seems to bring you to the menu for now. Since it's the title of the FORUM ADVENTURE, you kind of expected it to do more, but them's the breaks.

[Image: LawfZaC.png]

You do not have INPUT for Tipsy Pendragon yet! She stares at the item, not because she was compelled to, but because it's mighty interesting.

However, it's too pixelly to understand, so the NARRATOR zooms further in.

[Image: ESA7tYI.png]

"Hey, Gene?" she says.

"Yeah?" you ask.

"It was just some sunglasses. I think the machine's trying to tell you something."

You shrug, still staring at the light. "It doesn't hurt or anything."

Tipsy chuckles softly. "I think that's what blind people say right before they go blind, Gene."

How long are you going to stare at this light, Gene?

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Arcanuse - 11-11-2017

>Sorry Yuppers, had to take care of something.
>Could you bring the items to Cripes?

Privatelog (Cripesalmighty)
>Mm. Alright. Explanation time.
>Short version is I'm trying to test the waters as it were.
>Try to use my powers for something simple and work from there.
>Now, where you come in is I need someone to act as both conduit and beacon for my power.
>With your help, and the materials Yuppers gathered for me, I should be able to interact more directly than through this console.
>Albeit with a few strings attached for me.
>Anyways, once Yuppers brings you the items, you're going to need to pick a place where you can be calm and relax.
>Not strictly necessary, but not being calm during the process tends to cause headaches.

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-11-2017

(11-11-2017, 06:33 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Chat
>Sorry Yuppers, had to take care of something.
>Could you bring the items to Cripes?

Privatelog (Cripesalmighty)
>Mm. Alright. Explanation time.
>Short version is I'm trying to test the waters as it were.
>Try to use my powers for something simple and work from there.
>Now, where you come in is I need someone to act as both conduit and beacon for my power.
>With your help, and the materials Yuppers gathered for me, I should be able to interact more directly than through this console.
>Albeit with a few strings attached for me.
>Anyways, once Yuppers brings you the items, you're going to need to pick a place where you can be calm and relax.
>Not strictly necessary, but not being calm during the process tends to cause headaches.

You keep up a conversation with the enigmatic group of ZACKS, as well as keeping track of the Chatlog.
[Image: 7LSYv8f.png]

Privatelog (Zack)Show

"You know," Tipsy says, "Sometimes you get so excited while you're type-speaking that I can hear your privatelogs."

You gasp. "Bullhock! I'm super quiet."

She raises her brow, laughing. "You are many great things, but I don't think quiet is a... consistent one."


After a few moments of quiet, she flicks the pair of sunglasses open, holding them briefly to her face, then dropping it down. "...don't people know we don't have ears."

You burst out in a sudden couple of laughs. It's been a weird day. The dumbest stuff is funny.

"Hey," you say, "after Yuptam gets here with that stuff, Cool Zack wants me to use it to, uh... do something to channel his power, I guess? So I'm gonna go to someplace nice and quiet to do that. He said, um... calm's a good thing."

Tipsy considers this for a moment. "Okay, noted, you can run along. Who says Cool Zack's a dude, anyway?"

You shrug. "I guess 'cus they're all named Zack. But that was just one person who named 'em Zack, so... they could be anything, I guess."

"I've been thinking about it, and truthfully, Zack is a pretty dorky name."

"Is not," you insist. "It's the least dorkiest of all the... names in its dorky category!"

"That's what you said about Gary, and Clyde before that." She gives you a bit of a look. "Maybe it's time to tell the Zacks to pick new names for each and every one of themselves, like sane, rational people."

"If they want to make themselves more enigmatic," says Yuptam from behind her, "they are perfectly free. But my brain is gumptioned enough without constant name changes. At least now we have a collective term."

[Image: n6PW0ZW.png]

There he is, carrying that LOW-RES BACKPACK SPRITE. Wow!!

"Hello again," Tipsy states.

"I brought you the chalk-wax-string combo, Geneviève. Cool Zack has drained me dry with this menagerie." He hoists the backpack up for a moment with one hand. It is effortless for him. He is still the nineteenth strongest, you can tell.

You grin and nod, approaching. "Alright! Thank you, Yuptam." The pack rattles with, decidedly, a load more shit than just chalk and wax and string. It also weighs at least half as much as you, and as he hands it to you, you hoist with immense trouble, and a noticable lean.

Yuptam simply says, "Good morning," and in a moment, is on his way back to his domain.

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-12-2017

(11-11-2017, 02:17 PM)Angustine Wrote: »Shellgowrath
> Cool Cat Zack is currently performing a ritual of invocation and involvement with Lady Geneviève, please call him later
> Yuptam would you kindly stop acting in such a childish manner about the materials I have requested?
> You are a strong and independent young man but you are acting like a fool
> Numbers I am not looking at you since you are my most favored inhabitant and I respect your privacy
> Everyone would you kindly inform me the colors of your bodies?

Privately conversed with Gene
> This is slightly infuriating
> Such fact definitely pleases you
> My Cool brother has surpassed me and will definitely surpass me further by being the first to directly interact with the world
> He seems to have prematurely evolved from the stage of infancy
> I gave Tipsy a headache but that was definitely unrelated to my attempts at breaking into the world
> Any ritual I made would probably be interrupted with vehemence by you and Tipsy
> But it has been spoken that copying is the best form of flattery or a variation of such sayings

A private little chat with Levyyts
> The Cool Cat is Cool Zack
> How Will I use the program of sounds and what Will it do?
> IA is my father and I politely request that you don't insult him in any way, shape or form
> Are You planning on creating more programs, and if so what would they do?
> I thank you from the bottom of my bottomless heart for making a program for me

After a long wait, your INPUT AGGREGATOR gets to work on 3 separate screens once again.
[Image: BduNraU.png]

Privatelog (cripesalmighty)Show

Privatelog (Levyyts)Show

All the while...

[Image: 1PdUZFf.png]

"Alright," you announce, "time to head out. Good luck with this thing!"

Tipsy leans on the NEED DISPENSER. "I might recruit some more help, if your little adventure takes too long. Thinking about being able to combine objects like the Heroes used to gives me the ol' heroshit craving again."

It's hard not to grin. "Glad I got you back in the game, Tipsy."

"Glad you got me back in the game, Gene." She chuckles.

With that, you're off.

[Image: TSWnMoz.png]

[Image: 4qN3ML3.png]

[Image: n28tgQ1.png]

[Image: I1qZ3CM.png]

You knock on the door. A lot. Loudly. It's soundproofed, and the extremely soft-spoken Carapacian on the other side will need all the help he can get.

[Image: YqwAL91.png]

"Ms. Mâché?" he asks faintly. "By happenstance, is that you?"

"Heya," you reply, "yep, it's me. Could I come in, a-ah-- um-- umh-- uhh--"






RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Vic - 11-12-2017

> Remember Hunk Chudfest's name
> Spank A. Hemmingway, the young

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-12-2017

(11-12-2017, 04:55 AM)Vic Wrote: »Gene
> Remember Hunk Chudfest's name
> Spank A. Hemmingway, the young

(11-12-2017, 02:47 AM)Angustine Wrote: »Hunkson Dinkle

That's right.

Of course.

At least some of it is right, anyway. A good portion. You feel lewd just saying this guy's name, Dinkalsen Spank, one of the youngest and most prolific musicians of Prospit. Youngest, though as with all of your FRIENDS, you are all on equal AGE LEVELS at this point. Still, few achieved as much as him.
[Image: YnhWKW7.png]

God you have been missing that validating, wholesome mandatory thumbs-up. You're kind of sad you didn't get one from Mulligan before, and briefly consider asking him to give it to you as a consolation prize.

D-S, which is actually even lewder than Spank written on paper, was a musician, yes-- but not purely from training, but also due to his incredibly keen sense of pitch and sound, with sensitive eardrums that many of the Prospitian medical mans said would burst at anything particularly loud, which a normal Carapacian could easily listen to without problems. So amidst creating and composing, he hid himself in a soundproofed room much like this one, and eventually to cope with the loneliness of isolation, he turned to other forms of feeling.

"Could I come in, D-S?"


You enter.

[Image: JuGY4YR.png]

His incredibly frail form rests sitting atop a throne of beer bottles, which are all obviously full. You have always wondered over his radical personality shifts while intoxicated. He really is the most passive sedate person you've ever met while drunk. Other people say it's horrific, but you don't really mind it-- he's certainly less impulsive, less frustrating, less... Spank.

"What is this all about...?" he asks slowly.

"Some kinda thing that Cool Zack is trying to get us help with, I think. He needs some special shit, and I brought it." You set the backpack down slowly, and begin rummaging through.

Spank lets out a soft breath. "I like that Zack."

"Yeah," you agree.

God there's so much completely useless low-res shit in this backpack. You spend a full minute picking out bits of glitter and scrap metal and candy before you extract the necessary components for your 'ritual'.

[Image: NpdSzx5.png]
Privatelog (Zack)Show

"Why here, again?" Dinkalsen asks.

"Because it's calm, and he said I should be calm," you reply, glancing over the items inquisitively. "This is the quietest place in the compound, y'know?"

He weakly shrugs. "I don't go much other places to know, Ms. Mâché."

"Well, nobody else soundproofs their room. I guess they get used to yell-arguments more often. And I guess ya don't have quite as many yellgruments over on this side."

"I don't get out much to know."

You glance back. "You feeling OK, Dinkal?"

Dinkalsen squints for a moment, and lazily tilts his head back to the pile, away from you. "It's too bright."

[Image: O31Jntr.gif]


"This is better," he muses.

[Image: zNofANi.png]

It kinda is? You're uncertain.

Regardless, there's only one thing to do now-- and that's wait for FURTHER INSTRUCTION.

RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-12-2017

[Image: zbxZ872.png]

The NARRATOR whispers to you and asks you politely to pretend that the candle was a pile of string all along.

Wow what a complete failure of a person!!