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Swamped - Printable Version

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RE: Swamped - Dragon Fogel - 05-20-2017

You decide to chase down the lizard-worm. Crosswinds probably isn't seriously injured, if that armor is worth anything. And if you don't catch it, well, it'll give someone an unpleasant surprise once its head grows back.

You press forward as fast as you can. Soon the lizard-worm is in sight, but it seems agitated.

Odd. You wouldn't have expected crows to be among their predators. Perhaps it just panicked because the sound wasn't familiar.

Regardless, without its eyes, it's not hard for you to catch up. You grab it by the end of the tail, but it doesn't do you much good; you're more likely to be dragged along with it rather than be able to lead it anywhere. Still, at least you won't lose track of it now.

Maybe if you can calm it down and get in front of it, you can lead it with your tail again. But how do you even calm a headless lizard-worm? You don't know much about dealing with them; your team tended to just avoid their territory entirely.

With your free hand, you check the compass. You seem to have gotten off course a bit. More worryingly, it looks like you only have a few minutes before the gateway opens. Whatever you're going to do, you'll have to do it fast if you don't want to be stuck in this stupid swamp.

RE: Swamped - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 05-20-2017

fuck it! once you're out of here, the worm, the pigs, the what the fuck ever are NOT YOUR PROBLEM

RE: Swamped - thriggle - 05-20-2017

Shove a sleepy time swamp leaf down the gullet of its head stump, maybe that'll make it more docile and suggestible. If you lost track of yours, maybe Crosswinds has 'em.

RE: Swamped - Tuesbirdy - 05-20-2017

You literally don't have time for this

RE: Swamped - Dragon Fogel - 05-21-2017

You haven't got time to mess around. This is your chance to get home. It takes two weeks for a lizard-worm to regrow enough of its head to actually eat anything, Crosswinds is likely to be able to catch the damn thing before then.

Still, you do have one idea. It seems Crosswinds took most of the swampleaves out of your pockets when questioning you earlier, but they seem to have overlooked the two mystery ones. Perhaps these have some of the sleep chemical in them.

It seems worth a chance. At the least you can probably find out what the leaf does. Maybe you'll even have time to tell Keeper about it.

But the lizard-worm's still flailing. You grab on with your other hand, and attempt to climb onto its back. It's a good thing your claws are made for gripping, because its scales are thick, and it's rather slippery with all the water it's been crawling through.

When you reach what's left of its "neck", you toss one of the leaves down the throat. You hope this is the right move.

There's not much you can do now except wait to see if there are any effects.

RE: Swamped - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 05-21-2017


RE: Swamped - Tuesbirdy - 05-21-2017

oh my goodness these shenanigans have to stop

RE: Swamped - thriggle - 05-21-2017

Is it growing a new head?! Cripes!

RE: Swamped - Dragon Fogel - 05-22-2017

You don't see anything happening right away, and decide that's enough time spent on this. You're getting to the gateway now.

But as you get off the lizard-worm, it seems to slow down. And it seems to be getting a little longer... no, quite a big longer, actually.

You estimate that it's just had about two days of regrowth in less than a minute. Could the leaf have accelerated its natural healing cycle?

The growth spurt seems to have stopped after that, though. That's fortunate. Even better, it seems to have calmed down. Whether that's due to the leaf or the regrowth, you can't be sure.

Regardless, you manage to get it following you again. It should definitely be under observation for a few days, whether that's bringing it back to the desert or handing it over to someone here to take care of.

Soon enough, you make it to the gateway, the worm still following you. You quickly write a note about the leaf to hand off to Keeper. You plan on staying under here until the compass shows the gateway opening, so there's less chance someone will capture you.

It's almost time. All you have to do is wait.

You glance at your notebook. Is there anyone else here you want to leave a note for? This is going to be your last chance, and you've got nothing else to do except keep an eye on this mostly-headless lizard-worm. Might as well make sure you don't have any regrets when you leave.

RE: Swamped - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 05-22-2017

the one who played the piano

RE: Swamped - Mirdini - 05-22-2017

Rivers was pretty helpful

RE: Swamped - Tuesbirdy - 05-22-2017

(05-22-2017, 12:48 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »the one who played the piano

RE: Swamped - Zephyr Nepres - 05-22-2017

(05-22-2017, 08:59 AM)Tuesday Wrote: »
(05-22-2017, 12:48 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »the one who played the piano

I know there already kinda was a goodbye but for real this is the one ship that needs to sail.

Oh also tell Keeper about the leaves' effect.

RE: Swamped - thriggle - 05-22-2017

Should proooobably leave an apology for Crosswinds too.

RE: Swamped - Dragon Fogel - 05-23-2017

Obviously, you have some kind words for Strings.

Thanks for a good time. I'll remember you next time I get a chance to play piano.

Hope things get sorted out for you soon. If I ever find myself back in this damned swamp somehow, I'll be sure to look you up.

You also feel like you've given Crosswinds a rough time, and you don't want to just leave that unresolved.

Sorry I couldn't keep myself still. But then, I doubt you're the sort who likes being stuck in one place, so you probably understand where I'm coming from.

I probably won't get a chance to make it up to you directly. Best I can do is help Rider out with his business. Good luck, I know I couldn't stand being in this swamp as long as you have.

And finally, Rivers gave you some help, reluctant as it was. She might have to answer some question about why you're giving her a note even if they won't read its contents, but you're confident she can bluff her way through that.

You keep it vague, just to be safe.

Thanks for your help. We probably won't meet again, but I'm glad I could count on you when I needed it.

That's all you can think of for the moment. You briefly contemplate leaving Razor a note that just says "FUCK YOU", but then decide you might have better uses for the paper.

You fold up the papers with the names of the recipients on the outside. You haven't worked out the details of delivery, but as long as they're not in range of the gateway there shouldn't be a problem.

With that done, you make a hole so you can look around and hear better. As you do, you hear a lot of footsteps. It sounds like about five or six sets.

Either Rider's bringing reinforcements, or you're going to have a crowd to deal with. You got the impression he wasn't the sort who wanted to involve anyone else in his messes, though.

So what do you do now?

RE: Swamped - Tuesbirdy - 05-23-2017

Evade evade evade

RE: Swamped - AgentBlue - 05-24-2017

Roll over

RE: Swamped - Dragon Fogel - 05-24-2017

You've got a little time. You decide to stay out of the way. If the compass starts acting up, you can just rush out and warn whoever's coming.

You listen very carefully as the footsteps converge. Well, this sounds like trouble.

You hear Rider. He's warning everyone else about the gateway.

That sounds like your cue. You might be all right staying under here, but you'd rather play it safe. Besides, you have to get your notes out.

The lizard-worm's starting to flail a bit. It doesn't seem frightened, but it seems disoriented. Maybe this is the gateway starting to open?

Well, you don't have time for regrets. You just pull yourself out, grabbing the worm's tail.

"You want to give me a hand?" you ask Rider. "I figure it'll be better if we take this thing out of the floor when we go back."

You glance at the assembled group as Rider pulls the lizard-worm out. You recognize Rivers, and that kid from the laundry cart. You also recognize the woman with the claws. And... you're not sure if you saw the last one. Maybe you caught a glimpse of him once or twice.

The clawed woman is some distance back. You tear Rivers' note out, since she's right here, then toss the whole book at the clawed woman. You've got more notebooks back at camp.

"Got some notes there to give people," you say. "Since I'm not planning on coming back here. No offense, but this whole place stinks."

She doesn't seem to know how to respond. She seems to settle on just running off before the gateway hits.

"So what's with the crowd here?" you ask Rider, as he lifts the lizard-worm out. You can tell he's taken aback by the regrowth, but you can explain that later.

"I drew more attention than I was hoping," Rider sighs. "I've already warned them, so anyone who gets too close has only themselves to blame."

Well. This is it. You're heading home, at last, after what feels like the longest day in your life.

Not that you're clear on just who's coming with you.


RE: Swamped - thriggle - 05-24-2017

Hmm... Howsabout Shrike?

RE: Swamped - Mirdini - 05-24-2017

Marshall (with a mask), obviously.

Corvus is going so Mudviper gets the council seat rather than him, even if he hasn't managed to resolve the Starling and Jackson conversation dilemma.

Rivers considers following Corvus, but decides to stay (mostly because of Starling).

Starling plunges into the room and drags Rivers into the gateway with her at the last minute anyway (thankfully they both have masks with them).

RE: Swamped - Dragon Fogel - 05-25-2017

You're now Marshall.

You've been through a lot since last night. Thrown in a cell, questioned several times, and then there's the whole business of your escape.

This whole time, you've been aching to have your questions answered, and you've only now started to scratch the surface of them.

And the man who knows more about this whole mess than anyone is about to disappear before your eyes.

You can't accept that. You step closer.

"I'm coming, too."

Rider doesn't object. He doesn't even seem surprised.

"Now hold on a second."

You're Corvus now, and you feel a need to make a show of things.

"Marshall's still a prisoner here, and we can't just have prisoners running off, even with Council members," you continue. "Somebody's got to make sure you get brought back to base safe and sound when this whole mess is over with."

You step forward, smirking.

Of course, Rider doesn't let you off easy.

"Corvus, what kind of reckless example is that to set for your squad?" he asks.

"The same kind of reckless example a Council member is setting for me, I suppose." You glance back at Rivers. "Of course, I bet Rivers has more sense than I do."

"You're all mad," she yells back. "Do what you want, I'm not getting involved."

You're now Shrike, and you've got a problem.

You were taking care of things at the menagerie when Starling burst in. When she saw you, she ran off suddenly. You don't know what's gotten into her, but you're pretty sure that having her run around in a panic won't do any good.

Unfortunately, she got a good headstart on you and you've lost track of... wait, you think you see someone. You rush over.

It's Claws.

"What's your hurry, Shrike?" she asks. She seems really annoyed.

"Starling seemed upset. I'm trying to figure out what's going on."

"Well, don't go down that hallway," Claws says. "That's an order."

So of course, right at that moment, Starling suddenly rushes past you and runs down that exact hallway before you can react.

"I suppose that order applies to her, too?"

Claws just groans in response.

You're now Marshall again and, who's that running this way? You don't think you've seen her before.

She runs over to Corvus and stops suddenly.

"Boss, I've got something really important to tell you..."

"No! Look, we don't have time for this," Rivers says. She marches forward and grabs the other girl by the arm. "We need to get away from here now, or we'll..."

All of a sudden, you feel very dizzy.

You're now Shrike.

You pulled away from Claws and just saw five people, a grebling, and a mostly-headless lizard-worm disappear before your very eyes.

For just the briefest of moments, though, you saw where they went to. There was a vast expanse of sand, broken up only by a tall stone pillar.

No, you didn't just see it. You felt it. You were there, but only for a moment. You can even still feel the intense heat.

And you think you're starting to feel a little sick.

RE: Swamped - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 05-25-2017

pass out

RE: Swamped - thriggle - 05-25-2017

Better record your observations while they're still fresh in your memory.

RE: Swamped - Tuesbirdy - 05-25-2017

(05-25-2017, 02:51 AM)thriggle Wrote: »Better record your observations while they're still fresh in your memory.

RE: Swamped - Zephyr Nepres - 05-25-2017

Shrike and Marshall for sure.