Eagle Time
Man-man - Printable Version

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Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-24-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

Get drunk and forget what you came here to do. Start a barfight.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-24-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Edo Nagori.

> Infer the polite looking questionable man then. He seems like he could be a good lead to scarfoot.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-25-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by SquirrelPants.

>Ask for a spot of whisky on the rocks, and slowly swish it around as you search the place for someone to interrogate.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-25-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Oven.

>Go to the men's bathroom and convince the guy at the urinal to tell you everything with your monocle's hidden dapper beam, surely he cannot refuse you after you bestow upon him the gift of Dapperness

Re: Man-man - Woffles - 06-25-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.

Drop your monocle on purpose. If Scarfoot's name is any indication, you'd find out who he is rather quickly under the table.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-25-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Supernerd.

Sit down somewhere and order some food. While eating try to strike up a conversation and constantly hit the guy next to you on the head with your cane, while telling him that you cannot hear him and that he will have to speak up while doing so.

Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Go talk to that questionable fellow.

[Image: mm70.png]

"I say, good chap, would you care to answer a few of my questions?"

"Maybe. Maybe not."

[Image: mm71.png]

"A gentleman's battle it is, then."

"Looks like."

[Image: mm72.png]

"Are you acquainted with a Scarfoot, by any chance?"

"I might be. Depends on who's asking."

[Image: mm73.png]

"That doesn't matter. Tell me where he is."

"He's--I mean, I don't know."

[Image: mm74.png]

"Oh, I think you do know. Why don't you tell me?"

"He's somewhere in the industrial district, OK? He uses one of the car factories as a front for his organization."

[Image: mm75.png]

"What kinds of defenses does he have?"

"Hired thugs or something. How should I know?"

[Image: mm76.png]

"Thank you for your time, old bean."

Time to meet back up with MAN-MAN and tell him this new intel.

[Image: mm77.png]

You are once again MAN-MAN, and after having spent a very enjoyable afternoon giving COOL CHICK a tour around the city of TORONADA, you're ready to get back to hero work.

"So what's the scoop, Dapper Fellow?"

"The next villain you'll be fighting is a mobster by the name of Scarfoot. He uses a car factory in the industrial district as a cover for his operations. Expect hired thugs."

"Wait, you fight mobsters? You said you didn't do anything interesting."

"Say, who's your ladyfriend?"

"Oh, this is Cool Chick. She's new in town."

[Image: mm78.png]

"Oh ho, Man-man, you sly dog."

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Can we get back to the mobsters?"

[Image: mm79.png]

"Ahem...Scarfoot, industrial district, car factory, hired thugs. Got all that?

"Yep, I'm good. I'll be back when I kick Scarfoot's ass."

"Now now, Man-man, that is not the kind of speech to be using in front of a lady!"

"Man, you and your old-fashioned values."

[Image: mm80.png]

You are now in the INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, looking for the CAR FACTORY that SCARFOOT is using as a base of operations. COOL CHICK has insisted on tagging along. One of the factories appears to have ARMED GUARDS near the doorway.

"Oh, that reminds me...did you know that most of Toronada's profit comes from the automobile industry?"

"You don't say."



Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

> Have the woman walk past the guards to distract them, then steal a gun from them.
or if the guards are woman
> Your doomed.

Re: Man-man - Dragon Fogel - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Those guards are clearly honest citizens hired on as security. Check one of the other factories.

Re: Man-man - Not The Author - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

Maybe one of those two hired-thug-looking guys can give you directions.

...Wait a second.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

Send the chick in there as a distraction.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Supernerd.

NO! Sending a girl to do your job is one of the most un-manly things you can ever do!

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.


Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Protractor Ninja.

Imagine one of those kickin' rad car signs on the factory wall falling off and crushing the guards.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by SonicLover.

>Don't assume anything just yet. Talk to one of the guards.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Supernerd.

Point taken. We cannot assume that the guards are straight or that the chick would make a decent distraction anyway!

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Edo Nagori.

>Show off to Cool Chick by kicking the gaurds asses! Or use your man powers of deception.

Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 06-26-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Show off to COOL CHICK by kicking the guards' asses!

[Image: mm81.png]

"Here, watch this."

> Send the chick in there as a distraction.

"Wait, I have an idea. Follow my lead."

[Image: mm82.png]

"Excuse me, boys? I seem to be totally lost. Could one of you point me to the nearest bus station?"

"Heh, certainly, sweetheart. But why leave so soon? Why don't you come on back to--"

[Image: mm83.png]

[Image: mm84.png]

[Image: mm85.png]

"This day just gets better and better."

"You'll be happy to know I'm no longer planning to stop you from coming inside with me for your own safety."


Re: Man-man - Not The Author - 06-27-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

Take their guns.

What? No, of course I don't mean shoot people with them! They're good bludgeoning tools is all.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-27-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Supernerd.

Those aren't guns! Those are glasses!

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-27-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Gimeurcookie.

Supernerd Wrote:Those aren't guns! Those are glasses!

Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 06-27-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

Gimeurcookie Wrote:
Supernerd Wrote:Those aren't guns! Those are glasses!
Ffffff, neither can I. I'll have to redesign those in the future.


Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-27-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by GuAndrade.

Take their glasses.

Re: Man-man - Woffles - 06-27-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Wojjan.

> Kick the doors down. Simultaneously.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 06-27-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Edo Nagori.

Wojjan Wrote:> Kick the doors down. Simultaneously.