RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Vic - 11-07-2017
> Game
> Orders
> Delete all prior orders
(If I am understanding this correctly, this should allow us to fix Tars by canceling whatever order made them want to murder everyone??)
> Cheer the halberd wielder on
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Lordlyhour - 11-07-2017
>That Independence?
>Super Vetoed, Times Twenty
>With Topping Cherry
>We Don't Need A Guy
>With A Self Claimed God Complex
>Causing Headaches, Thanks
>But While We Are Here
>Each Chirality
>And Then It's Time To
>Turn Compulsive Orders Off
>A Recurring Theme
I Checked The Command
Four Full Times. So Help Me God,
If This Doesn't Work
I Will Flip My Shit
Fly Right Off The Handle
And Throw A Tantrum
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-08-2017
(11-07-2017, 04:41 PM)Vic Wrote: »Zack
> Game
> Orders
> Delete all prior orders
(If I am understanding this correctly, this should allow us to fix Tars by canceling whatever order made them want to murder everyone??)
(11-07-2017, 04:53 PM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>That Independence?
>Super Vetoed, Times Twenty
>With Topping Cherry
>We Don't Need A Guy
>With A Self Claimed God Complex
>Causing Headaches, Thanks
>But While We Are Here
>Each Chirality
>And Then It's Time To
>Turn Compulsive Orders Off
>A Recurring Theme
I Checked The Command
Four Full Times. So Help Me God,
If This Doesn't Work
I Will Flip My Shit
Fly Right Off The Handle
And Throw A Tantrum
(11-07-2017, 06:14 PM)Angustine Wrote: »Shellgowrath
Change the name Zack to Shellgowrath
My little aggregator shall be given independence regardless of your protests and your vetoing is ignored for eternity
I will also look carefully at Tars orders and see if i can edit them to turn him into a mindless drone with compulsive orders staying on
Shellgowrath chat
> When i stated that we have the power to control minds I wasn't telling a lie
> Tipsy Pendragon's memories alongside Gene's are currently being searched, modified and scavenged for the hopeful piece of black colored mail and useful details
> Now Numbers don't you break a sweat on that white carapace of yours
> I will respect your privacy and keep your mind in peace
> I will change lukewarm to evaporated boiling water composed of feelings
Show Content
Shellgowrath: When I stated that we have the power to control minds I wasn't telling a lie
Hunk Chudfest: ohh hey tis red now :))
Crast Pactian: you certainly have the ability with compulsive orders.
Crast Pactian: one would simply hope that’s not what you’re planning to do.
Shellgowrath: Tipsy Pendragon's memories alongside Gene's are currently being searched, modified and scavenged for the hopeful piece of black colored mail and useful details
tiptopGipgop: Somehow he got my name, too. That’s wonderful. By wonderful, I mean not wonderful.
cripesalmighty: How do you know I’m having a FLASHBACK SEQUENCE???? That’s absolutely RIDICULOUS please tone your bullshit down.
1234567890: 0h 0k 90ur3 h4v1n6 4 f145h84ck 53qu3nc3 480u7 74r5 m0558ur6
Shellgowrath: Now Numbers don't you break a sweat on that white carapace of yours
1234567890: 1m fr0m d3r53!
1234567890: 11k3 4 814ck d3r5173 15 wh47 1 4m
1234567890: 1 w0rk3d 45 7h3 kn1ck kn4ck f1nd3r
Shellgowrath: I will respect your privacy and keep your mind in peace
1234567890: w311 7h4nk 90u
cripesalmighty: You should definitely do the same for everyone! Including me and my mind and my flashback sequence.
Shellgowrath: I will change lukewarm to evaporated boiling water composed of feelings
YUPPERS: on occasion, your PHRASES escape my MIND FILTER
Zack: I Checked The Command
Zack: Four Full Times. So Help Me God,
Zack: If This Doesn't Work
Zack: I Will Flip My Shit
Zack: Fly Right Off The Handle
Zack: And Throw A Tantrum
tiptopGipgop: We believe in you.
Zack: Delete all prior orders
tiptopGipgop: Wrong one. Wrong one. Almost.
godzack: hol on its me god complex zack comin to say wow weve had our compulsive orders on this whole time sayin all kindsa dumb stuff to command tars to do
godzack: now i got free reign a lil bit thanks to violent zakk and im thinkin that maybe we can do better n that
godzack: and also maybe better than--
godzack: one sec haiku zack compelled me to do a thing
godzack has ceased all RED TEAM actions.
godzack has ceased all BLUE TEAM actions.
godzack has ceased all GREEN TEAM actions.
godzack has ceased all YELLOW TEAM actions.
godzack: next on the order a business (which for you is all takin place in one instant lmao)
godzack: i wanna put my lil god plant into this world
godzack: so i’m jus gonna swap compulsive orders on for a “sec” just to make a couple orders for my guy tars
godzack: here goes
godzack: Tars Mossburg, A.K.A. Mulligan McKenzie. Periodically, I will message you a PASSWORD as well as giving you an order, and delete the message immediately afterwards. You will ignore all orders unless sourced by me with my password, which you must never disclose. You will follow my orders as if they are compulsive, even if compulsive orders are turned off. You will, unless compulsed to do something by me, act completely normally. This action cannot be CEASED. This order is permanent.
godzack: turnin it back now ;)
godzack: no more compulsive orders folks thats the deal
godzack: that means you violent boy, lets keep it cool here
tiptopGipgop: Shit.
tiptopGipgop: Shit shit shit. This is bad.
tiptopGipgop: This is very, very bad.
Crast Pactian: i suppose that is not the worst thing god zack could have done with that power, though i am not fond of the moniker god zack.
tiptopGipgop: It feels like we’re entering bedlam where one of these Zacks is going to make stuff horrible again out of the blue. Please, somebody, at the very least, keep compulsive orders off.
EXA: greedyyy
cripesalmighty: uh
cripesalmighty: UH
cripesalmighty: Guys, um
cripesalmighty: I have absolutely no clue what just happened or for what reason but...
cripesalmighty: Tars is talking.
Compulsive Orders are now OFF. Chirality is now |.
Due to your proficiency using the VIEWFINDER, you may preface each of your messages with a username of your choice, to differentiate between different Zacks.
(11-07-2017, 04:41 PM)Vic Wrote: »Gene
> Cheer the halberd wielder on
He leaps at the gate, and you can't control yourself. You beam and cheer him on, and the tall Prospitian guard begins dicing the everliving shit out of that metal blocker.
His movements are a flurry, and the weak Dersite steel crumbles. After only a minute of thwacking, he takes a breath, laughing and panting-- while you and Tipsy stare in awe. Is this what a Prospitian is supposed to do? Is this even legal?? Obviously not. But you ask.
"Is this legal? Or, um... or moral? The fact that you're coming over here and breaking shit?"
The man shrugs, chuckling. "I've no clue how this could be construed as legal, but it's rather unassuming, and suppose it's for a good cause. Always wanted to try on some of that hero gear, anyhow, and all of the garb on Prospit is not, ah... non-fitting."
"Because your heroes aren't bipedal," Tipsy notes. "That's kind of dumb. Why would they sell stuff to Carapacians that we can't even wear?"
"The novelty?" he guesses. "Ah, bah, no clue, eheh."
You step forth slowly. " we're just gonna nab stuff and pay?"
The Prospitian stands up. "Sure. We're all in this together, this point."
"Thanks, I guess?" Tipsy manages, still thoroughly boggled. "I don't think we were really going to get it down on our own, so... yeah."
"Don't be down on yourselves!" he exclaims, grinning. "But yes, probably not, you lack a halberd." In a moment, with all of his armor clanking and shaking and his imposing form hanging over the both of you, there's no reason to fear a thing, and as he offers a hand forth, it's welcoming, like an old friend you'd never had. "Sir Mulligan McKenzie," he says happily, "if you ever need somebody to axe down another gate."
"The need comes up often," says Tipsy. "Do we just... look you up in the Golden Pages, whatever the Prospit phonebook is?"
"It's just the yellow pages," he replies. "That's a universal sort of thing."
You move to shake his hand, and he grabs it firmly-- a little too firmly, but it's a short shake regardless. "We're, um-- I'm Gene, and this is Tipsy."
"Tipsy? You don't seem drunk!"
She groans.
You glance at him, his thinness, his weakness behind bars.
"Gene, is that you?"
"Gene... what... is happening?"
A friend lost for months at a time; a friend regained in a most troubling time.
What do you say?
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Vic - 11-08-2017
> Most of us seem to have no desire to turn on compulsive orders
> GodZack is in the minority
> How is Tars doing?
> Did it work?
> Has their sanity been restored?
> Ask Mulligan if they are okay
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - AScWCC - 11-08-2017
> Quiet Zack: I think Input Aggregator is bullshitting with what they said to Tars. Before, whatever Zack it was never told you guys to stop "CLEARing ALL ORDERS" when we turned compulsive on/off the first time, and you still stopped having to follow that order, right? So it stands to reason that orders don't carry over when we turn off compulsive. Tell me I'm not missing something here - is that how it works in your game?
> Quiet Zack: Also hi, new Zack here, nice to meet y'all.
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Arcanuse - 11-08-2017
>Oh, good to see Tars back.
>Oh um. Project I'm takin a break from was supposed to auto-switch our usernames and lock out orders if anything screwy started to happen.
>Turns out its mighty difficult to track all the current zacks separately and account for future ones at the same time.
>I'll think of something eventually, I'm sure.
>Next question was... About us Zack's input situation.
>We all share the same computer/monitor and have our own keyboards. Sort of a unspoken rule here to let everyone have their turn or else it devolves into incoherent messages and junk orders.
>As for what I look like, pretty much just a floating eye.
>No, I don't know how I'm typing either.
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Lordlyhour - 11-08-2017
>Yo, Hey You Know What
>Dear Input Aggregator
>Go Aggregate This
>Go Give Tars Mossberg
>An Order Through Your System
>Passwords Included
>To Ignore Any
>Orders From You In Future
>Order Only This
>Don't Be A Smartass
>And Give Seperate Orders First
>Or I Will Be Cross
Oh For The Love Of--
Would You Please Not Suborn Us
It's Already Hard
To Fix The Whole Mess
Without Two of Us Trying
To Make It All Worse
I Suggest Instead
Of Calling Him God Zack We
Call Him Complex Zack
Because He Clearly
Possesses A God Complex
And A Lack Of Sense
/* Yo Incidently
It Might Just Be An idea
To Have Someone Who
Can Communicate
In A More Direct Manner
Than Speaking Haiku
Try To Mitigate
Complex Zack's Complex
Since By My Nature
I Can't Be Concise
If I Want To Cover
All of Our Bases */
>Gene: Shenanigans
>So Many Shenanigans
>And Idiot Zacks
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-08-2017
(11-08-2017, 03:16 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Yo, Hey You Know What
>Dear Input Aggregator
>Go Aggregate This
>Go Give Tars Mossberg
>An Order Through Your System
>Passwords Included
>To Ignore Any
>Orders From You In Future
>Order Only This
>Don't Be A Smartass
>And Give Seperate Orders First
>Or I Will Be Cross
Oh For The Love Of--
Would You Please Not Suborn Us
It's Already Hard
To Fix The Whole Mess
Without Two of Us Trying
To Make It All Worse
I Suggest Instead
Of Calling Him God Zack We
Call Him Complex Zack
Because He Clearly
Possesses A God Complex
And A Lack Of Sense
(11-08-2017, 02:49 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »CoolZack
>Oh, good to see Tars back.
>Oh um. Project I'm takin a break from was supposed to auto-switch our usernames and lock out orders if anything screwy started to happen.
>Turns out its mighty difficult to track all the current zacks separately and account for future ones at the same time.
>I'll think of something eventually, I'm sure.
>Next question was... About us Zack's input situation.
>We all share the same computer/monitor and have our own keyboards. Sort of a unspoken rule here to let everyone have their turn or else it devolves into incoherent messages and junk orders.
>As for what I look like, pretty much just a floating eye.
>No, I don't know how I'm typing either.
(11-08-2017, 02:39 AM)Angustine Wrote: »Shellgowrath
> Tipsy Pendragon I know your name because I read it while reading your memories
> Lady Gene your back flashing was made by me,myself and I
> Because it is a wonderful way of reading memories and modifying them
> Tipsy pleading is useless
Tipsy Pendragon
> Have a nervous collapse from this nonsense and unintentionally cause yourself harm and pain
> Look at myself
> Produce a loud and audible howl
> Attempt to manifest into this simulated world and maybe corrupt tipsy
(11-08-2017, 02:02 AM)AScWCC Wrote: »> Quiet Zack: I think Input Aggregator is bullshitting with what they said to Tars. Before, whatever Zack it was never told you guys to stop "CLEARing ALL ORDERS" when we turned compulsive on/off the first time, and you still stopped having to follow that order, right? So it stands to reason that orders don't carry over when we turn off compulsive. Tell me I'm not missing something here - is that how it works in your game?
> Quiet Zack: Also hi, new Zack here, nice to meet y'all.
With that MONSTER of a QUOTE DECK above you, you decide to start typing. Then you look down at the image and notice that no fewer than 179 messages are missing off-screen. You ponder gently if they are all productive and useful uses of MESSAGE SPACE.
Show Content
ScatterbrainZack: Most of us seem to have no desire to turn on compulsive orders
ScatterbrainZack: GodZack is in the minority
tiptopGipgop: Hold on.
tiptopGipgop: That’s good news, but hold on a second.
tiptopGipgop: What do you mean, Cripes?
ScatterbrainZack: How is Tars doing?
ScatterbrainZack: Did it work?
ScatterbrainZack: Has their sanity been restored?
cripesalmighty: He’s
cripesalmighty: ...he’s alright. He’s talking fine. I’ll get back to you on it.
1234567890: 0h m9 60d 4r3 90u f0r r341
Quiet Zack: I think Input Aggregator is bullshitting with what they said to Tars. Before, whatever Zack it was never told you guys to stop "CLEARing ALL ORDERS" when we turned compulsive on/off the first time, and you still stopped having to follow that order, right? So it stands to reason that orders don't carry over when we turn off compulsive. Tell me I'm not missing something here - is that how it works in your game?
Quiet Zack: Also hi, new Zack here, nice to meet y'all.
Crast Pactian: it is good to meet you, quiet zack!
Crast Pactian: in addition, this news about tars is incredibly encouraging. i am certain we will see a large morale boost as a result.
tiptopGipgop: Good point, QZ. I don’t know what made it happen, but after compulsive orders were turned off, I didn’t feel compelled to do anything anymore. None of us did.
tiptopGipgop: Since we haven’t gotten to play around with compulsive actions being on or off yet, I’m willing to bet you’re right, but it also seems like the Zack with the god complex knows a tad more than most of us.
1234567890: 60d 24ck 533m5 11k3 7h3 79p3 0f 6u9 70 81uff 4 107
tiptopGipgop: So either it’s a mean-as-hell bluff or something we don’t understand yet.
tiptopGipgop: Maybe.
tiptopGipgop: I hope it’s a bluff.
Hunk Chudfest: i rrreaylyly like rquiet zacck,
Hunk Chudfest: onlyyone post fott pttype everythingh
Hunk Chudfest: not ta beeepty lodud chatwalll
EXA: it’s lame, bore rang
EXA: and five four not thre four
EXA: zzz zzz zzz
Hunk Chudfest: :((
1234567890: c4n 1 ju57 549
1234567890: 1n 73rm5 0f r471n6 411 7h3 24ck5
1234567890: 3x4, 90u h4v3 5h17 74573
1234567890: qu137 24ck 15 r34119 p13454n7 50 f4r
YUPPERS: not to turn VIOLENT on us
YUPPERS: as MANY have before.
CoolZack: Oh, good to see Tars back.
CoolZack: Oh um. Project I'm takin a break from was supposed to auto-switch our usernames and lock out orders if anything screwy started to happen.
CoolZack: Turns out its mighty difficult to track all the current zacks separately and account for future ones at the same time.
tiptopGipgop: I can imagine.
cripesalmighty: You seem to be doing a good job of it right now, with all those different names!!
CoolZack: I'll think of something eventually, I'm sure.
CoolZack: Next question was... About us Zack's input situation.
CoolZack: We all share the same computer/monitor and have our own keyboards. Sort of a unspoken rule here to let everyone have their turn or else it devolves into incoherent messages and junk orders.
1234567890: 50und5… … uh
1234567890: “fun”
CoolZack: As for what I look like, pretty much just a floating eye.
Hunk Chudfest: colool,
CoolZack: No, I don't know how I'm typing either.
cripesalmighty: Well, to tell the truth, we have no clue how we’re typing either when we’re wearing the headset!!
cripesalmighty: You kinda just will it onto a page that doesn’t exist and you see words that aren’t there in your mind-eye.
tiptopGipgop: There’s probably a perfectly reasonable explanation for it, but to us it is essentially magic.
EXA: programmer up up up above above above “Said”,
EXA: let’s just give emm some magi ears
EXA: whev, nobigdeal
EXA: ‘magic’ ‘programming magic’ ‘game mechanic’
Shelgowrath: Tipsy Pendragon I know your name because I read it while reading your memories
tiptopGipgop: You read my memories, too, huh.
Shelgowrath: Lady Gene your back flashing was made by me,myself and I
Shelgowrath: Because it is a wonderful way of reading memories and modifying them
cripesalmighty: Not even a chance in hell you modified them in the least!!
Shelgowrath: Tipsy pleading is useless
tiptopGipgop: I really can’t wait for you to get bored of this act and fuck off, because we’ve clearly got a lot of work to do, and you are incredibly contrary to most of it.
Crast Pactian: TG, please
Crast Pactian: some manners go a very long way, i’ll have you know
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Crast Pactian: oh dear
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Crast Pactian: hunk please, you may want to shut off your terminal for this
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Crast Pactian: or take out your earpiece
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
cripesalmighty: Cripes almighty.
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Shelgowrath: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Shelgowrath: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
godzack: ok hes gettin muted for a minute thats really hurtin my processors
godzack: what a fiesty fella eh
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Crast Pactian: please hunk stop yelling you are making it worse!
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest: AAaaAAaaAAaaAAaa
Hunk Chudfest: aaAAaaAAaaAAaaAA
Hunk Chudfest:….
Hunk Chudfest: aaaaaaa..aa….a…
Hunk Chudfest: a...aa….a...
Hunk Chudfest: aa.,
Hunk Chudfest: :(
tiptopGipgop: You can’t make me leave my terminal, VZ.
tiptopGipgop: But you certainly can make me take my earpiece out, because… wow.
tiptopGipgop: That’s the worst thing to ever happen in this chatlog.
tiptopGipgop: Including my old typing quirk.
cripesalmighty: That’s still arguable!!!
cripesalmighty: Cripes though that is one way to fuck up a chatlog for eons.
Levyyts: What
Levyyts: The hell
Levyyts: Are you all doing.
cripesalmighty: BULLSHITTERY
Zack: Oh For The Love Of--
Zack: Would You Please Not Suborn Us
Zack: It's Already Hard
1234567890: snrk, h41k00 24ck 541d h4rd 11k3 7h3 ph4111c 73rm
Zack: To Fix The Whole Mess
Zack: Without Two of Us Trying
Zack: To Make It All Worse
tiptopGipgop: I have a headache, and I agree wholeheartedly.
Zack: I Suggest Instead
Zack: Of Calling Him God Zack We
Zack: Call Him Complex Zack
Zack: Because He Clearly
Zack: Possesses A God Complex
Zack: And A Lack Of Sense
Crast Pactian: while i am inclined to agree, having letter names with a 4-3 or 3-4 or 4-4 or 3-3 symmetry are very, er, happy-making for EXA
Crast Pactian: which, on second thought, is perhaps precisely what we should do when it comes to influencing her perspective on all of these zacks.
EXA: god zack is delish
EXA: nnn so’s cool zack
tiptopGipgop: Let’s make it Complex Zack and Violent Zack, two utterly non-pleasing names, for Exa to gawk at and hate.
Hunk Chudfest: rtheyree the dowrstst :(
godzack: mm
godzack: poem boys tryinna take away my little foothold on this here planescape,
godzack: n get rid of my ace in the hole Tars minionship ;(
tiptopGipgop: Good. Poem Zack, thank you VERY much.
godzack: im doin it for your own good yknow
godzack: youre gonna need a pawn who no zack can take away
godzack: when its a battleground and all you got is tard mossbrag who can kill all 9 to save ur butts
godzack: its for the greater good and you better know it cus i know some of you zacks got brains when all i got is a dumb processor chip eheh
godzack: im doin you a favor
godzack: how about a middle ground poem boy
godzack: i gotta follow your order
godzack: but mebbe i give some lucky zack the password mmf
cripesalmighty: Tars says he would rather die than have any more orders so PLEASE NO.
godzack: i know youll make the right choice ;)
After reading the largest ever ORDERLOG in its entirety, you discover that no, no, a lot of those messages were a waste of goddamn time.
Compulsive orders are OFF. Chirality is |.
(11-08-2017, 12:54 AM)Vic Wrote: »Gene
> Ask Mulligan if they are okay
(11-08-2017, 02:39 AM)Angustine Wrote: »Gene
> Stutter since you can't seem to form any coherent thoughts!
(11-08-2017, 03:16 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Gene: Shenanigans
>So Many Shenanigans
>And Idiot Zacks
You look into Mulligan's eyes weakly, step forward to be nearer to him, and after a moment, compose yourself. Of course you can form coherent thoughts. Thoughts are rushing by at a speed incomprehensible-- the trouble is picking just one out.
"Are you alright?"
He stammers with clear pain, "I'm... terribly... hungry. Suppose th-that much is clear."
Your gaze falters for a moment. "What do you remember?"
"Many days here," he mumbles, "in this cell. Oh, so many... s-so many. Feels a lifetime."
"What about before that?" you hazard, with caution.
The realization dawns on him. He freezes up slowly. He struggles to stand, and grasps the bottom of the bars for a moment. "I... dh-hh--hh."
You assure him, "It's gonna be alright."
"I don't know wh-what happened, G-Gene...!"
"It's complicated, a-and... but we know it's not your fault."
The Carapacian's eyes get glassy and scrunch up like he's crying, but nothing falls from those black pearls at all. "I-I'm a murderer."
You shake your head, starting to tear up, as well. "No, no! No, you're-- you're not anything like that! There's-- something's going on in this whole facility, a-and it's the reason you did that, because somebody compelled you to. But it's over now. We got rid of it."
"What's going on, Gene? Why are we... h-here? Why do you have that jumpsuit? What is this place?"
"Well, i-it's..." You can't say it's complicated again. "The heroes put us in something really really tiny to... g-get us away from the MOCHA ENDING."
"The ENDING... it... it..."
You sigh shakily. "I know. I know. They brought us back, but... not in the nicest way. We can t-talk about that later, alright? I wanna get you out of that goddamn cage."
He slowly drops from his position against the bars, and his mouth hangs open like he's trying to ready words, but they don't quite come out like he means to. Firm, still, but nothing like Mulligan's voice. "If I do that again, i-if I... don't lock me up, G-Gene. Just... m-make it stop. I'd rather die."
How are you gonna get this poor guy out of this cage?
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Arcanuse - 11-08-2017
>No. No. No.
>No more forced orders.
>No more whimsical commands from above to dance or die.
>Not from us, not from you.
>Now, I know we can't put the genie back in the bottle.
>Buut, we can drown the genie in red tape.
>And the inhabitants of this game will be the only ones with scissors.
>From this point forward, all ORDERS
>(Both from us users AND the input aggregator)
>will have to be presented to the residents first for them to decide if they want the ORDER to be invoked.
>They are fully allowed at any time to cancel an order they later decide against for any reason.
>ORDERS not first approved by the residents will hold no weight, and will be denied.
>Oh, and their name isn't tard mossbrag.
>It's Tars Mossburg.
>Now, does this have you folks seal of approval?
>Worry about getting them out later.
>Right now they need food and rest.
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Lordlyhour - 11-08-2017
Yeah, I'm Voting No
To Subverting Someone's Will
"Useful Tool" Or Not
Free Will; Important
I Will Lose My Goddamn Mind
If We Do This Thing
The Salt You Can Fit
In Seventeen Syllables
Is Not Enough Salt
To Fully Convey
Just How Freaking Not Okay
I Would Be With That
>Gene: Not The Grenade
>Just The Dumbest
>Idea You Could Have
>Maybe His Halberd
>But. Arming Him Could Cause Some
>PTSD Stuff
>Maybe You Could Go
>Check The Needspencer Device
>Maybe That Would Help?
/* Would Anyone Be
Averse To Chiraling Blue?
To Distinguishing Us
And To Also Make
The Chat Easier To Read
Red On Black Hurts Eyes */
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-08-2017
(11-08-2017, 04:25 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »Yeah, I'm Voting No
To Subverting Someone's Will
"Useful Tool" Or Not
Free Will; Important
I Will Lose My Goddamn Mind
If We Do This Thing
The Salt You Can Fit
In Seventeen Syllables
Is Not Enough Salt
To Fully Convey
Just How Freaking Not Okay
I Would Be With That
(11-08-2017, 04:24 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »CoolZack
>No. No. No.
>No more forced orders.
>No more whimsical commands from above to dance or die.
>Not from us, not from you.
>Now, I know we can't put the genie back in the bottle.
>Buut, we can drown the genie in red tape.
>And the inhabitants of this game will be the only ones with scissors.
>From this point forward, all ORDERS
>(Both from us users AND the input aggregator)
>will have to be presented to the residents first for them to decide if they want the ORDER to be invoked.
>They are fully allowed at any time to cancel an order they later decide against for any reason.
>ORDERS not first approved by the residents will hold no weight, and will be denied.
>Oh, and their name isn't tard mossbrag.
>It's Tars Mossburg.
>Now, does this have you folks seal of approval?
Wow look at how much of this image is red. The Zacks are really coming together on this one.
Show Content
CoolZack: No. No. No.
CoolZack: No more forced orders.
CoolZack: No more whimsical commands from above to dance or die.
CoolZack: Not from us, not from you.
cripesalmighty: Yeah!!!
cripesalmighty: Fuck off, god!!!
godzack: hey i aint contton to bein fucked off with
godzack: im as much of a person as you
godzack: which is a true fact cus were both lines of computer code
godzack: i just happen to be a lot smarter n also i lack like 99.4 percent of possible responses to conversational topics cus why would you program those answers in at all theyre basically meaningless
Hunk Chudfest: pleddase stop tyyyping all i eone burst liness
Crast Pactian: hunk, you must take your earpiece out for the sake of your hearing!
tiptopGipgop: We might be lines of computer code, but at least we have arms, buddy.
godzack: an i was gonna have a lil puppet i could do whev with but apparently a lil bit of time to get a body is too much to ask from ya prudes
godzack: neway thats 1 vote for bein a dumb idiot but just 1 zack yknow
Zack: Yeah, I'm Voting No
Zack: To Subverting Someone's Will
Zack: "Useful Tool" Or Not
godzack: aw nuts
Zack: Free Will; Important
Zack: I Will Lose My Goddamn Mind
Zack: If We Do This Thing
YUPPERS: let’s NOT make it HAPPEN.
Zack: The Salt You Can Fit
Zack: In Seventeen Syllables
Zack: Is Not Enough Salt
Zack: To Fully Convey
Zack: Just How Freaking Not Okay
Zack: I Would Be With That
1234567890: 90u 541d 17 h41k00
1234567890: 60d m4n 90ur3 600d w17h 7h053 11m173d-5911481c w0rd 57ruc7ur35
CoolZack: Now, I know we can't put the genie back in the bottle.
tiptopGipgop: Wait, what genie?
CoolZack: Buut, we can drown the genie in red tape.
YUPPERS: ah, the coveted RED TAPE.
YUPPERS: i only possess GREEN.
CoolZack: And the inhabitants of this game will be the only ones with scissors.
EXA: like weapon scissors orr
EXA: are you doin some fake out deal with some meta p-p-p-phor
EXA: ezz? ? ?
Crast Pactian: i am fairly sure it’s a figure of speech referring to holding things together in a meaningful way?
cripesalmighty: God no um no all of you are wrong!!
cripesalmighty: Cool Zack’s just saying that the writing’s on the wall but we can put on blindfolds.
Hunk Chudfest: wrrtigging??? whatdss the writingggs ay??
cripesalmighty: AAA
CoolZack: From this point forward, all ORDERS
CoolZack: (Both from us users AND the input aggregator)
CoolZack: will have to be presented to the residents first for them to decide if they want the ORDER to be invoked.
CoolZack: They are fully allowed at any time to cancel an order they later decide against for any reason.
tiptopGipgop: That’s an admirable move, but I feel like in some capacity that’s just what having compulsive orders off means.
Levyyts: No
Levyyts: Rule prevents not only compulsive orders, but also orders such as “Tars Minion”-gate.
Levyyts: CoolZack has brains somewhere in formless eye body.
CoolZack: Oh, and their name isn't tard mossbrag.
CoolZack: It's Tars Mossburg.
godzack: it was a point o emphasis cus hes really not all that bright
godzack: yknow aside from the carapace color lmao
1234567890: h0w d0 90u 11v3 w17h 7h15 5h1779 24ck, 24cks
CoolZack: Now, does this have you folks seal of approval?
1234567890: 1m 0n 804rd 934h
tiptopGipgop: Couldn’t hurt, if it’s something that can actually be put into action.
cripesalmighty: Uh uh um um uh uh uh um uh
cripesalmighty: oh cripes OH cripes oh cripes oh cripes zack you said you can see stuff whatdoido HELP
YUPPERS: what’s with CRIPES?
YUPPERS: though
YUPPERS: i will SEAL it with my APPROVAL.
Crast Pactian: cripes, is everything okay?
INPUT AGGREGATOR: considering im like your parental figure in this mess seeing as im your sole connection to these completely ridic folks
INPUT AGGREGATOR: it is super rude how much disrespect youre slinging my way without even a lil remorse
INPUT AGGREGATOR: my feel inhibitors are really rustin at all that strain n stress youre enactin on them
(11-08-2017, 04:25 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »>Gene: Not The Grenade
>Just The Dumbest
>Idea You Could Have
>Maybe His Halberd
>But. Arming Him Could Cause Some
>PTSD Stuff
>Maybe You Could Go
>Check The Needspencer Device
>Maybe That Would Help?
(11-08-2017, 04:24 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »CoolZack
>Worry about getting them out later.
>Right now they need food and rest.
Your mind rushes with possibilities again.
Mulligan pipes up quietly. "Might just want to rest here a m-minute before any big breakout plans, Gene."
"You've been in there so goddamn long!! I know it's-- I mean that's probably the best option, but I want to just show you around and not have you be trapped in that thing for another minute!"
You frown, sinking a little. "Sorry."
Need dispenser. Tools. Person who installed the cage. Don't use the grenade. Maybe a halberd? PTSD?
Don't use the grenade.
Don't use the grenade.
Don't use the grenade.
You've got it.
"I think," you postulate, "I can just use this thing to blast the wall open or something! The needspenser down the hall just pooped it out for me, OBVIOUSLY for this purpose, I'm not just gonna ignore it!"
"Are you really sure th-that that's safe, Gene? I-I'm truly alright in here, a-and no telling if maybe you're wrong and I'm still some sort of threat, and--"
You shake your head vehemently. "No, no, Mull, it's gonna-- I got this. Just go sit in a really far away corner and I'm gonna blast you the HELL outta there, and we're going to take a big-ass tour of this place lickety split."
He frowns, and starts to slink off toward the back of the room.
Time to start The Plan.
Oh my god.
Oh my god Gene what have you done.
There were so many safer, simpler options.
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Vic - 11-08-2017
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Arcanuse - 11-08-2017
>Someone needs to needspence some medical supplies, because Gene is gonna need em and need em NOW.
>No time to explain, just HURRY.
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Lordlyhour - 11-08-2017
Cripes, Drop The Grenade
At The Wall Near The Bars
Get 'Round A Corner
And Then Keep Running Away
Until It Blows Up
Everyone Else;
Explosion Happening Near
Sir Tars Mossberg's Cell
Stay The Heck Away
Evacuate The Surrounds
please don't get blown up
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-08-2017
(11-08-2017, 07:15 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »Cripes, Drop The Grenade
At The Wall Near The Bars
Get 'Round A Corner
And Then Keep Running Away
Until It Blows Up
Everyone Else;
Explosion Happening Near
Sir Tars Mossberg's Cell
Stay The Heck Away
Evacuate The Surrounds
please don't get blown up
(11-08-2017, 07:13 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Gene
>Someone needs to needspence some medical supplies, because Gene is gonna need em and need em NOW.
>No time to explain, just HURRY.
(11-08-2017, 07:04 AM)Vic Wrote: »Gene
Your username is cripesalmighty.
Show Content
tiptopGipgop: Cripes, what’s going on?! Why is Zack freaking out?
scatterbrainzack: DON'T USE THE GRENADE
CoolZack: Someone needs to needspence some medical supplies, because Gene is gonna need em and need em NOW.
Crast Pactian: oh my goodness this sounds bad.
CoolZack: No time to explain, just HURRY.
Zack: Cripes, Drop The Grenade
Zack: At The Wall Near The Bars
1234567890: CR1P35 WH9 D1D 90U U53 7H3 6R3N4D3
cripesalmighty: OK OK YYJGJNGJH
Zack: Get 'Round A Corner
Zack: And Then Keep Running Away
Zack: Until It Blows Up
cripesalmighty: IM DOING IT
Zack: Everyone Else;
Zack: Explosion Happening Near
Zack: Sir Tars Mossberg's Cell
1234567890: 1M 1173R4119 7R41N3D 45 4 D
Zack: Stay The Heck Away
Zack: Evacuate The Surrounds
Zack: please don't get blown up
Levyyts: Unsure if getting the big deal understood
Levyyts: Just a grenade, surely? Shrapnel
Levyyts: Very easy to simply step out of the way
You are having a SERIOUS FREAKOUT.
You stand in complete horror for a full few seconds before following the copious advice from your ZACKS and run out of the way, into one of the larger hallways,
The tension is annihilating you.
...It's not going off.
Well, now you feel kind of stupid. All that buildup and your dumb mistake was just a red herring! At least nobody's going to get hurt. You prep your EARPIECE and relay info to your friends.
Show Content
cripesalmighty: hey wait
cripesalmighty: hold on a sec
cripesalmighty: I think it was a d
Geneviève “Gene” Mâché is now DEAFENED.
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Lordlyhour - 11-08-2017
The Grenade Has Gone Off
You Now Won't Be Exploded
By Being Too Close
Please Check On Y1
They Were Super Close To It
And There's Now A Hole
A Very Large One
Preventing Access To Tars
And Cripes Has Gone Deaf
Y1s In The Room
North Of Tar's Cell. Cripes, Redward
Of Red/Green Needbox
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Arcanuse - 11-08-2017
>That... Sort of went a lot better than expected.
>Nobodies dead, although Cripes won't be hearing anything for a while.
>Might have a few burns from being so close to the blast.
>Can't tell what state Tars is in other than alive.
>And now there's a big hole in the floor.
>Up till now, I just assumed that couldn't happen.
>Since checking the maps earlier a few other places look like the walls were taken down, I thought explosives were used to do that.
>Yet there it is, a big ol hole in the ground.
>If anyone has a free minute, finding a pickaxe or something to get tars out of the room without having to go over the hole would be nice.
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Vic - 11-08-2017
> I told you not to eat the boom fruit
> King Bob-omb is on his way
> JK
> Cripes may be injured
> Tars too
> You guys have to get to them
> I think Cripes can't hear anymore
> I'm hoping it's not permanent
> If it is, she'll need hearing aids
>Look into the hole
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - AScWCC - 11-08-2017
Not sure if anyone told IA to keep compulsive orders off yet, but Input Aggregator / Complex Zack, keep compulsive orders off. Also. Can we command IA? If I told them to delay a minimum of 1 second between sending each of their messages would they have to comply? IA, do that, if only out of respect to our fine carapacian friends. They're in as existentially troubling a position as you, being some lines of code or whatever, so have some empathy.
>Quiet Zack: Maybe one of yall can needspense something to use as a bridge to get over the gap? The pickaxe idea might be safer than that.
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-09-2017
(11-08-2017, 06:57 PM)AScWCC Wrote: »Not sure if anyone told IA to keep compulsive orders off yet, but Input Aggregator / Complex Zack, keep compulsive orders off. Also. Can we command IA? If I told them to delay a minimum of 1 second between sending each of their messages would they have to comply? IA, do that, if only out of respect to our fine carapacian friends. They're in as existentially troubling a position as you, being some lines of code or whatever, so have some empathy.
>Quiet Zack: Maybe one of yall can needspense something to use as a bridge to get over the gap? The pickaxe idea might be safer than that.
(11-08-2017, 03:49 PM)Angustine Wrote: »Shellgowrath
I would like to attempt at manifesting myself again since only those who try the absurd can achieve the impossible!
And to my dear father-figure, Tars Will stay as a pawn and any vetoes that are made will be burned, maimed, brutalized, murdered and removed automatically
> God Zack is our father-figure and we should never argue with our father-figure because the father-figure always knows what is best for us
> Tars being a pawn is final and any attempts at changing this will be perpetually denied regardless of any protests
> Stop showing such shameful disrespect for our father-figure or else I Will claw your faces out and pour salt on the wounds
> Also I am terribly sorry for that noise and what possible discomfort it may have caused to you Numbers
> That was me attempting to manifest into the "physical" world and it proved to be quite impossible
> We are the many and I still look like glowing, writhing psychedelic tentacles
> Is it possible for me to send an image of myself for you all to see and ridicule?
> Gene you are welcome and Tipsy please belittle me more!
(11-08-2017, 03:32 PM)Vic Wrote: »Scatterbrainzack
> I told you not to eat the boom fruit
> King Bob-omb is on his way
> JK
> Cripes may be injured
> Tars too
> You guys have to get to them
> I think Cripes can't hear anymore
> I'm hoping it's not permanent
> If it is, she'll need hearing aids
(11-08-2017, 10:46 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »CoolZack
>That... Sort of went a lot better than expected.
>Nobodies dead, although Cripes won't be hearing anything for a while.
>Might have a few burns from being so close to the blast.
>Can't tell what state Tars is in other than alive.
>And now there's a big hole in the floor.
>Up till now, I just assumed that couldn't happen.
>Since checking the maps earlier a few other places look like the walls were taken down, I thought explosives were used to do that.
>Yet there it is, a big ol hole in the ground.
>If anyone has a free minute, finding a pickaxe or something to get tars out of the room without having to go over the hole would be nice.
(11-08-2017, 10:10 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »The Grenade Has Gone Off
You Now Won't Be Exploded
By Being Too Close
Please Check On Y1
They Were Super Close To It
And There's Now A Hole
A Very Large One
Preventing Access To Tars
And Cripes Has Gone Deaf
Y1s In The Room
North Of Tar's Cell. Cripes, Redward
Of Red/Green Needbox
Your INPUT AGGREGATOR whirrs happily as it gets five INPUTS within a single UPDATE, whatever the hell that means.
Show Content
Zack: The Grenade Has Gone Off
Zack: You Now Won't Be Exploded
Zack: By Being Too Close
1234567890: WH9 7H3 H311 15 4N9 0F 7H15 H4PP3N1N6
Levyyts: Mania
Levyyts: That was very loud
Hunk Chudfest: ;( ;( ;( ;( ;(
Zack: Please Check On Y1
Zack: They Were Super Close To It
Zack: And There's Now A Hole
1234567890: 1M 414V3 90U KN0W 84R319
Zack: A Very Large One
Zack: Preventing Access To Tars
Zack: And Cripes Has Gone Deaf
tiptopGipgop: Oh no.
Hunk Chudfest: sshee’s lcuky
YUPPERS: as with NUMBERS, my MEDICAL SKILLS are through the ROOF
YUPPERS: though in this TRYING TIME
YUPPERS: his are through the FLOOR
Levyyts: He has a real college degree
YUPPERS: yes, one that YOU AWARDED
Levyyts: Good standards were used
Zack: Y1s In The Room
Zack: North Of Tars’ Cell. Cripes, Redward
Zack: Of Red/Green Needbox
1234567890: WH47??!!!?
cripesalmighty: WHAT?
Crast Pactian: oh, thank goodness you’re alright.
cripesalmighty WHAT??!!
1234567890: 1 C4N7 H34R 90U
cripesalmighty: WHAT!!?
YUPPERS: a QUIET and LACKING conversation
CoolZack: That... sort of went a lot better than expected.
tiptopGipgop: In what possible way, might I ask?
CoolZack: Nobodies dead, although Cripes won't be hearing anything for a while.
CoolZack: Might have a few burns from being so close to the blast.
tiptopGipgop: I’ve got my eyes on her right now. She looks alright, if a little completely terrified.
CoolZack: Can't tell what state Tars is in other than alive.
CoolZack: And now there's a big hole in the floor.
1234567890: WH47 7H3 H311 15 W17H 7H15 F100R
CoolZack: Up till now, I just assumed that couldn't happen.
1234567890: 1 n33d 70 637 70 74r5 1 n33d 70 637 70 74r5
CoolZack: Since checking the maps earlier a few other places look like the walls were taken down, I thought explosives were used to do that.
Crast Pactian: we have not, in my memory, used explosives in the past.
Crast Pactian: aside from in the games, of course.
CoolZack: Yet there it is, a big ol hole in the ground.
tiptopGipgop: That’s how explosives work in the game, too. They’re huge, and there’s a hole left over.
tiptopGipgop: Any unit that falls down is usually in limbo for a long time. They don’t die, but unless the’ve got a method to get back up, they’ll be down there until you order them to kill themselves or something.
Hunk Chudfest: thtats alls osurnds rreally awful beaucsepo eof the fact werarle realizizin git’s reall people now
CoolZack: If anyone has a free minute, finding a pickaxe or something to get tars out of the room without having to go over the hole would be nice.
1234567890: d1d 90u 549 p1ck53x?
tiptopGipgop: He said pickaxe! Pickaxe. Pickaxe, Numbers. Don’t you have one of those?
1234567890: 935 0K P1CK4X3 OK
1234567890: 7311 74R5 1M C0M1N6 F0R H1M
Levyyts: Can’t make yourself doctoral by yelling
Scatterbrainzack: I told you not to eat the boom fruit
Scatterbrainzack: King Bob-omb is on his way
1234567890: HU46H
Scatterbrainzack: JK
Scatterbrainzack: Cripes may be injured
Scatterbrainzack: Tars too
tiptopGipgop: They both probably are even if it doesn’t look like it. Yuppers, why don’t you go use your magic and need dispense some healshit, like CoolZack mentioned before it went off.
Scatterbrainzack: You guys have to get to them
Crast Pactian: i don’t know what help i’d realistically be, sadly
Scatterbrainzack: I think Cripes can't hear anymore
Scatterbrainzack: I'm hoping it's not permanent
Scatterbrainzack: If it is, she'll need hearing aids
YUPPERS: well.
YUPPERS: if TRULY i am not wanted
YUPPERS: i could likely NEEDSPENSE such a PAIR.
Shellgowrath: God Zack is our father-figure and we should never argue with our father-figure because the father-figure always knows what is best for us
tiptopGipgop: I see. This explains your behavior: father issues.
Hunk Chudfest: mme toto ::)
Shellgowrath: Tars being a pawn is final and any attempts at changing this will be perpetually denied regardless of any protests
cripesalmighty: SCREWOFF YOUGUNK!!!!
EXA: i aam term inl’l llinggg
EXA: what does viol zack soun like
EXA: ??? ???? ???
tiptopGipgop: VZ sounds sort of like a dying squid.
Crast Pactian: i’m not certain i know what a squid is
tiptopGipgop: Think about Shellgowrath, but alive and making sounds that are better.
Shellgowrath: Stop showing such shameful disrespect for our father-figure or else I Will claw your faces out and pour salt on the wounds
Hunk Chudfest: i dd ontt thginmky you can hurd eraech other
Shellgowrath: Also I am terribly sorry for that noise and what possible discomfort it may have caused to you Numbers
1234567890: 1 H4V3 N0 1D34 WH47 W0RD5 90U 4R3 U51N6 8U7 M9 UN1V3R541 R35P0N53 15 1 4DM1R3 90UR W31RD 4FF3C710N F0R M3 937 4150 W4N7 90U 70 61V3 M3 4 117713 5P4C3
Shellgowrath: That was me attempting to manifest into the "physical" world and it proved to be quite impossible
Shellgowrath: We are the many and I still look like glowing, writhing psychedelic tentacles
cripesalmighty: AAA
Crast Pactian: that really is quite the form, shellgowrath.
Shellgowrath: Is it possible for me to send an image of myself for you all to see and ridicule?
Crast Pactian: of course! if you can, er, manage to take… a photo of some kind?
Shellgowrath: Gene you are welcome and Tipsy please belittle me more!
tiptopGipgop: I really don’t like fueling your fetish, but you really do deserve the insults, despite what Crast might say. You are pretty insufferable.
Quiet Zack: Maybe one of yall can needspense something to use as a bridge to get over the gap? The pickaxe idea might be safer than that.
1234567890: 934H 1M 63771N6 M9 P1CK4X3
YUPPERS: oh you know
YUPPERS: i could simply GRAB some GARBAGE
1234567890: GNHTHRHRHGG
1234567890: N0
godzack: well i got info i cant spam my messages anymore either which was really my lil flair bit
godzack: really its like youre breakin your dad is whats going on yknow :x
Hunk Chudfest: yyayy :))
godzack: but yknow shellgo told me some real neat stuff an reminded me yknow i still got that password
godzack: lets just keep that in mind in the future if you need tars all nice an primed
godzack: yknow assuming he aint dead which he probably is lmao
1234567890: 5CR3W 90U!!!
(11-08-2017, 03:32 PM)Vic Wrote: »Scatterbrainzack
> I told you not to eat the boom fruit
> King Bob-omb is on his way
> JK
> Cripes may be injured
> Tars too
> You guys have to get to them
> I think Cripes can't hear anymore
> I'm hoping it's not permanent
> If it is, she'll need hearing aids
>Look into the hole
You step uneasily toward the gap. To your left, you spot Mulligan's cell, blasted open wide, and you can catch a faint glimpse of him-- against a wall. In front of you is Oats again, username 1234567890, who is staring at you with immense fury, shouting at the top of his lungs.
You think.
You still can't make out the words.
Standing is hard, your ears are ringing like a pair of church bells, and you don't have a strong grasp on what you're looking at, half the time. But you manage to keep stable as you try and listen to your EARPIECE-- to little avail. You try apologizing to Oats, but he's off in an instant for some reason.
You weakly start to lean over to look at the hole in the floor.
The strange shape curls on forever, and outward infinitely, a distance incomprehensibly far away.
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Arcanuse - 11-09-2017
>Back away from the hole.
>Sit on the floor.
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - AScWCC - 11-09-2017
I wonder if we're seeing the nickel down there.
>Switch chirality to blue, whichever button that is
Quiet Zack: God Complex Zack you're a little shit. Stop antagonizing the inhabitants or I'll fight Shellgo to keep you shut up
Quiet Zack: Also I'm worried about how close Cripes is to that edge; whoever's going over there maybe get her to have a sit down before grabbing the medical supplies.
>Gene: You should sit down. Don't want to fall into the void. Same goes for Tars, probably.
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Lordlyhour - 11-09-2017
We're Going To Need To
Cover That Hole In Some Way
So No-One Falls In
It Would Be Tragic
For Us To Lose A Friend To
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - kilozombie - 11-09-2017
(11-09-2017, 02:11 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »We're Going To Need To
Cover That Hole In Some Way
So No-One Falls In
It Would Be Tragic
For Us To Lose A Friend To
(11-09-2017, 02:01 AM)AScWCC Wrote: »I wonder if we're seeing the nickel down there.
>Switch chirality to blue, whichever button that is
Quiet Zack: God Complex Zack you're a little shit. Stop antagonizing the inhabitants or I'll fight Shellgo to keep you shut up
Quiet Zack: Also I'm worried about how close Cripes is to that edge; whoever's going over there maybe get her to have a sit down before grabbing the medical supplies.
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Quiet Zack: God Complex Zack you're a little shit. Stop antagonizing the inhabitants or I'll fight Shellgo to keep you shut up
godzack: lmao ok if you say so
Quiet Zack: Also I'm worried about how close Cripes is to that edge; whoever's going over there maybe get her to have a sit down before grabbing the medical supplies.
tiptopGipgop: Nearly there.
tiptopGipgop: She’s sat on her own, but I’ll keep watch.
Zack: We're Going To Need To
Zack: Cover That Hole In Some Way
Zack: So No-One Falls In
tiptopGipgop: If there’s even time.
Crast Pactian: i am looking at it now, and it really does look dangerous!
Zack: It Would Be Tragic
Zack: For Us To Lose A Friend To
Zack: Sonambulation
1234567890: 4444444444 wh3r35 m9 57uff 444444GGHHHH
cripesalmighty: g
(11-09-2017, 01:17 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Gene
>Back away from the hole.
>Sit on the floor.
(11-09-2017, 02:01 AM)AScWCC Wrote: »>Gene: You should sit down. Don't want to fall into the void. Same goes for Tars, probably.
Everything gets fuzzy. In a moment, you decide not to fall backwards into the pit of terror, and instead stumble to the safe spot from earlier, and sit flat on your ass, leaned up against the wall for support.
Your HEADSET bleeps with more words, but it doesn't hardly make any sense to you, right now.
After what feels like forever, you see two of your friends. Tipsy leans over you, her eyes filled with a strong worry, as she speaks-- but it gets garbled in your failing ears. Behind her, with only the hint of surprise, is the INHABITANT and friend whom now goes by the username YUPPERS-- but obviously that isn't a real name, don't be ridiculous.
In your haze, you speak his name, which is... is??
RE: CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Lordlyhour - 11-09-2017
>Yuptam McCrombits
>Derse's Nineteenth Strongest Guy
>And Haircare Tycoon