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We Sons Of Daley [Manhattan Blues] - Printable Version

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Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Fabricati - 12-15-2011

goggleman64 Wrote:Would there happen to be a Discipline or Power that amplifies or enhances Ki use?
Not directly, no. Certain powers go well together, but nothing directly impacts how you use your ki, just like none of it directly impacts your ability to CAST MAGIC. For instance:
--PK Armor would make you a lot harder to damage.
-- A PSYCHOKINETIC TRAP can hold someone helpless for a crucial moment while you belt them.
-- MOTION DETECTION (a PK power) is an extra layer of detection against sneaky people who think they can get by just on Ki Concealment.
-- SHATTER, a PK power, can look remarkably like DESTRUCTION BY KI if you do it right.
-- FREEZE is a slightly weaker, single-target version of EVERLASTING MOMENT. Done right, it could be an ADDED STATE technique, like the FIVE-FOLD PRESSURE technique JOLSON has.
-- CRYSTALLIZE not only inflicts a penalty on an opponent, but also renders them vulnerable to MASSIVE DAMAGE aside from simple LIFE LOSS- things like BREAKAGE and AMPUTATION.
-- ELIMINATING SENSES (in Empathy) can render an opponent BLIND. At the right moment, this is devastating.
-- DESTROY FEELINGS (Another Empathy Power) can turn an opponent into a vegetable.

These are all abilities you have access to already. With physical increase:
-- Increasing your REACTION TIME is a simple task.
-- As is increasing your REGENERATION to the point where your wounds knit before your eyes.
-- TOTAL INCREASE can be layered with the rest and make you a bit of a powerhouse.
-- FAST MOTION is a hallmark of Ki users in particular, and you can EMULATE it with the INCREASE MOTION power.

There are a few others in various other Disciplines:
-- TELEPATHY would let you read someone's mind, which will give you a moderate bonus to all actions against them.
-- Later on in PYROKINESIS, CONSUME would act as an improved SHATTER.
-- ENERGY OBJECT CREATION (in ENERGY) can serve to improve your PROJECTION and act as another blind.

goggleman64 Wrote:Also, point of curiosity -- what Discipline does Hide Matrix fall under?
It's one of four powers that psychics get access to for free. The other three are the ability to Sense Matrices, the ability to Destroy Matrices, and the ability to link a bunch of psychics together.

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Gnauga - 12-15-2011

Alright, I'm going to have to ask for some exposition here. Why is it that we can't suddenly reveal that we were a psychic all along? Is it simply because we didn't register as one before joining the GRAND ARMY? And what's the OVERWATCH?

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Fabricati - 12-15-2011

Gnauga Wrote:Alright, I'm going to have to ask for some exposition here. Why is it that we can't suddenly reveal that we were a psychic all along? Is it simply because we didn't register as one before joining the GRAND ARMY?
Excellent question, citizen!

You see, the thing isn't being unregistered and having powers. It's the fact that you've been CONCEALING them. Deliberately, and actively, apparently for as long as you can remember. Specifically, the concealment of your powers from people who can detect it? Muuuuuuch worse than just not using your powers or being unable to.

Hell, just waking up now would be GREAT- they can always use some more FIREPOWER.

But you've been scanned by at least THREE DIFFERENT PSYCHICS as a matter of course, ALL OF WHOM SHOULD HAVE DETECTED YOUR LATENCY.

The fact that it was UNCONSCIOUS is IRRELEVANT; you're still guilty of PERJURY and FALSIFICATION OF EVIDENCE.

In short, it's not your MISDEMEANOR, it's the FELONIES you committed to COVER IT UP.

Gnauga Wrote:And what's the OVERWATCH?
Overwatch is a position on a raid. It usually means standing in a tall place and shooting people from a distance that threaten the other members. Hence the name.

If you want to talk about POLITICO, that's a different matter. That's YOUR branch. Specifically, your whole job is to make sure TREASON and HIGH PERJURY doesn't happen, and that the MISSION GETS DONE.

You realize the irony of this QUITE WELL.

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Gnauga - 12-16-2011

I'm sticking by my previous spec suggestion.

Wouldn't a sudden aptitude for Ki powers look suspicious, though?

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Fabricati - 12-17-2011


Most of this was things you already knew and simply were remembering as things to take into consideration (though that information about Disciplines makes you wonder WHERE EXACTLY YOU LEARNED IT). As such, setting up the requisite SLOTS and MATRICES takes you about a ROUND.

Your concentration is such that you don't notice Alice DOING THE MAGIC CHANTY THING until she GRABS YOUR ARM and you VANISH INTO YOUR OWN SHADOWS.

The world is dark. You cannot see, smell, hear, taste, or feel anything.


Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Dragon Fogel - 12-17-2011

>So, uh, use your mind?

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Gnauga - 12-17-2011

Try activating some magics.

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Fabricati - 12-17-2011

You hear the sounds of combat and a scream of "JOLSON!" You open your eyes.

Wreckage of golems and dead hostages litter the floor. Against a wall, his HUGE CHESTICLES stoven in by ONE MIGHTY BLOW, is your TECHNICIAN, JOLSON, who HANGS BETWEEN LIFE AND DEATH.

Three of the WAR GOLEMS are still standing.

ARMSTRONG, your MAGE, and SHEWSON, your MENTALIST, are still up, though they're not looking too hot.

Add to that, where the hell is your FIFTH MAN? He should have been here, providing BACKUP! Well, nothing for it, you guess- you'll have to deal with the GOLEMS with the PEOPLE you HAVE.

None of the combatants have NOTICED you yet, but you don't have much time to LOOK AROUND yet- not if you want to save the squad!


Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Gnauga - 12-17-2011

Instruct your men to recover Jolson and do whatever shields and wards they have.
Fill up your slots with Physical Increase powers, quietly crystallize a golem, and get punchy.

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Fabricati - 12-17-2011

Gnauga Wrote:Instruct your men to recover Jolson and do whatever shields and wards they have.

"Armstrong, get Jolson out! Alice, can you-?"

"Hmph. Way ahead of you."

Gnauga Wrote:Fill up your slots with Physical Increase powers, quietly crystallize a golem, and get punchy.
Well, that first part's already done. The second part is now coming up. You pick one that's sort of damaged already and it starts FREEZING UP OBEDIENTLY when you TAP IT. Your second attack is not NEARLY SO FRIENDLY, and leaves it ARMORLESS, as well as giving it a nice, shiny new bit of DAMAGE.

Shewson, seeing the HURT you just put on it, knows exactly what to do, and points at it. Because you're a psychic now, apparently, you can see him trying to SHATTER the thing and it rustling up what little PHYSICAL RESISTANCE it has left to COMPLETELY COCK-BLOCK HIM.

Alice holds out a hand towards Jolson. Shadows seems to swallow his form for a moment. "He'll live."

Jolson COMES TO.


Well, at least now you have their ATTENTION. The one you were concentrating on decides it doesn't like you and tries to make sure you're TAKEN OUT. It doesn't QUITE succeed- my GOD that was FAST- but for the moment, you're OKAY. A second one trundles up to you and similarly MISSES.

The third one tries to stop ALICE. You're certain she hasn't set up a shield or anything, so this COULD GET PAINFUL for her-

... Apparently, a SHIELD in the shape of THREE GOLDEN TRIANGLES UNDER A SEPHIROT LIKE A MOONLESS, STARRY SKY blocks the blow, casually. You can even hear the loud DOINK over the other sounds of SEVERAL TONS OF METAL STOMPING ABOUT. Wait, what?

Eh, it doesn't matter, TIME TO FINISH THIS UP. The one you've been striking is so FRAGILE at this point that it LOSES WHAT LITTLE ARMOR IT HAS LEFT, and seems to be so PUSHED BACK as to not be making any MOVES this round.

So why not make it two? Despite the soft touch you give it, the entire GOLEM shudders as the cold and DAMAGE move through it. You take a moment to MOVE BEHIND IT. You know by now that it only matters to AVOID ITS ATTACKS since they just SIT THERE AND TAKE IT, but you'll take ANY ADVANTAGE YOU CAN GET at this point.

Shewson finally tries something different! Or... You thought he was, but instead he's being REMARKABLY FOOLISH. What is he even DOING!? You have no idea, but it looks PSYCHOKINETIC.

Alice looks like she's CHARGING UP. This could get MESSY, if she doesn't manage to finish before the GOLEMS are done SMASHING.

... Okay, this guy? Moving around? This is PATHETIC. You SMASH him again, a few times. Hm. This one seems like it's managing to HOLD UP pretty well, actually- it took you TWO HITS to BREAK ITS ARMOR. "Whatever finger-wavy thing you're doing isn't working, Shewson! Try something else!"

That shield just keeps TAKING HITS like a CHAMPION.


Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Gnauga - 12-18-2011

Free-point cast Shatter on the one that Shewson is trying to shatter, in a way that it looks like he finally broke through. Or at least, cast whatever Shewson's trying to cast. It's psychokinetic, so we should be able to point-cast it.

Also: Punch-buggy golem no punch backs. Freeze when you get the opportunity. No need to get your face stoven in.

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Fabricati - 12-19-2011

Gnauga Wrote:
Gnauga Wrote:Free-point cast Shatter on the one that Shewson is trying to shatter, in a way that it looks like he finally broke through. Or at least, cast whatever Shewson's trying to cast. It's psychokinetic, so we should be able to point-cast it.

Also: Punch-buggy golem no punch backs. Freeze when you get the opportunity. No need to get your face stoven in.

Indeed you can! But you're going to have to hold on a second while SHEWSON gathers his wits again.


[Spent: 4 points. 10 free points of 15 remaining. +30 potential.]

You decide that if you're going to help Shewson do that silly breaking things trick you might as well MAKE IT COUNT. You throw a lot of your reserved MENTAL POWER into the attack and (not surprisingly) Shewson isn't able to add much. You hear the thing break like WEAK CHINA, its entire body reduced to ITTY BITTY PIECES.

Of course, you're not about to let that get in the way of you contributing, so you go ahead and go after the one absolutely failing to make a dent in Alice's defense. You smack it once, and no one notices your hesitation (mostly because getting showered by stone bits is not something conducive to anyone's concentration).


Armstrong has done something, you're sure, but you're not sure WHAT.

The good news is, the golem is no longer paying attention to Alice.

The bad news is, now it's paying attention to you because you HIT IT IN THE BACK. It didn't like that. But, like its brothers, it's a little SLOW ON THE UPTAKE and you manage to get a SOLID BLOW IN... Okay no doubt about it, someone else is AUGMENTING YOUR DAMAGE. Probably ARMSTRONG. Well, you're not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially when Mister Jerk here wants your STANDARD ISSUE BITS on his HAMMER. Speaking of, that was another close call. You decide to get behind him again, and manage it handily.

This may be because the genius over there finally figured out these things have MAJOR RESISTANCE TO PHYSICAL DANGERS, and instead decided to GRAPPLE IT WITH HIS MIND. 'Bout TIME. Egad.

Seeing as the last golem is COMPLETELY IMMOBILIZED, it's not hard to imagine that you WAIL ON IT UNTIL IT DIES.

Jolson and Armstrong come back into the room. The entire place seems calm, like a grave. You know there are tunnels that go DEEPER, but you're not sure where they lead. This might be a good time to take a breather.


Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - tluthal - 12-19-2011

Aren't there supposed to be hostages?

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Gnauga - 12-19-2011

There were hostages. These chuckleheads bungled it up and now they are corpses. Check in on Jolson and his poor chesticles, then the bodies of the hostages, while getting up to speed with your crew. And perhaps introduce Alice to them.

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Fabricati - 12-19-2011

tluthal Wrote:Aren't there supposed to be hostages?
You take a look at the HOSTAGES. Yeah, they all look PRETTY DEAD, but you thought that about the guys that were with ALICE earlier. "Hey, Alice, are they-"

"Dead as door-nails. Someone GOT THEM IN THE EYES."

"You know, that's something I never got," you say, quietly. "Why door-nail? It's not like it's the deadest piece of metal to be made. Why not a door-"

"For fuck's sake Arlington these people are DEAD this is NOT THE TIME."
Gnauga Wrote:There were hostages. These chuckleheads bungled it up and now they are corpses. Check in on Jolson and his poor chesticles, then the bodies of the hostages, while getting up to speed with your crew. And perhaps introduce Alice to them.
"Speaking of dead- Jolson, how you holding up? You looked pretty touch-and-go."


"Okay, then one of you two explain to me why these hostages are DEAD, please." You look around. "Well, you shot the victrola, that should have given you a few seconds. So why are ALL TWELVE DECEASED? Explanations please."

"Well sir-"

"You are about to lie, Armstrong, don't start."

Shewson mumbles something.

"Repeat that please?"


"You. WHAT."

"They were all bandits anyway-"



Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - tluthal - 12-19-2011

Shoot 'em - don't kill them, but make a point.

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - AgentBlue - 12-19-2011

You're an army, soldiers - people. And people don't shoot innocents - or at least defenseless others.

This won't go down well politically. Make sure they know that any trouble is squarely on them and them alone.

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - goggleman64 - 12-19-2011

Can people detect when you read their mind? 'Cause if they can't, you should go ahead and read Shewson's mind right now.

Oh shit, your Hide Matrix is up, right? Better double-check that.

Also, grab Shewson by the collar and tell him he's got five seconds to explain before you make an EXAMPLE out of him.

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Fabricati - 12-20-2011

goggleman64 Wrote:Can people detect when you read their mind? 'Cause if they can't, you should go ahead and read Shewson's mind right now.

Oh shit, your Hide Matrix is up, right? Better double-check that.
You don't have TELEPATHY! Would you like to buy it? If you did, though, Hide Matrix would cover it up like most of your current SHENANIGANS.

goggleman64 Wrote:Also, grab Shewson by the collar and tell him he's got five seconds to explain before you make an EXAMPLE out of him.
You draw your 1911 and grab the exhausted Shewson by his TRENCH COAT. "You have ten seconds to explain your actions, soldier. They were helpless people you were CHARGED TO RESCUE. Why did you kill them?"

He doesn't say anything.

"Why did you kill them!?"


Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Gnauga - 12-20-2011

He said they were bandits? Demand a fucking explanation about why he said that. Also buy Telepathy and whatever power lets you read minds. I'd wager that'll be really handy.

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Fabricati - 12-20-2011

Gnauga Wrote:He said they were bandits? Demand a fucking explanation about why he said that. Also buy Telepathy and whatever power lets you read minds. I'd wager that'll be really handy.
[Purchased: Telepathy- "I CAN READ YOUR MIND!"]
[Purchased: Mind Reading: Know the surface thoughts of your target.]
[Affixed to Innate Slot 4: Mind Reading, Lv 240]

His thoughts are running a mile a minute and clear as a bell. He's not used to anyone being able to pierce his PSYCHIC RESISTANCE. He didn't even bother setting up a SHIELD AGAINST PSYCHIC POWER, and you know he's a TELEPATH.

What is it you're hiding!? Why can't I figure you out?! "I told you, they were bandits!"

"How the hell did you know that? Look like hostages to me!"

There ARE no hostages! "It's a setup!"

"You got any PROOF!?" You shake him with one hand. "They're tied up! HELPLESS! And you SHOT THEM! I want to know WHY!"

That's Armstrong- have to try and- You see the MEMORY he's recalling, though it's murky. Seems like ARMSTRONG knew the entire thing was a control key, and mistakenly thought that SHOOTING THE HOSTAGES would STOP THE MACHINE GUN GOLEMS. He was correct. He wasn't expecting the WAR GOLEMS to show up INSTEAD. "Yeah, and if we let them go they'd have just preyed on some other SUCKER VILLAGE."

"... You're lying."

... He's bluffing. "No!"

"You're covering up for Armstrong."

He has to be bluffing. "Bullshit!"

"I am five seconds from pulling the trigger and getting it from the horse's mouth."

He can't possibly know how it went down. He's a null- I can SENSE he's a null.


Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - tluthal - 12-20-2011


Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Gnauga - 12-20-2011

He's right. You can't possibly know, so we'd better do some monologuing.

Our logic (which we say out loud):

Armstrong is a shitty liar. We knew he was lying before he even said anything. What would he be trying to hide?

Probably that he shot the hostages. That he fucked up and killed the hostages and we wouldn't approve of it.

But Armstrong isn't a bad guy; he wouldn't kill for the heck of it, and Shewson wouldn't cover him if there wasn't a good reason for it.

So: turn to Armstrong and tell him that he gets one chance to tell you the truth. Your job is to make sure that there wasn't any treason or high perjury going on. If he was acting in good faith to the team (emphasize this) and the mission, then we can just drop this. If he lies, we shoot Shewson where it hurts.

Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - Fabricati - 12-21-2011

Gnauga Wrote:He's right. You can't possibly know, so we'd better do some monologuing.
"You know, maybe I'm being a little too harsh on you, Shewson. After all, you're trying to cover for Armstrong, I'm sure, who's shaken, and still trying to LIE." You slowly start to lower your 1911 from Shewson's temple.

Gnauga Wrote:Our logic (which we say out loud):

Armstrong is a shitty liar. We knew he was lying before he even said anything. What would he be trying to hide?

Probably that he shot the hostages. That he fucked up and killed the hostages and we wouldn't approve of it.
"But SUPERIOR, PONCY, and ANNOYING as Armstrong is, he's not an ASSHOLE. He's okay! He wouldn't do something like SHOOTING HELPLESS PEOPLE without a good reason, right?"

Get to the point, you jerk.

"So, how's this. It's my job to make sure this whole thing goes on above ground. So I'm gonna give you- and Armstrong- a CHANCE. Armstrong, you've one shot to tell me what really happened here- PLAUSIBLY- or I'm going to EXERCISE MY PEROGATIVE."

Shewson realizes you have the pistol pointed somewhere VERY UNCOMFORTABLE.

"Okay okay! Fine! This entire place, it's a CONTROL KEY," Armstrong says. "Originally I thought the VICTROLA did it, but it turns out that just SETS THE TARGET. And the DEFAULT TARGET is the HOSTAGES. The VICTROLA sets up an AVOID ORDER. Killing the HOSTAGES was the only way to SAVE OUR ASSES. Worse, we haven't spotted a single BANDIT our whole time down here. I think we been TRICKED, sir."


Re: We Sons Of Daley (TWS) - goggleman64 - 12-21-2011

Shut off the telepathic connection; it's a distraction you don't need now that some truth has been ferreted out. Also, Shewson has been trying to SENSE your abilities again; having a finger in his mind seems . . . . maybe not probably dangerous, but potentially dangerous.

Hmm. Alice was a hostage. Keep her in mind for questioning later, in a more private place. On that subject, might wanna keep what you've heard of REDCAP on the down-low, since he's apparently not supposed to exist.

"Tricked . . . supposing that were TRUE - and putting aside WHY - who are you saying TRICKED us?"