Eagle Time
Last Day - Printable Version

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Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-21-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by KilroyWasHere.

>Boss: Have an eyepatch and cigar.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-21-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst.

>Boss: defy all expectations and appearances and actually be a pretty alright guy. Help your new employee up.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-21-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Saint Game.

Welp. Time to faint.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-21-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by ChemIisan.

Boss : Grow mustache on the spot... AND RIP IT OFF

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 11-21-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

distainfulCatalyst Wrote:>Boss: defy all expectations and appearances and actually be a pretty alright guy. Help your new employee up.
[Image: 105.png]


Your BOSS offers to help you up.

[Image: 106.png]

He asks you what happened and you explain. He says everyone makes mistakes on their first day and it's not much to worry about. Besides, he noticed you were gone and got a replacement for the time being.

You ask who.

[Image: 107.png]


Re: Last Day - Dragon Fogel - 11-21-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Okay I just read through this and it's great and I have no idea what to suggest but that last update made me laugh pretty hard.

Wait, I thought of something.

>Boss: Go tell that guy over by the cooler how much you appreciate the work he puts in for the company. Give him a really strong, heartfelt speech.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-21-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst.

I would probably have done a spit take on seeing that last image, had I a drink at the time.
>Ted and Janitor: Watch the Irate Important Guy, who has presumably been sent on his way by Suspicious Sippy Guy. Exchange theories on who he is and what he wants.

Re: Last Day - Pick Yer Poison - 11-21-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

Irate man: Yell at the replacement.

Replacement: Fail to give a single fuck.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-21-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by SNeakyRobot.

> Sippy Man: Ignore all attempts at communication. Continue sipping.

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 11-21-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Okay so I'm not updatin' today! I'm away from my tablet and shall be for the rest of the night. I'm told I shouldn't be worried about not updating but I'm glad to hear folks are enjoying it! Gets me motivated.

I'll probably draw something in the meantime. Good night! Next update will be around 4:00 or so, tomorrow.

I hope everyone's cool with me bumping my own adventure without an update. The suggestions I've got are actually perfect.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-21-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Chookster.

+1 reader

Sippy guy is my favourite.

> Try to get a look at the boss's face

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 11-22-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Boss: Go tell that guy over by the cooler how much you appreciate the work he puts in for the company. Give him a really strong, heartfelt speech.
[Image: 108.png]



SNeakyRobot Wrote:> Sippy Man: Ignore all attempts at communication. Continue sipping.
Pick Yer Poison Wrote:Irate man: Yell at the replacement.

Replacement: Fail to give a single fuck.
[Image: 109.png]

[Image: 110.png]

Alright, pal. I'm back in the saddle, get back to your cubicle or whatever you do.

[Image: 111.png]

[Image: 112.png]


[Image: 113.png]

[Image: 114.png]

[Image: 115.png]

[Image: 116.png]


Re: Last Day - Dragon Fogel - 11-22-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Jennifer: Make sure that guy didn't steal anything from your stash.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-22-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Redux.

>Jennifer: Remember to slip some laxatives in his lunch or something.

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 11-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Dragon Fogel Wrote:>Jennifer: Make sure that guy didn't steal anything from your stash.
[Image: 117.png]

Oh if I find that son of a bitch's fingerprints on this he's going to wish he didn't climb out of his mother.

[Image: 118.png]

...It's fine.

[Image: 119.png]

It is a photo after all. You just didn't want anyone touching it and your dress has no pockets.

It's very important to you. It's a picture of someone you knew in college, when you were still dreaming of becoming a therapist. It became too hectic, too complicated, you couldn't keep up with the work. Then you eventually met a man. You don't remember his major. You grew close to him, and even...hmm. But then something happened. All sorts of rumors were spun, he was a criminal and skipped town, he was in the hospital in a permanent coma, you never learned exactly what happened.

All you know is that you miss him.

He gave you a ripped photograph sometime within your relationship and you've had it ever since.

It's been 3 years.

[Image: 120.png]

You decide it's safer to put the photo in your dress.

As your mind wanders, you suddenly snap back into reality when the phone rings. You put on your earpiece, and begin to work again. You're a professional now. You have to work, make up for your lost hours. No time. You have to focus.

You're a professional. You have to focus...

[Image: 121.png]

"So you're sure you know her?"

[Image: 125.png]

"I'm sure."

[Image: 122.png]

"You still gonna quit?"

"Oh, I'm still gonna quit."

[Image: 123.png]

"I'm just gonna convince her to quit with me."


Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by ChemIisan.

Ted: Hop down the hallway like a rabbit. You've always wanted to do that.

Re: Last Day - Pick Yer Poison - 11-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

Beard: Gain sentience. Take over Ted's job.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Redux.

Ted: Ponder how you grew such a wonderful beard for someone in their mid-twenties

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Saint Game.

Ted: work through how to convince her to quit.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Lubiniki.

This is a wonderful adventure and I am simply in love with it. +1 READER!
>Jennifer: Continue working.
>Ted: Think of a way to get her to quit her job.
>Jennifer: Actually try to make him STAY.

Those are such stupid commands, but whatever. :U I love the story and I hope this ends well! 0u0

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst.

>Ted: Begin quest to dig up dirt on this company. There's bound to be some. What corporation isn't corrupt on some level?!

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by KilroyWasHere.

>Ted: Begin quest to get the woman who is obviously the Janitor's ex-lover to quit.

Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Witch Of Right.

>Ted: Consult beard about how to go about getting the fine young lady to quit with you.
>Jennifer: Deal with the snippy people at the front desk!

Re: Last Day - Doodley - 11-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by Stickmeister.

Saint Game Wrote:Dawwwww.
Ted: work through how to convince her to quit.
[Image: 127.png]

Yes, you should think this through. There's three problems:

1.) She won't recognize you, as you didn't have a beard or glasses and you're really not willing to shave off this magnificent beard.
2.) It's her first day, and it's almost a guarantee she won't be quitting.
3.) Even if she did recognize you, it would take forever to explain what happened, and she'll probably faint.

distainfulCatalyst Wrote:>Ted: Begin quest to dig up dirt on this company. There's bound to be some. What corporation isn't corrupt on some level?!
Yeah, your best bet is to take down the company as a whole with some dirt. Seriously, this is probably one of the worst places to ever work. You were going to wreck shit in the first place, so why not just take down the whole company?

As she most likely won't know who you are, you could probably trick her into helping you take down the company rather than just quit, and not tell her who you really are. Then you'll have some help! And after that, you can reveal the truth.

The best way to convince her is to prove to her that she wouldn't want to work here by bringing up some dirt. You have to find something REALLY terrible. Like, mind-blowingly terrible. You'll have to have the Janitor help you out too, obviously.

You just hope your boss doesn't catch you and kick your ass.

Oh hey what's that

ChemIisan Wrote:Ted: Hop down the hallway like a rabbit. You've always wanted to do that.
[Image: 128.png]

Oh please. Hop down the hallway like a rabbit? That's the dumbest fucking thing you've ever heard in your life.

[Image: 129.png]

That's nothing compared to pogo sticking down the hallway.

[Image: 130.png]


Re: Last Day - OTTO - 11-23-2011

Originally posted on MSPA by distainfulCatalyst.

>Unexpectedly encounter stairs.