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The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Printable Version

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RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Pharmacy - 07-31-2020

"Well! They seem a lot safer! Perhaps, if we asked them in the right way -- they can help us with exploration!"

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Protoman - 08-04-2020

Some time after his conversation with the snake-oil-salesman, Kamille stomps up behind Jow McJobbernowl as he takes a drink of water, points a dramatic finger at him, and shouts!

"Jow McJobbernowl, you incorrigible rapscallion, you wronged me earlier and I demand recompense! Leave no debt uncleared and let no one cheat you - that's the merchant's way!"


At another point in dubious timespace, she's staring at Leah the Mao, rubbing her chin, thinking extraordinarily hard in an extraordinarily unsubtle way.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Pharmacy - 08-04-2020

"Oh! Hello there," Leah greeted, from afar.

"...You seem deep in thought. What's bothering your meow-d? That's a pun, by the way. Ha!"

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - MQuinny1234 - 08-04-2020

Jow spat out the water, glancing up quickly at the incoming Kamille, first instinct at the sound of someone yelling at him like that being to dodge a projectile or a knife from an unfortunate misunderstanding normally. Seemed like this anger just involved feeling a minor slight, not enough to worry about physical damages.

"Did aye now? Ah can't rememb-er ahnythang bout that? Baut let no one sayh ahm ah cheat nor cad." He said, putting a hand on his knee and pushing up to standing lazily so. "What yah be looking for than miss." He said humbly, putting on a suitably chagrined expression, holding his hat in his hands and looking pensive.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - ProfessorLizzard - 08-05-2020

Klyalson nods solemnly. This is indeed the merchant's way, unfortunately.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Vancho1 - 08-12-2020

Jow, in his poking around, finds some edible herbs and roots that he recognizes. He can pick some, if he so likes.

Looking through the lens, Duril doesn't see much of note. Some vague hint of an aura, maybe, in the direction of the river. But that wasn't too surprising; rivers had a tendency of collecting a bit of everything as they pass through the land.

The group chats, relaxes, and travels peacefully, making camp and having a good meal together.

Day 4

Setting out from where they camped the previous night, the caravan stumbles upon recently traveled dirt. Following the cart-tracks, they travel a short distance and soon reach a settlement that appears to be on the bank of a small creek feeding into the great River Lutis. The midmorning sun is pleasant and the scene is peaceful. The village looks well-established, probably one of the first settlements in this area. It is surrounded by a low stake perimeter to keep out wild animals. The houses appear to be built from local wood, and are elevated a little off the ground on wooden stilts to avoid flooding. There are small gardens within the palisade, and fishing nets strung from poles. The far side of the village has a ramp for launching fishing boats into the river.

As the caravan enter the village, an older man in roughspun linen wearing a green-dyed cap comes up to greet you.

"Welcome, welcome! Are you new settlers come to join our village? I'll admit, we're not short on hands here, but if you need a home we can find a place for you."


RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Demonsul - 08-14-2020

Duril was hanging back from the group meeting the old man, since he wasn't much of a conversationist. But he had his crystal lens to hand, and used it to look around the village and its surroundings for magical auras, just in case there was something in the vicinity of the village they ought to know about.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Pharmacy - 08-14-2020

"Yes, hello!" Leah gave a big toothy grin at the old man. "And yes, we are a merry group of travelers interested in that sort of place! Anyhow, I am Leah Bigmane Panthera, nice to meet you. Any sort of interesting things happen around here?"

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - MQuinny1234 - 08-17-2020

Jow looked about curiously at the town, splitting off to go take a walkabout. Since these were some of the first settlers, maybe now could be a chance to offer some services of their own tools and animals in exchange for some more food and tips about what to be planting and tidbits of advice from more experienced settlers.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Protoman - 08-17-2020

Kamille marches up to the man, full of joie de vivre! Her fists on her hips, she gives him the biggest grin she's got.

"Just passin' through, just passin' through! That said, we're all loaded on goods! Anything you fine folk'll be needing today? And what tender passes for currency 'round these parts?"

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - ProfessorLizzard - 08-17-2020

Kyalson snoops around. These fishing enthusiasts might be a good point for the future supply caravans...

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Vancho1 - 08-18-2020

Duril looks around through the crystal lens for magical auras, but can't really see anything. Oh dear, it looks like there's a smudge on the lens. He'll need to clean it carefully as to not scratch it.

Kyalson and Jow snoop around, and find that there's not all that much to this town. Mostly young settlers or families, some artisans making fishing nets, potters, and the like. However, they notice that all of the fishing boats have been beached, and the people seem a little haggard and tired. Nobody really seems forthcoming with information.

Kamille and Leah have better luck with the village elder. He seems put at easy by their attitude, and looks reverently at Leah. She notices that there are a few carvings of cats around the village, and an older Mau watching the group from a rocking chair on an elevated porch. The elder turns to Kamille and says,

"Oh, we take gold here, we're close enough by land to trade with the League. And our folks sail downriver to the sea sometimes, though..."

He wrings his hands and looks between Leah and Kamille.

"I would call it more unfortunate than interesting, but the river has not been safe lately. Some beast has moved into the local marshes and is scaring off all the fish. We had to beach all of our fishing boats too, after it capsized one of them. Our hunters are out right now tracking it down, but as of now we can't really offer much."

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Pharmacy - 08-20-2020

"Oh no, that's a shame," Leah console. She brightens up. "...Do you think we could help track it down? I think the end-result would be excellent for both parties!"

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Demonsul - 08-20-2020

Oh no, this wouldn't do at all. Duril carefully took out his glasses case and pulled out a silk cloth, gently cleaning the crystal lens.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - ProfessorLizzard - 08-22-2020

"Hmm, yes, yes. Tracking down the beast would be most excellent" nods Klyalson sycophantly, because this might mean he can get the fish for the noodles from here, if all things work out. And maybe noodle shipments could take a break here.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Protoman - 08-25-2020

Kamille rubs her chin. "I certainly wouldn't be opposed to lending a hand... Provided we have the consent of the rest of our group, you've got a deal!"

She punches her fist into her hand, then shouts:


RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Vancho1 - 08-28-2020

The village elder clasps his hands.

"You'd really help? Well, it started several days ago. People were seeing strange shadows under the water, and our nets showed up torn, fish gone. Then, one of our people out on the river spotted what they said was a gigantic beast, nearly capsizing their boat! Unfortunately, we sent them along with the hunters... but perhaps you can take a look at the boat if it will help?"

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Pharmacy - 08-30-2020

"Oh I would be absolutely delighted! We all have to help each other in these post-war dreary circumstances! Don't we...guys?"

Leah turns to the others and gives a big, awkward grin.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - MQuinny1234 - 09-03-2020

Jow, after a brief discussion with Kamille, begins doing his best to reinforce the supplies. Buying up any tarps around town to try and protect them from the elements better, checking and sealing any barrels, seeing about fresh water, and maybe offloading anything that looks like it may be about to go off in favour of trade for any fresher goods from this fine town.

Other small and spare goods like good rope, blankets, etc would be excellent too.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Vancho1 - 09-11-2020

Jani steps up to the elder, patting the gun on their hip.

"We've got this. Let's see that boat."

The elder happily leads them, as well as anyone else who follows, to the boat. It looks fairly badly damaged, with gashes on the bottom that look like huge claw-marks. Lucas gasps and hums a few notes to himself, composing the victory-song already. Jani crouches down to take a closer look.

"Gods... What kind of animal did this? It doesn't look like anything I've ever seen."

Jow, meanwhile, is having a hard time trading much of anything. These people are spooked, and they don't want to give up anything in case their livelihoods don't recover for a while. Instead, he checks the barrels and supplies. He spots a few minor knicks on the barrels, but since they've just set out on their journey, there isn't really much damage to fix.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - MQuinny1234 - 09-14-2020

He does some busy work, makes it seem like it's a harder job with more to be doing. Jow is well used to looking busy in front of a manager, and knows not to piss them off by doing a quick and easy job quick and easily.

He took some time to walk about the outskirts of town, keeping an eye on wildlife and the people that worked more on the farms and on the edge of town, finding those kinds to be more open to conversation once you got past the initial hurdle of introductions, and to be more open with any complaints they had to someone who would listen.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Pharmacy - 09-16-2020

"Ooh! I happen to be a naturalist!" Leah said, her mane bouncing happily. "This is certainly in my area of expertise!"

Leah investigates the claw marks for anything particularly enlightening!

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - ProfessorLizzard - 09-16-2020

"If you need me, I will be here preparing delicious noodles for your, ahha, inevitable victory."

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Anomaly - 09-16-2020

A lizard slinks up! A lizard meaning Xanthi, eager to check out the work of what might possibly be the supernatural. More likely to be some kind of big bear or something (are bears even native to this area?), but it could be supernatural still.

"Hmm. If it's not her area, it could be mine. Let me see." Xanthi will start inspecting along with Leah. If things look suspicious enough, she'll even start breaking out some Dubious Occult Detection Equipment to get some readings.

RE: The Restoration of Erihal [GAME START] - Protoman - 09-17-2020

Kamille will stand daringly atop the nearest rock, finger extended into the air!

"We'll get this done for you, no problem whatsoever! All we ask in return is that you never forget the daring of the Good Great Care-avan, or its enterprising entrepreneurs!!! We'll be swinging by regularly once we're all set up after our pious pilgrimage of prosperity, and once we do, you'll find your bellies filled, your shacks full, and your pockets empty!! This voyage is for your safety, our satisfaction, and the eternal friendship certain to spring forth between us!!!!!"