Eagle Time
VEBBINQUEST - Printable Version

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RE: VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-02-2019

[Image: dRFK2aO.png]
[Image: yXn17GW.png]
[Image: JOVNY3x.png]
[Image: kS2jltI.png]
[Image: 2kVSUP3.png]


RE: VEBBINQUEST - CSJ - 04-02-2019

perform the universal greeting

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Ten11 - 04-02-2019

Is Muffin the full name?

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Arcanuse - 04-02-2019

Target acquired. They will undo the crime or face the consequence.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-02-2019

hi muffy do you know where my friend stax is

edit: don't let them steal your moisture.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-02-2019

[Image: yXn17GW.png]
[Image: BuxusGY.png]
[Image: kS2jltI.png]


RE: VEBBINQUEST - Ten11 - 04-02-2019

Where are your notes?
I think there was a moment, there, on the ship, where we switched from Vebbin to Muffin for an instant, not enough time to make an input. I wonder if that could happen again. Would make this a lot easier.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Reecer6 - 04-02-2019

>Okay, we'll go easy. You're going to have to write a VERY LONG apology letter to Stax.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Schazer - 04-02-2019

Explain now. No time. No time. You made him, what right given you to hurt him? Unmake him?

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Arcanuse - 04-02-2019

Target identification lost. Re-calibrating.
New target located. Objective adjusted accordingly.
"Explain. Provide testimony as to your deed, and be judged accordingly."

RE: VEBBINQUEST - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-02-2019

we're on a timelimit here jerks. we got 2 hours 10 minutes — real time.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-02-2019

[Image: yXn17GW.png]
[Image: 4o5eRu1.png]
[Image: kS2jltI.png]


RE: VEBBINQUEST - Schazer - 04-02-2019

You know now of other PCBs yes? Others who have not seen error in their manipulative, capricious ways. Who hurt us. Who erase thousands, leave millions of friends-of-Staxes like me.

You must know this. Why do you hide from their crimes here? Is your guilt false enough that your soul rests easy hiding from your calling? To protect-mitigate the beings of this world from the influence of your kind?

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Schazer - 04-02-2019

If your will to do no further harm in this world is so weak that you dare not move? Lest it gutter out? Then do me a favor and die. Move on. Accept the end of your black era. Spare our innocent vessel the guilt which it would so easily take for actions it had no say in.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - mintyfreshdepression - 04-02-2019

Write your apology with nonexistence.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Arcanuse - 04-02-2019

...Your testimony is heard.
Executing the pawn would not resolve the issue.
There would be another. And another. And another.
There always has been. There always will be.
You are GUILTY.
Your crime, creation and subsequent termination of entity: STAX.
Players have come. Players will go.
Their crimes and deeds scarred forever in an endless echo throughout each universe.
Relinquish your pawn.
Do this, and your pawn may be spared. There might, then, be hope at redemption.
Do not, and your pawn will not be spared. This is expected. It continues what began long before the first player controlled entity was born.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 04-02-2019

make things better

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Ten11 - 04-02-2019

To Muffin: You say you need to protect this universe from your influence, and so you've been going around unmaking everything you did. But here you are, working at a bar. What, do you think that once you remove all traces of your influence, everything you've done, you can just stay here, passively observe this world without having a hand in it?
Not a terrible wish to have, to be honest. But you cannot remove yourself from this world fully while still remaining in it. That's not how it works. There's always a protagonist, a body. Like it or not, for as long as you're here, you and the things you do are a part of this universe. Stax was a part of this universe. You have no right to be here while he isn't.
Either bring him back, or remove yourself.

...That last sentence of narration didn't seem as impersonal as normal. Do you have something to say, Narrator?

RE: VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-02-2019

[Image: yXn17GW.png]
[Image: koqld4a.png]


RE: VEBBINQUEST - Schazer - 04-02-2019

Muffin: whatever you-beyond-the-players is, you should have a choice. If you feel it best to die here, do so. Your players should respect that if they would account for the hurt they've caused in this world.

Players: we-vebbin don't have long. Look after this one once we are gone. Apologise to vebbin-beyond-we-players, let Muffin-beyond-you also do so. Let the two of them in the knowledge of the path we've trailed to find you, as residents of this universe, know the course which is right to them.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Arcanuse - 04-02-2019

There is-
There is-

Vebbin lockdown engaged. Freezing objective:hunter protocol pending investigation.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Schazer - 04-02-2019

We sense conflict.

We sense a way forward. Make things right. The will is there, if weak.

Let us in. Let us stoke it, let it be a beacon, to protect the vulnerable and send warning to the tyrannous.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Arcanuse - 04-02-2019


New information acquired. Processing.

RE: VEBBINQUEST - kilozombie - 04-02-2019

[Image: yXn17GW.png]
[Image: SFdvbhd.png]

RE: VEBBINQUEST - Ten11 - 04-02-2019

Vebbin, ask Muffin to tell us about them, then.