Eagle Time
Escape On Thera - Printable Version

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RE: Escape On Thera - Wessolf27 - 03-03-2018

Quote:>Fitan: The typical sort of thing for this kind situation happens: shaky stomach, becoming completely tongue-tied,vision blurred by pink borders and fluttering cartoon hearts, birdsong with no birds present, the works.

[Image: zA4xAMS.gif]

Y-You feel like being graced by the presence of goddess Rodona! She is beautiful, she is strong, she is...

[Image: 0Z3gY9T.png]

Utterly incompatible with you.

Better nip it in the bud. It would never work between you. You two are too different to be together.


Quote:> Recall what you know about Dardans.

[Image: Jd3bzr8.png]

Well, they're big, strong, and got scales on their backs. Most of the ones you've seen back home were either workers or hired muscle accompanying nobles and merchants who wanted to barter with your family. They're also Ormos, which means their children don't hatch from eggs, and... you think they eat bugs?

Look, you've never really met a Dardan face to face before because you've always seen them with their helms on all the time, and they often tend to keep to themselves, so...

I guess it's actually a good idea to go and ask Te'arka about it.

Quote:> Heal your injuries and tell Te'arka that she looks way too cuddly for someone her size.

W-what!? You can't tell her that! She'll toss you into a wall... a second time!

You will heal up a bit though. Your eye really stings.

(Fitan heals 7 HP)

Quote:Ask Te'arka
>What is this place?
>What happened here?
>Why is there a facility underground?
> who are you supposed to rescue?

[Image: Gs70zzt.gif]


Quote:>Examine tattered posters.

[Image: bUReexT.png]

They seem to be advertisement posters of some kind. This one seems to be for eyewear. It says:

"Experience the ultimate in Augmented Reality with the Luxavision Glasses.

owned by Clearbright Industries Incorporated. Building a crystal clear future for all."

Honestly this thing's just tacky as hell, and what kind of clothes are those?

And here's another one:

[Image: aZAFjKD.png]

"Hoppy Hamburgers! Sure to make anyone jump for joy!

Crickey Mart a subsidiary of Clearbright Industries Incorporated. Building a crystal clear future for all."

Your stomach starts to grumble again. Looking at that poster's just made you even more famished than anything.

Quote:> Ask Te'arka if she has any food to share, or knows where food can be found.


Quote:>Examine things on shelves.
> Find both, useful, useless and unidentifiable items.

[Image: 0ga2fwG.png]

You decide to scour the shelves if there might be any comestibles around. However, all you find are a bunch of other things instead.

You find:
  • Dehydrated pellets
  • Cleaning supplies
  • A huge hunk of metal made of intricate parts. It's got a black mirror on it.
  • A disassembled human mannequin (TWELVE'S ABOVE, THAT'S CREEPY!)
  • A bunch of spent crystals, utterly useless save for throwing. (These things should've long been returned to the Mothercrystal.)
  • Some kind of dart gun and some ammunition.
  • A weird fleshy mass suspended in liquid. (THIS IS EVEN CREEPIER!)
  • A crystal ball (You're not sure what this is for)
  • A box full of squigly, light and foamy material
  • A dead fake animal filled with fluff and button eyes. (You're pretty sure that's what they're called)
  • A strange machine with a winding neck and an equally long head. It looks like it needs a charge.

All the boxes have Clearlight Industry's logo all over the place. What the heck is this place anyway?

Te'arka chimes in and mentions that you might want to find a weapon.

Quote:>start prepping one of the Fire crystals you got from that monster

Remembering that you have a handful of fire crystals, you grab the pouch and pick a decent-sized crystal. Though most of them seem too small be used for anything but perhaps an explosive charge, you find one that you can buff and polish into a decent-looking Fire Essence, sweet!

[Image: e3XB5fw.png]

This new essence has the following abilities:

- Hot Shot - throw a fireball (1 charge)
- Fiery Charge - surround yourself with flames and charge at the enemy (1 charge per cast, 3 HP per active turn)

And both you and Te'arka can equip this Essence.


Speaking of, you might as well check your shared inventory:

[Image: SV3yNUn.png]

RE: Escape On Thera - typeandkey - 03-03-2018

>Assemble the mannequin and name it Captain Goodvibes. A fully assembled mannequin has a million-and-one uses, you'd be surprised.

RE: Escape On Thera - Mayu_Zane - 03-03-2018

There are cleaning supplies? Check for detergent, bleach, anything that you can use to throw at an enemy. It might not be as good as acid you can conjure up, but at least with that it means you won't have to use your Water Crystal and save that energy for healing.

RE: Escape On Thera - Coolacanth - 03-03-2018

> hydrate the pellets
> what're those notes in your inventory?
> look for a grate in the ceiling to crawl through

RE: Escape On Thera - FlanDab - 03-03-2018

So, we can assume the facility is owned by Clearlight Industries, judging by their omnipresence in this room, or are they just a really huge company that it's impossible to avoid them?
>Adopt stuffed animal. Declare it Gloom Alleviator. Name it Toodles.
>I can only assume that long necked machine to be a vacuum cleaner, otherwise I have no idea.
>Look up.
>Check backsides of posters. Can't hurt to check for secret messages.

RE: Escape On Thera - Wessolf27 - 03-03-2018

(03-03-2018, 10:17 AM)FlanDab Wrote: »So, we can assume the facility is owned by Clearlight Industries, judging by their omnipresence in this room, or are they just a really huge company that it's impossible to avoid them?

Whoops! That was supposed to be Clearbright! I've fixed that little bit of error.

RE: Escape On Thera - Biologist - 03-03-2018

>Drink the liquid with the weird, fleshy mass in it.

Nah, just kidding.

>Take the dart gun and darts. See if you can figure out what kind of device it is. Tranquilizer? Medical? Lethal? Poison? It might make a handy weapon for you if you run out of charges on your conduit.

>Ask Te'arka if she can help you get that collar and chain off your neck. Seriously, that thing has to be chafing by now.

RE: Escape On Thera - smuchmuch - 03-03-2018

>She mentioned the warden was a 'crazed' 'Unden' ? What an Unden ? And a human ?

>So how long as she been down here and what happen if the "warden" catches you ?

RE: Escape On Thera - DragoonExMachina - 03-03-2018

>Acquire dart gun and ammunition. Examine for additional information on purpose and operation.
>Acquire Dehydrated Pellets. Examine for further information. Perhaps the packaging (if there is any)?

Okay, so discounting anything we acquire from the room, our assets total one Water Essence (equipped), one Frost Essence (Equipped, Te'arka), one Fire Essence, Te'arka's helmet (which I assume she'll want to equip herself), some notes, some Fire Crystal fragments (good for improvised explosives, but not much else), a satchel for Essences/Crystals, and a Conduit Maker's Kit.

...oh, shit. While we have a minute,

>Take a moment to see if you can get more information out of the notes, now that you're not about to die.

RE: Escape On Thera - Torchfire - 03-04-2018

Fitan, examine the black mirror device. Feel strangely compelled to attempt activating it.
Try determining what species of creature the stuffed animal is based on.
Accidentally prick yourself with the dart gun while attempting to figure out how to use it. Realize it's actually a kind of subcutaneous injector instead of a ranged weapon. Do not feel any effects from the prick... Yet.

What are the two different languages on the posters and packaging? (of course one is English, but what is it supposed to be from the characters' point of view?)

Recap what you know about Humans. And of the creatures in the posters.

On a hunch, ask Te'arka what's the date.
Answer, make you drop to the floor in shock.

Grab the injector gun, the stuffed animal and anything else you can carry. Te'arka is big and strong. She shouldn't have trouble carrying larger objects around.

Consider using a water charge to re-hydrate the pellets. Maybe they're a kind of food.

Out of curiosity, what does Te'arka's helmet do, other than provide physical protection? Fitan, try it on.

So, Ormos don't lay eggs? How do they reproduce then? And what other kinds of reproductive methods are there among the sentient folk it the world?

(03-03-2018, 06:25 AM)typeandkey Wrote: »>Assemble the mannequin and name it Captain Goodvibes. A fully assembled mannequin has a million-and-one uses, you'd be surprised.
Or, you can assemble it and then replace it's head with the liquid-suspended mass and call it "Doctor Badvibes" (I never thought I'd get to use a "COPS" reference anywhere, yet alone on a forum adventure, heh).

RE: Escape On Thera - tronn - 03-04-2018

(03-04-2018, 01:37 PM)Torchfire Wrote: »On a hunch, ask Te'arka for a date.
Answer, make you drop to the floor in shock.


RE: Escape On Thera - DragoonExMachina - 03-04-2018

(03-04-2018, 01:37 PM)Torchfire Wrote: »Grab the injector gun, the stuffed animal and anything else you can carry. Te'arka is big and strong. She shouldn't have trouble carrying larger objects around.
It's not like she might object to being used as a pack mule for your packrat ways, right? (Sarcasm, in case you can't tell. Also, she still needs to be able to fight.)
Quote:So, Ormos don't lay eggs? How do they reproduce then? And what other kinds of reproductive methods are there among the sentient folk it the world?
The alternative is generally live birth. Like mammals.

RE: Escape On Thera - Biologist - 03-04-2018

(03-04-2018, 05:26 PM)DragoonExMachina Wrote: »It's not like she might object to being used as a pack mule for your packrat ways, right?

Yeah, her name is Te'arka, not Lydia. She might not agree to carry Fitan's collection of miscellaneous crap without a good reason. Although, if it's potentially useful then that would make sense.

RE: Escape On Thera - SneakyRobot - 03-05-2018

> Collect all the items. Some might be junk, but worry about that when you're inventory is overflowing & you find something cool.

RE: Escape On Thera - The One Guy - 03-05-2018

> So, have you heard of Clearbright Industries, or is this company new to you?

RE: Escape On Thera - Torchfire - 03-07-2018

Another suggestion:

Te'arka, watch Fitan fiddle around with various objects in the room. From his behaviour, start worrying that your throwing him against the wall might have given him brain damage, or at least a concussion.

RE: Escape On Thera - Wessolf27 - 03-27-2018

Sorry for the delays again, I'll be out for a few days for a family vacation. In the meantime, have a teaser.

[Image: 0mCbhJY.png]

RE: Escape On Thera - Torchfire - 03-27-2018

That teaser looks interesting.
I can just imagine Te'arka thinking something like "Oh, crap! I'm stuck here with a complete lunatic."

RE: Escape On Thera - Coolacanth - 03-28-2018

looks wild

RE: Escape On Thera - Wessolf27 - 04-01-2018

Question Corner:

Quote:>Drink the liquid with the weird, fleshy mass in it.
>Ask Te'arka if she can help you get that collar and chain off your neck. Seriously, that thing has to be chafing by now.

[Image: pqy3yxn.png]

First off, you said it before that the collar stays. And it's going to stay until your sister is freed.

Second, you'd rather be sent to Durva's frigid pits than to eat that fleshy thing! You're not an animal!

Quote:> Hydrate the pellets
>Acquire Dehydrated Pellets. Examine for further information. Perhaps the packaging (if there is any)?
Consider using a water charge to re-hydrate the pellets. Maybe they're a kind of food.

[Image: 1mXdLvD.gif]

Now that's a good idea. You hurry onto the box of dehydrated pellets and grab a pack. You boil the contents in the bag it came in and give it a taste.

It tastes...

[Image: Ed8cZaH.gif]

...It tastes so good... you can't stop eating it all! You scarf down the rest of the pack, and tear open another one for snacking, spending another charge of your crystal. You also grab a few more for the road. You also make a mess of yourself, but who cares!


Quote:>Fitan: There are cleaning supplies? Check for detergent, bleach, anything that you can use to throw at an enemy. It might not be as good as acid you can conjure up, but at least with that it means you won't have to use your Water Crystal and save that energy for healing.

[Image: goVv5Cn.png]

You find the box with the mop and hand it over to Te'arka, meanwhile, you can't help but note the many strange bottles that are contained in the box. You suppose it won't hurt to open one of them and take a whiff...

The burning smell of the acid assaults your nose and overwhelms you! You've never used these things before, but the acrid smell is so intense that you don't have a hard time imagining how these things can clean someone's face off. You decide to grab a bottle of cleaning acid and take it with you. Learning from your lesson from last time, you read the label, and it says "Muriatic Acid".

Well... you guess it's supposed to be for really tough stains? You probably want to wear gloves as a precaution.

You also spot the long-necked machine, so that's called a vaccum cleaner? Is it supppsed to clean vaccums? Why would you--wait, nevermind, considering the things you've seen human machines do, you probably shouldn't be surprised by all this.

Quote:>Fitan: examine the black mirror device.

[Image: N3WRE5D.gif]

Speaking of strange human machines, how the heck does this thing even work? You try touching the mirror while wearing your Conduit, but it doesn't react. You keep pressing the button, but it doesn't work at all! This thing is probably broken.

Quote:>Fitan: Adopt stuffed animal. Declare it Gloom Alleviator. Name it Toodles.
Try determining what species of creature the stuffed animal is based on.

[Image: 3Z0Jraq.gif]

You take the Gloom Alleviator and name it Toodles. Though you're not sure why an effigy like this would alleviate your gloom... though you have to admit, it's quite soft and fluffy.

...you suddenly don't know if you want to let go of Toodles. She's just so fluffy and she has these cute button eyes and majestic horn. You don't even know what kind of creature she is but you suddenly want to froli--

GAH! Snap out of it Fitan! Now's not the time!

Quote:>Acquire dart gun and ammunition. Examine for additional information on purpose and operation.
>Take the dart gun and darts. See if you can figure out what kind of device it is. Tranquilizer? Medical? Lethal? Poison? It might make a handy weapon for you if you run out of charges on your conduit.

[Image: fH3RwmT.png]

You've seen a number of human soldiers carry things like these around. And to be fair, these weapons are terrifying. They can fire faster than most magics, and are difficult to anticipate. Though this one seems to be a lot different from other guns considering the bright colors and soft darts... you think this is probably a toy. But why would they be in a place like this?

Still, you consider keeping it with you, if nothing else, it could make for a good distraction. It also came with 8 foam darts as well

Quote:>Assemble the mannequin and name it Captain Goodvibes. A fully assembled mannequin has a million-and-one uses, you'd be surprised.
> you can assemble it and then replace it's head with the liquid-suspended mass and call it "Doctor Badvibes"

[Image: LaGggcJ.png]

You assemble "Captain Badvibes" and grab a snack while you're at it, all in all the sloshing contents of its head gives it that nice creepy touch.


You're not gonna turn it around.

Quote:Te'arka, watch Fitan fiddle around with various objects in the room. From his behaviour, start worrying that your throwing him against the wall might have given him brain damage, or at least a concussion.

...Brain damage? You really think so? Well... you admit you're just following what you said but... alright. You decide to turn it around... for now.

Quote:>So how long as she been down here and what happen if the "warden" catches you ?
Out of curiosity, what does Te'arka's helmet do, other than provide physical protection? Fitan, try it on.


[Image: gz66MV1.png]


You suddenly hear knocking coming from above. Feet skittering and tapping against the metal grates.

Quote:> Look up.

[Image: ECp0wTS.gif]

Oh no, not these things again.

Te'arka: "Gah! See? I told you to clean up ASAP!"



RE: Escape On Thera - SneakyRobot - 04-01-2018

> Dip your darts in acid & fire them at the creatures.

RE: Escape On Thera - Wessolf27 - 04-01-2018

Crap, noticed quite a few mistakes back there, I've fixed the ones in the question corner and removed the extra image. Thanks for your patience.

RE: Escape On Thera - FlanDab - 04-01-2018

>Remove contact from any metallic surfaces. Those look like electric aethertouched. Electricity tends to flow towards the place of least charge, grounding themselves, and favor the fastest route towards the ground which conductors such as metals (and water) allow with ease of flow.
>Do not throw fluids at them, yet. It might drip and create unwanted collateral damage.
>Try shooting them with foam darts. (To distract them.)
>Actually, just leave the room! I don't think you're prepared to fight them here. There's a lot material around that could burn, evaporate, spill, break, or perhaps even explode.


RE: Escape On Thera - Wessolf27 - 04-01-2018


RE: Escape On Thera - smuchmuch - 04-01-2018

>Try shooting a dart at the thing's crystal to make it discharge it's magic early before it can hurt you with them (hopefully that'll hurt)