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scraph - Printable Version

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RE: scraph - qwerx3 - 10-13-2016

Detach light, use as torch

RE: scraph - OTTO - 10-15-2016

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RE: scraph - Sruixan - 10-31-2016


(10-11-2016, 12:25 AM)Dediles Wrote: »>what idiot points a light at a door? I guess the same idiot that puts a naked guy in a bed in a supply closet with all the shelves knocked over.

nah you reckon the light was placed very cleverly

It served a dual purpose; first, it lured you into this room, and now it's got you dazzled and dazed and any moment now you're gonna be kissing your kidneys goodbye, all because you weren't paranoid enough dammit:


you're now just stood here blinking, all tensed up and no place to go

And, also, like, completely in tact. Well, as in tact as you were two minutes ago, at any rate.


Okay, correction, you were being too paranoid - what the heck? Turns out this light is just positioned really shittily. That's... almost disappointing? You had a nice, tight scenario under construction in your head - there was some shady figure in a dark void, white cat on lap, watching you patiently, fingers steepled, smile curved, waiting for you to blunder down the corridor towards your pre-determined doom.

Because, um, that's totally not overdoing an organ harvesting plot. Nope. Not in the slightest. And, um, let's maybe not acknowledge the complete disconnect between the slick, premeditated operation you were fabricating and reality, where everything's a muddle and you're not getting shanked.


Actually no let's not shimmy round this how can any of what you've been through be part of a calculated plot? What was your villain thinking? "Yes, right, let's see here, I'm gonna have my victim wake up in complete agony with unobliging amnesia in a trashed storeroom and then after maybe ten to fifteen minutes of squirming and moaning and unproductive near-delirium there's an outside chance h-



(10-11-2016, 12:18 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »
[Image: N46uYHR.png]


(10-12-2016, 08:37 AM)Schazer Wrote: »barf

you kinda regret trying to think about yourself

your gag reflex got your back though even if your brain doesn't

but urghff you were hoping you were past this shittiness

(10-12-2016, 03:42 AM)Coolacanth Wrote: »use floor


[Image: 0047.png]

so now you're just sat here in this corner retching or trying not to retch depending on the moment


like okay you get it your memory's spoilt but why can you not think about who you are without this headfuck hullabaloo

is having an identity somehow too big an ask

and the worst bit is that you want to question it you want to grill yourself until you're black and burnt why wouldn't you want answers

there's this strange position like you're in right now where if you can stomach it you can have this level of self-awareness

(like for instance "he" was wrong, "she" wasn't right and "they" wasn't wrong except you don't know what you mean by any of that despite being the one who thought it)

so you trade functioning for thinking and feel the fizzle of your mind like warmth from a sparkler as your brain tries to do something

(10-11-2016, 03:51 AM)Dediles Wrote: »why did i even bother asking.

and it doesn't succeed; it just fizzles out, slowly but abruptly, leaving flickers of sketches in the air


you should probably get up again now

(10-11-2016, 12:04 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Check out that colorful thing.

Having become accustomed to the light level during that... diversion, you edge your way over to the box that all the cables seem to converge upon:

[Image: 0048.png]

It's a fairly big dark-ish lump with a splash of colour on top - there's a raised pad with four vaguely translucent protrusions that you'd imagine are buttons? The red one and the blue one both have lights on inside them, but they're rather weak. Oh, and speaking of lights, there are two tiny green dots on the surround that you think are LEDs or similar? They've definitely got a glow to them as opposed to just being boring old blips...

(10-11-2016, 12:26 AM)a52 Wrote: »Press the orange button

Well, given an array of curiously coloured buttons on a mysterious device, there's only one question you can possibly ask - what does this button do?

[Image: 0049.png]

What this button did was turn off the light. Huh. To be honest, you were expecting something rather more serious from the red one of all buttons...

You press it again and the light comes back on. You press it again, and the light goes off again. One more press and you're illuminated once more. Hmm.

(10-13-2016, 12:48 AM)qwerx3 Wrote: »Detach light, use as torch

[Image: 0050.png]

Yeah, looks like the light is connected to a cable. It's an odd light, though - it puts you in mind of a stage light that someone forgot to take out of its box. It would only appear to be staying on its spindly stand as the result of some pretty heavy fastening; you can see what look like straps on the underside. If you wanted a moveable light source, you suppose there's little from stopping you from moving the stand...

(10-11-2016, 12:09 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »pull on those wires! pull the wires! gotta pull all the wires!

[Image: 0051.png]

...that idea, whilst decent in principle, has a minor flaw - the cable connecting the light to the button pad box is not overly long! And hello... that connection comes through an interesting looking thing - is it a lever? It looks like a lever. You're going to pull it.

[Image: 0052.png]

Fucking hell.

Fine. You put the lever stick back where you found it... aaaaaand you can see things again. Frankly you don't understand the need for so many ways of toggling the light on and off. Guess that's yet another thing to chuck on the pile of things beyond your comprehension... assuming you can reach the top of it at this point...

RE: scraph - a52 - 10-31-2016

>Feel yourself up, maybe you can at least discover what your body is, if not what you identify as.
>That is, if the idea doesn't make you want to vomit again.
>Press the purple button

RE: scraph - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-31-2016

[Image: BecUkDR.gif]

RE: scraph - qwerx3 - 10-31-2016

now, press the orange button again

RE: scraph - Schazer - 10-31-2016


RE: scraph - Kíeros - 10-31-2016

> See what happens if you push the other buttons.

RE: scraph - Ixcaliber - 10-31-2016

okay so the other cable, the one that has a connection to the lever device but isn't the light, what does that connect to? Follow the cable if its not immediately obvious.

RE: scraph - Dediles - 10-31-2016

up up down down left right left right B A START

RE: scraph - OTTO - 10-31-2016

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RE: scraph - Coolacanth - 10-31-2016

press the purple button

(im colorblind)

RE: scraph - Robust Laser - 11-01-2016

okay i need you to tell me if the serial number has a vowel on it

RE: scraph - a52 - 11-01-2016

(11-01-2016, 05:31 AM)Robust Laser Wrote: »okay i need you to tell me if the serial number has a vowel on it

beat you to that joke, sorry.

RE: scraph - Robust Laser - 11-01-2016

i made that post at work i didn't have time to look if somebody else did it

RE: scraph - Schazer - 11-01-2016

Do you have car

RE: scraph - qwerx3 - 11-01-2016

check where the other cable emanating from the button box, that does not lead to the light stand, leads to

RE: scraph - Ixcaliber - 11-01-2016

close your eyes. refuse to look at the results of any button pushing shenanigans

RE: scraph - Sruixan - 11-16-2016

(10-31-2016, 02:31 AM)a52 Wrote: »>Feel yourself up, maybe you can at least discover what your body is, if not what you identify as.
>That is, if the idea doesn't make you want to vomit again.

...yeah, you're good for now...

...for now...

(11-01-2016, 06:09 PM)qwerx3 Wrote: »check where the other cable emanating from the button box, that does not lead to the light stand, leads to

okay yep let's not get distracted again how's about focusing on whatever the heck this nonsense is instead

...so, there's a box with buttons on it. A thick, greyish cable leaves from each side; three of them run through the door you came in, the fourth goes to the lever. And then there's a fifth cable... a white one, coming from the side with the lever, and going to... where, exactly?

[Image: 0053.png]

Well, that's the "where" sorted - now for the "what"? There's this big metallic block in the middle of the room that's kind of just there; it's got a couple of grooves and rivets and panels adorning it but its nature is not distinctly obvious. Or maybe it is, and you're just bad at identifying stuff. That's quite possible. Regardless, it looks like one of the aforementioned panels has been removed to reveal a... thing, and the white cable goes into it. It's a damn sight more complicated than the button block, that's for sure. You think those little bits are toggles? And are those holes meant for other wires? No wait - that one's got a screwthread in it... and that one's... um... hexagonal? What goes in there? Is something even supposed to go in there?

...you think you're better off playing with the buttons...

(10-31-2016, 03:46 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »okay so the other cable, the one that has a connection to the lever device but isn't the light, what does that connect to? Follow the cable if its not immediately obvious.

Though saying that, when you were counting cables earlier you did sort of skip over one; there are two cables emanating from the lever box, even though only one enters. Huh. If it doesn't go out the door, and it doesn't lead to the light...

[Image: 0054.png]

...it disappears behind a tarpaulin. Because there's a tarpaulin strung up across the back of this room. For some reason.

On the subject of the odd, there's a handle on the section of the metallic block you've been looking at. If you squint a bit, you can make out the edges of the panel it's attached to... and there's a keyhole? Blimey, you nearly missed that - it's tiny! Well, if you ever come across a really, really small key...

(10-31-2016, 02:31 AM)a52 Wrote: »>Press the purple button

Anyways, it's about time you got back to the random button mashing. You press the purple button and absolutely nothing happens.

Seriously, nothing changes. The button does not light up. The green LEDs remain lit. The blue and red buttons are still glowing faintly. The light in the corner is still on.


(10-31-2016, 03:34 AM)qwerx3 Wrote: »now, press the orange button again

[Image: 0055.png]

(10-31-2016, 01:51 AM)Wheat Wrote: »Through sheer will, build a device that'll add another step in the process of toggling the light on and off.

Well, some things never change...

(10-31-2016, 04:06 AM)Kíeros Wrote: »> See what happens if you push the other buttons.

But come on, there are three other buttons. They can't do absolutely nothing... let's try the purple one again.

[Image: 0056.png]


...have you somehow managed to achieve something useful?

Oh goodness you actually have. You've turned the corridor lights on. That's amazing.

Well, you best stick your nose out the door then, huh? Okay, so, to your right...

[Image: 0057.png]

...and to your left...

[Image: 0058.png]

Somehow, you would appear to have made progress. And yet... as tempting as it is to quit whilst you're ahead, you're still intrigued (frustrated?) by these buttons; you've only pressed half of them, you know. So, what does blue do?

[Image: 0059.png]

At least something happened, right? Or, come to think of it, now that you can see stuff in the corridor, you may as well check it too...

[Image: 0060.png]

Huh. Go figure. Anyway, time for green...

[Image: 0061.png]

And out in the corridor... nothing's changed. The light's still off in the room you... came from... and nothing's different elsewhere that you can see. Bearing in mind that you can't exactly see much from the doorway, that is...

(10-31-2016, 07:16 PM)Coolacanth Wrote: »press the purple button

(im colorblind)

...finally, curiosity compels you to push the purple button again...

[Image: 0062.png]

So yeah who'd have thought it the corridor's all lit up still.

(you kind of thought it, that's why you figured it safe to push the button, because of course this isn't going to behave in a reasonable manner)

You have however learned something from this: that you don't understand what's up with these buttons!

And by that you don't just mean that you've yet to get a handle on how your button presses translate into tangible results - you can't understand why this thing exists. It has an excessively counterintuitive interface for what is basically a glorified lightswitch. What's the point? Is this some kind of tease? Because it doesn't really mesh with your dogshit darling "working theory" (what kind of organ harvester makes their victim fuck about with a knock-off Simon Says before disembowling... them, precisely?), but it sure as hell harmonises with your cackling fuckwit monitor monkey idea.

(11-01-2016, 06:14 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »close your eyes. refuse to look at the results of any button pushing shenanigans

...urgh, you've got yourself het up...

You know, you could just... refuse, to cooperate. Again. Because, um, that worked out so well the first time. But, theoretically, if you were to sit in a corner with your eyes shut, decidedly not interacting with any of this guff whatsoever...


[Image: 0063.gif]

if you're brutally honest this was a terrible idea

(10-31-2016, 03:51 PM)Dediles Wrote: »up up down down left right left right B A START

you presumably can't loophole your way out of this admittedly rather undefined mess

(11-01-2016, 08:52 AM)Robust Laser Wrote: »i made that post at work i didn't have time to look if somebody else did it

and if your supposed mastermind does exist they're extremely unlike to come help out

(11-01-2016, 02:30 PM)Schazer Wrote: »
OTTO Wrote:

Do you have car

though if there is an evil party responsible then getting out of this situation would be ideal

assuming that there is a way to escape, that is

(11-01-2016, 05:31 AM)Robust Laser Wrote: »okay i need you to tell me if the serial number has a vowel on it

it's perfectly easy to believe that the buttons and cables and lights are all part of some elaborate plan, but it's determining the nature of said plan that's impossible

you don't really know the parameters of your situation

(10-31-2016, 02:46 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »
[Image: BecUkDR.gif]

except as far as you can tell, the biggest danger to you at the moment is your brain

[Image: 0064.gif]

keeping your eyes shut is surprisingly hard


you're more than a little bit miffed about not being able to have a bloody tantrum without it fucking you up something fierce

(10-31-2016, 04:00 AM)Schazer Wrote: »hurl

$(!$ §!# )>%&)$!"<% %>$)"%<)

[Image: 0065.png]

you s-should maybe get up again now

and turn the lights back on


at least you picked the corner behind the door...

RE: scraph - Akumu - 11-16-2016

> Turn the free-standing light back on

> Flip the lever to the tarp side

> Look behind the tarp

RE: scraph - Schazer - 11-16-2016

laugh in the face of no discernible immediate danger

RE: scraph - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 11-16-2016

[Image: vrsxJnc.gif]

RE: scraph - OTTO - 11-16-2016

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RE: scraph - btp - 11-16-2016

make a good gaff about chips.

RE: scraph - a52 - 11-16-2016

(10-31-2016, 02:31 AM)a52 Wrote: »>Feel yourself up, maybe you can at least discover what your body is, if not what you identify as.

If I'm squinting correctly, our protagonist appears to be both, now that I've given it another look. That also fits with their pronoun preference*.

*not saying gender identity has to match body or whatever, but it does tend to, and it would make sense in this case

Looks like most of the buttons only work in combinations with other buttons.

Try activating purple, then pressing blue or green.

I've started a (rather pitiful) spreadsheet for this. Somebody more awake than I am (future me, perhaps) can make a proper input/output table

Edit: Future me has done their job, and the truth table is fully updated with all tested values so far.