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RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (46/67) - amosmyn - 04-03-2013

Why do I always get the virus goop. Why.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (46/67) - waterbottles - 04-03-2013

God Save The Queen!
No, seriously, ew. Go see a doctor.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (46/67) - Schazer - 04-03-2013



RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (46/67) - Schazer - 04-03-2013

(Dalm is like the only ok dude right now, just for clarification

Because I don't like yelling at newbies SO THANKS A BUNCH THE REST OF YOU CHUCKLEFUCKS)

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (46/67) - waterbottles - 04-03-2013

I don't understand, but I'm sorry, Schazer.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (46/67) - Dalmationer - 04-03-2013

All I understand is Magiclanterngraphics.com and Cooltext.com.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (46/67) - Schazer - 04-04-2013

We interrupt this clusterfuck to bring you a message from the godhead bitch empress.

Ok first up there are some of you who clearly know the standard ettiquete of mafia, but are neglecting to stick by it because you're just so dang hilarious with your gifs and witticisms and invincibility

well that's the second time Beru did exactly what I just said you literally said "well normally we stop talking here but here's a gif" you should have known better you know the rules and you think I'm not gonna school your ass for thinking you're above them and modkill you well you've got another think coming

And Amos I warned you too you can go check your quicktopic if you want to be extra sure because goddamn did I warn you

Beruru has been modkilled. Amosmyn has been modkilled.

Beruru was Supersonic, by She, from Songfia. A song that could apparently exceed the speed of sound itself, her nightly serial kills would, if tracked, not yield results until two nights afterward. She had the ability to go SUPERSONIC when killing a player, making her untargetable for that night and the following day. Going SUPERSONIC would require a night and day after activation to recharge.


Amosmyn was Charles Montegarde, a mime from the Nightside. Seeing as the only good mime was a dead mime, wherever you went, he was a superhated player and would be lynched at H-2 on any given day. A bad case of the magics had turned his skill at mime into a deadly ability, letting him use props that weren't there to kill people that (unfortunately) were. His props would also let him fight off would-be attackers, rendering him immune to nightkills provided only one person targeted him.


Other salient points:

Amosmyn was infected with the VIRUS.

dayaction resolutions, errata, votals, and phone box resolutions will be up shorty.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (46/67) - AgentBlue - 04-04-2013

Okay it seems as if we're not even told which scumteam they were on. Which is bad. Unless there is a 'superhated' scumteam. Which is still bad.

Also, virus. Eep.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (46/67) - Schazer - 04-04-2013

Watts, Granola, Mathgirl, and SoundlyParanoid are all on STRIKE ONE respectively for posting after dayactivation and having enough experience to know better.

Waterbottles gets a warning. Please do not post after someone has done something that looks like a day activation, or says what they just did is a day activation!


Cyber95 performed an UNSUCCESSFUL VUVUZELA KILL on Beruru.

There is still a POTATO up for election. Also having escaped your attention is a PILE OF BOOTLEG JAZZ ALBUMS, which some enterprising NE'ER-DO-WELL has SMUGGLED in. A curious lynch mobster picks up one on top of the pile:



You're all so distracted by all these goings-on that nobody sees a beam of very deadly light being shot from the top of a nearby tall building. The blast squarely hits poor Whimbrel in the chest, who convulses wildly before hitting the floor.

Whimbrel has been RAYKILLED.

[Image: looXh7t.jpg]
Whimbrel was Ruy Avila Tejada, traditional vodou doctor and not-so-traditional assassin. He was one of the hitmen for the malefactors of the Quarantine incident, and his kills would pierce any doctoring protection placed on the target. However, the doctor in question would see him at the scene of the crime.

He was a MAFIA DOCPIERCING CONSPICUOUS HITMAN and would win when his team outnumbered all other parties combined.

Don't change the channel! It's time to see who broke the phonebox! Next up, on Murderfia!

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - AgentBlue - 04-04-2013

So that's two Mafia down, one Profane, two MYSTERY SCU-oh wait serial killers are third party RIIIIGHT i am dumb

And a lot of town. Hmmm.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - Mehgamehn - 04-04-2013

I have to say I literally have no idea whether or not its safe to talk at pretty much any given time

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - GenetiXientist - 04-04-2013

Ok I'm going to bed I need sleep see you guys later

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - TehPilot - 04-04-2013

Those bodies just keep on piling up.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - Paranoia - 04-04-2013

in newsville, we should probably Potato: Sruix for being RUDE and trying to pass the potato off on me after I have seen enough of the blighted little fuckers for the rest of my life, and unrelatedly sruix could use a little starch related fattening.

Vote: Gene for reasons that escape me currently

now if you'll all excuse me I am going to go fawn over Pilot-sama now.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - Schazer - 04-04-2013


Agent scrawls a phrase on the side of the phone booth! Nothing untoward happens.

Cyber95 pushes the phone booth! His strength is not sufficient to topple or uproot it from the ground, however.

ProfessorLizzard licks the phone booth! It tastes like metal and paint and late-night calculations.

Beru pushes Cyber into the phone booth! He bounces off of it, still failing to dislodge it into a roll-able state.

Leafsw0rd suffices with leaping atop the still-immobile phone booth.

Mathgirl pulls the door open, and steps inside the phone booth.
The receiver begins to ring.

Waterbottles examines the phone booth! It is red, has glass panels, and does not have the cavernous interior of a time-and-spacecraft. It is probably not a Tardis. Mathgirl looks at you awkwardly.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - Granolaman - 04-04-2013

Is...is it safe to talk yet?

Oh God save the Queen.

Let's see where was I? Oh yeah. AHAHAHAHAHA! The Disgruntled Protector did it! They actually managed to do their job! I live to chatter another day!

On an entirely unrelated note I need to stay at someone else's house tonight. All my windows got shot up and there's a terrible draft.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - Palamedes - 04-04-2013

Hey guys, I’m so sorry I was trying to get a thing done for this game (also I had other stuff) but since it’ll take way longer than I hoped (I probably won't get it finished because I'm lazy -_-) I figure I should just start posting because this game is the bomb.

I also just have to quickly finish reading (it would be great if you guys could avoid hammering for the next couple hours).

Palamedes Wrote:Of course, that was the truth, I did have a little something special planned for the sixty four, now fourty six of them still alive. A little bit of honesty can go a long way when dealing with people who might, on a good day, just lynch you. They help you sneak in little lies, like the one about the only reason I started posting was because I want to actually be part of the game. Of course, that in itself isn’t completely dishonest, but what I really want is my nightaction. I suppose I could even say I need it.

It was also a lie that I haven’t finished the thread – of course I had, skimmed it at least, and if I cared much for taking the game seriously I’d bring out a few notes on it. I don’t though, and best try to keep people sweating, thinking. Doesn't matter that much at this juncture though, between invincible people around, the virus, and the outed mafioso, there are plenty of targets.

I think we should Lynch: TehPilot because fuck the mafia. Also if anyone gets the virus they should probably say so up front because fuck the virus too.

Also I wrote this before all that pause and death. Those kills were all exciting but don't really change anything I said.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - Not The Author - 04-04-2013

I think I know this movie

Although it's the wrong design for the one I'm thinking of

Or the other one I'm thinking of


RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - Akumu - 04-04-2013

Phonebooth: Close the door. I'm pretty worried about what's going on with this phonebooth.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - Crowstone - 04-04-2013

Like i swear, half of the day activations looked kind of like obnoxious shouting and half of the things that looked like day activates were not day activations but obnoxious shouting, so I agree with Mehga in that WHEN IS IT SAFE TO TALK?

like day activations would be lovely if they were clearly labeled as [flashyfontstuff]DAY ACTIVATION: <STATEMENT>[/ffs] instead of just [ffs]<STATEMENT>[/ffs]

Lynch: TehPilot
Potato: Crowstone
I am going to smush myself into the phone booth with mathgirl and listen

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - Granolaman - 04-04-2013

Wait, wasn't Pilot dead a while ago? Somebody put him back in the ground.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (44/67) - Palamedes - 04-04-2013

Oh right and sure I want to have fun messing around with the phone booth too so Answer: phone. Also I sure do feel like I've forgotten something but I can't remember what...

Palamedes Wrote:Of course, I hadn't forgotten about my responsibility to the monarchy, you know, God save the Queen and all that. Just wanted them to continue seeing me as a bumbling idiot about to eat a daykill or some other such nonsense. Maybe they'll be surprised now when one never comes to strike me down, that'd be a treat. As for the phone, I don't really care for messing around with it. I really just want to know what it's hiding, what power it might hold, and most importantly, if I can harness it before some mafioso does.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (42/67) - Schazer - 04-04-2013

Whimbrel's a zombie now

遊びは終わりだ! (2) - Anacreon, Pick Yer Poison
btp (1) - No Lynch
GeneX (1) - SounlyParanoid
granolaman (1) - 遊びは終わりだ!
NTA (1) - Seastormjt
soundlyParanoid (1) - Airey
TehPilot (2) - Palamedes, Crowstone
No Lynch (1) - Mathgirl277

Abstaining: Agentblue, Akumu, Anomaly, BestTeaMaker, Bigro, Boogeyman, btp, Chwoka, Coldblooded, Cyber95, deadcrystal, Doodley, Elize, Epamynondas, Fragowump, GeneX, granolaman, Leafsw0rd, Luneix, Malkytop, Mehgamehn, Mr. Arsenic Nog, myw, Not The Author, Piester, Pinary, ProfessorLizzrd, Seawyrm, Seedy, Sruixan, TehPilot, witterBeetles, whoosh!

Mayor mash

Crowstone (1) - Crowstone
SoundlyParanoid (1) - Sruixan
Sruixan (1) - SoundlyParanoid

Abstaining: 遊びは終わりだ!, Agentblue, Airey, Akumu, Anacreon, Anomaly, BestTeaMaker, Bigro, Boogeyman, btp, Chwoka, Coldblooded, Cyber95, deadcrystal, Doodley, Elize, Epamynondas, Fragowump, GeneX, granolaman, Leafsw0rd, Luneix, Malkytop, Mathgirl277, Mehgamehn, Mr. Arsenic Nog, myw, No Lynch, Not The Author, Palamedes, Piester, Pick Yer Poison, Pinary, ProfessorLizzrd, Seawyrm, Seastormjt, Seedy, TehPilot, witterBeetles, whoosh!

But what is phone

Akumu closes the door! Mathgirl is stuck inside until Akumu stops keeping the door closed.

Crowstone attempts to squeeze past Akumu, but he's pretty keen on that door remaining closed.
The only sound from the phone booth is its continued ringing.

Palamedes cannot answer the phone, as he is outside the phone booth!

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (42/67) - Palamedes - 04-04-2013

Palamedes Wrote:Well, looks like some people beat me to the punch with that phone. Like they're ninjas or something. Regardless, it's a mere annoyance. Shouldn't be a major problem for me to clear some space for me to talk.

I will push Crowstone and Mathgirl out of the phone booth. Let me handle this ladies. Oh, you can have the potato though.

Potato: Crowstone

Also I think Pilot was just modrevealed as scum, not killed. I could be wrong though.

RE: MURDERFIA: DAY 2 (42/67) - waterbottles - 04-04-2013

Oops, sorry about the talking! I'll try and do better next time.

Ain't no Taaaarrrr-dis? Well, there only be one thing to do, dagnabit!

Vote: Phonebooth