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Murder By The Book - Ender's Game - Printable Version

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RE: Murder By The Book - Day 6: Eats, Shoots & Lives - Nova - 05-16-2014

I have completely lost track of this game due to follow-the-Cop

and the game I'm running is doing the same thing

I hope I never see another Cop again

Vote Whimbrel

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 6: Eats, Shoots & Lives - Dragon Fogel - 05-16-2014

More Votals Before I Lose Track

Whimbrel - 3 (Gnauga, Dalm, Nova)
Dalm - 3 (Sotek, Schazer, icanhasdonut)
Gnauga - 2 (Garuru, Palamedes)

With 12 alive, it takes 7 to lynch. Soft lynch has been abolished.
Deadline is Monday, May 20th at 11:59 PM Mountain time.

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 6: Eats, Shoots & Lives - seedy - 05-16-2014

I've never seen a purple cop/I hope I never see one/but I can tell you here and nop/I'd rather see than be one

dalm is correct in voting for the person who's not her because if you're town you know you're town and therefore a bad lynch. I'd rather lynch whim. also dalm is actually playing, maybe having a good time (??) learning new things, making new friends (???)
gnauga the reasoning for pala being clear-ish is like...a lurker would be, a safer choice, than sotek, when you don't know what something does
like if they died it's like "haha oops" but if you murder sotek there's consequences. also if they get copcleared it's less of a deal. so throwing a pie at sotek was a solid decision and also a daring one? maf tend to pick safe actions
not that I like the way that's caused people to list him next to copclears...
also pala can you explain why schaz coming in after garuru kill survival is weird
(schazer I wish you would calm the rolefishy mechanics talk it makes me want to say "damn the pseudoclear") (also what are you fiddling with about akumu last time I checked they were copcleared?)

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 6: Eats, Shoots & Lives - seedy - 05-16-2014

forgot to actually vote whoops
vote: whimbrel

also the "him" I'm referring to in the copclears sentence is pala

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 6: Eats, Shoots & Lives - Schazer - 05-16-2014

Yeah I was kind of making eyes at Akumu through re-read partly because of the adamancy on the Eberron lynch. Whiiiich I know is just as likely misinformed town as it can be mislynch-pushing scum, but that was before I reviewed the tapes and understood when/where Donut was checking. I knew that Akumu was Donut's N1 check but like was mentioned, the mafia busdriver was a thing until Garuru admitted that Akumu was driven with Scum!Truegreen N2.

I mean we all knew this already and I just needed to get it straight in my head on re-read.

But yeah by dint of Dalm actually being here and giving things a go I'm happy to step off her again and contribute to a Whimslam.
Unvote, Vote: Whimbrel

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 6: Eats, Shoots & Lives - Gatr - 05-16-2014

Honestly, I feel like we have this in the bag. Not to go overconfident or anything, but barring a surprise (which I'd actually like to happen), we pretty much just have to lynch Dalm, Whim, Gnauga, and seedy II. That's four days right there. Maybe if more than one of them flips town, then we know something's up. But I'm content to just keep lynching away.

vote: Whimbrel

I mean, unless you think we could possibly contribute by continuing to talk? I guess I do want to figure Sotek out, but it's not high priority and most likely won't go anywhere.

This is L-1. Next vote is hammer.

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 6: Eats, Shoots & Lives - Palamedes - 05-16-2014

@seedy: Because Schazer's been kind of absent the past couple of days, and suddenly Garuru survives and she's all rolefishing and theories. Like I said, it felt kind of weird (because I've seen scum go full on panic mode when things fail this late in the game when they're already behind) but also completely awful to go after someone for (because I've also seen people who become more active simply because they have more time/care more).

But whatever. I can get behind this lynch. Vote: Whim

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 6: Eats, Shoots & Lives - Dragon Fogel - 05-16-2014

Oh, hey, that's a hammer. I'm not awake enough yet to put together day end, but I should have it ready in a couple of hours.

RE: Murder By The Book - Night 6: Full of Sound and Fury - Dragon Fogel - 05-16-2014

Day End Votals

Whimbrel - 7 (Gnauga, Dalm, Nova, Seedy, Schazer, Garuru, Palamedes)
Dalm - 2 (Sotek, icanhasdonut)

The decision has been made, and rather swiftly. Whimbrel is lead to the makeshift gallows and the noose is place around her neck.

She's asked if she has any last words.

"To be or not to be," she says dramatically. "That is the question - and it seems the answer is, not. Farewell, my comrades-in-arms; may the vipers in our nest be routed. And now, I must depart this mortal coil."

She tightens the rope dramatically.

Whimbrel was Rory Ringepinder, playwright. She had no abilities. However, each night she had the option to write a short dialogue between two other players. This would generally have no effect, but it might amuse the mods.

In other words, she was another caramel townie.

As the group ponders this revelation, a loud sound echoes off in the distance; it sounds like a police siren. For a brief moment, there is hope that perhaps this ordeal will end early, but it soon passes as the siren fades.

It seems outside help will not be coming. There is to be no respite. Night falls, and everyone must prepare for more debate and death.

It's night, please get your actions in promptly.

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Dragon Fogel - 05-24-2014

Another dawn arrives, and with it, another missing author. The usual search soon turns up Coldblooded's corpse.

Coldblooded was Anona Muss, an expert on man's primal fears. He had no taste for murder mysteries, and so was uninvolved with the Undercover; rather, he preferred to write of more abstract terrors, though he certainly found the present situation fascinating.

Though Anona had no particular abilities, he could write a piece of horror each night for the amusement of the mods and potential awards.

Coldblooded was a caramel townie with one special ability, unknown to him: if all other caramel townies died, he would have gained a oneshot daykill.

Another body is added to the pile and the discussion begins once more.

-bigro - Seedy II

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch. There is no more soft lynch.

Deadline is Wednesday, May 28th at 11:59 PM Mountain time.

RE: Murder By The Book - Night 6: Full of Sound and Fury - icanhasdonut - 05-24-2014

gnauga's town cool
-bigro - Seedy II
like these two are basically scum fmpov
considering dalm hopped on the whimbrel wagon p fast, let's do a vote dalm

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Akumu - 05-24-2014

Yeah why the hell not

Vote: Dalm

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Schazer - 05-24-2014

Fine by me. Vote:Dalm

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Dragon Fogel - 05-24-2014

The Votes Move Fast

Dalm - 3 (icanhasdonut, Akumu, Schazer)

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch. There is no more soft lynch. Deadline is Wednesday, May 28th at 11:59 PM Mountain time.

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Palamedes - 05-24-2014

I guess this is going to be one of those days where nothing happens from the getgo? Feel like we've had enough of those already but eh. Vote: Dalm

Oh, and if I die tonight: donut you've probably checked a godfather (obviously ignore if dalm is the godfather).

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Dalmationer - 05-24-2014

aw lame.
I'm another caramel town friend but that's exactly what a scum would say so i don't think that proves much. Also i keep forgetting to write the things because i'm trash.

I guess I'll vote Gnauga cos iirc they've been mega quiet lately and i don't really have any suspicions of anyone who's been super active lately I guess. They're also not me :y
vote Gnauga

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Gatr - 05-24-2014


vote: Dalmationer

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Sotek - 05-24-2014

yeah, dalm and seedy2 are practically scumfirmed fmpov.

I do want to let everyone check in at least once though, so I'd prefer dalm kept at hammer-2, so I won't vote yet.

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Gatr - 05-24-2014

unvote: dalm for L-2.

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - seedy - 05-24-2014

no dalm you're supposed to be voting me, donut checked gnauga last night and got inno
although there's probably something going on with checks bc I don't really see dalm and pala or dalm and schazer as the last of the scumteam and everyone else is cleared I think(?)
like what are we gonna do tomorrow when after donut checks me, lynch one of them or throw out this data?
other than lynch dalm (sorry dalm) today we could...start thinking about that

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Schazer - 05-24-2014

Seedy come join me in the "pessimistically waiting for a naive flip" corner

It's got a little porta-gallows and everything it's great I promise

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Gnauga - 05-24-2014

I was trying to vote yesterday (well, six hours ago) but my internet was crapping out. We're not in any particular rush, so we can all hang out for a bit.

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - icanhasdonut - 05-24-2014

schazer pls I've made sure I'm not naïve
pala's still up in the air, he's just slightly towny. schazer got checked by flavorcop, so if we find a scum flavorcop schazer's town

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - Palamedes - 05-24-2014

Generally mods are not supposed to tell you what your sanity is, but I suppose this game hasn't been the normalest.

That makes me leery of assuming the flavourcop's scum (which is why Schazer is still pretty viable for me).

RE: Murder By The Book - Day 7: And Then There Were Ten - icanhasdonut - 05-24-2014

fogel are sanities a possibility in this game
zz lets just ask the mod