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RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Elize - 03-29-2013

(03-29-2013, 07:32 PM)Mooglegirl Wrote: »
(03-29-2013, 07:30 PM)Elize Wrote: »Okay. I finally finished painstakingly analyzing every single page of this thread, including going back and reading all of infinity's white text, and even cross-referencing some of the other games these roles are based on. I drew up a beautiful chart with complicated scum probability analyses for every other player, even the ones that are dead or don't exist.

Based on this data, I have determined without a doubt that I want a medal.

pics or it didn't happen
Dammit, I didn't expect my tangled web of lies to be so expertly unraveled, and in such short order! Look, here are the facts:
-I didn't actually make a chart
-I probably read all the important parts of the thread
-Andre Filipe Filipe invented modern boxing by using "the punching strategy"
-Santa can't tell the difference between elves and dwarves
-I want a medal

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Epamynondas - 03-29-2013

(03-29-2013, 06:29 PM)LegendaryQ Wrote: »Guys, following this recent turn of events, I went through the thread and came up with most likely mafia candidates by identifying logical fallacies. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I'm doing it right. I came up with a list of 72 people, but 38 of them are actually kinds of hats, 33 of them were misspellings of "LegendaryQ," and the last one was a picture of an adorable kitten.

So are you claiming as a mafioso or what? Do you think that would increase your chances of survival for the night?

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - waterbottles - 03-29-2013


Too. Many. Dang nabit!


RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Dragon Fogel - 03-29-2013

Okay, the last official votal has Slorange at 27 but I counted 26 names; we've had two votes since then, bringing us to 28.

Five more votes for a medal! Come on guys, we can do this!

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Granolaman - 03-29-2013

Bonus points if the day ends on post #1000

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - LegendaryQ - 03-29-2013

(03-29-2013, 07:47 PM)Epamynondas Wrote: »
(03-29-2013, 06:29 PM)LegendaryQ Wrote: »Guys, following this recent turn of events, I went through the thread and came up with most likely mafia candidates by identifying logical fallacies. Unfortunately, I'm not sure I'm doing it right. I came up with a list of 72 people, but 38 of them are actually kinds of hats, 33 of them were misspellings of "LegendaryQ," and the last one was a picture of an adorable kitten.

So are you claiming as a mafioso or what? Do you think that would increase your chances of survival for the night?

No, I am claiming that there are 33 doppelgangers of me running around the thread who don't know how to type that are also all part of the mafia. Also, because of this stunning revelation, it's LYLO.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Infrared - 03-29-2013

Fogel [Image: EqhMZpf.gif] Slorange

Waterbottles [Image: EqhMZpf.gif] The thread

Solaris [Image: evlhKrx.gif] Jacquerel

Epamy [Image: dSgUP2h.gif] Jacq [Image: dSgUP2h.gif] Mehg.

LegendaryQ [Image: EqhMZpf.gif] Epamy

Me [Image: evlhKrx.gif] Medal

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Dragon Fogel - 03-29-2013

Q, if there were 33, we'd have lost back when Red died.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - RobotNerd277 - 03-29-2013

(03-29-2013, 08:32 PM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »Q, if there were 33, we'd have lost back when Red died.

They could be on a ton of different scumteams with mutually exclusive wincons. I don't know how even that would work if they're all LegendaryQ, but we didn't even have 72 people in the first place :P

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Schazer - 03-29-2013

No shut up it's deffers 27 on Slorange right now (barring shenanigans or people not bolding votes)

AgentBlue (1) - Ed
Drakenforge (1) - Epamynondas
btp (2) - No Lynch, NTA
granolaman (1) - 遊びは終わりだ!
Ixcaliber (1) - Bigro
Jacquerel (2) - btp, Slorange
Mirdini (1) - Ixcaliber
Mooglegirl (1) - Cat
NTA (1) - Seastormjt
Slorange (27) - Cyber95, Whimbrel, Mooglegirl, Boogeyman, gnauga, Pinary, Dragon Fogel, Coldblooded, beruru, Mr. Arsenic Nog, LegendaryQ, ParadoxGamer, Luneix, TehPilot, Mathgirl277, Agentblue, SoundlyParanoid, Granolaman, Mehgamehn, Chwoka, Mirdini, Jacquerel, GeneX, Drakenforge, ProfessorLizzard, Sruixan, Amosmyn
soundlyParanoid (1) - Airey
tehPilot (1) - soundlyParanoid
Whimbre (1) - Elize
Yewchung (1) - NTA

Abstaining: 遊びは終わりだ!, Akumu, Anomaly, Anacreon, BestTeaMaker, Crowstone, Dalmationer, deadcrystal, Doodley, Fragowump, Garuru, Leafsw0rd, Malkytop, myw, Palamedes, Pick Yer Poison, Piester, Pinary, Purple Walrus, Seawyrm, Seedy, Solaris, Sruixan, Vortor, witterBeetles, whoosh!, Yewchung

Deadline is in 10 hours!!!! Get excited

遊びは終わりだ!(1) - Akumu
Agentblue (2) - Gnauga, No Lynch
Cat (2) - Cat, Coldblooded
Granolaman (1) - NTA
Ixcaliber (3) - Jacquerel, Chwoka, btp
Jacquerel (1) - Mr. Arsenic Nog
Mirdini (1) - Ixcaliber
Mooglegirl (1) - Elize
No Lynch (1) - seastormjt
Purple Walrus (1) - Sruixan
Solaris (18) - Mooglegirl, TehPilot, deadcrystal, Purple Walrus, Whimbrel, Ed, ParadoxGamer, Beruru, Doodley, Slorange, Pinary, Granolaman, GeneX, Luneix, ProfessorLizzard, bigro, Mathgirl, Mehgamehn
TehPilot (1) - Epamynondas
Whimbrel (8) - Anomaly, Agent, myw, soundlyParanoid, Dragon Fogel, Cyber95, Crowstone, LegendaryQ

Abstaining: 遊びは終わりだ!, Airey, Amosmyn, Anacreon, BestTeaMaker, Boogeyman, Cat, Dalmationer, Doodley, DPaul, Drakenforge, Fragowump, Garuru, Ixcaliber, Leafsw0rd, Malkytop, Mirdini, Mooglegirl, Palamedes, Paradoxgamer, Pick Yer Poison, Piester, Seawyrm, Seedy, Solaris, Vortor, Batterwaffles, Whoosh! Yewchung

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Elize - 03-29-2013

I totes bolded my vote but it was also small so I forgive you. Unvote: Whimbrel/Vote: Slorange.

I don't want Whimbrel to think I don't care, though. Because I do. I do care. Have a conciliatory Potato: Whimbrel.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 03-29-2013

[Image: slorangebox.png]

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Mirdini - 03-29-2013

Guys guys wait wait I want to be cool

I want to be cool

but the real question is what does wanting a medal reveal about our collective psyche

are we really okay with lynching a man so full of love and life for some simple trinket?

I say yes

yes we are

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - LegendaryQ - 03-29-2013

Upon playing some TF2, I have found at least 4 of my doppelgangers. They were wearing some of the hats that were also mentioned. You can cross LegenradQy, LgrnredaryQ, LegenadryQ, and LgeQendary, as well as the Gibus, Stovepipe, Backwards Cap, and the Monoculus from the list. 29 doppelgangers and 34 hats, as well as that suspicious adorable cat still remain.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Solaris - 03-29-2013



RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Purple Walrus - 03-29-2013

Oh dear, well that will teach me for changing my vote too many times.

Unless it wasn't seen in which case.

If I'm wrong please don't mod kill me. I'm just a dumb walrus.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Granolaman - 03-29-2013

erm solaris, I suppose you could vote faster by actually voting?

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Epamynondas - 03-29-2013

(03-29-2013, 09:08 PM)Mirdini Wrote: »are we really okay with lynching a man so full of love and life for some simple trinket?

I say yes

yes we are

Well I'm convinced.

Unvote Drakenforge.

Vote SleepingOrange.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Infrared - 03-29-2013

(03-29-2013, 09:18 PM)Solaris Wrote: »MEDAL I WANT MEDAL


RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Not The Author - 03-29-2013

Vote: Slorange. 31/33 if I'm not mistaken. C'mon guys we can do this!

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - whoosh! - 03-29-2013

I guess it's just a matter of sooner or later by this point. And only one comes with a medal.

Vote: Slorange

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Sruixan - 03-29-2013

don't hammer yet guys otherwise you won't see my Pocket Potato I've spent the past half hour on

give me five minutes okay?

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Elize - 03-29-2013


I am only editing this post because my youtube embedding didn't work for some reason and I didn't want to waste space with an empty post.

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Granolaman - 03-29-2013

Don't forget to show your support to the "Let Granola Live Through the Night" campaign by not showing up at my door to viciously murder me!

Seriously though, there's a huge pile of people in the abstaining bin that are just asking to get The Murder™

RE: MURDERFIA: D1 LET'S DO THIS (64/67) - Sruixan - 03-29-2013

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the cutting-edge of fashion, the greatest vanguard of style, the boldest and most daring front of pure class imaginable; the Pocket Potato:


[Image: pocketpotato1.JPG]

(gosh my mirror is filthy I do apologise)

(also yes that is just a piece of paper I cut out of an old worksheet that I've coloured in to look like a potato)

(turns out we don't have any potatoes in the house at the moment and I didn't realise this when I was out earlier otherwise I totally would have got one)

(and yeah I didn't want to take my scarf off because it's bloody freezing here at the moment so what I've simply made yet another fashion statement)

(and to think I held up the hammer for this, eh?)