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The Savage Brawl [Round 5: Battletopia] - Printable Version

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - SleepingOrange - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

EDIT: Nothing to see here, folks. There is no chance I forgot about a post.

Still reserved, I guess.

Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - Dragon Fogel - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - SleepingOrange - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

With a voice like pockets of gas escaping from tar and being crudely shaped into words, Ekelhaft burbled "Unless my aural receptors deceive me, the two of you are in some sort of cooperation now. While attacking you would cause delicious destruction, the battle would be long. I would win, of course, as you and your companion's primitive human technology would be completely incapable of ending me, but the damage I'd sustain might make it possible for someone actually dangerous to finish the job."

Ekelhaft wasn't normally this verbose, nor in the habit of taunting its foes, but it reasoned that any alliances were to be treated as very dangerous, and the best way to break them up was to work a little bit on the constituents' minds. It recalled with an internal grin when the Creators had developed robotics, and how easy it was to destroy their programming and send them catatonic or berserk. A misplaced bit, a short logic loop, and they were completely gone. As the slime spoke, it was oozing its way around a stalagmite, winding its way up like a snake and keeping a group of eyes on each of the people in front of it.

[background=grey:2uji7o61]Hoss snarled at the inferior pile of protoplasm that had the audacity to condescend to him. It wasn't even vaguely hominid, and it seemed to think that it was somehow worthy to continue existing, to say nothing of the fact that it seemed to be intimating its superiority. And to call his technology primitive, when the thing looked like it could have been the first thing that oozed out of a swamp billions on billions of years ago...[/background:2uji7o61]

Dr. Anarchy bristled. "You clearly don't understand how AWESOME my death ray is! It's... It's... It's awesome, okay? Awesome!" She drummed on her awesome gun's barrel. "I'll show you dangerous!"

Ekelhaft had been waiting for this. It jumped before Anarchy had even swung her gun around and pulled the trigger; in midair, it exploded into hundreds of tiny blobs, all radiating outwards from where the laser was coming; they landed and consolidated into a handful of larger Ekelhafts, which disappeared into the rubble and stalagmites and oozed out of sight. One however, a tiny green blob about the size of a fist with only one eye and a pair of fangs, stayed behind, hidden behind the original column. As Ekelhaft joined its various parts back together safely out of sight of the doctor and the cyborg and began moving towards the last known position of Konka Rar, this one small part of it stayed near the pair, working its subtle effects on their minds.

Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

Had Hoss been running at full power, he would have noticed the small bit of slime stalking he and his temporary ally. As it is, he can not. He also does not notice when a few backend subroutines begin to return slightly different values than would be expected; where one equation would return a value of 2.00341, it instead returns a value of 2.00342. A mathematical landslide, with bits instead of rocks, has just begun in the back of Hoss's mind.

Externally, Hoss turns to the mad scientist, who, for her part, shows no fear from the brief encounter with a deity of pure madness. Hoss speaks.

"Come. I already have in mind a target for you. I believe you remember, from the Cultivator's introductions, a humanoid creature known as "Calm"? I have yet to detect his presence on the battlefield, which lends to the assumption that he has hidden himself. My weapons systems are disabled, but I know you love to blast away with ruthless indiscrimination. Why don't we try to smoke him out? Havoc and chaos being your bread and butter, a little... scenic destruction could go a long way towards ensuring our mutual survival."

Hoss's true intention, of course, is not necessarily to eliminate Calm (though he wouldn't mind). He instead wishes to gather information on Dr. Anarchy's home universe; something which might prove easier when the blond-haired madwoman trusts him more, or at least distrusts him less.

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - Not The Author - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

Echoes. There were a lot of those coming from some direction or another, and they probably weren't coming from all the dead people. Though he couldn't be sure, what with a Necromancer running amok. Either way, Gormand would likely meet some-if-not-all of the other combatants shortly. He idly wondered if it was entirely necessary that the staircase be quite so long. It was a short time before he realized the echoes were getting louder, more regular.

And then there was light. Faint at first, but growing steadily stronger.

Light - Anomalous. Either staircase ends, or someone approaches. Echoes indicate the latter.

Gormand tensed. He had the element of surprise - the oncoming light made his opponent obvious, whereas his presence had likely been undetected but for a quiet, mushy scraping where he squeezed against the walls. Of course, his bulk was neigh impassable, and therefore neigh unmissable should his encounter come to blows. He needed space for a fight, and a staircase did not offer that space. As it was, he was not yet seeking a fight, though he considered the possibility should he find the rest of his present locale similarly unsuitable.

He cleared his throat, a completely unnecessary and somewhat curious procedure as evidenced by Gormand's total lack of throat. His deep, rumbling, entirely humanoid voice rang out. "You should turn back." The light and echoes, quite near by now, suddenly halted. "Don't misunderstand, I mean you no harm, but there's little room..." Gormand's progress likewise ended, for his path was blocked by a man with no face and a curious arm. "...As you can see."

Ziirphael, God of Death - Arm altered via unknown means. (Torch? File with 'shapeshifting'.)

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - Ixcaliber - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - Dragon Fogel - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

“Calm, Calm…” Dr. Anarchy searched the crevices of her mind to find a memory of this Calm, eventually she remembered of what the Cultivator said. “Oh yeah! Guy who sold his soul, flame-y knife of death, that guy. Why him?”

[background=silver:2vvh6oh1]Hoss sighed, how this woman is a scientist was beyond him, “He has yet to make himself apparent. I don't want anything sneaking up on me. Or us.”[/background:2vvh6oh1]

The doctor gave Hoss an estranged look, half of the god damn competition was unseen, like the meatball, or that airy guy, but she decided to play along with it. “Fair enough.” She drank the last of her juice box, squeezing what remaining liquid was in it and tossing it away. “So what you just want me to like; fire in random places?”

[background=silver:2vvh6oh1]“Crevices, hallways, hiding places. So we may flush him out.”[/background:2vvh6oh1]

“This is your master plan? I mean, I suppose I can see the sense in it…but he's not like a rat or anything.” The doctor removed her backpack and began rummaging through it. “Still if collateral damage is what you want you've come to the right gal!” She pulled out a strange metallic tube, it looked like a silencer, only thicker and adorned with technology. She strapped it onto the barrel of her Death ray.

“Damage amplifier! When standard Death ray just won't cut it!” She pointed the now much bulkier cannon at a group of stalagmites; the laser fired and exploded on impact, much alike a grenade. “YEAH TAKE THAT STALAMITES! Pretty cool aye? Sucks power like a bitch though. Can't fire as much, still, should be easier for flushing stuff out!” She put on her backpack and took a quick glance at her watch; her jet packs charge was 52 percent and rising, enough to make a quick get away if needs be.

“So then! Where to first!”

Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

Hoss is pleased. Reading the body language of the woman in front of him, he can tell she she is enjoying herself. The prospect of random mayhem makes here positively giddy. This is, of course, what Hoss wants. He does not expect to find Calm with this haphazard search method. Instead, he hopes to ingrain an association in the Doctor's mind between himself and things which make her happy; like wanton destruction.

The cybernetic network within the remaining ancient, organic sections of Hoss's brain begin to stimulate small portions of his amygdala, unexpectedly. A small amount of neurotransmitters are released, triggering slight yet uncontrolled emotional responses. Hoss's cybernetic implants and higher brain functions have countless years of experience dealing with the unruly reptilian remnants of his brain, and quickly suppress the stray input. It is a warning sign from Ekelhaft's inexorable corruption, and it goes unnoticed.

Hoss's passive data gathering protocols have been analyzing the cavern since his unscheduled entrance, and have identified several key load-bearing columns located throughout. Hoss raises his left arm, silver polish exposed, gleaming in the unnatural light, and points. His targets are located near the mouth of a cave.

"There. And there. Aim for those columns. I expect you will enjoy the result."

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - Ixcaliber - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Ziir looked inquisitively at the creature in front of him; a huge betentacled meatball blocking the passage. He was fascinated that something so utterly bizarre could exist. So much so that he barely registered Gormand's suggestion that he turn back.

"Hello?" Gormand asked after observing the Death God's inaction.

Ziir refocused on Gormand. Part of him, an ancient and bloody part of him, insisted that he see what kind of damage he could do to this freakish creature. Ziir ignored it and instead focused on the logistical problem of being stuck in a stairwell with something this huge. He glanced up the staircase, back to Gormand and nodded. He turned around and walked back up the stairs. Upon reaching the cavern again he extinguished the torch and watched as his hand return to normal. He cocked an ear towards the stairwell to hear Gormand making it's way up to the surface, or what passed for it down here. Gathering fresh blood from the ground he inscribed a rune onto both of his palms and felt his bone structure alter subtly, nothing that anyone would be able to notice. Just in case, he thought to himself, as he sat down against a nearby stalagmite and waited.

Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-21-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Knask.

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MyifanW.

Diego could not ignore Ziir any longer. It was as if the faceless being was waiting to be encountered, and was sitting too close for comfort. Still, that wasn't an entirely bad thing. He had heard his discussion with the meat monster- Ziir seemed civil enough. Diego quickly ran back over what he knew of the death god.

It was a death god, it could transform... The information the cultivator gave was well and good but not exactly descriptive. To know Ziir further, Diego recalled what he had heard of Ziir already. First, it was fairly quiet, a trait shared with Calm. Second, it was curt, barely interacting with the meat monster at all. It's peaceful nature made it clear to Diego that this being was not inclined to kill.

Sure of himself now, Diego stepped forward, out of the shadows, with loud, heavy steps that made his presence immedately clear. He slowly approached the faceless man, and stopped a good distance away.

"Hello," Diego announced, clearly. "I am Diego. I seek... An ally, someone who similarly does not like to kill." That was mostly not a lie- Killing could be considered the worst part of each murder he Commited. Killing signified the end, the culmination of his time, subtlty and effort. While it was certainly the highest point of the murder, finishing the kill left Diego with a sense of emptiness.

He continued to speak, now with more clear lies. "I am interested in... Escaping, more than anything. You're a god too, right? Do you have any... thoughts?" As the words left his mouth, he rewrote them in mid air, erasing any traces of doubt, transforming the lies he spoke into words that sounded truthful. Ziir only heard an honest man.

Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by The Dr..

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - Ixcaliber - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Ziirphael stood up and approached Diego. He looked at him intently, cocking his head to the side as if scrutinizing him deeply. He seemed reasonably trustworthy, something in his voice made Ziir feel as though he was telling the truth, which of course he was not. Ziir could see it on him, the same way he could see whether a thing was dead or alive. He was stained with murder, and not murder commited in the red hot heat of the moment, but murder commited in a cold and calculated manner. But who was he to judge? At least he was being polite, something he hadn't really expected from his competitors. He noted a look of increasing irritation on Diego's face and decided to react to him in some way. He nodded, which seemed to placate Diego somewhat, but he did not respond. Ziir thought for a second. He remembered Diego was asking him about any ideas he had to escape. He glanced over his shoulders taking in the length and breadth of the cavern. It seemed to stretch on for a very long way. There was no way out of this place without comandeering some kind of boat, and even then Ziir was doubtful. This was the underworld. How did one escape from the Afterlife? He summed it up with a shrug. He pointed to the cave he had been on his way to explore and cocked his head inquisitively.

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Knask.

[background=#000000:3qinaa57]Damn gods, this was exactly the last thing he needed. Though the last thing he needed was what he always got first. Stalactites had been falling down around him everywhere he had been, and if anyone would have bothered looking closely, they would have seen a trail on the ground of falling stalactites revealing every place Calm had been crawling on the ceiling. Calm felt slightly stupid, he should have seen this coming, he always did. This new place situation was messing with his head.

Dr. Anarchy was firing wildly all over the place like a storm, and it seemed like this half mechanical man was controlling it. To make it worse, that living puddle had left a part of itself near them, and if Calm remembered the Cultivator's words correctly, it would slowly drive them (more) insane. This couldn't possibly end up pretty.

However, at the moment there was a far more pressing situation, the cybernetic lich had spotted him, and for some reason, wished to speak with him. Calm was not one to enjoy working together with others, but this lich seemed to share some similarities with him, and he seemed trustworthy.

Calm let go of the ceiling, and drew his hellknife mid-air before he landed gracefully next to the zombie. He grabbed it by it's neck, pulled it close to him, forcefully holding it still while he carved a symbol on the back of its head with his knife. He let go of it, and it stood still for some seconds before fire bursted out of the carvings and it's eyes. It fell to the ground, shaking and engulfed in flames. Then it stopped.
The zombie rose up again, standing still on its feet like normal, but its eyes, hands and its mouth were flaming. It groaned with a much deeper voice than before, crackling like a fire.

"Don't worry, I made it stronger."

Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - Dragon Fogel - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Konka Rar was wary of Calm's supposed "upgrade" to his minion, but there was no need to bring that up now. There was a more important matter to discuss.

"That knife of yours is quite interesting. In fact, it is what I wish to speak to you about. I had an encounter with the slime creature, Ekelhaft, and I strongly suspect it is still pursuing me." He looked towards the river, almost expecting it to emerge, before turning back towards Calm. "It is quite resilient, but after I cast a powerful flame spell, it grew noticeably more cautious. I believe intense heat - which your knife happens to generate - may be one of its vulnerabilities."

Calm caught on quickly. "So you want me to get this blob off your back?"

"Simply put, yes. Naturally, in exchange for this favor, I will assist you in eliminating another contestant." Konka Rar looked Calm directly in the eyes, awaiting his response.

Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - SleepingOrange - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by SleepingOrange.

The main body of Ekelhaft was winding its way through the stalagmite-and-rubble-covered floor, trying to stay out of sight of the other contestants. It wasn't especially hard, given that they all seemed to be occupied conversing or firing exploding lasers willy-nilly. It eventually found a suitable column and made its way to the ceiling, its sticky nature and toothy pitons allowing it to effortlessly glide across the stone, even upside-down.

It dropped a few tendrils down, each topped with one of its sharpest eyes. These makeshift eyestalks swiveled around, locating all its foes. The lich and the satanic knife-wielder are talking... Two of them plus the lich's zombie makes them a bad target. The tech-freaks are still together; not wise to attack until I've had longer to break them. Aeromancer and death god together too... Can't find meatball...

Ekelhaft didn't like this pairing off. It was sure it could take any one pair, but worried that the next pair might swoop in and finish the job while it was weak. The avatar was no stranger to cooperation; it had spent most of its life commanding troops and planning strategy with its generals, but... It didn't like it, and it wasn't sure, if push came to shove, that it would be able to form an alliance with any of its competitors; Rar was surely a burnt bridge, which probably meant Calm by extension. Anarchy and Hoss, too... Maybe it could find some common ground with a god that shared its portfolio?

It was probably best to wait for now. It retracted its stalks and flattened itself against the ceiling, starting to do the unthinkable. It was going to attempt to undo the work of eons, its greatest destruction to date. Itself.

Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Lankie.

"Okie dokie!" Dr. Anarchy pointed her death ray at the cave entrance and fired, the entire area was engulfed in explosions and began losing structural integrity fast. She turned to Hoss. "God thats was really cool and all I guess but when I can shoot some contestants and stuff? I mean I could just fly off and fire at caves willy nilly without you. What do I gain from following your orders?"

She continued. "I mean yeah you saved me and stuff, and I guess its only mutual I do some stuff, but y'know; considering your a beaten up robo geizer whos millions of years old, I don't think you can save me twice in a row. Wanna i'm trying to get to is -oh wait hold on." She paused and fired at something behind Hoss, she wasn't aiming at anything specifically, in fact the laser just exploded into a wall. "...anyway what i'm trying to say is; I better get something out of this!"

[background=silver:325vsgh4]"I-i'm sorry but what was you firing at just then?"[/background:325vsgh4]

"Oh nothing. I just wanted an explosion. Y'know, for dramatic effect?"

Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

The blast from Dr. Anarchy's shot demolishes the two load-bearing pillars Hoss pointed out. As they fall, collapsing onto the cave mouth, a rumble is felt through the cavernous undergound. The pillars' demise rain down solid stone and sharpened stalactites upon Ziirphael and Diego. Unwilling to die as a cause of a madwoman's uncontrollable destructive urges, Diego throws himself into the cave. Ziirphael quickly follows, and the two find themselves sealed; a seemingly impenetrable wall of rubble and rock blocks their only obvious exit.

Hoss notices the unintended imprisonment which arises from the Doctor's directed fire, but chooses not to tell her. After all, no one died. It would not matter to her.

Instead, he has something else to offer,

"You will get something out of this. I believe I can make your weapon a great deal more powerful, as we must keep the up this pressure of destruction. If I may?"

Hoss removes the glove from his left hand, its presence now frivolous in the face of his tattered sleeve; where before it served to complete the concealment of his synthetic arm, it now simply looks... out of place. He tosses the glove aside as he extends his left hand, silver palm up, towards Dr. Anarchy, gesturing to the weapon.

Dr. Anarchy grips her precious destructo-cannon tighter as the ancient cyborg reaches for it, paranoia creeping into the edges of her psyche as a result of Ekelhaft's malign influence. Demanding, "What're you gonna do to my gun?!", she barely suppresses the urge to simply blast Hoss in the face, right then and there.

An unexpected flare of anger flares through Hoss, the unseen corruption of madness beginning to make itself known on the forefront of Hoss's thoughts. While slightly confused at his internal outburst, Hoss does not allow his frustration to show.

"In my universe, weapons technology has long surpassed your primitive methods of augmenting coherent light. I believe I can give your gun a bit more... punch, as it were. I promise, it will only perform better."

Grudgingly, Dr. Anarchy accepts, handing the bulky weapon over to the silver-eyed man. She immediately pulls a smaller handgun from her pack, and points it at Hoss. "Don't try anything funny, wack-job. I know better than to trust older men! Heh, actually they usually stayed away from me, given what I'd do to them! HAH!"

Passively recording the madwoman's actions, Hoss pours his full attention into the weapon before him. Shifting metallic plates in his left palm pull back to reveal tendrils extruded by Hoss's newmatter fabricators, located along what used to be his spinal column. His fingers split at each joint, then divide into two, then four, then eight, and so on until a network of dexterous manipulators cover the weapon, poking and prodding, seeking and stroking, studying how it functions.

When enough data has been gathered, the newmatter tendrils eject a thick, silvery fluid onto the weapon; millions upon billions of nanobots quickly disseminate themselves into its mechanical guts, ready to carry out their pre-programmed actions. As he works, Hoss decides that now is the time to initiate a discussion.

"... the power source in this weapon is... intriguing. Your civilization has obviously advanced upon a different developmental path than my own did. You invented all of this yourself? I would be pleased if you could... elaborate upon your other technological achievements."

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Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - Not The Author - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Not The Author.

The God of Death left, and Gormand sighed. It was difficult to tell the emotions of a man with no face, but he'd not fled outright, which was a good sign. Resuming his progress - slow as it was - he heard the echoes of conversation ahead. He didn't recognize the voice, distorted as it was by the echoes of the cave, but it didn't sound hostile, which was another good sign. Hopefully the new one would take to him as well as Ziirphael appeared to have.

Gormand was close enough to the surface by then to not only hear, but feel as well, the series of explosions that rocked the cavern above. Not that he knew he'd been in a cave, but there was a lot of rumbling, which could only mean something was collapsing. There was also a shout of alarm, not Ziiraphael - no mouth, and the already impossibly dark stairwell somehow grew darker. Gormand sighed yet again, this time in annoyance. There was little possibility he'd be able to exit the staircase at the top end, unless they had ten or so minutes to spare. A quick mental calculation told him they probably didn't. "Well," he muttered to himself, drawing his tentacles into his body, "at least the trip down will be faster."

Gormand closed his eye and pushed against the stair in front of him, treating whomever remained in the cave above him to the very strange noise of a two-meter meatball rolling down several flights of stairs.

Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - Ixcaliber - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Ziir jumped as a pillar that had been reaching all the way to the roof of the cavern, suddenly exploded for no readily explainable reason. The cavern shook and stalactites that had probably been undisturbed for centuries began to plummet to the ground. Diego cried out in alarm and threw himself into the safety of the cave. Ziir glanced up for just a second, before deciding there was no time to shift his form into something a little more suitable and dashed into the cave after Diego. Rocks fell and sealed off the cave mouth, leaving him and Diego, standing and lying respectively at the top of the winding staircase. Well Ziir supposed it was the direction he had been headed in, and maybe Gormand wouldn't be quite so keen on coming upstairs now. He'd let Diego explain that the cavern was sealed off. Diego climbed up and was dusting himself off.

Diego looked around at the death god, who was stood examining the rocks. He couldn't tell if he was thoughtful or just slow. If this was the way he wanted to come then why not just get on with it. "Is something-" Diego started, when a long thin blade of bone shot out from Ziir's wrist catching him by surprise. He focused his power, preparing a needle of air just in case this situation went bad, but Ziir didn't even turn around to look at him. He was using the blade to cut at his other arm. Diego watched him as he dabbed the blood into a crude shape on his face and his palms.

Ziir felt his bones rearranging again. He almost screamed out this time, this was quite a major peice of reconstruction he was performing on this body. It had been a long time since he had done anything like this to himself, he had to hold onto the wall to keep himself from falling. When the bones had finished he let go and examined himself. His right arm transformed into a huge drill made of bone and flesh, his left had grown huge and his fingers were replaced with claws. His entire body was bigger now, he had to stoop to stop from banging his head on the ceiling of the tunnel. He glanced around at Diego, shooting him the blank-faced equivalent of a grin, and fired up his drill arm, slicing through the rocks like a hot knife through butter. His clawed hand, pushing and throwing away any rocks that were light enough to move. After a couple of minutes he was through, stood back out in the cold emptiness of the cave.
Ziir wasn't quite sure why he'd been so keep to return from the place he'd been intent on exploring. As he glanced around the cave it became clear to him. He didn't like people who killed from a distance. It seemed so impersonal, so impolite. He decided that, although he would gain very little pleasure out of it he would find who did this and teach them some manners.

Re: The Savage Brawl [Round 1: Afterlife] - GBCE - 02-22-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Knask.

[background=#000000:vkvx654h]Calm thought about the offer. He was to kill one of the other contestants and in return get help for another. It sounded fair. A small alliance might not be such a bad idea after all. If the lich didn't team up with him, it probably would just find someone else to cooperate with. Besides, what was there to loose? If Calm was to kill someone, why not get something in return for it as well?
However, Calm saw that the hellknife wouldn't be much use against a liquid, intelligent mass. The knife was too much of a precision weapon, if it damaged ekelhaft, the ooze would probably be able to shred of the small amount of dead material the knife would cause. Whoever would try to kill it that way, would go insane from the blob's aura before they could do any serious damage. Calm needed something that could do more spread damage, or enclose it.

Calm took a look to his left at the zombie, it looked back at him with an empty expression on its face. Its fiery eyes were staring into the thin air and its mouth was half open, glowing.

"Fine. I hope you don't mind I borrow your undead friend here for a while"

"I guess I can spare that one"

[background=#000000:vkvx654h]"Furnace, I hope you're hungry. Now, go find that living ooze, find out what it tastes like. Consume all of it! I will free your damned soul if you succeed" Calm inserted his knife in the zombies back, the zombie fired up, and started to burn more intense. It groaned, and started walking towards the other end of the cave, illuminating it's own path.
It had only walked a few meters before they suddenly felt a shockwave coming through the cave as parts of it collapsed in the direction behind Calm. They turned towards it, seeing only smoke and dust around the area where the cave had fallen apart. They waited...

"Well, I can't see the Cultivator, and we're still here in this place. If anyone was over there, they're still alive.
I suggest we go and take a closer look."

[background=#000000:vkvx654h]As the dust and smoke went away, they saw Ziirphael, or at least something resembling him standing before a hole in the rubble of stalactites and boulders that had fallen from the ceiling. He was looking towards the other side of the water where Hoss and Dr. Anarchy were. Calm wanted to end it off with the god of death now at once, but he would need his knife for that, and for the moment it was stuck in the back of the zombie. Ziirphael would have to wait until later. Right now, it seemed like all three had found a new, common target.[/background:vkvx654h]