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[IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Printable Version

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RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - MQuinny1234 - 03-22-2020

Barnabas grunts/growls appreciatively at the woman who healed him. He'd been worried when more humans descended but, the first interaction being greatly healing him helped a lot.

[Image: nMexSPx.png]

"Grraaawwh..." He went, before continuing this fight, although gods, suddenly being surrounded. And Saya? Saya! Barnabas howled mournfully, and wished to leap at that bandit, but he needed to fight off this new bastard first so just prayed that the healer would save Saya, and that the north bandit would rather attack the still active threat than finish off a downed target. So he would try to follow up on his failed counterattack and tear off this bandit's face.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 03-23-2020

Barnabas attacks!!! He strikes!!! The bandit falls dead.

+7 EXP!

56/100 EXP

The mysterious fencer moves!  The mysterious archer takes another two shots at the axeman who attacked him! One misses, the other hits for 9 DMG!

Bandit: 13/22 HP

The mysterious cleric heals Saya! They recover 8 HP!

[Image: nYhpdZj.png]

[Image: YSitQvq.png]

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Anomaly - 03-23-2020

[Image: LgqK4Uf.png]


That was a lot of hit points to lose at once, whatever a hit point is supposed to be. Logan is unhappy about this! They make frantic gestures at Mazelina, asking very politely for some healing, please.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Bigshot - 03-23-2020

Okay! Mazelina was planning on healing them anyway, it's almost like some strange force above was faster than she could act!

Mazelina is going to move one square to the right to heal Logan!

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - pail - 03-23-2020

Baylee felt a sense of grim satisfaction pulling her axe out of this bandits face. Even though it was the goriest sight shes ever seen, but then again she does know how to clean animals for eating, its all flesh. She scans the battle field for her next target and spots the archer getting crowded. Might as well finish him off.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Anomaly - 03-23-2020

[Image: LgqK4Uf.png]

"Oof, I'm never gettin' used ta that. Thanks, Mazzie!"

Once healed, Logan is going to move up one space, take a stab at the archer, then zip three further spaces south! Best to keep themselves out of more danger. And especially, best keep Morven out of more danger. Priorities!

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Palamedes - 03-23-2020

With Lyander and Sunny likely to finish off the remaining bandit, Milo turns to see the archer that snuck up on the group and almost killed Logan.  Couldn't very well let him get away with that, much less get one more shot off.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - SupahKiven - 03-23-2020

Sunny winces as the bandit backs off from his attack. Her magic sparks over his skin, while her blood paints his axe. She supposes that this is just par for the course, however... What is give without a little take, after all? This kind of pain was far overdue. Still, Sunny does not falter despite her grisly wound. Dark magic still sparking from her tome, she takes a moment to retrieve her pinch medicine, and patches herself up as best she can for the moment.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 03-23-2020

Mazelina heals 15 of Logan's lost HP! 

17/20 HP


Baylee tosses an axe at the archer! The archer responds by firing back!

Baylee hits! 7 damage!
The archer's arrow sinks into her! 6 damage!!


+2 EXP

Logan charges! They strike at the archer! They hit!!! The archer falls!!!

+7 EXP

Sunny heals 10 HP!

Sunny: 15/18 HP

Milo attacks! He misses!

The bandit counterattacks! 10 damage!!

Milo: 10/20 HP
Bandit: 3/22 HP

+1 EXP

EXP: 68/100

[Image: b9DXyQD.png]

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - TohruFhana - 03-23-2020

Another quick succession of events leaves Casey feeling rather useless. He'd stared into the eyes of that archer, who'd brushed off his strike and simply ignored Casey completely. Couple that with the fact that one of their Revotrian members, Sunny, has been unleashing horrific worms from a book, and Casey is left feeling more than a little out of his league. He'd heard of magic in Achaim, but he'd never imagined it to be so unsettling. In spite of this, the best thing to do seems to be to regroup; his allies seem strong, and he's still concerned about the hit he'd seen Milo take earlier. 

[Image: 6RPOUWv.png]

"Milo!" Casey calls out as he jogs back towards the group. "Milo, are you alright?"


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Pharmacy - 03-23-2020

Airitech moves two right, one down and lets loose a lil' toothpick at the bandit.

...because of that, he sees a fellow scout! Oh my Goddess! Airitech wants to talk to them but maybe after battle.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 03-24-2020

Casey moves and waits!

Airitech takes the shot!! 5 damage!! The bandit falls!!

75/100 EXP

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Palamedes - 03-24-2020

Milo staggers backwards, almost dropping his lance as he clutches his wound.  It was foolish of him to run forward against a foe he already was struggling against, and it looked like he'd pay the price.

As he braces for the bandit's deadly counterattack, the man suddenly falls to the ground, an arrow sticking out of his back.  From behind the now dead man he sees Airitech and Casey approaching.

[Image: N34quH2.png]
"I... I've been better.  Thanks, um, Ari...Aritech."

He's pretty sure he butchered it as expected, but at least he didn't sound completely unsure.  Looking at the new bandit appearing from the woods and realizes it isn't over yet.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Pharmacy - 03-24-2020

[Image: SU9sSSr.png]
"Aye, no problem." Airitech said. It was only polite. "Just try to keep standin', awright?"

He didn't make any comment on the fallen bandit. To be fair, he was a former militia captain thus used to the look and stench of death.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Cidellus - 03-24-2020

Lyander rushed over to Milo's side, intending to use VULNERARY! That was a thing he could do!

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 03-24-2020

Lyander heals up! He's now at 17/18 health! His vulnerary durability goes down by ONE to TWO.

[Image: MDafUZg.png]

The southernmost axe user takes a swing at Logan!!

They hit!!! 12 damage!!!

Logan: 5/20 hp remaining!!

Logan counters! The bandit is stricken! 7 damage!

+2 EXP

The bandit beside Barney takes a swing! They hit! Barney takes 12 damage!

Barney counter attacks! He misses!

Barney: 8/20 HP

Bandit: 8/22 HP

+1 EXP

The final bandit moves!

78/100 EXP

[Image: za933QO.png]

[Image: wlddtaz.png]

"Oh dear... you poor things..." The cleric closes her eyes and shakes her head, teardrops hanging in the air. "Goddess, forgive me - I may not be able to do enough, but I will do all I can...! Just hang in there...!"

The healer raises her staff and finishes healing Saya to full, planning on helping Barnabas next turn.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Vancho1 - 03-24-2020

Saya blinks. What just happened? They were fighting, and then... darkness. Defeat. But now, a healer?

[Image: f3e2387c872f7290577e2aa85803e3b2.png]
"T-thank... you."

They glare at the bandit ahead, a fire in their eyes. Not only did this bastard have the insolence to hurt Barnabas, but also to nearly kill Saya? They call on their inner power again and strike out against the enemy!

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - MQuinny1234 - 03-24-2020

Barnabas grunted as the axe sank in, but that swing had bought the time for Saya to arise once more, so he was grateful, to this Beorc healer especially. Yet again though, it seemed he had underestimated his opponents, these bandits were no simple fools emboldened by weapons, and he definitely was no true warrior yet going off this fight. Still, regardless of how honourable it was, he was better trained to fight with people beside him and so he ducked low and tried to swipe at this bandit's kneecaps as Saya drew the bandit's attention from above with their own wrath.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 03-25-2020

Saya strikes... they hit!!! 7 damage!!

The barbarian counters, driving an axe into Saya!  13 damage!

Saya strikes once more! They miss!


SAYA: 7/20 HP


Barnabas follows up! He strikes! The bandit falls!!

+7 EXP

85/100 EXP

[Image: icXHVq2.png]

"Looks like they've got the woods handled... time to clean things up here! I don't know who all of you are, but you've got nothing to fear!"

The mysterious archer dashes out from the woods, draws his bow, and attacks the bandit!

Two hits!! The bandit falls!!

The fencer continues moving.
[Image: zMjNchQ.png]

"Please everyone, keep calm! We're here to protect you! These bandits will not kill any more innocents!"

[Image: gPMwlz1.png]

[Image: nYhpdZj.png]

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Bigshot - 03-25-2020

If Logan is hurt, then they need more help! Mazelina is going to move one down and one right to give them a good ol' heal!

[Image: 9ef64dc342f20a4edb01d052ae6ab7f09ac71a27.png]
"Thank you all for your help!" She calls out to the new, friendly group. Allies were always appreciated.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Palamedes - 03-25-2020

[Image: N34quH2.png]
"Thanks Lyander, I... got in a bit over my head."

Milo's mouth then tightens into a grimace when the fencer mentions them as innocents.  It is only after a few moments that he pushes past it - and into the woods to his north.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - SupahKiven - 03-25-2020

[Image: Sunny3.png]

"Hello!" Sunny calls out to their new allies as one of them finally emerged from the woods, wisps of black magic still clinging to her hand and marking her as what she was: a Revotrian. "I'd love to introduce myself, but I believe we have something to attend to first!" And with her part said, Sunny turned heel and followed Milo.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Pharmacy - 03-25-2020

Airitech moves up two and then moves into the woods, like a Goblin He Is.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 03-25-2020

Logan is healed by 15 once more! This brings them just barely to full! 20/20 HP!

+2 EXP


Everyone else moves!

[Image: 58Ir7mW.png]

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - TohruFhana - 03-25-2020

Casey makes a beeline for Milo as their company begins to march towards the head bandit. A bit of conversation would surely ease his troubled mind in the midst of all of this chaos. Milo's armor is banged up pretty badly, but it's a relief to see that he's still on his feet, at least.

[Image: 6RPOUWv.png]

"Oi," Casey calls, waving a hand idly, "You're a magnet for danger, aren't you?" Casey can't help but examine Milo's injuries. Curiously, the hit Casey had watched him take seems to be the least of the damage he's taken. Casey's lack of magical knowledge has left him somewhat confounded through this ordeal, but he figures it best to push the thoughts of all of his companions' injuries out of his mind for the time being.
