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The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) -Done and Stuff- - Printable Version

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RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 08-01-2012

>Let's find melons and ask for some fooooooo

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - btp - 08-01-2012

Swabi and Ticket > thank the stranger and go talk to Nailz about what could motivate him to support a change in leadership. Remember to be polite.

Buck brothers > man f' this guy. Go check on and try to rouse your bro from his slumber.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 08-01-2012

(08-01-2012, 01:56 AM)btp Wrote: »Swabi and Ticket > thank the stranger and go talk to Nailz about what could motivate him to support a change in leadership. Remember to be polite.

Buck brothers > man f' this guy. Go check on and try to rouse your bro from his slumber.

[Image: ocean_0036_by_theboyd-d59isx7.png]

You meet back up and discuss what you discovered. The buckbrother's wonder why you didn't just get the stowaway to join you in exchange for not turning him over to the Captain, but you don't feel that'd be right somehow.
They tell you that they didn't have any luck with Nailz, and that if you want to, you can give it a shot but they're outta here. Gunna see if they can wake up Buckingham.

[Image: ocean_0037_by_theboyd-d59it0k.png]

You and Tickets approach Nailz. You're not entirely sure what to say. He might not make you as angry as Buckblade got, but he certainly is creepy. Look at that guy, he could be the literal devil and no one would no the difference.
But that's just appearances, he's actually not that bad of a guy. Right?

So Buckblade tells me he filled you in on the situation.

Something about you four twerps are going to take down the Captain.

I guess you could say it that way, but really we're more aiming for, the entire crew united against the Captain.

And how is that going to happen with a leader like yourself?

You tell me. What'll it take to gain your favour?

Maybe a chance to succeed. If there's going to be a war, I'll take the winning side.

Fair enough I suppose.

The boys are all talk you know. In a real battle they're worthless.

What are you talking about? I've seen them fight.

You've seen nothing. Nothing compared to what the Captain'll have in store for you.

If you say so.

Yeah well, I do.


RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - btp - 08-01-2012

Well hey, Nailz may be grating but he'll probably be a good judge of if you're ready to go up against the captain.

Go check on Buck bros. If they haven't had any luck (probably), time to go try and recruit Melons again...and confess that you put her son in the crows nest (He was just so keen to go on an adventure!).

If she's not too mad maybe she'll give you some hot soup.


RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 08-02-2012

maybe the captain
is pretty pretty pretty darn powerful
well go check out buckingham on the way to the coookadoodle

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 08-02-2012

(08-01-2012, 05:09 PM)btp Wrote: »Well hey, Nailz may be grating but he'll probably be a good judge of if you're ready to go up against the captain.

Go check on Buck bros. If they haven't had any luck (probably), time to go try and recruit Melons again...and confess that you put her son in the crows nest (He was just so keen to go on an adventure!).

If she's not too mad maybe she'll give you some hot soup.

[Image: ocean_038_by_theboyd-d59lt0y.png]

Meet Buckingham, the youngest of the Buckbrothers. He has an odd innocence about him, despite being the clear winner in strength on the ship.

Buckingham! I assume your brothers filled you in.

Yeah, he's up to speed and ready to play ball.

No trouble waking him up then?

Oh, that is a long arduous tale, full of drama and suspense.

We were only away for ten minutes. Tops.

Yeah, we just hit him in the head with a hook.


Not the Pointy ends!


Well that's why it worked.

Fair enough.

[Image: ocean_039_by_theboyd-d59lt6r.png]

You decided to question Melons again. Man you guys are starting to look intimidating. Kind of freaking yourself out.

Looks like the Mutiny is going well Sweetie.

Yup. Honestly, I've surprised myself.

Don't sell yourself short, you have natural charisma.

Aw shucks.

I can't help but notice that Buckshot's with you, who's up in the nest?

Uh, well, Squirt actually.

That's nice. Should keep him out of trouble up there.

uh, Yeah! That's what I was thinking.

Nice that you're keeping an eye out for him, Sweetie.

Any chance you'll reconsider joining us?

I really shouldn't get involved. What help would I be anyway? As long as Squirt's safe, I'm happy. You have fun now.

Oh, well okay. But you actually could still help us. We need some hot food to take down to the hold.

What possibly for? Regardless, I don't think anything I can whip up will stay warm during the trip down there. Maybe if I keep it in the pot, but I don't think I can spare any at the moment.

Hmm, well thanks anyway.

No problem, sweetie.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - btp - 08-02-2012

Oh hey! Maybe you can ask if you can borrow fodder's canon and use it as a pot! Fodder we have found a way to soup up your canonballs (using real soup).

Maybe, maybe don't walk around with absolutely everyone at the same time until you're ready to take on the captain. Wouldn't want him/her to get suspicious. Just take two with you. I suggest ticket and buckingham. One for muscle, and one to steer the ship in case we've started to crash into something while messing around below deck.

...but I guess if the other two buckbros are feeling left out they can come too.

Edit: oh wait Fodder wanted cannon balls... Maybe take some Melons up there? not Melons or melons just some melons. If she has any to spare.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 08-02-2012

Bob you are the best cheerleader. I meant to mention that earlier. :D

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 08-02-2012

what is buckingham carrying??
>ask the guy in the hold to leave the hold to get his food

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 08-03-2012

[Image: ocean_0040_by_theboyd-d59s1av.png]

You turn back to everyone and try to figure out where to go next. You toss around some ideas of perhaps using melons and soup in Fodder's cannon, or even using his cannon to carry soup down to the Hold. You decided that that's kind of silly, but it wouldn't hurt to ask him if he'd be interested.
You think maybe you can get the stowaway to venture up from the Hold to get some soup, you can't think of a good reason why he'd refuse.
Then you consider having the majority of you not walk around together, clogging the halls. Seems like a good idea.

You, Tickets and Buckingham head down to the Hold and back to the Stowaway.

[Image: ocean_0041_by_theboyd-d59s312.png]

Greetings again my friend.

Yeah, okay, hi.

What news do you bring?

Well I can get you something hot to eat, if you come up to the Mess hall to get it. The Cook says that food'll get too cold on it's way down here.

Hmm, well that does seem fair enough, good sir. Lead on.

And then you head back to the kitchen. Walk walk walk.

[Image: ocean_0042_by_theboyd-d59s50d.png]

Hey Melons we're back.

So soon? and who is this you have with you.

He's, uh,

Please, you may simply call me, The Vagabond. Has a nice ring to it, does it not, m'lady?

Welcome Mr. Bond, are you the fellow Swabi was requesting something hot to eat for earlier?

Most likely. Swabi, as you called him, has been a gracious host. I hear he may Captain this vessel someday.

I wouldn't doubt it. Here, let me get you some soup.

Much obliged my dear.

[Image: ocean_0043_by_theboyd-d59s5kb.png]

With the Vagabond with his soup, he should be a faithful member of your crew by the time he finishes. What should you be doing in the mean time?

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Woffles - 08-03-2012

If Fodder needs cannonballs, go get 'em. Odds are they're /somewhere/ in the hold, and Buckingham seems beefy enough to carry quite a few in one go.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 08-04-2012

ydsss to that

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - btp - 08-04-2012

Make sure to have bigham flex a bit in front of Nailz. See these pecks? These are the pecks that can take down the captain.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 08-04-2012

(08-03-2012, 06:52 PM)Woffles Wrote: »If Fodder needs cannonballs, go get 'em. Odds are they're /somewhere/ in the hold, and Buckingham seems beefy enough to carry quite a few in one go.

[Image: ocean_0044_by_theboyd-d59uqv4.png]

You head down to the hold and search for a crate full of Cannon Balls.
You think you've found the right crate when you notice it's nailed shut, and you have no way of opening it.

(08-04-2012, 02:07 AM)btp Wrote: »Make sure to have bigham flex a bit in front of Nailz. See these pecks? These are the pecks that can take down the captain.

[Image: ocean_0046_by_theboyd-d59urdn.gif]

While you're looking at crates on your knees Buckingham tries to sway Nailz over to your cause.

Flex dem Muscles Buckingham.

Nailz is quickly convinced that if Buckingham is on your side then that's the side he should be on.

[Image: ocean_0046_by_theboyd-d59uqyu.png]

Nailz comes over and pops the crate open for you.
Looks like you found the right crate.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Dragon Fogel - 08-04-2012

>Take those cannonballs over to Fodder, then.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 08-04-2012

oh my gosh
oh my gosh

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 08-04-2012

(08-04-2012, 04:45 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »>Take those cannonballs over to Fodder, then.

[Image: ocean_0047_by_theboyd-d59x9hj.png]

You take a bunch of Cannon Balls up to Cannon Fodder.
He certainly has a load of Cannon Balls now, but they're pretty standard, he wants something with a little more, oomph.
You realize that this is a great opportunity to come up with something that you can use against the Captain.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 08-04-2012

>do you have a barrel of oil?

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - AgentBlue - 08-04-2012

Those cannonballs seem a tad small. Maybe you can pack them together to make GIANT GRAPESHOT!

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - btp - 08-05-2012

What kind of cleaning supplies do you have? Anything corrosive/explosive?

Maybe your mysterious stranger has a suggestion.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Woffles - 08-05-2012

> Cover cannonballs with hot sauce.

> Yeah, looting the hold once again for your stock of lantern oil would be a good idea. Fodder's gonna love flaming cannonballs, right? Sure.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 08-06-2012

(08-04-2012, 10:51 PM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Those cannonballs seem a tad small. Maybe you can pack them together to make GIANT GRAPESHOT!

(08-04-2012, 09:06 PM)Crowstone Wrote: »>do you have a barrel of oil?

(08-05-2012, 01:05 AM)btp Wrote: »What kind of cleaning supplies do you have? Anything corrosive/explosive?

Maybe your mysterious stranger has a suggestion.

[Image: ocean_0048_by_theboyd-d5a2n3c.png]

You think you have the perfect idea coming together, but First you decided to ask Sharkbait if he has any suggestions.

[Image: ocean_0049_by_theboyd-d5a2n85.png]

Nah, he's got nothing.

[Image: ocean_0050_by_theboyd-d5a2ndo.png]

First, Buckingham starts to force all the cannon balls together into one mega-ball.

(08-05-2012, 01:10 AM)Woffles Wrote: »> Yeah, looting the hold once again for your stock of lantern oil would be a good idea. Fodder's gonna love flaming cannonballs, right? Sure.

[Image: ocean_0051_by_theboyd-d5a2nhz.png]

Next you head down to the hold, and get some Lantern oil, and some stock of corrosive cleaning agents.

[Image: ocean_0052_by_theboyd-d5a2nw7.png]


[Image: ocean_0053_by_theboyd-d5a2o3u.png]


[Image: ocean_0054_by_theboyd-d5a2oc6.png]


[Image: ocean_0055_by_theboyd-d5a2ohm.png]

It's only now that you realize, you can't actually use this against the Captain. You'd probably destroy your only ship in the process.

oh well.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - AgentBlue - 08-06-2012

H-hey! Squirt! Get back in the Nest!

...The captain didn't notice this just now, did he? By 'this' of course we mean 'everyone crowding together on deck'.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - btp - 08-06-2012

Shark!Bait! BROO-HA-HA

I guess recruit that guy and then send h to
Give the captain the bad news...places everyone!

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 08-06-2012

wooowwwww <3 love this adventure