Eagle Time
Escape On Thera - Printable Version

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RE: Escape On Thera - Wessolf27 - 10-22-2017

Quote:From prisoner to squeaky toy.
Movin on up in the world, eh?

>Fitan: Ask for their name.

[Image: jInGQYh.gif]


Quote:>Fitan: Screw it, use magics
> Failing an amazing diplomacy roll, use corrosive slime.

[Image: QALftT1.gif]

Alright, no more Mr. Nice Yaren. You fire a spell--

[Image: Iz4Jo9k.gif]

Well, you should've expected that.

[Image: 7weptdn.gif]


Suddenly he freezes and cranes his head as if listening to a distant sound...

[Image: uuZHnNN.png]

Warden(??): "Oh crap, the Warden's coming!"

RE: Escape On Thera - typeandkey - 10-22-2017

>Scoff at the lying liar. He can't fool you. He's just giving you the runaround for no discernible reason.

RE: Escape On Thera - FlanDab - 10-22-2017

>Just go with them. They probably know better of this place than you do.

RE: Escape On Thera - Coolacanth - 10-23-2017

if THEY'RE not the warden, who IS? get an aerial view of this threat

RE: Escape On Thera - SneakyRobot - 10-23-2017

> "If you had communicated with me & explained that you are not the warden, I would not have had to waste my only weapon. You jerk."

RE: Escape On Thera - Torchfire - 11-21-2017

Is anyone still alive here?

RE: Escape On Thera - Wessolf27 - 11-22-2017

Hello, I'm still working on the update. It's just that I've found myself pretty busy with a lot of things to focus on. And I admit, this one has been a bit big since I've been trying out various styles with the panels and there's a bit more going on.

RE: Escape On Thera - Wessolf27 - 11-23-2017

Update/Clarifications on the situation: There's a holiday rush in my job that requires me to work long hours overtime around this time of the year. Doubly so since most of the preparations for my uncle's wedding is going to happen around December, so I barely have enough time to work on the updates as they are, I apologize for this, and thanks for sticking with the story even with what's going on.

RE: Escape On Thera - Coolacanth - 11-23-2017

Take the time you need, we'll still be around.

RE: Escape On Thera - Torchfire - 11-25-2017

That's understandable.
And to quote a 90's cartoon:
"If I'm not back in ten minutes... Keep waiting."

Warden, be something completely unexpected.
Guard (?), be wearing the mask for a reason.
Hall mushroom, could it be of a kind that releases hallucinogenic spores?

RE: Escape On Thera - SeaWyrm - 12-13-2017

>Recall everything you know about the noble race of Pangolin
>Sloppy makeouts, as tradition dictates

RE: Escape On Thera - Wessolf27 - 12-15-2017

Hey guys, I apologize for the lack of news, but to make up for it, here's a preview of the upcoming update!

[Image: nvR3Gt0.gif]

The story will continue sometime after Christmas. Thank you for your patience!

RE: Escape On Thera - FlanDab - 12-15-2017

Huh? Really? I was expecting it somewhere in January, but nonetheless, it's good to know that it might come back earlier. Cheers.

RE: Escape On Thera - Coolacanth - 12-15-2017

Wow, intense lighting effects.

RE: Escape On Thera - Wessolf27 - 02-17-2018

Author's Note:

Quote:> if THEY'RE not the warden, who IS? get an aerial view of this threat.

[Image: QFXYsph.gif]

The same unnerving sensation from earlier that you're being watched creeps back along your neck, then...

[Image: NUIYDuB.gif]

The Dardan carrying you fidgets and looks over his shoulder. He speaks curtly.

(Probably not) The Warden: "We should go."

Quote:>Just go with them. They probably know better of this place than you do.

[Image: q1IvGBS.gif]

The Not-Warden moves much faster than you'd expect for someone his size. You can hear him curse as he sprints through the dark corridor. He's clearly creeped out by whatever it is he's spotted.

You then hear something like a woman's laughter (or was it crying?) distorted through the noise of a broken speaker.

[Image: Yl0ozq0.gif]

Fitan: "What was that?"
Armored Dardan: "Don't pay attention to it!"

The Dardan tears open the first door he reaches. He tosses you into the room and slams the door shut. You find yourselves in a small storage room.

[Image: JmMzSqx.gif]

...Or you would later find yourself in a small storage room after your savior tossed you into a wall.

(Fitan takes 2 HP damage)

[Image: WDfoj0o.png]

Fitan: "GAH! Why the heck did you--"
Armored Dardan: "Shhhh!"

The soldier makes a quick scan of the area and fires a spear of ice at a nearby security camera, destroying it. He breathes a sigh of relief.

Armored Dardan: "Okay... I think we're in the clear now."
Fitan: "Great, because I have a lot of things to say to you, mister. First off, why the hell did you throw me like that!?"
Armored Dardan: "A-ah! Look, I panicked! I was scared, and we had to get away from that corridor as soon as possible."
Armored Dardan: "Besides! I thawed you out before throwing!"

Fitan: "Ugh, well second, what the heck was that thing that was chasing us?"
Armored Dardan: "Like I said before, it's the Warden of this place. Some messed up Unden that got herself aethertouched."
Fitan: "Aethertouched? Like those crystal-infested monsters that are lurking round here?"
Armored Dardan: "The very same ones. So, you've come in contact with those things too?"
Fitan: "Well, yeah."
Armored Dardan: "Well, it's a good thing you have one of those Conduits with you. Else, well... nothing personal but--"
Fitan: "Wait, you're saying that I might have been Aethertouched too?"
Armored Dardan: "Well, you're clearly don't have any protection on you. Were you thrown down here or something?"
Fitan: "uhhhh..."
Armored Dardan: "Okay, I guess that's a yes."
Armored Dardan: "...Anyway, I'm just happy that I found someone sane here for once."

[Image: q3u9Hsi.gif]

Armored Dardan: "My name's Te'arka, and I guess I'm here on a rescue mission... of sorts."
Fitan: "Oh, I thought you were a male."
Te'arka: "I'm a female."


RE: Escape On Thera - FlanDab - 02-17-2018

Woo! It's back. I thought it would be gone forever. Nice anims though. Awesomeness!
>Examine tattered posters.
>Examine things on shelves.
>Question: What is this place?
>What happened here?
>Why is there a facility underground?

RE: Escape On Thera - typeandkey - 02-18-2018

>Fitan: The typical sort of thing for this kind situation happens: shakey stomach, becoming completely tongue-tied,vision blurred by pink borders and fluttering cartoon hearts, birdsong with no birds present, the works.

RE: Escape On Thera - Coolacanth - 02-18-2018

> who are you supposed to rescue?

RE: Escape On Thera - Biologist - 02-18-2018

> Heal your injuries and ask Te'Arka if she has any food to share, or knows where food can be found.

RE: Escape On Thera - Torchfire - 02-23-2018

Recall what you know about Dardans. Then ask her for her life story.
Realize that some details about Te'arka's story don't make much sense. Either she's lying or there is something weirder going on here than either of you realize.

Once that's over, start searching the room for anything useful.
Find both, useful, useless and unidentifiable items.

RE: Escape On Thera - DragoonExMachina - 02-25-2018

What details don't make any sense? Seriously, I'm not seeing any. Though perhaps asking Te'arka for more information on what she's doing down here while you either search the room or start prepping one of the Fire crystals you got from that monster would be a good idea.

RE: Escape On Thera - Torchfire - 02-25-2018

(02-25-2018, 12:46 AM)DragoonExMachina Wrote: »What details don't make any sense? Seriously, I'm not seeing any. Though perhaps asking Te'arka for more information on what she's doing down here while you either search the room or start prepping one of the Fire crystals you got from that monster would be a good idea.

I rephrased my suggestion.
Is this better?

RE: Escape On Thera - smuchmuch - 02-25-2018

>What's the creepy thing lurking in the vents?
>Also anyone ever told you you look way to cudly for someone your size ?

RE: Escape On Thera - DragoonExMachina - 02-26-2018

(02-25-2018, 02:23 PM)Torchfire Wrote: »I rephrased my suggestion.
Is this better?
Ah, you're assuming that something won't add up. ....sure, why not.

(02-25-2018, 06:16 PM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>What's the creepy thing lurking in the vents?
>Also anyone ever told you you look way to cudly for someone your size ?
Pretty sure the creepy thing's the Warden. Notice that the eyes appeared on the monitor?

RE: Escape On Thera - Biologist - 02-27-2018

(02-26-2018, 02:59 AM)DragoonExMachina Wrote: »Pretty sure the creepy thing's the Warden. Notice that the eyes appeared on the monitor?

Nice catch! I didn't spot that at first.