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The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - Printable Version

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RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - typeandkey - 07-04-2017

>It's not that you haven't been paying attention, you have, it just that... How does this whole job deal work, exactly?

RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - Arcanuse - 07-04-2017

>It's probably nothing, but you had a lurking feeling that something was out there that made that old cat seem like your best friend in comparison. Would be nice to have that confirmed or disproven so you can prepare accordingly.

RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - Mr Machine - 07-09-2017

Quote:>It's not that you haven't been paying attention, you have, it just that... How does this whole job deal work, exactly?
[Image: u2nA57P.png]

That's a question you can answer.

The Daydreamer Project wants you to help them explore Dreamland and understand how it works.

Most dreams disappear entirely from dreamland once the person dreaming them wakes up. Some dreams, like your tower, linger and remain the way they were for you to return to when you sleep. And then there's everything in between, all the bridges and islands, that tie Dreamland together.

You prospective employer at The Daydreamer Project wants to figure out why some dreams last and some dreams don't. To that end, they need people like you to act as surveyors.

Well... actually, they probably need people with a bit more experience in this than you, but everyone needs to start somewhere.

Quote:>Other than nightmares, are there any sort of dangers one must watch out for in the Dreamlands?
[Image: fRmZTuB.png]

"What sort of things I should be worried about out there?" you ask.

"Oh dearie," Missi smiles gently. "You shouldn't spend your time out there on something as silly as worrying - just show caution to the things that warrant caution.

Watch your step. The dreams that lie below the clouds are not meant to be navigated, nor readily understood. Mind your candlestick. It will be simple enough to reignite, but much trickier to replace. And remember to sun mirrors. Reflections in Dreamland are never quite right.

You ponder the gravity of those words for a moment. "Thank you Missi."

Quote:>And on the reverse, is there any danger my presence would cause in the dreams of others?
[Image: ScLAXZo.png]

"And what of the dreams themselves? What if I disturb them?"

"That's simple, Lynette." Strangeglove grins widely. "Don't remove things that aren't yours. Don't ever leave things that are yours. You never know what's important. The dream is a portal to the sleeping mind after all, and a mind is best not left muddied by picking at its parts.

Arrange and change as you must, Lynette. But the pieces must persist, in one way or another. It can't be THEIR dream, elsewise. Just as your dream can't be YOUR dream if without the right parts in place.

You nod, trying not to think too hard about what parts would have to fall out of place for your own dream to go awry. "Thank you, Doctor."

Quote:>It's probably nothing, but you had a lurking feeling that something was out there that made that old cat seem like your best friend in comparison. Would be nice to have that confirmed or disproven so you can prepare accordingly.
[Image: tDsZrMC.png]

Finally, you turn to the Professor.
"I know there's nightmares out there. Things worse than our cat. Sometimes I can see them just beyond our windows. What should I do, if I happen to meet them?"

The Professor spends his own moment in quiet contemplation before speaking. "Keep your candle close to hold them at bay, and remember that every nightmare - from the smallest Bogey to the greatest of Night Terrors - is the fear of something. Understanding that fear is your greatest tool in making sure it cannot take hold."

You open your mouth to thank The Professor, but there is suddenly a loud banging noise at the door.

[Image: W7X6o7j.png]


"Oh bother," sighs Professor Goodnight. "That must be Bopper."

"Did he want to come to tea?" Missi asks.

The Professor shakes his head. "No, no, you know he can't stand tea parties. I told him to watch the door, and I very, surely, clearly told him not to interrupt us."

"Perhaps it's something dire?" Strangeglove interjects.

"Dire?" You feel a discomforting chill run down your back. "Is something wrong?"

"I can deal with whatever it is," the Professor responds. "You need to wake up soon, Lynette. There's not enough time for you to get wrapped up in... whatever shenanigans Bopper thinks he's onto now."


It does sound urgent.
"Maybe I should get the door...?"

"Please, Lynette." The Professor's tone puts the words somewhere between a plea and a command. "I'll get back to him once you're awake. No need to get yourself worked up any further. The big day has hardly had a chance to begin."

RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - Arcanuse - 07-09-2017

>I don't suppose that door has a peephole? Much safer than opening it. Plus it should make deciding to open the door much easier.

RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - Tuesbirdy - 07-09-2017

(07-09-2017, 06:45 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: ยป>I don't suppose that door has a peephole? Much safer than opening it. Plus it should make deciding to open the door much easier.

RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - Myeth - 07-09-2017

>kick the motherfucking door in, we ain't no pussy-panted-pansy prick, we're the bad bitch who's gonna kick the mc nuggets out of the poor shmuck on the other side of that door!

RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - typeandkey - 07-09-2017

>And then something terrifying happens.

RE: The Daydreamer Project: Teatime - Wessolf27 - 07-10-2017

It is wiser to just follow, it won't be good to linger. Things in dreams happen for a reason, and that reason is probably something you have to trust your friends to handle.