Eagle Time
Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Printable Version

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RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Superficial - 11-14-2016

> God of Dreams? Cool. Converse with the Nya Devout to learn more about gods and stuff.

> Move on to the room at the bottom and attack things that attack me.

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Justice Watch - 11-14-2016

I, Aaron would go to the altar and announce my faith, but I may die in the fight unless someone joins me. That said, spear the next imp. I'll consider stepping back to un-bottle the neck if nobody comes to my aid PLEASE GOD COME TO MY AID

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - OTTO - 11-14-2016

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RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - qwerx3 - 11-15-2016

Let's burn some imps

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Gimeurcookie - 11-15-2016

> Nah I'm an active gator not a sleepy one.

> Use key go thought door that pops up.

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Electrum - 11-16-2016

> I pledge my allegiance to Nya
> I rush to aid Aaron by healing him and kung-fuing the imps!

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - iamgodyes - 11-16-2016

> Pledge allegiance to Nya

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - a52 - 11-17-2016

Name: Vryxyzya
Class: Priestess of Ayn
Seed: Caffeine

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Reyweld - 11-17-2016

(update tomorrow)

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Sleepy - 11-18-2016

i grab the glowing dagger out of the chest and stab the living statue with gusto

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Reyweld - 11-19-2016

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Player InfoShow

Jack has become a Dreamer of Nya! Jack moves to the bottom right doorway, hurling a throwing axe that embeds itself into the statue's body. It looks unfazed.

Plaq talks to the Nya devout, who awakens from their slumber, asking them about gods and stuff.

"There are many gods, but none as good as Nya, defender of the innocent, protector of the imagination! Just as Nya is the god of dreams, other gods have aspects of which they govern. Richard the Righteous is the god of slaughter, and a fellow good god. Generally, similarly aligned gods are on good terms, and allow conversion between themselves. You never know with those evil gods though..."

Plaq moves into the lower room, and prepares to retaliate against a potential attacker.

Aaron calls for assistance, spearing the imp for little damage. Aaron's fullplate and steed reappear! The mount, unfazed by its disappearance, kicks the imp, killing it! It disappears in a puff of smoke... Aaron feels more experienced! Aaron has gained a level!

Ushy tries to cast Summon Cloud, but fails. Ushy is feeling very weak. Ushy falls to the floor.

Rey moves to Aaron's aid, preparing an attack for any approaching baddie.

Logitech uses the magic key, which disappears into a hidden door. Logitech enters. Welcome to Spider Den 1! Several spiders click aggressively.

Vuarna has become a Dreamer of Nya! Vuarna heals Aaron, but sees that there is no way to gain access to the fight currently. Aaron looks better. Nya is pleased.

Pacrin has become a Dreamer of Nya!

Welcome, Vryxyzya. Vryxyzya feels they are on Borrowed Time. Vryxyzya feels a reminder:

Quinsy grabs the dagger and jabs it at the statue, dealing little damage. Quinsy feels that the dagger is of the aspect of poison.

The imp charges at Aaron, but is attacked by Rey! The attack wasn't very effective... The imp slashes Aaron for 1 damage.

Two of the lesser moon demons blast Aaron with light for 2 damage total. The last blasts Rey with light for 1 damage.

The living statue grabs Quinsy, crushing him to death.

Rest in piece Quinsy...

The Nya Devout returns to sleep.

The Spiders click agressively!


RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Sleepy - 11-19-2016

Name: Dunko
Class: Basketball Donkey
Seed: dunk7

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Superficial - 11-19-2016

> Knock over the living statue onto the rock path with the shovel.
> Grab the shield and a handful of coins and GTFO out of that room the way I came from if the statue didn't shatter.
> If it attempts to attack, block it with the shield.
> If it shattered, looting time. Grab the dagger.

Also, I think you are at (11,-1) a52 right below me. I've been wondering who the heck that is and the only person who seems to not have coordinates is you.

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - iamgodyes - 11-19-2016

> Move into doorway of statue room
> Cast heal at the statue

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Reyweld - 11-19-2016

(11-19-2016, 05:48 PM)Superficial Wrote: »Also, I think you are at (11,-1) a52 right below me. I've been wondering who the heck that is and the only person who seems to not have coordinates is you.

I forgot to add a52 to the map... a52 is supposed to be at (7,4) on the staircase.

The underlined point is 1,1 because I didn't think the map through very well, but you are the lower of the pair (at 11,0), and the person above you is Jack (who threw an axe). I apparently didn't do that either.

About to fix it.

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - SirBlizz98 - 11-19-2016

>Throw another axe at the statue, then Charge! Go for the legs!

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - OTTO - 11-20-2016

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RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Justice Watch - 11-20-2016

Aaron attacks the next imp with all that he has, and then takes a step back, allowing his allies to attack next. He also pick up the melon if he can.

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Electrum - 11-21-2016

> I summon up a cloud and order it to help Aaron to murdernate any remaining enemies.

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Gimeurcookie - 11-21-2016

> Greet spiders. Tell them how nice they look, attempt to befriend spiders, ask if they have a queen.

> If spiders are angry and unwilling to attack then run up the stairs but DO NOT use the path though the webs. Those are likely randomly huge webs able to take down a grown man. Use path through the bigger spiders, biting them if they attack.

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - a52 - 11-21-2016

The coordinate system is increasing in xy going leftdown, right?

> Move to the Alter of Nya, Nya devout, or any character that is a follower of Nya
> Destroy it/them. The heathens must die!

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Electrum - 11-22-2016

> "If I die while I'm awake, I pray my soul for Nya to take. Vryxyzya priestess of Ayn if I die, even if not by your hand. I will doom you to become so intelligent that you will no longer sleep. You will invoke the wrath of both Nya and Ayn and will die, alone, unmourned and unloved".

RE: Your Mechanical Death - Run 1 - Fallingfeather - 11-23-2016

I head through the upper right door. The one at... 13,3? Am I doing these coordinates right? (probably not because it says I'm at (8,6) and the way I'm counting it, there's no one there, lol)

(Anyone wanna form an alliance/come with me?)