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Power Sheep [FINISHED]; BTP WINS - Printable Version

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RE: Power Sheep 13/13; Turn 2 (Bloody Biceps / Twice the Fun) - qwerx3 - 10-05-2016

Slorange might be voting by playerlist.

RE: Power Sheep 13/13; Turn 2 (Bloody Biceps / Twice the Fun) - qwerx3 - 10-05-2016

if it makes you feel better: change vote to attack: btp

RE: Power Sheep 13/13; Turn 2 (Bloody Biceps / Twice the Fun) - SleepingOrange - 10-05-2016

they are!

RE: Power Sheep 13/13; Turn 2 (Bloody Biceps / Twice the Fun) - Palamedes - 10-05-2016

btp you were favoured, you were good. Treachery will never be allowed.

attack btp

RE: Power Sheep 13/13; Turn 2 (Bloody Biceps / Twice the Fun) - Justice Watch - 10-05-2016

Literally everything I've done so far has been determined by diceroll; I'm hardly a threat, until someone gives me a reason to be one.

RE: Power Sheep 13/13; Turn 2 (Bloody Biceps / Twice the Fun) - bunnyInnocence - 10-05-2016

I'm not too much of a threat, however, I do aim to be a battery for a player.

RE: Power Sheep 13/13; Turn 2 (Bloody Biceps / Twice the Fun) - btp - 10-05-2016

Welp, I'm outtie.

Change all 3 attacks to gatr

RE: Power Sheep 13/13; Turn 2 (Bloody Biceps / Twice the Fun) - qwerx3 - 10-06-2016

attack: nopad, true random votes are the enemy

RE: Power Sheep 13/13; Turn 2 (Bloody Biceps / Twice the Fun) - OTTO - 10-06-2016

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RE: Power Sheep 13/13; Turn 2 (Bloody Biceps / Twice the Fun) - Reyweld - 10-06-2016

Update in <12 hours, if you haven't voted or want to move around your votes, now is the time

RE: Power Sheep 13/13; Turn 2 (Bloody Biceps / Twice the Fun) - Palamedes - 10-06-2016

As you have renounced your treachery, I will show you my mercy. Do not forget, dearest p.

Attack: Gatr, earthexe

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - Reyweld - 10-06-2016

TURN 2 END - First Blood

A52 and Nopad choose random targets!

Gatr (6) - Sleepy x2, Btp x3, Palamedes x1
Shredded (5) - Robust Laser x1, Slorange x2, Gatr x2
Slorange (4) - Shredded x4
Sleepy (2) - earthexe x2
Btp (2) - Gatr x2
A52 (1 + 1) - bunnyInnocence x1, Random x1
Qwerx3 (1) - SeaWyrm x1
Nopad (1) - qwerx3 x1
Earthexe (1) - Palamedes x1
Palamedes (0 + 1) - Random x1

Gatr has died!

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TURN 3 - Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple

Gatr (4) - Robust Laser, Seawyrm, bunnyInnocence, Sleepy
Nopad (2) - Slorange, Palamedes
Palamedes (2) - Qwerx3, Nopad
bunnyInnocence (2) - Gatr, earthexe
Sleepy (0 + 2) - Random x2

Shredded (1) - a52
Btp (1) - Shredded
Qwerx3 (1) - Btp
A52 (0 + 1) - Random
Slorange (0 + 1) - Random

Defense up!

Nopad, Palamedes, bunnyInnocence and Sleepy each receive 1 Evade. For each point of Evade, there is a 5% chance of ignoring a point of damage assigned to you. Delayed damage cannot be evaded.

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RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - Gatr - 10-06-2016

i literally had my vote change ready to post. got ninjad by my own death. jesus fucking christ

edit: just for the sake of posterity my vote was going to be attack: btp 4 times because "you can't back out of this suicide pact" considering he was trying to take me down with him, and he actually made it out alive and i didnt, which is a really irritating position for me to be in. but that seems kind of petty, considering it doesn't contribute to my victory at all. which i had no chance at all of achieving, by the way.

what a completely skewed game, seriously

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - qwerx3 - 10-06-2016

attack: Nopad is my policy lynch until something interesting happens

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - SleepingOrange - 10-06-2016

I mean I was going to keep targeting the player with the most health but I guess if you want to be that way :/

attack papers, we'll both go down with our delay injuries if defense doesn't protect from delay; if it does, I ask earthexe to attack instead of a random target. Since I'm dying, I can't offer anything meaningful in the context of the game, but I'd sure appreciate it.

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - qwerx3 - 10-06-2016

Sorted by efficiency of attack:

Shredded: 1.67 efficiency, 17 power
btp: 1.00 efficiency, 12 power
SleepingOrange: 1.00 efficiency, 6 power
a52: 0.67 efficiency, 8 power
earthexe: 0.50 efficiency, 8 power
Sleepy: 0.38 efficiency, 15 power
Palamedes: 0.26 efficiency, 19 power
Robust Laser: 0.20 efficiency, 5 power
Seawyrm: 0.20 efficiency, 5 power
qwerx3: 0.17 efficiency, 7 power
Nopad: 0.15 efficiency, 9 power
bunnyInnocence: 0.13 efficiency, 10 power

Sorted by power level:

Palamedes: 0.26 efficiency, 19 power
Shredded: 1.67 efficiency, 17 power
Sleepy: 0.38 efficiency, 15 power
btp: 1.00 efficiency, 12 power
bunnyInnocence: 0.13 efficiency, 10 power
Nopad: 0.15 efficiency, 9 power
a52: 0.67 efficiency, 8 power
earthexe: 0.50 efficiency, 8 power
qwerx3: 0.17 efficiency, 7 power
SleepingOrange: 1.00 efficiency, 6 power
Robust Laser: 0.20 efficiency, 5 power
Seawyrm: 0.20 efficiency, 5 power

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - Robust Laser - 10-07-2016

Attack palamedes

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - Reyweld - 10-07-2016

Reminder: this game is like one of those "Oh Reyweld Made a Shitpost Game" games so please don't take it too seriously. I literally made it in 10 minutes and if those ten minutes are netting you unhappiness don't let them.

tldr: gobble ;(/)

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - SleepingOrange - 10-07-2016

I think that may have been too serious a face, let me try again


RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - Justice Watch - 10-07-2016

Gimme those spicypoints and d12 --> robust laser unless one more person tells me to attack (in which case attack papers)

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - Palamedes - 10-07-2016

If i tell you not to attack will that count for anything? I'm already losing dearest Slorange ;-;

Laser that b will only protect you so much. I was ready to murder my darling btp, what makes you think I won't come for you?

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - Robust Laser - 10-07-2016

I dunno, I've been asking a magic 8 ball who to vote for.

It doesn't give very easy to interpret advice but who am i to defy prophecy?

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - Justice Watch - 10-07-2016

Your counter-request has sated me, and I shall not vote for papers.

Here is how I'll operate, then.

I will roll a die to mark my initial target. If someone other than my current target tells me to re-roll, then I will, eliminating them from the list of possibilities. But if someone tells me to direct my vote toward a specific person, then I will not re-roll - but I will add one instance of them to my list, for if I should happen to roll again.

Each player is allowed one intervention, and two additions. Once someone has been protected, they cannot be attacked by me under any circumstances until the next round.

My spinner currently reads as thus.

--> Robust Laser <--

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - Palamedes - 10-07-2016

Wait you have a magic 8 ball with all of our names on it?

That is... troubling to say the least.

RE: Power Sheep 12/13; Turn 3 (Popular in Death / Oh Baby a Quadruple) - SeaWyrm - 10-07-2016

Does it have my name, or my TRUE name?