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scraph - Printable Version

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RE: scraph - qwerx3 - 09-21-2016

let's right these fallen shelves

RE: scraph - Dediles - 09-21-2016

>you finished flopping around like a fish? Good. time for mystery solving.

ok how do you make these almost photorealistic panels? some sort of 3d modeling program passed through a couple of filters? also things are going pretty slow, don't know if that's just me or what, but hearing all 31 original flavors of suck this guy is going through isn't exactly riveting.

RE: scraph - Ixcaliber - 09-21-2016

Wow that sure was a lot of standing up and trying to stand up and complaining maybe have a little sit down for a bit? Otherwise navigate to the nearest/most usable egress and do so.

RE: scraph - Ixcaliber - 09-21-2016

dude what's the black rectangle thing? can you interact with it? will it be your friend?

RE: scraph - Ixcaliber - 09-21-2016

hey my man, i'm starting to think that this place might be some kind of medical facility, what with the stretcher bed and the table on casters... though the supplies you found are suggesting school supplies more than anything else?

purple's a bad colour please make a note to try not to touch anything purple if you can help it.

did something happen to the doors? maybe you wanna take a peek through the ones that are hanging open, be a little cautious instead of just charging out of the room asap.

RE: scraph - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 09-22-2016

(09-21-2016, 10:05 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »purple's a bad colour please make a note to try not to touch anything purple if you can help it.

[Image: DTLDMIB.jpg]

RE: scraph - OTTO - 09-25-2016

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RE: scraph - Sruixan - 09-29-2016

(09-21-2016, 01:00 AM)Schazer Wrote: »Check yourself over and make sure none of your organs have been harvested

There aren't that many ways of explaining why you've woken up pained and confused in a strange, shady locale, and none of them are particularly pleasant. One horrifying possibility springs suddenly to mind, compelling you to give yourself a quick once-over.

[Image: 0034.png]

Well, as previously ascertained you do appear to have a body, and you're not missing any appendages that you know of. You run your hands across your skin for a while, checking for marks or scars or bruises or absolutely anything out of the ordinary. All would seem to be fine. That is somewhat disconcerting.

(09-21-2016, 09:40 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »dude what's the black rectangle thing? can you interact with it? will it be your friend?

You're not really making good on your pledge to investigate the room, are you? There's more here than a single cabinet and a few doors. Like, for instance, whatever the big blocky thing beside the cabinet is. You steer yourself back through the fallen shelving towards it - looks like it's just a tall cupboard, but one of the fallen shelving units is kind of in the way of opening it.

(09-21-2016, 05:22 AM)qwerx3 Wrote: »let's right these fallen shelves

You would like to know what's inside... the shelving's lighter than it looks, as it turns out, so it's by no means impossible to upright it - you're getting the knack of blotting out your aches and pains. Having done that, you figure you may as well right the others. You look at the wall behind the bed, wondering if there's room to squeeze another set in there, and are greeted with a minor surprise:

[Image: 0035.png]

That box has presumably been there all this time. Your head was two or three feet away from it at one point. Huh. Admittedly, you weren't missing out on much; it's been utterly smothered with brown tape, so there's no way you're getting it open, especially in your current state. You put it back where you found it and are about to resume your shelving adventure when you remember you haven't actually looked in the cupboard yet...

(09-21-2016, 02:57 AM)btp Wrote: »Get mayonnaise.

[Image: 0036.png]

Pfft, "tall cupboard" - it's a wardrobe! Okay then. It's not a very big one, but whatever, you're freezing, you don't need the luxury of choice... which is convenient, 'cause you don't have any. You take the plain, bluish shirt; it's lovely and soft to the touch but the fit's all wrong. The trousers are the same in every way, good and bad; still, you're in no position to complain. There are even some plimsolls in the bottom, and these even fit. Kind of.

...wait, hang on, there's something stuck to the back of the door...

[Image: 0037.png]


(09-21-2016, 05:26 AM)Dediles Wrote: »>you finished flopping around like a fish? Good. time for mystery solving.

Now that you're clothed, you feel a bit more comfortable, so you've no qualms with putting the shelves up against the walls now. Hopefully.

[Image: 0038.png]

You're left with a stool and a table, both of which are on wheels, and another cabinet lying on its back; its empty, for the record. Behind you, back by the locked door, there's a bench-or-desk-thing and another table on wheels, but you feel you've done enough furniture rearranging for now...

(09-21-2016, 09:32 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »Wow that sure was a lot of standing up and trying to stand up and complaining maybe have a little sit down for a bit? Otherwise navigate to the nearest/most usable egress and do so.

yeah you need to sit down for a sec you feel fuzzy again holy shit

[Image: 0039.png]

it's not like you overexerted yourself just then you were feeling just fine and then all of a sudden

(09-21-2016, 12:34 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »
[Image: Bblfwww.jpg]

you are so sick of this and it's probably not even been ten minutes what is wrong with you

(09-21-2016, 10:05 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »hey my man, i'm starting to think that this place might be some kind of medical facility, what with the stretcher bed and the table on casters... though the supplies you found are suggesting school supplies more than anything else?

...and that last thought sparks across the unfortunate part of your brain saddled with sussing out your situation - you're wearing scrubs. Featureless blue clothing that feels clean and doesn't fit right why hello there that sure is a thing you just thought of. Like, you thought the bed was more like those ones you can get for camping buuuuuut...


...but what does that mean? This is a pretty shit hospital if it is one; there is presumably a section of the Hippocratic Oath that says "I will not leave badly injured patients with uncooperative memories in dingy storerooms", and if there isn't there bloody well should be. And yeah, you'd have expected some more hospitally stuff in the cabinets, like, um, syringes and shit. You guess stationery's fairly ubiquitous, but paper plates?

(09-21-2016, 10:05 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »purple's a bad colour please make a note to try not to touch anything purple if you can help it.

Also, thinking of the bed, it's purple. Are stretchers often purple? You doubt it, but you wouldn't be able to say why. Again, everything's already incongruous enough. Yet something about the purple sets you ill at ease. Somewhere in your subconscious, the fact that you woke up on a purple bed is causing real concern and you haven't the faintest idea why...

Still, as working theories go, the hospital one's not overwhelmingly bad. Progress!

(09-21-2016, 10:05 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »did something happen to the doors? maybe you wanna take a peek through the ones that are hanging open, be a little cautious instead of just charging out of the room asap.

Speaking of progress, one of the other things you were going to try to do was to leave the room. Your first choice of exit was atrocious, you'll concede, so maybe it's about time you stopped ignoring the partially dismantled door?

[Image: 0040.png]

It's definitely suspicious, though, and with the space beyond being so dark you reckon you may need to exercise some caution.

[Image: 0041.png]

...do you have to walk towards the light?


RE: scraph - Ixcaliber - 09-29-2016

you don't have to but you're probably not gonna make a lot of headway just fucking around in this storeroom

RE: scraph - qwerx3 - 09-30-2016

run into the hallway, but go past that other lighted room, instead running as far as you can possibly go

RE: scraph - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 09-30-2016

[Image: R9zebBt.png]

RE: scraph - a52 - 09-30-2016

purple is the new green

RE: scraph - Dediles - 10-01-2016

>just get it over with you weenie

RE: scraph - Kíeros - 10-04-2016


RE: scraph - Ixcaliber - 10-09-2016

be careful don't trip up

RE: scraph - Sruixan - 10-11-2016

(09-29-2016, 11:45 PM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »you don't have to but you're probably not gonna make a lot of headway just fucking around in this storeroom

Let's stick to the plan, hey? Keep on searching, keep on thinking. You've nothing to lose, after all. However...

(09-30-2016, 01:12 AM)qwerx3 Wrote: »run into the hallway, but go past that other lighted room, instead running as far as you can possibly go

...you have some misgivings about this situation. The corridor is unnaturally dark, and the light deliberately enticing - it feels almost staged. And you're not in the mindset for playing along. Instead, after a few tentative steps forward, you gather yourself up for a run, of sorts; it's of more a bumbling, stuttering jog to be honest, but mentally you've committed yourself to dashing straight past the light source so by that metric you're trying your best.

Well, until you trip up, anyway.

(10-09-2016, 12:16 AM)Ixcaliber Wrote: »be careful don't trip up


...it's okay, though; a successful spot of flailing keeps you mostly upright, so you only really stumble rather than fall. And even though it means turning to look back towards the very room you were trying to avoid, you would quite like to see what it was that broke your stride...

[Image: 0042.png]

Huh - there's a bunch of cables spilling out into the hallway. They look pretty much identical, but each has its own coloured sleeve that starts at the threshold. Or, um, ends. Depends which way you look at it.

(09-30-2016, 03:54 AM)a52 Wrote: »purple is the new green

You wonder which cable tripped you up - the purple-sleeved one seems to head off in the opposite direction to the others, so it can't have been that one. The blue-sleeved one is the most likely candidate; you bend down and fumble about for it and sure enough, it runs straight across the width of the corridor to the opposite wall... and then up? You put your hand on the cable as it lies on the floor and follow it along - when it reaches the wall, it does indeed climb upwards, way beyond the limit of your reach. Hmm...

...and now your curiosity compels you to try tracing the route of the green-sleeved cable... it appears to be headed in the direction you were going, so why not? It bends back and forth a little aaaaaand then straight up the wall again. Oh, but wait a sec...

[Image: 0043.png]

This cable only goes up a bit, not all the way; you think there's some kind of box on this wall? And the cable's going into that? That's what it feels like, anyway. You're only getting a bit of light from that room back down the hall...


(10-04-2016, 08:05 PM)Kíeros Wrote: »> DO IT

No, hold up - you gotta get to the end of this corridor first. You said you would. Can't call it quits after a mere misstep, right? Let's keep going.

You immediately trip over another bloody cable.

You do not stop to suss out the path it traces. The only path you should be thinking of now is your path forward, down this unlit hall. Thankfully it turns out that you were quite close to its end, since it's only a few more steps before you nearly smoosh your face into a door. A little investigation with your hands suggests that you're facing another set of double doors, but this time with windows! Do they look out onto anything interesting?

[Image: 0044.png]

who knows you honestly can't make out shit

(10-01-2016, 12:19 AM)Dediles Wrote: »>just get it over with you weenie

...this wasn't a great idea. And unless you want to try traipsing your way down to the other end of this corridor you reckon you best suck it up and poke your nose into the room that's actually properly illuminated. You turn around and prepare to retrace your steps.

[Image: 0045.png]

...you're pretty certain you know where the cables are now, roughly speaking. Just to make sure, though, you to take it nice and slow, keeping close to the wall, all the way back to the door. As tempted as you are to try bursting through it (you know, in keeping with your previous approach), it is kind of already ajar. Like, nearly completely open, actually. You could shut it and then barrel through, but the cables are in the way. You'll settle for gingerly stepping over them.


[Image: 0046.png]

oh wow okay you weren't expecting to be staring straight at a light source when you swung round the door it's uhh kind of bright

RE: scraph - Dragon Fogel - 10-11-2016

Check out that colorful thing.

RE: scraph - Ixcaliber - 10-11-2016

pull on those wires! pull the wires! gotta pull all the wires!

RE: scraph - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-11-2016

[Image: N46uYHR.png]

RE: scraph - Dediles - 10-11-2016

(10-11-2016, 12:18 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »
[Image: N46uYHR.png]

Is that a chopped up and corrupted picture of sasuke uchiha from naruto?

>what idiot points a light at a door? I guess the same idiot that puts a naked guy in a bed in a supply closet with all the shelves knocked over.

RE: scraph - a52 - 10-11-2016

Press the orange button

RE: scraph - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-11-2016

(10-11-2016, 12:25 AM)Dediles Wrote: »Is that a chopped up and corrupted picture of sasuke uchiha from naruto?


RE: scraph - Dediles - 10-11-2016

(10-11-2016, 01:15 AM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »
(10-11-2016, 12:25 AM)Dediles Wrote: »Is that a chopped up and corrupted picture of sasuke uchiha from naruto?


why did i even bother asking.

RE: scraph - Coolacanth - 10-12-2016

use floor

RE: scraph - Schazer - 10-12-2016
