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Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Printable Version

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RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Loather - 04-27-2016

i think we have very different goals in mind though

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Loather - 04-27-2016

to me this should be a sort of game thats in the form of a subforum? like chwoka said earlier, a nomic subforum

and i feel like what other people want is more along the lines of a subforum that happens to have a game in it

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - a52 - 04-27-2016

I agree with Loather, that the whole subsubsubsubsub...forum should be a game, not just a forum with a game. Otherwise it's no different from hawkspace.

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Loather - 04-27-2016

i want the rules to have more than zero weight to them because they're what i think should define after dark, and i don't really see how they do that otherwise

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Loather - 04-27-2016

well yeah but if breaking them is functionally identical to not breaking them then they aren't really rules in the first place

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - a52 - 04-27-2016

There's three of us here, lets go propose some rules.

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Dragon Fogel - 04-27-2016

I see two main issues with the whole subforum being a game.

Issue 1: You scale up the flaws of the game. In particular, its capacity to invoke bitter feelings among the players.

Issue 2: Everyone needs to be committed to the game. This is where the idea is running into problems. There just aren't that many people here willing to take part in full-time Nomic; this thread itself is kind of proving that. The fact that it was just suddenly done without actively trying to recruit "players" and make sure they understood what was happening is only exacerbating this issue.

Maybe if it were only running for a fixed period of time or something it could work that way. But without a limitation like that, I don't think we have the userbase to make it work.

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Loather - 04-27-2016

i don't get why you want to take this away from the small handful of people that want it though?

and i don't think a fixed period of time or anything is necessary, it doesn't have to be competitive in spirit. it's just piling on ridiculous rules, calling people out on obscure nonsense, and giving each other the lightest slaps on the wrist for it until the fun wears off

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Loather - 04-27-2016

that's what was making me so angry, i feel like you're going "hm this isn't for me so it can't be for you" and pulling it away from me

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Loather - 04-27-2016

and i feel like it's self-centered for me to even feel that way because, i'm probably in the minority here on what this forum should even be

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - a52 - 04-27-2016

Sure there's issues with this subforum being a game, but if it's not, it has no point at all.

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - OTTO - 04-27-2016

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RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - OTTO - 04-27-2016

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RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - a52 - 04-27-2016

I agree. The "punishments" (at least the way I was thinking) weren't going to be too severe or inflicted on newcomers. It's also probably best to not get divided over an argument about how to not get divided.

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Schazer - 04-27-2016

Wheat, if it's ok could I ask you to not talk in all-caps? I have it forefront that you're not actually-shouting about this but... I'm tired and what was supposed to be goofy bu-rule-cracy chicanery has just left me exhausted.

As long as there's no firm punishments for rule-breaking (and, this is conjecture/possibly naivety on my part, but that punishments shouldn't be enacted on stuff before the punishment was instated), can we all try be sincere and considerate considering a bunch of folks have been rubbed the wrong way with all of this?

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Schazer - 04-27-2016

yeah, no, ugh I realised that I was insinuating you were being insincere/sardonic/laff-capitalising at the expense of others. That wasn't my intention, nor do I think you're accusing me of insinuating.

This is why interpersonal drama is so fuckin exhausting for me, everything is fuses

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Schazer - 04-27-2016

i have errands to run this evening and am tired as hell and want to go home and not feel like i have to monitor this situation but, i care too much in the wrong ways about this place

as in "worry, but only to the extent that you feel guilty as hell when folks are getting hurt" and not enough of whatever Johnny is doing in panels 6+7

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - OTTO - 04-27-2016

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RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Dragon Fogel - 04-27-2016

Important point of context: Loather and I are talking on IRC right now and we agree we're still pals.

Thanks for your concern, . But I think, whatever gets decided here, we're going to be okay.

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Dragon Fogel - 04-27-2016

Although, I feel I should be clear that I'm in favor of hugs on general principles.

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - OTTO - 04-27-2016

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RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Loather - 04-27-2016

awkward side-hugs for everybody, then

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - btp - 04-27-2016

Woah! I get half a nights rest and we've gone from confrontation to lovable awkward hugs!

The time-travel wizard was right!

So, having thought about this, and also for feeling a little guilty for my a part in instigating this conflict, and also also thinking that, yes, this could very well be a fun thing:

I hereby voluntarily submit myself to the rules and consequences of this here sub-space. Bring it.

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RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Loather - 04-27-2016

(04-27-2016, 03:05 PM)btp Wrote: ยป
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ye@h, i think th@t w@s @lre@dy kind of @n unspoken rule th@t covers the entire forums but i'm not @t @ll @g@inst form@lly decl@ring this @ rule

RE: Some Real-Talk: Hawkspace After Dark Problems - Reyweld - 04-27-2016

ii'm not really enjoying postiing iin thiis subforum, so ii wiill no longer be reading iit or postiing iin iit. thiis iis a heads up, iin case anyone triies to talk to me and ii dont respond at all ever, iits not because ii hate you. ii love you all.

au revoiir.