Eagle Time
Good patent ideas - Printable Version

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RE: Good patent ideas - Schazer - 10-27-2015

Edible paint but instead of being edible it's wearable

RE: Good patent ideas - Palamedes - 10-27-2015

A comments section that sends drones after anyone who comments in it.

RE: Good patent ideas - Jacquerel - 11-04-2015

cool ranch parent

RE: Good patent ideas - Schazer - 11-04-2015

Canvas shelter to hold all these parents


RE: Good patent ideas - ICan'tGiveCredit - 11-04-2015

pair-tents to trademark all these sets of parents

RE: Good patent ideas - Reyweld - 11-04-2015

Parents that smell fruity, all the time. Pearents.

Parents that are buy-one get-one free. Pairents.

Parents with the ability to lift 5000 times their body weight, also with crazy strong mandibles. Parants.

Parents that are cheap plastic imitations of the real deal. Subparents.

RE: Good patent ideas - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 11-05-2015


RE: Good patent ideas - Schazer - 01-05-2016

two golden retrievers, for dual-walking, named BUTTER AND SUNSHINE

RE: Good patent ideas - a52 - 03-11-2016

Thread necromancy

golden .45 revolver, powered by dreams. shoots lightning

RE: Good patent ideas - ICan'tGiveCredit - 03-11-2016

do u mean to tell me thread necromancy hasn't already been done

RE: Good patent ideas - SleepingOrange - 03-11-2016

You can't patent it because it doesn't actually affect anything living or dead, so it's not technically necromancy and doesn't have legal protection. Cybeurgy is still classified as hedge-magic, which means it's totally usable under the Creative Summons License.

RE: Good patent ideas - Gatr - 04-12-2016

a ceiling fan with streamers hanging off it. the streamers are sharp and paper-cut tested. 4 out of 5 dentists say the paper cuts are top quality.

the fifth is dead.

RE: Good patent ideas - a52 - 04-12-2016

a pill that makes you taste like bread

RE: Good patent ideas - a52 - 04-12-2016

bees ,, but less assholey

RE: Good patent ideas - a52 - 04-12-2016

bread that tastes like bees

RE: Good patent ideas - a52 - 04-12-2016

jimmy buffest, but with bees

RE: Good patent ideas - a52 - 04-12-2016

jimmy buffest, but with fortuna characters

RE: Good patent ideas - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-12-2016

jimmy beesfest

RE: Good patent ideas - a52 - 04-12-2016

fat fucking donald trump bees

RE: Good patent ideas - a52 - 04-12-2016

a purple scarf that prevents the wearer from thinking poorly of tommy wiseau

RE: Good patent ideas - a52 - 04-12-2016

kittens that stay kittens forever and constantly sing the national anthem

RE: Good patent ideas - a52 - 04-12-2016

anime, but 1 dimensional.

RE: Good patent ideas - a52 - 04-12-2016

rubber bands that don't break, they just keep stretching longer and longer

RE: Good patent ideas - OTTO - 07-30-2016

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RE: Good patent ideas - Dragon Fogel - 07-30-2016

A gun that shoots patent ideas for guns.