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The Shitposting Thread - Printable Version

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RE: The Shitposting Thread - Reyweld - 09-15-2015

Literally any post by me Wrote:I maybe should just stop posting garbage? I admit, I have way too much fun posting a fresh load of croissants. It is something that makes this forum unique, and what originally attracted me to the forum (although my quality of shit-post has degraded severely since then). I will try to get good, and post only the finest of manure.

Also, maybe a strange place to ask people, but does anyone else know what a "Butter Tart" is? I just watched a video about linguistics in Canada (in class) and it said that "Butter Tart" was a strictly Canadian phrase and I find that hard to believe?

This is what a butter tart looks like:

[Image: buttertarts-e1367848961231.jpg]

It anyone is interested in a recipe I can also provide this.

RE: The Shitposting Thread - Reyweld - 11-06-2015

what she says: I'm fine.

what she means: Milli as a prefix means 1000, or sometimes 1000 times smaller (mL, mg). So, if a millipede is a tiny many-legged creature, does that mean there is a "pede" that has only one leg, or is massive? And are they friendly, like millipedes, or are they evil, like centipedes? Is there an "eviler-as-it-has-less-legs" trend, and if so, is it logarithmic? Have they not started attacking humans because they are trapped underground? Should I be preparing for the pede apocalypse?

RE: The Shitposting Thread - OTTO - 11-06-2015

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RE: The Shitposting Thread - Reyweld - 11-07-2015

"evil evil evil evil evil EVIL"

[Image: tumblr_mmr5if9yPV1rku7zwo1_500.gif]

RE: The Shitposting Thread - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 11-07-2015


RE: The Shitposting Thread - Reyweld - 11-07-2015

I found an image of a baby pede:

[Image: snake_1480967c.jpg]

Thank you wheat for allowing me to more specify my search with the term "one foot"

RE: The Shitposting Thread - OTTO - 11-07-2015

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RE: The Shitposting Thread - Reyweld - 11-07-2015

(11-07-2015, 01:07 PM)Reyweld Wrote: »... image of a baby pede ...

RE: The Shitposting Thread - ICan'tGiveCredit - 11-07-2015

apparently a snake born with a foot

RE: The Shitposting Thread - OTTO - 11-08-2015

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RE: The Shitposting Thread - AgentBlue - 11-10-2015

Hello there. I would like to discuss the idea of 'posting at a low quality threshold', or 'shitposting'. Would you say that shitposting is a system wherein higher quality posts rise to the top, and the remaining slurry collects at the bottom? Is there a quality control engineer? Are there permitted concentrations of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and offtopic banter? Please return a reply soon at the following address:

30 Poncington St
The Kingdom of Pryde

RE: The Shitposting Thread - Reyweld - 11-11-2015

(11-11-2015, 12:43 PM)Wheat Wrote: »shitposting can be one or more of the following:
  • croissant
  • to make sexy happen

[Image: Croissant-Love7.jpg?resize=850%2C567]


RE: The Shitposting Thread - Schazer - 11-12-2015

I am marking worksheets at work and putting stickers on everything as usual

I have a pack of stickers which come in nine designs, each of which is a ghost doing summer beach fun/nautical/piratical activities.

There are two quintessentially gender essentialist (gender quintessentialist?) designs, of a ghost in a pink bikini and a ghost in a grass skirt, for reasons I wish were opaque to me these are also the only two ghosts with eyelash and big-ass ribbons on their heads

japan, why you gotta

RE: The Shitposting Thread - OTTO - 11-12-2015

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RE: The Shitposting Thread - Marelo - 11-12-2015

(11-12-2015, 02:06 AM)Wheat Wrote: »
(11-12-2015, 02:00 AM)Wheat Wrote: »*in science-laden poindexter voice* ACTually, this topic is all tomfoolery and nonsense for a more basic reason; I have done several rigorous calculations, and found that ghosts do not exist.

that's my impression of what marelo sounds like. they actually tried passing something like this off on me to my face if you can believe it

have you considered that ghosts are the fakest shit

[Image: dogpoop.jpg]

and that you are the faker

the fraud

the yanker of chains in this interaction

my chain is yanked and i want you to think about what you've done

also my voice is different depending on who is hearing it, it's a magic thing, don't worry about it

RE: The Shitposting Thread - Schazer - 11-12-2015

Hello Marelo I see you are unrepentant in your no-ghosts-boasting

May I present a counterargument

RE: The Shitposting Thread - Sai - 11-13-2015

ehy vrybodi ts ur favrit presn sy. nao nrmlee Shcrz iiz a priti kewlgui bt tday si dd sumthn rly nkewl wit hr hiprlnk adn oi tihkn disis a priti egregious brhc uv coonfedenz. ty 4 lissennign.

RE: The Shitposting Thread - Mirdini - 11-13-2015

ur welcome

RE: The Shitposting Thread - Sai - 11-13-2015

The poll at the top has an interesting 'feature' [Image: D3NvhOl.png]
I find it fitting for the thread.

RE: The Shitposting Thread - Marelo - 11-13-2015

spectral studies more like spectral duddies

like duds


my magical inquiries have proven without a doubt that ghosts are not real things, they're so fake, don't even

that you got duped by some charlatans waving chains around, for shame

RE: The Shitposting Thread - Reyweld - 11-17-2015

I really do enjoy me a fresh croissant:

RE: The Shitposting Thread - Palamedes - 11-18-2015

I don't know if you were trying to disappoint me with that image Reyweld but to be honest if you were you failed.

RE: The Shitposting Thread - Reyweld - 11-18-2015

Why would I want to do that?

RE: The Shitposting Thread - ICan'tGiveCredit - 11-19-2015

it's mighty tasty, full of vitamins, and, plot twist, dough!


RE: The Shitposting Thread - Reyweld - 05-13-2016

Humm, humm, humm-mm-mmm!