Eagle Time
The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 6: Tidal Cove] - Printable Version

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - whoosh! - 06-01-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by whoosh!.

Acacia scanned over the wall and nodded. She closed her eyes, shuddered slightly and re-focused her attention back onto the werewolf.

"Thank you," she intoned in a distinctly mechanical voice. "That was certainly the best choice. While I am able to read lips, with someone of your... type, there would be obvious difficulties." A smile lit up her face, with all the brightness and duration of a lightning strike. The formal robot act returned in its stead, bringing the perfectly neutral expression and the robotic voice with it.

"This computer/teacher construct sounds interesting. I will be glad to aid you in finding a sufficient number of people for this purpose. And having someone who can hear little creepers coming will be useful."

She proffered a hand towards the werewolf as to shake hands, dropping the boots and stripping off the glove on her right hand first. The corners of her mouth twitched into a small smile.

"A truce then, Pluck. Sealed with a handshake. And then we can begin. I will follow you, since you appear to have a better grasp of these surroundings already."

Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - MalkyTop - 06-01-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

He had been quite content after having attained a bag, emptying it out of the previous owner's belongings and getting everything out of his pockets into it. He was even relaxing despite the creepy empty halls, absent-mindedly rubbing some chalk on an eraser. And then quite suddenly, he found himself feeling a mindless anger at everything barring himself, and even then he was working at that.

As he started seething, Arnold noticed the elf at this point and began to raise a hand in greeting before he noticed Algernon throwing aside the bag and advancing dangerously on her with the light. He quickly held his shoulder instead, but Algernon simply shoved off the hand and continued. "YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUU," he growled, though he didn't go further than that because he had no idea what sort of insult he was going to say. He quickly searched his mind for something his old country used to hate and started again. "YOOOOOOUU COMMUNIST PIG!" he spat before leaping at Holly, who didn't look too concerned but still started backing away, you know, just in case.

Strong arms threaded under his and lifted him up almost effortlessly. "Sorry, urg, miss," Sir Arnold shouted over Algernon's rage-filled babbling, wincing every time he kicked him. "He wasn't--I don't know why--" The knight hissed as the now apparently insane Algernon sank his teeth into his arm. He still continued to hold him up, though, and eventually, Algernon decided that flesh did not taste good, spat out some blood on the floor, and started shouting incoherently even after growing hoarse.

Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Ixcaliber - 06-01-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

Thane marched purposefully down the ground floor corridor. He sought to return home as soon as possible, to see his domination of the world brought to completion, and the best way to do this was to be as cold and methodical as possible. The nearest competitor would be the one that the killed first, and so on in that fashion until he had satisfied The Controller. To that end he was headed for the gymnasium. Inside he could feel the broken mind of the man who had been introduced as Lucas Maxl. A man possessed by demons. He thought there was a certain poetry to the fact that Maxl would be the first to die at his hand. Lucas and Thane, the old Thane whose body he was riding in, were both prisoners at the hands of beings beyond their comprehension. Thane paused momentarily at the doors of the gymnasium, to retrieve his soulblade from it's scabbard. The powerful weapon had become just as tainted and mutated as Thane himself. It's surface transformed from a brilliant gold to a sickly dark green. Thane kicked the door open, surprising the being inside. It looked kind of like Maxl, but sharper, leaner… scalier; one of the demons, clearly. Thane strode towards it, and it seemed to brace itself for the possibility of combat.
“Hey there ugly.” The demon said, grinning unsettlingly. Thane did not respond as he proceeded along the length of the gymnasium, soulblade in one hand, the other balled into a fist at his side. “What's the matter?” the demon mocked. “Cat got your tongue?” As Thane got near the demon he reached out with his free hand and thought hard at the demon, forcing upon him a crippling nightmarish vision. The demon began to scream, but that was cut off as his body was paralysed by fear. He slowly crumpled forwards and Thane readied his soulblade to end this creature, but as he swung the demon nimbly dodged out of the way. As he righted himself he stared perplexedly at the demon for a moment, before realising it was a different demon. He cursed inwardly, this was going to be difficult if the moment he incapacitated one demon another popped up…

Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - MaxieSatan - 06-01-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

Holly may have looked petrified on the outside, but on the inside she was wearing the smile of the Chesire Cat. Ah, yes, the knight. Let's see what we can accomplish.

She swiftly exchanged her encyclopedia for a book with a splendorous landscape adorning the cover, and picked a few pages at random to dissolve. Almost immediately, the elf was crushed by feelings of depression and powerlessness, and began blubbering like a baby. "Help me, *sniff* Mister Knight! The *sniff* worm-man is trying to *sniff* hurt me!" She clutched at Arnold, continuing to sob. Now just to pray that he's naive enough for this to work...

Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - GBCE - 06-01-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Keerutaja.

Sir Arnold Scarlet was very confused at what was going on. He was holding off a very angry Algernon with one arm and trying to comfort a crying elf in the other. He thought that it didn't seem like much of a Massacre, but he grunted comfortingly at Holly "Don't worry miss, I've got a hold on him." Then Algernon bit him again and he yelled out, dropping him once to get him in a better strangle hold to stop him biting again. Then he remembered didn't the elf have some power over emotions? He asked her confusedly "What's going on here?"

Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Schazer - 06-01-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

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Tickety clickety tickety click. The Countess was rather grateful for the rain; it masked the rather distinctive tempo her spider-limbs rapped out upon the scuffed, well-trodden linoleum hallways. Following the Controller's directions, she scuttled down a few more empty corridors, gave a pleased little snigger in passing at the pain Thane was currently inflicting upon Lucas and his cohort, turned a few more corners... Ah. Right on target.

A small scrum of contestants were already in various states of altercation. Algernon was making a considerably unsuccessful effort to escape the knight's grip, despite his captor's attention being divided between the scrappy human and a hysterical elf. The sight of her made the Countess' row of teeth ratchet backwards a little; the better for seizing and shredding Holly's flesh from her bones. Absolutely no subtlety. The Countess considered for more than a moment leaping in there and divesting that fine-featured face of a pointy ear or two, but conceded she could play by the Controller's rules and still enjoy herself in the long run. Plus, such behaviour was unlikely to earn Arnold's respect, which'd be essential to earn the trust of the rest of them.

"I doubt that's helping, Holly, darling. The good knight can't go saving princesses when they're latched onto him, can he, now?" her magnified, harpsichord tones chimed up the hallway; Arnold to his credit avoided drawing his gun at the unabashedly sinister silhouette of the Countess up the corridor. Holly looked furious in a prettily tear-stained kind of way, while Algernon ceased his struggling for a moment to appreciate The Countess' strut up the corridor, the strobes of lightning as good as camera bulbs on a runway to the automaton. She clicked and whirred her way towards the group, raising a spidery hand to her lowered head in graceful greeting. Her jaw lowered a comfortable amount for those present without detachable ones, making her fanged smile far less threatening (though the trio still looked rather uncomfortable at how close she'd gotten).

"The Countess," she sang, hands spread to show she was unarmed, though the effect was more of a pair of skeletal wings unfurling. "Monstrous in appearance, I may concede, but I can assure you of my civility. The last thing I'd want is unnecessary blood spilled." The hands retracted, before unfolding, forwards this time, proffered to Arnold. He seemed unsure of which preoccupied arm to commit to the handshake, at which point the Amalgam trilled with more than a snicker, "Miss... Tallbirch. For one who professes to control emotions, dare I say it, you seem to have lost a grip on yours-" noting the outrage that was clawing its way out through the misery on Holly's face, The Countess smoothly amended, "-or did I misunderstand that Controller gentleman's explanation of your abilities?"

Sniffing wrathfully at The Countess, still standing there with her hand outstretched, the elf grumbled,
"I can't just 'control emotions'-" The Countess dismissed the end of her explanation with a flick of her hand, having seen the beginnings of dangerous comprehension cross the knight's face.

"Too complicated to explain. Understandable. Before we can engage in such pleasantries... Algernon, my dear," the multi-lens monocles that were serving as The Countess' eyes swung with little purrs and clicks as her mechanical face neared Algernon's, "please, calm down."

Arnold, distracted by the whirring details of the amalgam near his own face, didn't notice the gentle prod The Countess' gave to a thoroughly de-miserified Holly. Glowering at the clockwork monster, she tossed Algernon's rage haphazardly into a locker behind them; the only visible sign was a brief, dull glow from the vents as a students' possessions spontaneously combusted. The man stopped his thrashing, and sheepishly let Arnold put him down. The Countess' jaw lowered a little again, her very scary equivalent of a smile.

"Now, I know we were all introduced by that Controller gentleman, but I'd prefer to know my allies first-hand. So. I am The Countess, and though I find fighting for sport like this utterly barbaric, I can defend myself if need be." She shuffled about a little, feet pricking little holes in the lino. "And, as the Controller mentioned, I can reform myself when damaged. About the extent of my skills, really," she clanked as she shrugged. "And how about the rest of you? What skills brought you to the Controller's attention?"

Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - MalkyTop - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

Algernon could feel the shame rush into him, as though the artificial anger had shoved it into a locker and was holding it in there, laughing and jeering until it got bored and left so the shame was free to sulk down the halls of his mind.

Once he was carefully set down, Algernon slowly went to pick up his stuff, wishing that the memory eater on his head would just eat the past few minutes up already. Shame soon turned into bad temper (this time, natural anger!) as he shot a glare towards that elf, who he knew was the one who caused his immature behavior, I mean, wasn't it obvious? But no, nobody was addressing it. Everybody probably already thought him crazy. They didn't need to think him paranoid as well. So, ignoring a smug smirk from Holly, he muttered an apology to Arnold for biting him twice and kicking him however many times and generally acting like a child.

He kept his head down, calming himself during all the introductions (nothing he hadn't heard before about Arnold and the less dwelt on Holly the better; besides, her introduction seemed to have quite a bit of flirting in it), reasoning that he would eventually forget this whole incident, whether because of ol' wormy up there or because he would be dead, so it would be quite useless to hold a grudge. Even though he really really distrusted Holly now, it wasn't worth being so worked up about. He'd definitely needed to watch her, though.

"Algernon?" The dark-haired man looked up at Arnold and was sure he caught a glint of uncertainty and doubt in his eyes. Great. Already this team thing wasn't going so well.

"Yeah, I know, introductions," he rasped, sounding as though he had jolted his voice box out of place with all that screaming.

"Catch a cold, sweetie?" Holly smiled brightly. Algernon sighed, but that only made him cough.

"Do you need a drink?" The Countess said, carefully injecting concern in her tone and Algernon smiled wanly back.

"[size=xx-small]No, I'm fine.
" A little creepy in appearance, but already he liked her better than the player of emotions over there. As he reached into his new bag, he said, "I'm Algernon, I really don't do much other than what the Controller already said..." He peered at the baby carrots. Yup, still moist.

"Now, don't be impersonal," the Countess chuckled. "Tell us what that is."

"Creation of whatever object I can think of due to this guy." Algernon poked the large worm, who wriggled in agitation. It was a little disgusting but the Countess found it fascinating. How hard were those teeth latched on to his skull? How much pain would occur if she pulled it? What was inside that worm anyways? "He eats my memories in turn, which I rather he not do." He started eating some carrots, noisily crunching as he did.

"Anything you can think of?" Holly said doubtfully. "Like a portal home?"

"That is something that transcends space, possibly time, as well as dimensions and would probably require much more memory than I have at the moment," Algernon replied in the way a helpline operator does to the consistent stream of idiocy he deals with in a day. "Nothing immaterial either, like 'hope' or 'victory' or whatever. I don't know if I can actually do that, but even if I could, it'd probably take up as much, if not more than, 'a portal home.'

I'm not going to do much with this power anyways unless I really have to. Hopefully never in this battle.
" The Countess realized from this remark that, if she were to kill its host, the worm would not starve for quite a long time. Which was a little disappointing.

Holly scoffed. "Gonna do a lot of running and hiding, huh." Algernon responded with another crunch of a carrot.[/color]

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - MaxieSatan - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Robust Laser - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.


Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Robust Laser - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by cyber95.

Pluck shook Acacia's hand firmly. Perhaps The Controller was lying in order to get more suspicion thrown about, because Acacia seemed nice enough! Pluck quickly tried to discard that train of thought. It was that 'Oh, they seem nice,' line of thinking that got him in trouble with the mob in the first place. Of course, it didn't do any good casting her in suspicion, either. After quickly mulling it over, he decided that he could probably trust her, at least for now. He would be sure to keep on his toes, just in case.
The werewolf pointed down the hallway, "We'll start this way." The pointing was probably enough to convey his message without writing anything down, anyway.
The unlikely duo moved down the hallway, Pluck looking through an unlocked locker now and again, hoping that somebody had a map or something. Two photos of Justin Bieber, a disturbingly green sandwich, and math homework to have been done over the winter break, yes. School map, no. Eventually, the two managed to find their way to the cafeteria, and peeking in through the window, he saw a few of the competitors. They didn't seem to be killing each other or anything, and in fact, they were eating lunch together! Seemed like a strange thing to do, considering the circumstances, but it was a good sign that they were approachable.
Now, Pluck was never good at breaking the ice. He quickly ran back to the locker with the sandwich to fetch it (luckily it was in a ziplock bag), and rushed back, to see Acacia was already inside. He decided to continue putting his terrible plan for a greeting in motion. Throwing the sandwich into the room, he entered in after it.
"Can you believe the food they serve here?"

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Godbot - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.


Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Ixcaliber - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Godbot - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Ixcaliber - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Godbot - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Pinary - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.

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The Controller grinned as, on his screens, the swarm of bugs approached the two vessels. He waited a few more moments- he wanted to see them flee- then it was there, and he flicked a switch.

The Somebody Else's Problem field that he had placed over Ouroborous lifted, and Lucas and Thane immediately noticed the swarm of insects bearing down on them.

Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Ixcaliber - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Godbot - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Godbot.

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - MaxieSatan - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

Holly looked around the group, thoroughly disgusted. Algernon was a whiny and clearly incredibly impressionable fool, Arnold was only slightly less naive than she had hoped, and the Countess... well, the Countess was quite the opposite. She seemed competent, dangerously so, and something about her put the elf off immediately. Perhaps it was residual loathing from the library computer debacle; perhaps it was just the not-very-subtle aura of condescension she emanated. As for that "utterly barbaric" line, she could tell it was poppycock from the moment the mechanical woman had said it. Nobody who really believed that could be so at ease in such a setting, surely?

Hmm, perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself. Rest assured, I'll get her off her high horse eventually. The only question remaining was how precisely Holly would kill her. Presumably, it was like a troll: you simply have to do so much harm at once that there's no chance for recovery.

Just then, however, Pluck and Acacia came barging into the room. "Can you believe the food they serve here?" the werewolf said. Holly was absolutely floored. Did... did he really think that was amusing? At least she could take small comfort in the fact that she was surrounded by idiots. At this rate, she cared less about surviving and more about getting rid of them. Still, best to stay "friendly" for the time being. She rifled in her pack, pretending not to have noticed Pluck's comment, and ripped a couple of pages from a purple tome, curling it in her palm. She then set it aside and pretended to just notice the new arrivals. "Oh, hello! I apologize, I missed your comment earlier. Might you repeat it?" Immediately after he did, she burned the page and burst out laughing. "Ha, completely! You have a great sense of humor, mister... Pluck, was it?" She leaned forward, staring intently at him. "I like men with a good sense of humor. Do you have any other good jokes you'd like to share?"

Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Ixcaliber - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Ixcalibur.

The mass of insects that loomed over him made Thane think for the first time that he might be overmatched. Okay playing whac-a-mole with an insane man and his demons was annoying enough, but all the psychic ability in the world would be useless against a creature such as this. A creature made of thousands of minds, constantly dying and being born in an endless cycle. And brute force was also unlikely to work in this situation. He didn't have much time, but with that that he did, he looked at Lucas Maxl. He looked petrified, but there was a pretty decent chance that he was completely oblivious to the Ouroborous and he was petrified by something his shattered mind had just hallucinated. Thane, without moving, forced a powerful thought into Lucas' mind. The need to flee the creature that stood before him. For a second Thane wasn't sure whether it would work, and then Lucas' mind kicked into gear and he fled, through the nearest door. The urge to chase someone who flees is a powerful one and it was not long before the writhing mass of insects known as the Ouroborous was chasing Lucas out into the hallway. Thane breathed a sigh of relief. He wasn't sure he would have been able to outrun that thing with his heavy plate armour on. He took just a minute to rest and wait for his rapidly beating human heart to slow down. Something he had never had to do in the milennia that he had existed.

Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - Schazer - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

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The Countess noted Acacia's arrival more by the reactions of the other contestants, but she whirled around at Pluck's voice, her ring of legs remained planted securely as she appraised the pair. The werewolf. Should be hard to earn his trust, but he's already comfortable around the deaf one? Interesting... Personable. Potentially roguish leader. Arnold wouldn't mind- her jaw sprang shut at the elf's simpering reply, and the powerful, bone-crushing gears in the back of her throat churned against each other a little faster. Pluck looked a little flustered at Holly's enthusiastic attention, but the werewolf seemed to swell visibly.

"Well, I do have one about a pack of pigs when they're busting into a-"

"-Hey! Are you two keen to join our team?" Arnold marched up, offering his hand to the werewolf. Pluck considered pointing out he was a little busy, when he appreciated the knight was built considerably heavier than he was.

Flashing Holly a toothy, only vaguely regretful smile, he accepted the handshake with a minimum of ill-grace.
"Name's Pluck, and this is Acacia. I'm keen to avoid going for each other's throats if you are, ...?"

"Arnold. No need for that Sir nonsense, that's ancient history," he laughed, moving along to greet the woman, introducing the others as he went. "Be a pleasure if you joined our little alliance too, Acacia. And this is Holly, the Countess, and Algernon over there."

The grey eyes scanned the ragtag bunch, lingering for a moment on the alien form of the Countess, before appraising the keystone in this ceasefire. Satisfied, she nodded. "An alliance sounds like the safest option for all of us." The Countess' hands met cheerfully at that, though it wasn't so much a clap as a rattle.

"Excellent. So, does anyone have a suggestion as to how we escape this wretched situation?" A couple of people ummed and aahed and shrugged, while Acacia tried to figure out what the clockwork creature had just said; eventually the only non-precipitate sound was Algernon absently munching on the carrots as he gazed out the window. The noise drew the eyes of a few others, as they saw what stood between them and freedom. The rain didn't seem to be falling, so much as been shot from the heavens, peppering and pulverising the now-mud, kicking it back skyward to form a murky mist that obscured the school field. The buckled remnants of a soccer post were almost visible through the downpour, but it probably wasn't worth betting on it. For all they knew, it could've been a hundred-year-old oak that had been pummeled into submission by the torrent.

The Countess raised her own, weather-beaten fingers to the window, silently letting the others appreciate the pitted dents the rain had struck into it. The gravity of their predicament finally sinking in, Pluck had the courage to break the silence.

"I don't know how the hell we're supposed to escape, but there's a teacher robot upstairs that asked me to go look for students? Maybe if we're all there, he'll help us out." The werewolf shrugged; the Countess awaited affirmation from the Controller before nodding vigorously, more for Acacia's benefit than anyone else's.

"Please, Pluck. Lead the way." She motioned gracefully to the door, glancing round at the others. The Controller's directions were rather vague on specifics, but clear enough otherwise - attendance was crucial for as many contestants as possible.

Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - GBCE - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Keerutaja.

Sir Arnold looked around at the other fighters, they all seemed to agree with the werewolf's suggestion. "Let's go," he said, and they followed Pluck to the classroom where the robot was. As they walked past the gym, the Countess said carefully "we should tread carefully, that Ouroboros monster is in there I think."

When they got there, they all sat down and the robot started to talk.
"Class size sufficient, beginning lecture." The room got dark and a screen came on, it looked quite boring but people decided to wait instead of asking questios straight away. "Today, we will be discussing the human body and the three-step process it uses to repair itself."

"In the initial phase, the 'inflammatory' stage, the blood clots, forming a scab to prevent further blood loss and avoid infection. After a certain point, this gives way to the proliferative phase, in which weaker, temporary tissue is put in place to present deformation. In the final stage, maturation and remodelling, the temporary skin is replaced with stronger, more permanent skin. This whole process takes months or years to complete, and when it's finally done, the wound is as much as 80% as strong as the original tissue."

"A variety of scientists have studied this process, hoping to improve both its speed and efficacy. A number of theories have been tested, but so far, no man-made process has succeeded; however, there have been a few recorded cases of individuals with accelerated healing abilities."

Arnold stiffened, his eyes wide.

"In these cases, the individual, commonly referred to as an 'immortal,' is able to heal from injuries in minutes or seconds instead of weeks or months, and many of them recover to nearly 100% strength. This is the only advantage they have, though- they are just as susceptible to pain and disease as a normal human. Consider, for example, a wound inflicted on one of these 'immortals.'"

From nowhere, an invisible blade carved across Arnold's chest, shredding and reddening his shirt. He held his breath sharply, eyes bulging in pain. The others tried to move; to run away or to the knight's aid, but found themselves immobilised from the neck down.

The robotic quality was swiftly fading from the teacher's voice, replaced with something horrifyingly familiar.
"As you can see, it causes them the same amount of pain it would cause in any other human. The primary difference is the speed with which it heals." And indeed, the wound was closing already, knitting itself shut as the contestants watched.

"What results is a being that, in a set amount of time, is capable of experiencing the pain of a fresh wound many, many more times than a normal human would."

The slideshow vanished, replaced by an image of the Controller, leaning back in his chair.

"I brought you here to kill each other," he said, using the same tone of voice a parent uses on a disobedient child, slow and purposeful. "I'll be most disappointed if all you do is get together and sing show tunes."

Another slash exploded across Arnold's chest, and another down his back, and another, and another, all clotting and closing and being opened anew. The barrage bringing the knight to his knees, he tried to suck in another breath; trying to scream; only to splutter, coughing up some of the seawater beginning to flood his lungs. What skin was intact began to smoke and sizzle, blisters forming, growing, and bursting in mere seconds. His mouth opened wide, wider than should be possible were it not for the telltale, sickening crack, and his teeth blackened, cracked, and shattered as the dentin and pulp within overheated, roasting and burning his cheeks, gums, and tongue. A harpoon, launched from nowhere, embedded itself in his leg, shattering both his tibia and fibula.

He collapsed to the ground, choking and spluttering and sizzling and unable to scream. The rope went taut; where it came through the wall, there wasn't a hole; it merely faded away into nothingness.

The knight flailed around, wanting to grab something, anything, whatever would keep him from being dragged into the nothing, but the lack of desks left his bloodied, mangled hands scrabbling; the rope tightened, and the harpoon began tugging the broken man leg-first towards the wall. When he reached it, he began to fade out as well, and soon he was gone, leaving nothing but a trail of blood, charred skin, and bits of teeth.

A few seconds passed before the Controller broke the silence, his voice cold and hard. "So please - don't disappoint me."

The screen went black.

Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - GBCE - 06-03-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - whoosh! - 06-03-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by whoosh!.

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Re: The Gradual Massacre (GBS2G4) [Round 1: Focal High School] - MalkyTop - 06-03-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

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