Eagle Time
The Battle Royale S2 [Round 4: Burnination Studios] - Printable Version

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Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - GBCE - 05-31-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

"Shame? Hah! Nope! Not when I've been abducted by a crazy scary spider bug thing of... scary... craziness. I mean have you seen the ground? When it's got more bright flashy colors than a raver in a paint store I think it's time to suck up your pride and go with the flow. Plus, y'know all this," Jeremy shrugs, somehow gesturing to his juggling, followed by a poorly-executed kick in his stupid jig, "helps to keep my mind off of that... thing over there... aaand that I AM NOT IN MY OWN DAMN UNIVERSE."

The outburst almost causes Jeremy to drop his juggling items, but he recovers quickly, turning away from the angel and muttering, "now juggle, Jer, juggle that condom for your life!"

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - Dragon Fogel - 05-31-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Sirius looked at the human with disdain.


He paused a moment, then shoved Jeremy and knocked him over, sending his assortment of juggled objects flying in all directions.

"Hey! What's the big idea, man?" Jeremy asked, rubbing his head. Sirius grabbed him by the front of his shirt and pulled him up from the ground, and began shouting in his face.

"Faced with a problem of this magnitude, what do you do? First you beg and plead for someone to save you. Then, when that doesn't work, you just try to distract your feeble mind with nonsense. How will that solve anything?"

"Man... has anyone ever told you that you need to lighten up?"

Sirius snorted derisively in response, and threw Jeremy back to the ground.

"I'm clearly wasting my time with you."

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - MalkyTop - 05-31-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

The photographer was also not taking this sudden attack well because, well, it really hurt. Why? Why was somebody punching him? Did he offend someone? Did he not take good pictures?

Eventually, the fist came out of his face again and he screamed, "I can't do this!" before running off, away from the bragging clothes and all the people he didn't know, off to the side. He was more comfortable there anyways. "I'm sorry, I can't talk to them!" The camera, as always, comforted him, saying that it wasn't his fault, that people were just cruel, that she couldn't understand why anybody could hurt him.

There was a short silence and the knife, feeling the camera's hypothetical glare, conceded that yes, he probably shouldn't continue talking to them as it didn't help a lot.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - GBCE - 05-31-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by slipsicle.

"Christ, what a dick." Jeremy picks himself up off the ground and glares at the angel. I am soooo gonna fuck with you once I find a door. The thought soothes him just a little bit. He is beginning to calm down, now that it has sunk in that this place is not permanent; soon he will be somewhere with lovely sexy awesome doors and he can off to wherever he wants. Belize... or maybe that awesome 24/7 party in New York... or oh man there's that German chick who's always willing to take it in the... his thoughts continue much in this way as he stoops down to scoop up his dropped powerbar and, after slight consideration, the condom, too. After another glare shot at Sirius, he walks off and begins to pace around the color-orgy, still carefully avoiding looking at or thinking about the Eccentric, and waits.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - MaxieSatan - 06-01-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

Steinwaffe frowned. This certainly wasn't the conduct he'd expect from an angel. He started considering the possibilities. Surely God-- or the gods, as the case might be, given the presence of that Celtic fellow-- wouldn't deliberately put an angel in a situation that another would take on much more easily, would he/they? Thus, the angel must be receiving punishment for some past sin, simply from a logical standpoint. As a result, he might as well be considered a demon.

The gargoyle hesitated, going over his logic to make sure it was all sound, before eventually shrugging and hurling a brick at Sirius's skull, which bounced off with a loud squeak. "Herr... Angel. I should suggest you are more respectful to the athers here." He frowned and walked over to the "cowards", praying that he had done the right thing. "Don't worry, you two, it's perfectly acceptable that you'd be frightened in such a situation. I'm sorry some of us are unable to understond that."

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - GBCE - 06-01-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Nodge.

By the time Swhales had shuffled up from his position it had become clear that no-one was trying to kill anyone, and now the event had dissolved into discussion and circus tricks. The Gargoyle (worth a lot, hard to steal, especially when they move around), was explaining that blind fear was a sensible response to their current predicament.
"You're telling me boyo," piped up Tim, a rarely used grin artificially plastered across his face "Gods don't play fair and don't take no for an answer, take it from me. They also stick together, so I'm stuck here too." he admitted ruefully, hoping honesty would garner some of the slim sympathy floating around.
"Tha' said, there's nowhere to run, no place to hide, and not a lot to do but what we're told. So, let's make friendsies and hope we can keep we can keep tha' mean bugger-savinghisgrace in a good mood." said Tim.
He'd planned to go on insulting the Eccentric, but a slight pressure behind his eyes informed him that an impatient audience was watching his little speech. Bah, why did the Gods pick such awful times to pull their brains together? It was like they did it just to annoy him or somethi-
His train of thought was interrupted when he realised the others were staring at him. It occured to him, a man who hadn't been around anyone he wasn't robbing or who wasn't trying to arrest him in some time, that he'd forgotten to introduce himself.
"Oh, sorry. I'm Tim. Tim Swhales. Uh, mounted caravan guard in the south wales traders' guild."
Sort of true, from an oddly twisted perspective (he certainly cared about caravan security, at any rate), and Tim hoped with every fibre of his being they'd buy it. Angels and Detectives probably weren't the type to be swapping looting tricks with.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - Dragon Fogel - 06-01-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Sirius turned back towards the gargoyle, mostly ignoring Tim.

"Look, it's very simple," he sighed, sounding more than a little impatient. "We've been pulled out of our worlds and tossed into this madman's personal playground. We can either sit around and let fear and despair consume us, or we can actually try to do something about it. I don't know about you, but I know which approach I prefer."

He turned to face the Eccentric, who was looking uncharacteristically solemn at the proceedings before him.

"But, after looking at the rest of you, it appears I'm alone in that regard. So I suppose I'll have to do this myself." Beating his wings, he flew up into the air. He held up a hand, and a small white sphere of energy formed within it, strengthened by his magical gauntlets.

"Angel Sphere!" he shouted, hurtling the mystical orb through the air. It quickly grew in size as it flew towards the Eccentric.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - GBCE - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Thurandul.

Ward watched the angel rise into the air by beating his wings.
Thats stupid, the angel hates silly things but his existence is to say the least, silly. Those wings should not be able to lift him, its impossible. His existence is as stupid as a strange woman whos first name is madame and managed to write a 413 paged novel on a door made of oak that lead to her bedroom that happened to be shut half way through the book. Also there is something about brooding gentlemen and wealthy cousins, and romance or something, but back to the point, that angel's existence is as silly as 'Curiously the door was closed'.

The angel seem to shoot a white ball that is rapidly increasing in size towards the incoherent being. this is a being that managed to put a toga on someone with a mere thought. This could not possibly end well.

Ward pulled up his hood over head which is something he rarely does because then he can hear the books. They are not fun to listen to. There are the singing tomes that play different various songs from nursery rhymes (which always play for some reason when dealing with ghosts or other creepy things) to metal. Then the last will and testament tomes which just whine and whine about how they are dead. And the creepiest of all the demonic or old god tomes which tell you to do things very persuasively. Ward pulled up the hood so he could not see what the incoherent being would do to this flying being after this silly attack.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - Pinary - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.

Now, Geoff wasn't a coward, but he did have a definite sense of self-preservation, and when a ball of energy was bearing down on an insane and massively powerful being, it tended to kick in.

He dove to the ground and covered his head. Sure, it wasn't big on dignity, but when you're the only one getting up after some tinkerer's steam engine explodes, dignity isn't something you're too worried about.

A moment later, he heard a massive splat, and something thick and wet showered all over his back. He waited a few seconds, then cautiously looked up.

The Eccentric was grinning, almost impossibly wide. There wasn't so much as a scratch on him. Confused, Geoff stood up- and promptly fell over again.

Looking around, it appeared that most of the platform was covered in some sort of white, fluffy goo. Sirius was nowhere to be seen, just more of the goo covering the rest of the contestants and some sort of giant, metal plate, upside down at the far end of the platform.

The plate stirred, and after a few attempts, the angel extricated himself from beneath it, barely recognizable under the thick coating of whipped cream.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - Dragon Fogel - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

It was going to take more than a shredded toga to clean off this mess. Sirius slowly attempted to wipe enough of the pie off his face to see, then faced the Eccentric and shouted at the top of his lungs.

"You WILL pay for this one day! Mark my words!"

The Eccentric showed no reaction. This only seemed to make Sirius angrier. The angel simply stood where he was, glaring at the bizarre deity, too filled with rage to speak another word.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - MaxieSatan - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

"ENAFF!" Steinwaffe smacked Sirius in the back of the head, then cleared his throat. His accent tended to assert itself more when he was angry. The gargoyle proceeded to grab the angel's skull and wrench it to face him. "Listen to me, 'angel'. The fact that you'd assault a god, insane or not, is deestressing enough. But you clearly have no sense of self-preservation. Now, when I see what amounts to a demon attempting what amounts to suicide--" he brandished his claws for emphasis-- "Then I become perfectly willing to p'form a mercy-killing. I suggest you be more prudent in the future."

He kicked the angel to the ground, pinched the bridge of his nose, and immediately began singing an improvised song about whatever happened to be summoned next. "Err... there was once a crazy eyeball-god/ loved chaos through and through/ he gothered nine unlucky sods / and cahvered them in goo..."

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - Dragon Fogel - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Sirius, taken aback, picked himself up and walked up to Steinwaffe, bringing his face uncomfortably close to the gargoyle's.

"You call that thing a GOD?" he screamed, pointing at the Eccentric. "It's an abomination! And in case you've forgotten, it said it was going to send us all somewhere to kill each other! And you expect me to just quietly go along with this as this world bombards me with nonsense? And you think the reason I won't is that I've fallen?"

The angel stepped back, and took a look at the others, before facing the stunned gargoyle again.

"Fine. You win. I'll just sit back and wait for this monstrosity to send us on our way. And then I'll hunt down and kill every last one of you, because frankly, I don't see any sign that most of these cowards can even lift a finger to stop me. Are you happy now?"

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - Schazer - 06-02-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Schazer.

When the angel had come barging in a beleaguered Zephyr's face, the boy had been quite content to stay well-acquainted with a large patch of green oh no wait that was heliotrope now. Nothing much bothered the Esper, scared witless, as various explosions of an angel-infuriating nature besmirched only his shoes.

Sirius' proclamation to kill him, however, was met with a little more attention from the shell-shocked Zephyr. Mentally unprepared for confrontation in all its forms, yes; and with a cowardly streak you could've marched a parade down, granted; but finally, the boy was able to muster an answer to the frustrated angel's rhetorical questions.

No, Zephyr whimpered, still too terrified to even consider vocalising his uncharacteristically assured thoughts, I'm not happy. He was standing now, shaking, but yelling at the top of his hoarse voice at a scowling Sirius. "I won't let you kill me!"

The angel turned, and Zephyr went pale (and intangible). He was sorely regretting his outburst as Sirius advanced on him, rooted to the spot as the winged soldier stopped, sandals butting up against Zephyr's heavy boots. Glaring down at a now-cowering Esper, the angel gave him a shove, right in the chest. Or, he would've if Zephyr were slightly more solid. Frowning, he swept his arm through several more times, which failed to elicit any more response from the boy. He didn't even raise his head. Angrier, now, Sirius kicked clean through the Esper, before turning his back on Zephyr and screaming in frustration.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - MalkyTop - 06-03-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MalkyTop.

There was a bunch of shouting and anger going around, but the photographer wasn't worried about it anymore. It wasn't his problem. He wasn't standing anywhere near the problem and if he wasn't near the problem, then he didn't have to worry about it. Right? Right.

He didn't do much on the sidelines besides mutter a little and take whatever pictures he felt were interesting. When a giant pie fell from the sky, he simply covered up the camera. When the uptight angel shouted that he was going to kill everybody, the photographer just ignored him because Sirius wasn't talking about him. He wasn't in the group. He only took pictures.

And he saw a nice one right over there. Instinctively, Photographer snapped a picture and looked at the display. The angel in mid-kick, his form about to connect with the boy he had been talking to. (Attempting to at least.) This was what Bossman would have called 'an authority figure attacking the little man,' a picture that he always wanted because it sold papers. Everybody likes hating authority figures.

Looking up again, the photographer couldn't help but notice that the angel was now glaring at him, as though he shouldn't have taken that picture. Denial can only do so much.

Sirius, looking just about snapped, slowly strode over to the photographer, who looked around wildly for any feasible escape route.

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Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - MaxieSatan - 06-03-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by MrGuy.

Steinwaffe shook his head angrily. How long was it going to take for this guy to get the message? Well, there was only one thing left to do. The gargoyle walked up, tapped Sirius on the shoulder, and promptly tackled him. He clawed at his face, leaving a single long gash, before the angel charged some more holy magic and sent a concentrated blast his way.

Steinwaffe reeled. The magic itself shouldn't have hurt him, but the light... he looked down to notice the parasol in his hand and rolled his eyes. Fair enough, one way or another the angel hopefully learned his lesson. He looked down at Sirius and tapped his horns, just to make it perfectly clear what awaited him if he got out of hand again. "Now I want you to play nice with the athers, at least until we're out of... uh... here."

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - Dragon Fogel - 06-03-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Sirius glared at the gargoyle with raw contempt.

"If you're so concerned about the others, I'm not the one you should be talking to." The angel pointed in the Eccentric's direction. "He's the one who brought us all here. He's the one who wants us to kill each other. Me? I don't particularly care either way."

He turned around, so that all assembled could hear him. "You're nothing but a band of fools and cowards, as far as I can see. Are you all so ready to merely accept your fate? To let this madman's whims dictate the course of your very lives?" His scowling face grew even angrier. "I am not. But it seems I stand alone in that regard."

He turned back towards the gargoyle.

"We have been summoned to a plane of madness by a god of madness to participate in a game of madness, and for some reason, this strikes you as perfectly acceptable. Am I really your biggest problem right now, gargoyle?"

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - Pinary - 06-03-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Pinary.

Geoff should have kept his mouth shut. He really should. It was clear what was going to happen: he would speak up, the angel would turn to him, he'd shout and storm and perform various acts of physical violence, and he'd just keep going, leaving him that much more riled up and Geoff that much more injured.

Keeping quiet until his rage burned itself out and he was left to fume was the smart thing to do.

But Geoff would be damned if he was going to let the angel push kids around.

"We have been summoned to a plane of madness by a god of madness to participate in a game of madness, and for some reason, this strikes you as perfectly acceptable. Am I really your biggest problem right now, gargoyle?"

"A better question," Geoff said from behind him, "is who your biggest problem is."

He whirled again, facing the Hattallan this time. He was still angry, furious even, and he stared daggers at the grey man.

Geoff's crossbow stared back. Hey, he's no genius, but he's not stupid either.

"Really, who's caused you the most trouble here? Is it the insane and clearly malevolent being putting all of our lives in danger? Or is it the group of scared, disoriented beings who have been kidnapped from their homes and dropped into some sort of absurd and nonsensical competition, who have barely had time to collect themselves, and who are biding their time until we're somewhere OTHER than a plane of madness to attempt to escape?"

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - GBCE - 06-03-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

Sereno held his head in his hands. The headaches were coming back. The screams were coming back. Everyone around him were screaming and yelling and they wouldn't stop and tensions were risings and blood was about to be spilled. "No, not now. Don't do this oh god. Stop please just this once stop." but the screams kept rising and it was clawing it's way through Sereno's mind and it was trying to reach this insane dimension. Sereno felt this force, this big unknowable, encroaching force. It was a tidal wave of adrenaline and paranoia reaching to meet the world outside. Sereno gave in. Umbra was unleashed. It ran with it's streatching legs and reaching arms towards the loudest, angriest man in the room. Sirius was about to get his ass kicked.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - Dragon Fogel - 06-05-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Sirius was in shock momentarily as he stared at the strange child-like creature racing towards him. He noticed the unconscious Sereno in the distance, and wondered if this was the "creature" he could summon, as the Eccentric had mentioned before.

But he barely had time to wonder. The creature was almost upon him. In desperation, he grabbed one of its extending arms as it reached out towards him.

Umbra paused. It hadn't been expecting that. Everyone else it had ever encountered had been too terrified to try restraining it. But the surprise soon faded, and it prepared to strike once more.

Unfortunately for Umbra, its momentary pause was enough time for Sirius to prepare a spell.


Sirius' free hand began glowing with electricity. He grasped Umbra's arm with it, and the electricity flowed through the creature's entire body.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - Dragon Fogel - 06-05-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

Sirius was in shock momentarily as he stared at the strange child-like creature racing towards him. He noticed the unconscious Sereno in the distance, and wondered if this was the "creature" he could summon, as the Eccentric had mentioned before.

But he barely had time to wonder. The creature was almost upon him. In desperation, he grabbed one of its extending arms as it reached out towards him.

Umbra paused. It hadn't been expecting that. Everyone else it had ever encountered had been too terrified to try restraining it. But the surprise soon faded, and it prepared to strike once more.

Unfortunately for Umbra, its momentary pause was enough time for Sirius to prepare a spell.


Sirius' free hand began glowing with electricity. He grasped Umbra's arm with it, and the electricity flowed through the creature's entire body.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - GBCE - 06-05-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

Umbra screamed. It was a scream that shook the entire area around it. It's screamed pierced the eardrums of all the participants. It rose higher and higher, causing a few to double over, covering their ears. The sound cracked the lens the Photographer's camera. How dare this, this nobody lay a finger on it? Filled with pain and anger, the screaming shadow-child clawed at Sirius's, trying to gouge out his eyes. It succeeded by pulling one out of it's socket. Umbra flung the ocular orb at the gargoyle before going back to trying to tear Sitius apart.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - GBCE - 06-05-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

Umbra screamed. It was a scream that shook the entire area around it. It's screamed pierced the eardrums of all the participants. It rose higher and higher, causing a few to double over, covering their ears. The sound cracked the lens the Photographer's camera. How dare this, this nobody lay a finger on it? Filled with pain and anger, the screaming shadow-child clawed at Sirius's, trying to gouge out his eyes. It succeeded by pulling one out of it's socket. Umbra flung the ocular orb at the gargoyle before going back to trying to tear Sitius apart.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - GBCE - 06-05-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Nodge.

Swhales clutched his head as the sound pierced his ears. The shrieking cries of Umbra were overwhelming, agonising. As his vision began to fade, he raised a shaking hand from his ear, placed it to his torc and croaked out a desperate,

The gentle laughter of Macha, a Goddess of war, of dominance, of Cunning and Death floated down through the arena. As each note of her laugh struck, all other sound was blotted out. It was not loud; it seemed as if no other noise was willing to share the air with it, fleeing to safer moments. The participants, except for a struggling Sirius and Umbra, grew still as the air quickly filled with the oppressively silent chuckling.
And then, a new sound. Cracking.

Swhales twisted his head towards the stuggling pair in the centre. Umbra had ceased to scream, and had struck Sirius to the ground where he lay, clutching the area of his mutilated eye socket. The creature stood over him, but did not attack. If it had had an expression, Tim could have almost believed that it looked confused.

"Your debt grows larger by the moment, little thief" arrived the whispering, amused voice of Macha in his mind, "Be certain to pay it in full. You know my currency."
Swhales grimaced. Macha traded in blood; whatever had just happened, she wanted a life for. But what had she done? Distracted it? That didn't seem a fair trade, even if he had begged...

Which is when the vision centres of Swhales brain stood up and kicked him. As he focused on Umbra, he noticed the cracks appearing all over its body as it raised its hands to its face and tried very hard to scream again.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - GBCE - 06-05-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Nodge.

Swhales clutched his head as the sound pierced his ears. The shrieking cries of Umbra were overwhelming, agonising. As his vision began to fade, he raised a shaking hand from his ear, placed it to his torc and croaked out a desperate,

The gentle laughter of Macha, a Goddess of war, of dominance, of Cunning and Death floated down through the arena. As each note of her laugh struck, all other sound was blotted out. It was not loud; it seemed as if no other noise was willing to share the air with it, fleeing to safer moments. The participants, except for a struggling Sirius and Umbra, grew still as the air quickly filled with the oppressively silent chuckling.
And then, a new sound. Cracking.

Swhales twisted his head towards the stuggling pair in the centre. Umbra had ceased to scream, and had struck Sirius to the ground where he lay, clutching the area of his mutilated eye socket. The creature stood over him, but did not attack. If it had had an expression, Tim could have almost believed that it looked confused.

"Your debt grows larger by the moment, little thief" arrived the whispering, amused voice of Macha in his mind, "Be certain to pay it in full. You know my currency."
Swhales grimaced. Macha traded in blood; whatever had just happened, she wanted a life for. But what had she done? Distracted it? That didn't seem a fair trade, even if he had begged...

Which is when the vision centres of Swhales brain stood up and kicked him. As he focused on Umbra, he noticed the cracks appearing all over its body as it raised its hands to its face and tried very hard to scream again.

Re: The Delicious Engagement [Round 0: Do Something Interesting] - GBCE - 06-05-2010

Originally posted on MSPA by Fakeimposter.

It was cracking and splitting and dying and it did not know what to do. Not yet not yet they still stand so they must fall not yet. It could not mutter a sound, it could not scream as it was forced to embrace it's temporary oblivion. It's skin cracked and it's arms stiffened and it's voice was silenced. It could not run, it could not fight, it could only wait until it's agony was ended. With one last stumble toward Sirius, Umbra's body died. It disintegrated and nothing was left. Sereno convulsed in his sleep. He could feel his heart stopping, His brain cells screaming, his life ending. And then he woke up, as always, gasping for air. He woke up cold and scared in a battle arena filled with freaks. Umbra was gone, Sereno realized. It would take a while before it... Formed again. But until then Sereno was going to have to deal with these participants on his own. Sereno gripped his knife tightly as the freaks looked in his direction.