Eagle Time
Derelict Dreams - Printable Version

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RE: Derelict Dreams - Crowstone - 04-19-2013

check your inventory!

RE: Derelict Dreams - Dexexe1234 - 04-19-2013

[Diana]: Examine grinder's grinders.

[Image: XEd7htd.png]
[Image: hQ0xrT0.png]

[Diana]: Just take off one of the mech's arms and use it as a temporary leg.

[Image: MgwZumw.png]
[Image: 36jI9vl.png]

[Diana]: check your inventory!

[Image: 1w5ggFJ.png]
[Image: 4SCHh7B.png]

[Diana]: Wait.

[Image: umvOOcW.png]
[Image: ne1sD2V.png]

[Diana]: Shift Focus to Cherrytop.

[Image: 3lRwf47.gif]
[Image: S2cIoMR.png]

[Image: HL7USaN.png]
[Image: 17vF2Xc.png]

[Image: imJkFpD.gif]
[Image: E6JsMge.png]

[Image: hOBVR2t.png]
[Image: css6JX7.png]

You now control Cherrytop Gob.

RE: Derelict Dreams - Purple Walrus - 04-19-2013

Okay let's try this.

"Testing, Testing, one two three, one two three, is this thing on?"

Okay guys let's try and not break this one.

RE: Derelict Dreams - FelixSparks - 04-19-2013

Cherrytop, go left a panel, and grab the rock and the Grime! That should work as a leg! You know, probably...

Also, just for fun... "Hey Cherrytop! Wassup?"

RE: Derelict Dreams - FuzzyZergling - 04-19-2013

((Hey guys, putting stuff in quotation marks makes Cherry say it out loud. Just a reminder.))
Search to the east.

RE: Derelict Dreams - Crowstone - 04-19-2013

go southhhh

RE: Derelict Dreams - Purple Walrus - 04-19-2013

>See If ARSE works.

RE: Derelict Dreams - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-20-2013

> south

RE: Derelict Dreams - Dexexe1234 - 04-20-2013

[Cherrytop]: "Testing, Testing, one two three, one two three, is this thing on?"

[Cherrytop]: "Hey Cherrytop! Wassup?"

[Image: xoYkJF0.gif]

[Image: aLdQeJq.png]
[Image: IHSJOFx.png]

[Cherrytop]: Search to the east.

[Image: bjWGgk6.png]
[Image: OQE4uq7.png]

[Image: MSxDDbq.png]
[Image: 55VR1QL.png]

[Cherrytop]: Grab the Grime!

[Image: bsyEi4J.png]
[Image: ZgUCgiB.png]

[Image: pKd1Q4M.png]
[Image: Jhs6QB6.png]

[Image: 3w7Fgvb.png]
[Image: 8dXQeh5.png]

[Cherrytop]: go southhhh!

[Cherrytop]: South.

[Image: QrQaHZN.png]
[Image: MavYeiX.png]

[Image: BDVcu5r.png]
[Image: NmVf7Pb.png]

[Image: IaHOLpm.png]
[Image: aGcKtD7.png]

[Cherrytop]:Grab the rock!

[Image: 3WC92Ur.png]
[Image: 5fNs492.png]

[Image: CyOZ7rl.png]
[Image: rNxGHBo.png]

[Image: DNwcNog.png]
[Image: GEDXwV9.png]

[Image: zqk82CZ.png]
[Image: Y6cnkHu.png]

[Image: dXh3jsh.png]
[Image: JRaqKFJ.png]
[Image: fQBvzXK.png]

[Image: KJ6N6qq.png]
[Image: zyPuVMf.png]

[Image: 21jPfTp.png]
[Image: cOwurGU.png]

RE: Derelict Dreams - BigBurkhart - 04-20-2013

That's probably wise. Less beatings that way. Anyway, go back south and watch the ensuing battle from a safe distance. There was useful stuff down there, and one of those boxbots is just the perfect size to use as a spare leg!

RE: Derelict Dreams - FuzzyZergling - 04-20-2013

Scavenge for metal in the garbage piles.

RE: Derelict Dreams - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-20-2013

> Watch the battle from afar.

RE: Derelict Dreams - Crowstone - 04-20-2013

miss will be nicer to you if you help her

RE: Derelict Dreams - FelixSparks - 04-20-2013

Make Rockington a leg. Maybe if he's closer to the Mistress, he'll have a better viewpoint! Or at least, a more experienced one... You should tell your Mistress that there is some things of interest south, but it's dangerous now!

RE: Derelict Dreams - btp - 04-20-2013

Weren't there some broken down cluckers over by the mech?

Maybe you could stack and glue enough of them together to make a leg (and save poor rockington)

Check through their bags first, to see if they've collected anything interesting.

(if you can, maybe take a few arms and legs from the cluckers and make Rockington a leg!)

RE: Derelict Dreams - Dexexe1234 - 04-20-2013

[Cherrytop]: miss will be nicer to you if you help her!

[Image: 3DxD9xl.png]
[Image: bFiEKHd.png]

[Image: 5NIZjpo.png]
[Image: VvTzHv8.png]
[Image: XNHPGiw.png]

[Image: Z7Nll3M.png]
[Image: fU1srNw.png]
[Image: BH6t3Ef.png]

[Image: bAQvQC4.png]
[Image: 83rusKy.png]
[Image: 5dESTUP.png]

[Image: uAroVSc.png]
[Image: F84uCj3.png]

[Cherrytop]: Scavenge for metal in the garbage piles.

[Image: Uyjg2xU.png]
[Image: 5wJaAgN.png]

[Image: B9ejHzP.png]
[Image: vg6zB2E.png]

[Cherrytop]: Watch the battle from afar.

[Image: AxevjbN.png]
[Image: cdePW4L.png]


RE: Derelict Dreams - BigBurkhart - 04-20-2013

But think Cherrytop! You can watch the spiders go squish and mistress will like the shinies they drop!

RE: Derelict Dreams - Crowstone - 04-20-2013

you should head the other way to avoid that guy!

RE: Derelict Dreams - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-20-2013


> ok head back to her

RE: Derelict Dreams - Dexexe1234 - 04-20-2013

[Cherrytop]: You can watch the spiders go squish!

[Image: 6U6EnC9.gif]
[Image: LmabB58.png]

[Cherrytop]: you should head the other way to avoid that guy!

[Cherrytop]: Ok, head back to her.

[Image: UyxINO5.png]
[Image: DwrWRuA.png]

[Image: oAbw2t9.png]
[Image: gfUA8uh.png]

[Image: Snqop1K.png]
[Image: jHjQNfq.png]

[Image: RmiRjax.png]
[Image: oUJnAm6.png]

RE: Derelict Dreams - Purple Walrus - 04-20-2013


> Glue all those cluckers together and make a leg.

RE: Derelict Dreams - Dexexe1234 - 04-20-2013


RE: Derelict Dreams - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-20-2013


> Switch to diana's perspective

RE: Derelict Dreams - Crowstone - 04-20-2013

look in the bags


RE: Derelict Dreams - FelixSparks - 04-21-2013

Open sack, loot contents! Yes good! Also, focus return to Diana!