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[CLOSED] Species applications - Printable Version

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RE: Species application opening! (Newbie Wave) - WyrmCast - 10-08-2018

Species name: Perachaste
Species concept: A once diverse and intelligent species driven into a deep sadness becomes utilitarian after creating a rarely communicable disease that hinders the brain's functions, leaving them with limited intelligence. "Ignorance is Bliss."
What group are you in: Newbie
Did you read the application rules?: Yes.

Apologies for the mistake.

RE: Species application opening! (Newbie Wave) - Babybowser101 - 10-10-2018

Species name: Skabel
Species concept: Robot making species! Craftsmen made of energy built loads of ais, got hit hard by the ai revolution, and now just build ais as really good pals! Everybody is happy and absolutely nothing is wrong.
What group are you in: Artist!
Did you read the application rules?: Yep!

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - Gimeurcookie - 10-10-2018

Have you ever submitted art to the cosmosdex and got it approved before Sep 1st?

Well you apply for the artist wave! Feel free to request your ticket!

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - LammarWesley - 10-10-2018

Species name: Barkshawk
Species concept: Cops and Prisioners dog-like humanoid creatures in many prisions all around a horrible excuse of planet. You know if you jail is real good if it survives the extinction of 97% of your whole species with almost no scratch.

Sadly, lawyers didn't survive. Press B to bark respects.

What group are you in: Artist.
Did you read the application rules?: Yes

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - SirBlizz98 - 10-10-2018

Species name: Galooper
Species concept: Overfriendly goo-based-organisms who love to hug, eat, and hug, in that order. Not safe for consumption. Ultramild-Shapeshifter.
What group are you in: Artist.
Did you read the application rules?: Yes.

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - wiltingMyosotis - 10-10-2018

Species name: Divirot
Species concept: Big Buggos who believe that their entire life will be predicted based on the pattern or uniqueness of their wings. also they hate tragedy so much they gotta kill off any bug thats gonna have a fate that ISN'T winning a war or becoming the next princess or something
What group are you in: Artist!
Did you read the application rules?: yep!

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - CosmicClaxon - 10-11-2018

Species name: Waylend
Species concept:
Short - Cowboys, but when the cows take care of themselves.
Slightly Longer - They’re seasonal rootin’ tootin’ ready for shootin’ ranchers who take care of their evolutionary relatives across freezing planes and scorching deserts. They may or may not be steaming (literally) and griping about their fluffy winter coats.
(These are essentially the same camel people from the contest, but with the ghost-psychic trait removed because it was getting convoluted. Another species another time...)
What group are you in: L’artiste
Did you read the application rules?: yeah!

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - Kodai - 10-11-2018

Species name: Nonny Mice
Species concept: A race of rodents who epitomize the concept of "anonymous". Completely indistinguishable from one another, their individual natures are never shown in public.
What group are you in: Newbie
Did you read the application rules?: Yes

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - Gimeurcookie - 10-12-2018

@everyone above
Code sent, no notes, you're all good to go.

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - KleenFarsight - 10-14-2018

Species name: Ubavaolho
Species concept: The Ubavaolho are a species which have long since obsessed over their physical appearance, and due to the extremes in which they are willing to go to make sure their beauty is like no other, they can often be seen on the covers of magazines and the various catwalks of the galaxy. Well, the magazines and catwalks that would allow what is essentially an overdressed floating eyeball with dis-proportionally large red lips, which are surprisingly more than one would expect. They also tend to perform their own plastic surgery, and while their studies into the subjects of fashion make them more than capable of doing so, others willing to follow in their strangely beautiful image will often find that their methods are some of the most extreme in known history.
What group are you in: Artist
Did you read the application rules?: I have indeed.

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - GreenMeanZombieQueen - 10-20-2018

Species Name: Detix
Species Concept: This 6 inch tall bug is your Doctor now. Has ability to store disease with in them without suffering from illness.
What group are you in?: Artist wave babie
Did you read the application rules?: ye!!!

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - Gimeurcookie - 10-23-2018

Code sent to the 2 above. No notes needed. If you finish your application fully submit your link to the Cosmosdex topic to get it approved before or on Halloween day.

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - FiffyApologies - 10-25-2018

Hi! I’m new to forum websites and I’ve been playing Fortuna for maybe a year and I wanted to submit a species, how would I do that? I cannot find the link for the life of me Aw beans!

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - Gimeurcookie - 10-25-2018

Please read the first post of this topic in total. It should give you nearly all the info you require. You must obtain a ticket before you submit a species.

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - Orpheus the Bard - 10-31-2018

Species name: Quishidi
Species concept: Similar in appearance to plovers, these avians maintain a symbiotic relationship with other species and fauna through their venom which boosts the receiver's charisma in addition to creating a high. Over time, Quishidi have become similar in nature to the people of the show Dance Moms and show off their partner in contests while squabbling with other participants.
What group are you in: Halloween Wave
Did you read the application rules?: Yes.

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - Gimeurcookie - 10-31-2018

It's the Halloween wave! That means everyone can sign up!

The last date to sign up for a free species ticket is NOVEMBER 30th.

The last day to finish your species is DECEMBER 10th. Make sure to have everything finished before that date because if that date passes and it turns out your app has an error and cannot be accepted it will be too late to resubmit. I will not be giving extra time for these.

RE: Species application opening! (Artist Wave) - Schazer - 11-01-2018

Species name: Toreka
Species concept: flamboyant little sea slugs who solved most problems on their planet before realizing there was life beyond the stars. Now all of their latest technology is to make their [strike]children's card[/strike] games cooler and flashier. Life in general is a big board game night to them.
What group are you in: this is Halloween
Did you read the application rules?: you betcha

RE: Species application opening! (Halloween Wave) - Gimeurcookie - 11-01-2018

Codes sent to all of the above. Saw nothing concerning. It's Larry!

RE: Species application opening! (Halloween Wave) - Qweerplx - 11-03-2018

Species Name: Emoza
Species Concept: a buncha tall bird people told to pick one emotion and STICK WITH IT
What group are you in: This is halloween
Did you read the application rules? forward and backwards but still nervous as heck

RE: Species application opening! (Halloween Wave) - Gimeurcookie - 11-06-2018

Species ticket sent to the above. No notes.

RE: Species application opening! (Halloween Wave) - GreenMeanZombieQueen - 11-10-2018

I would like to request an extension on the due date for my app please,

RE: Species application opening! (Halloween Wave) - Xandeross - 11-14-2018

Species Name: Axeex Arax
Species Concept: A race of tiny, secretive insect-like scavengers, living in the forgotten nooks and crannies of galactic civilization.
Group: Halloween Wave.
Application Rules Read: Yes.

RE: Species application opening! (Halloween Wave) - suffershack - 11-20-2018

Species name: Bivouac
Species concept: Hiveminds made up of thousands of nonsentient workers, controlled by a sentient queen. They tend to eat everything in sight to keep worker production up, and will cannibalize other sentients if they run out of food. A lot of them have strong opinions on the Singer, since they look like possible Singer anomalies, kinda.
What group are you in: halloween babie
Did you read the application rules?: yep!

RE: Species application opening! (Halloween Wave) - Will Phoenix - 11-22-2018

Species name: Virmin
Species concept: A large sentient cell encased in a grown protein body, resembling aftik sized bacteriophages. Not very intelligent, they work together as a pseudo hive mind, but they can overwhelm any society by sheer numbers.
What group are you in: Newbie
Did you read the application rules?: Yes

RE: Species application opening! (Halloween Wave) - DS Piron - 11-29-2018

[table][tr][td]Species name: Jupette
Species concept: Balloons that are actually pretty chill and lackadaisical on their own. Also they enamored with the cute and will fight to defend them and make sure they live healthy and prosperous. And they have. Several times. Whether the cute wants them to or not. They often find work lifting people up in emergency situations and as orderlies, as these jobs were adjacent to their best friend species: the cuteyes. They fight by ticking, which deposits venom that forces the enemy to laugh, even if it kills them.
What group are you in: (That being the sign up date group) Patreon, if it matters
Did you read the application rules?: Yes


This isn't a second species ticket, but these two species are close together. While I intend to make jupettes work without a cuteye entry, I still wanted to show that they were together.
I had clever idea to get these into the cosmosdex as well despite the species limit, but the current state of the cosmosdex makes it impossible. \*shrugs\*[table][tr][td]Species name: Cuteye
Species concept: Small, cute mammal-esqe species, often works as nurse and EMTs. Are kind, and thoughtful people, as well as surprisingly mature for their appearance. Also really really like pain, suffering, and messed up stuff. Really really like. Despite their best efforts, a rare few probably have ended up running around and hurting people, especially those they love as that JUST. SO. MESSED UP! :D
Has weird eyes with liquid irises, pupils and sclera, that mix in extreme emotion.
What group are you in: N/a
Did you read the application rules?: Y
