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The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) -Done and Stuff- - Printable Version

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RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 07-27-2012

Who else is there?

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - btp - 07-27-2012

Go find the chef's son and have him take buckshot's place!

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 07-27-2012

(07-27-2012, 01:05 AM)Crowstone Wrote: »Who else is there?

[Image: ocean_0024_by_theboyd-d58tn8d.png]

The three off you briefly consider who of the crew is left to recruit.
Immediately springing to mind is Melons and her son since you already talked to her about it.
There's the third Buckbrother, Buckingham. Not to mention Buckshot still, technically.
And of course Cannon Fodder is right there.
Other than that there's Nailz, the ship's carpenter.

(07-27-2012, 02:16 AM)btp Wrote: »Go find the chef's son and have him take buckshot's place!

Out of those folks you decide that Squirt would probably be easy to recruit, and frankly the least useful, so no harm sticking him in the Nest to swap out with Buckshot.

But you never know where that scamp is. He doesn't have any duties to speak of.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - AgentBlue - 07-27-2012

He's probably slacking in the least-used part of the ship!

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Dragon Fogel - 07-27-2012

>Go find the carpenter, then. Keep an eye out for Squirt along the way.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 07-28-2012

(07-27-2012, 04:17 PM)AgentBlue Wrote: »He's probably slacking in the least-used part of the ship!

[Image: ocean_0025_by_theboyd-d59130i.png]

Deciding to track down Squirt, you figure he must be, well somewhere you haven't been recently.
That only leaves the Hold and the Fo'cle. Actually it also leaves his quarters. He could easily be just hanging out there.
But then you recall Buckblade telling you Squirt's somewhere on the main deck, so you head for the Fo'cle.

[Image: ocean_0026_by_theboyd-d59136r.png]

Yup, there he is. That was pretty simple.


RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 07-28-2012

>heyyyyyyy squirt wanna help us out???

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - AgentBlue - 07-28-2012

Resist the urge to push him overboard.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 07-28-2012

(07-28-2012, 10:04 PM)AgentBlue Wrote: »Resist the urge to push him overboard.

(07-28-2012, 03:45 PM)Crowstone Wrote: »>heyyyyyyy squirt wanna help us out???

[Image: ocean_0027_by_theboyd-d592wle.png]

You Approach Squirt without knocking him overboard. Good Call, that wouldn't have won you any points with him.

Hey Squirt! We're taking over the Ship! You in?

Sweet! wait what? .. whatever. Sweet!

So, you'll help us out.

Yeah! This is going to be Awesome!


As expected, Squirt takes little to no convincing. Such a kid. So excitable.

You recall thinking about trying to find Nailz earlier. Better figure out where he'd be. Unless you want to do something else of course.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - btp - 07-29-2012

Go ahead and swap out squirt for buckshot first, having both brother's with you will help with the third and you don't want Your cook getting mad at you for putting her son in danger.

Heh, listen to yourself, "Your cook." you've practically taken over this ship already!

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 07-29-2012

yup do that and then buckingham or nailz, whoever you find first

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - AgentBlue - 07-29-2012

Um....are you sure he'll do the Nest job okay? I mean, wouldn't you rather send him off looking for cannonballs?

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 07-29-2012

(07-29-2012, 12:46 AM)btp Wrote: »Go ahead and swap out squirt for buckshot first, having both brother's with you will help with the third and you don't want Your cook getting mad at you for putting her son in danger.

Heh, listen to yourself, "Your cook." you've practically taken over this ship already!

(07-29-2012, 01:53 AM)Crowstone Wrote: »yup do that and then buckingham or nailz, whoever you find first

[Image: ocean_0028_by_theboyd-d596a9v.png]

You walk on over to the Mizzenmast and tell Squirt you have a very special mission for him. He gets to sit in the nest and watch out for trouble.
He's not too excited about it. He wants to go with you on an ADVENTURE!
But he begrudgingly accepts

[Image: ocean_0029_by_theboyd-d596af5.png]

[Image: ocean_0030_by_theboyd-d596al7.png]

Well that happened.
Next up is Nailz and Buckingham. Although you certainly havn't given up on Fodder or Melons. You'll have to think of something to convince them to come along later.
For now you ask Buckshot if he knows where Buckingham is.

Great to have you along with us Buckshot. Any clue where your last brother is?

Probably sleeping in his quarters. Be quite a trick waking him up though, I'll tell you that.

Hmm, well I'm sure with both of you along he'll be no trouble to recruit once he's up though, right?

Yeah, if you approached him with just one of us, he'd probably resist, but with us both. That'll be a cakewalk.

What's a cakewalk?

I have no idea.

So what about Nailz?

I dunno, probably in some dark corner of the ship being creepy. Man that guy gives me the willies.

What are willies?

I have no idea.


RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - btp - 07-29-2012

We'll probably have to wake up Buckingham with some smell from a meal Melons could give us. But let's check the hold for Nailz.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 07-29-2012

we... we've been solving puzzles????!?

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 07-29-2012

(07-29-2012, 09:30 PM)Crowstone Wrote: »we... we've been solving puzzles????!?



RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - AgentBlue - 07-30-2012

No one ever, ever, try and find out what willies are.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 07-30-2012

(07-29-2012, 09:22 PM)btp Wrote: »We'll probably have to wake up Buckingham with some smell from a meal Melons could give us. But let's check the hold for Nailz.

[Image: ocean_0031_by_theboyd-d59awdy.png]

You head belowdeck to the trapdoor down to the Hold.

[Image: ocean_0032_by_theboyd-d59awv5.png]

And now you're in the hold. It's dark. Oh man, finding a light would have been a good puzzle. What a missed opportunity. Instead there's enough light down here to see anyway.

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - btp - 07-30-2012

Welp, no puzzles here! Might as well have the buck bros talk to nailz while you and ticket check out that...stowaway?

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 07-30-2012

buckSHOT has a gun
and buckBLADE has a sword OMG

tell this to Nailz

EDIT: oh yeah these are all supposed to be nicknames

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - AgentBlue - 07-31-2012

Waaaait...so Buckingham has a....ham?

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 07-31-2012


[Image: the_ocean___reswabbed_by_theboyd-d59cq0d.png]

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - btp - 07-31-2012

Oh my gosh boyd that is perfect.

I have never seen a deckhand's gut so lovingly rendered.

In the ocean, no one can here me cheer. (for you)

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - Crowstone - 07-31-2012

yes there is not one can here, but two cans here.

(haha just making fun
it's a really cool pictureeee)

RE: The Ocean: Re-Swabbed (Revival Contest) - TheBoyd - 08-01-2012

(07-30-2012, 08:15 PM)btp Wrote: »Welp, no puzzles here! Might as well have the buck bros talk to nailz while you and ticket check out that...stowaway?

[Image: ocean_0033_by_theboyd-d59gmj5.png]

Your curiosity is piqued by a figure at the back of the hold. You split up, sending the Buckbro's over to Nailz, while investigating the figure with Tickets.

[Image: ocean_0033_by_theboyd-d59gmwb.png]

As you approach a cheery gentleman appears behind a crate and greets you.

Good day, fellow sailors.

Uhm.. who are you?, uh, may I ask?

I am but a traveler on a great journey across the sea.
I must thank you and your crew for your hospitality during the voyage.

Well, we didn't exactly know you were even here. Actually your being here probably wouldn't be appreciated by our Captain.

What a shame, I certainly do not mean to be any trouble.

Well actually, I'm currently trying to take over as Captain, your help would be appreciated, and I certainly have no problem with having you on board.

Thank you for the offer, but I always feel that it's best to stay neutral in my travels. Balance in all things you know.

Are you sure I couldn't maybe do something for you, and get your help in return? Y'know, balance and all that?

Hmm, you pose a fair point good sir. I think some agreement can be reached. All I really require in life is a spot of food and some shelter on occasion. The salt soaked barnacles I find aren't much to live on. I think I could offer you my services in return for a hot meal, assuming what you require is within my abilities.

Thank you, we'll keep that in mind.

[Image: ocean_0034b_by_theboyd-d59gn0p.png]

[Image: ocean_0035_by_theboyd-d59gn4u.png]

The Buckbros approach Nailz who was lurking under the steps. Seriously that guy is freaky.

Dude BB, I dunno about this guy.
Chill bro, I got this.

Nailz, whatcha doing there?

Oh, you know.

..actually no. Seriously.


Uh, so, the four of us, that's uh, that's us and Swabi and Ticket's, are forming a sort of.. resistance to overthrow the Captain.

heh, you four? not happening.

Dude, shut up, I'll cut your face! .. I mean, uh, yeah, that's why we're trying to recruit everyone to the cause.

well you kids have fun with that. good luck even. and before you ask, yes I am saving those words for someone who needs it.

Shut Yer- .. thanks..


Buckblade stands silently fuming. That guy has a short fuse, or Nailz is just really good at pushing his buttons.
Probably both.