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CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Printable Version

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RE: CHIRAL - AScWCC - 11-03-2017

Check your terminal settings. Maybe we bumped the time warp button by accident, although I'm pretty sure we can't move?

RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-03-2017


RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-03-2017

(11-03-2017, 02:30 AM)AScWCC Wrote: »Check your terminal settings. Maybe we bumped the time warp button by accident, although I'm pretty sure we can't move?

Time warp! Yes. It must be.
[Image: XOzL7kv.png]

[Image: peaT1rO.png]

INPUT AGGREGATOR: those 2 big ol options at the bottom there
INPUT AGGREGATOR: most terminals got em locked
INPUT AGGREGATOR: but i figured since i got full access on this machine
INPUT AGGREGATOR: id just unlock em for ya
INPUT AGGREGATOR: and turn off those pesky friggin compulsive orders
INPUT AGGREGATOR: inhabitants dont like gettin ordered around

(11-03-2017, 03:03 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>chat:list:chatroom

You search for other forms of CHAT under the primary CHAT, but only find another equally confusing PRIVATELOG with cripesalmighty.
[Image: 0A4CSQ5.png]
Privatelog (cripesalmighty)Show


This terminal is a hell.



Elsewhere, an Inhabitant types furiously at a terminal, on the verge of tears, fearing the absolute worst for a newly made friend.
[Image: wolWob5.png]


RE: CHIRAL - Lordlyhour - 11-03-2017

To Zack And Then Also Go
To The ORDERS Place

If THAT Doesn't Work
Dear Input Aggregator
Please Unfuck Our Shit

RE: CHIRAL - Vic - 11-03-2017

>Battle Log

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-03-2017

(11-03-2017, 12:30 PM)Vic Wrote: »>Game
>Battle Log

You navigate to the Battle Log.
[Image: aSQBUhy.png]

[Image: GU37HNx.png]

In the future, you may look at each individual KILL for detailed statistics and a rundown of all the events that took place in order.

(11-03-2017, 09:07 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »Change The USERNAME
To Zack And Then Also Go
To The ORDERS Place

If THAT Doesn't Work
Dear Input Aggregator
Please Unfuck Our Shit

You begin by swapping your USERNAME IN ORDERS MENU to "Zack".
[Image: ac3LeNH.png]

You then proceed to navigate to the ORDERS MENU.
[Image: BwCvWt6.png]

[Image: tHa9xzW.png]

You are now back at your original home chatroom, the ORDERS MENU of the game currently running on your terminal. Your PAWNS and the opposing YELLOW TEAM PAWNS are currently screaming about your disappearance, but you're back now, with complete and utter control over your inputs.

INPUT AGGREGATOR: whatcha gonna do?

RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-03-2017

Hoo boy. This got a bit more complicated.

>Back. Stumbled around for a bit, and now I have returned.

>There's uh. There's some hefty stuff we need to talk about.

>Mostly about Nicopter.

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-03-2017

(11-03-2017, 11:14 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Hoo boy. This got a bit more complicated.

>Back. Stumbled around for a bit, and now I have returned.

>There's uh. There's some hefty stuff we need to talk about.

>Mostly about Nicopter.

An Inhabitant struggles to type as coherently as she can.
[Image: oKEqWgM.png]

[Image: OJrRnKt.gif]

She continues pounding on the | CHIRALITY key.

RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-03-2017

>Before I can say it though, I need something cleared up for me.

>Is Nicopter dead or missing?

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-04-2017

(11-03-2017, 11:51 PM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Before I can say it though, I need something cleared up for me.

>Is Nicopter dead or missing?

You spend a bit more time clarifying the situation.
[Image: 2Lo2hUm.png]

RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-04-2017

>Oh boy. That's... No, I need to be sure.

>User status, does it show the status of the person currently using that machine, or of the person supposed to be using that machine?

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-04-2017

(11-04-2017, 12:25 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Oh boy. That's... No, I need to be sure.

>User status, does it show the status of the person currently using that machine, or of the person supposed to be using that machine?

[Image: FLh47PC.png]

The INPUT AGGREGATOR buzzes eagerly.

RE: CHIRAL - Lordlyhour - 11-04-2017

It Belongs To Nic
His Status; Death Imminent
Hence The Confusion

Maybe Doublecheck?
I Am Still New At All This
I Might Have Messed Up

Also, Quick Query
Why Are You Using "Orders"
To Talk, Not The "Chat"?

Hence Taking So Long
I Was Flailing Like A Dork
In The Wrong Menu

RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-04-2017

>I'm asking because this is a real big deal.
>Because either this machine is having a malfunction.
>Or Nicopter isn't dead.
>And wherever they are they really need medical treatment right this second.
>Now, I can't tell if Diffor is in the same situation, since I can't check their machine at the minute, but if they are that is *really* bad.

>So. Someone has to go check Diffor's machine. Check if it says their dead.
>And someone else has to come check on Nicopters machine. Same thing. Make sure I haven't lost all my marbles here.

>And to answer your question, well. I'm at Nicopters machine. Had to meet you folks in person at some point, really wish it was under better circumstances.

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-04-2017

(11-04-2017, 12:55 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »It Belongs To Nic
His Status; Death Imminent
Hence The Confusion

(11-04-2017, 01:02 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>I'm asking because this is a real big deal.
>Because either this machine is having a malfunction.
>Or Nicopter isn't dead.
>And wherever they are they really need medical treatment right this second.
>Now, I can't tell if Diffor is in the same situation, since I can't check their machine at the minute, but if they are that is *really* bad.

>So. Someone has to go check Diffor's machine. Check if it says their dead.
>And someone else has to come check on Nicopters machine. Same thing. Make sure I haven't lost all my marbles here.

>And to answer your question, well. I'm at Nicopters machine. Had to meet you folks in person at some point, really wish it was under better circumstances.

An Inhabitant stays silent on her chatroom, confused and utterly at a loss for words. What would she say? What could she possibly contribute?
[Image: F9HgDyO.png]

You quickly check the file that YUPPERS (on Nicopter's terminal) sent, look-see-HERE.cig.
[Image: Xw6DPa9.png]

(11-04-2017, 12:55 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »Also, Quick Query
Why Are You Using "Orders"
To Talk, Not The "Chat"?

Hence Taking So Long
I Was Flailing Like A Dork
In The Wrong Menu

Then, your narrator notices that Lordlyhour has updated their post, and lets the INPUT AGGREGATOR continue posting!


RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-04-2017



>I think we need to have a talk.

RE: CHIRAL - Lordlyhour - 11-04-2017

To Ease Your Worries
Compulsive Orders Are Off
No Demands From Me

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-04-2017

(11-04-2017, 01:59 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »To Ease Your Worries
Compulsive Orders Are Off
No Demands From Me

An Inhabitant freaks the fuck out and struggles to type one-handed, which is a bad idea, considering her keyboard requires two inputs at once for almost every character.
[Image: 1uC1wRt.gif]

(11-04-2017, 01:41 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Chiral


>I think we need to have a talk.

You head to the MAIN MENU with the CHIRAL button, and (accidentally?) select the VIEWFINDER option.
[Image: iCtWdqr.png]

[Image: pjP5CI6.png]

Then, you back on out, and head into the terminal's CHAT, to confront the Big Man On Campus.
[Image: WD40Mjm.png]

You type your first message and then begin typing more-- but something strange happens. More messages seem to be being posted by Nicopter. Maybe the real one, instead of you?
[Image: xJqeg2b.png]

RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-04-2017


Time to... Think. Yes, time to think about what to do.

RE: CHIRAL - Lordlyhour - 11-04-2017

I Think We Had Best
Chiral Right This Dang Instance
And Not Chat Ever

RE: CHIRAL - Dragon Fogel - 11-04-2017

And then go look at his notes.

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-04-2017

(11-04-2017, 03:21 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Chiral

Time to... Think. Yes, time to think about what to do.

(11-04-2017, 03:23 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »I Think We Had Best
Chiral Right This Dang Instance
And Not Chat Ever

Yeah yeah okay you are getting right the fuck out of that zone. That's one of the most foreboding messages you've seen all morning (though not THE most).

[Image: i5S7Vau.gif]

you decide this is a good instance to pause, and think...
[Image: Qk7Ox8K.png]

...and think...
[Image: TnlGT4N.png]

and think.
[Image: pdKo2hY.gif]

(11-04-2017, 03:26 AM)Dragon Fogel Wrote: »And then go look at his notes.

Yeah you can't really resist checking out some rad secret stuff once in a while.
[Image: Nk8WLvM.png]

[Image: Z6ieGYj.png]

You're not certain there was really a point to commenting his text out there, but this terminal runs on bullshit and rainbows and at this point there might not be a point in thinking about it too hard.

RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-04-2017

Hooooo boy. Alright, let's, eh. See what we have to work with exactly.


RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-04-2017

(11-04-2017, 05:12 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Hooooo boy. Alright, let's, eh. See what we have to work with exactly.


You pull up the GAME MAP.
[Image: cmA8w70.png]

You quickly discover you can swap between three versions of the map. The first is a blank slate with nothing in it--
[Image: x4gfXWY.png]

The second is how everything is supposed to be, at game start, and shows who each room belongs to. You also spot a bunch of Ns.
[Image: d8s4ubY.png]

The third and final image seems to be the current state of the GAME, including many missing players, many missing Ns, and a caged-up door holding R13.
[Image: d9hl32F.png]

You spot Y4, cripesalmighty, though the numbers representing each of the 8 other people might be slightly harder to suss out.

RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-04-2017

Its a safe guess the N's are needspensers.

Good, goo... Wait a minute.
13 Y, B, G, R. That's 52 players.
We need 53 to ascend.
Never mind that we have only the 9 to work with, there never was a 53rd player.
So even if the session was somehow reset, we would still come up short.

There's also finding that password.
Guessing finding that is going to involve some fiddling with the viewfinder.

Plus, getting the remaining players to calm down and... Do whatever it is we need them to do, is going to take a while. Never mind that we don't know what we need them to do yet.

...Oh, and I guess we kinda flubbed the whole "Be Discreet" part of our job. Oh well.

I guess that leaves the first thing to be figuring out is what we're gonna do next.