Eagle Time
Halloween Quest 2k16 - Chapter 2 - Printable Version

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RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - End of Chapter 1 - Kíeros - 10-29-2016


RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - End of Chapter 1 - SirBlizz98 - 10-30-2016


[Image: HQ2k16_074.gif]

>Begin Intercession

[Image: HQ2k16_075.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_076.png]

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - Kíeros - 10-30-2016

> Find the grave of Homestuck to pay your respects.

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 10-30-2016

raise hell

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - Fallingfeather - 10-30-2016

i-is that guy in the back human or just wearing a costume or

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - SirBlizz98 - 10-30-2016

>i-is that guy in the back human or just wearing a costume or

[Image: HQ2k16_077.png]

>raise hell

[Image: HQ2k16_078.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_079.png]

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - typeandkey - 10-30-2016

>Things: Quickly get out of control.

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - Kíeros - 10-30-2016

> Time for mad science

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - Gimeurcookie - 10-30-2016

> Look out it's a zombieeeeee

> Cosplayer.

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - SirBlizz98 - 10-30-2016

>Time for mad science

[Image: HQ2k16_080.png]

>that's a recipe book.

[Image: HQ2k16_081.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_082.png]

>Look out it's a zombieeeeee

[Image: HQ2k16_083.png]


[Image: HQ2k16_084.png]

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - typeandkey - 10-31-2016

>Try to stay focused, gentlemen. There's dark deeds that need doing.

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - Fallingfeather - 10-31-2016

Uh woah. Is anyone else wondering what the hissing thing in the background is? That one wack looking building in the bg of one of the panels? The mysterious figure?

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - SirBlizz98 - 10-31-2016

>Try to stay focused, gentlemen. There's dark deeds that need doing.

[Image: HQ2k16_085.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_086.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_087.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_088.png]

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - Fallingfeather - 10-31-2016

Stay focused, but like. In a cool and impressive way.

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - typeandkey - 10-31-2016

>A girl? Here? What do you say? All those dating simulators can only prepare you for so much. Whatever you do, don't make fools of yourselves.
>Make fools of yourselves.

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - Kíeros - 10-31-2016

> Cheesy pick-up lines, ACTIVATE!

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - SirBlizz98 - 10-31-2016

>A girl? Here? What do you say? All those dating simulators can only prepare you for so much. Whatever you do, don't make fools of yourselves.

[Image: HQ2k16_089.png]

>Stay focused, but like. In a cool and impressive way.

[Image: HQ2k16_090.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_091.png]

>Make fools of yourselves.

[Image: HQ2k16_092.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_093.png]

>Cheesy pick-up lines, ACTIVATE!

[Image: HQ2k16_094.png]

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - typeandkey - 10-31-2016

>Spooky Cemetery Girl: Again? Oh, well. React appropriately.

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - Gimeurcookie - 10-31-2016

> Tell her you're a cool demon summoner! That'll make you look cool.

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - Kíeros - 10-31-2016

> Girl: Ignore the two dweebs

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - SirBlizz98 - 10-31-2016

>Fall back on the garlic lobbing plan to save face.

[Image: HQ2k16_095.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_096.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_097.gif]

[Image: HQ2k16_098.png]

>Tell her you're a cool demon summoner! That'll make you look cool.

[Image: HQ2k16_099.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_100.png]

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - typeandkey - 11-01-2016

>Act like you know exactly what you're talking about, like, for reals.

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 11-01-2016

actually summon a demon

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - SirBlizz98 - 11-01-2016

>Act like you know exactly what you're talking about, like, for reals.

[Image: HQ2k16_101.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_102.png]

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[Image: HQ2k16_105.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_106.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_107.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_108.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_109.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_110.png]

[Image: HQ2k16_111.png]

RE: Halloween Quest 2k16 - Intercession 1/0 - typeandkey - 11-01-2016

>That is not appropriate behavior for a young lady, for shame!
>Two Dudes: Cry like wee little babbies.
>Two Dudes: In between terrified screams take solace in the (probably incorrect) belief that your demon summoning ritual worked.
>Two Dudes: Clumsily stutter out meager pleas for mercy and offer your services as two semi-competent minions.