Eagle Time
The Tower - Printable Version

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RE: The Tower - smuchmuch - 09-14-2016

>Wonder how knight manage to fight in heels, it has got to be murder on the feet

>Enquire innocently if everyone has been feeling well (if they ask why tell them you're making remedies in case of an outbreah of .. er.. dragon flu, yes terrible that, the dragon flu) in order to see if knigt is feeling/aware of anything weird or wrong lately.

>Move to next floor

RE: The Tower - Whimbrel - 09-14-2016

Actually, inquiring minds want to know...

Does Hero have... a type? *blush*

RE: The Tower - Elita - 09-15-2016

Chat with them.

[Image: Jyw0WTL.png]

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: MYFsAoD.png] [Image: 0hUzPgd.png]

A: Have you guys been feeling well lately?
A: Like do you feel sick or anything?
G: Haha I feel great. I'm excited to get home soon!
A: ...And Knight, what about you?
K: I've been just fine, sweetie.
A: Oh, that's good.
A: ..
A: Do you think Hero has... a type?
A: I mean, I'm just curious about how that kiss will go ha-haha..
G: Hmm, a type?
G: That would definitely be...
G: The Captain!
K: PFFFFTTHahahaha!
A: ...No way.
K: Hero really is a mystery though.
K: The only person handpicked by Captain for this job, apparently.
K: But romance? I can't even imagine...
A: Yeah, I guess.

Move to the next floor.

[Image: zq9yq7D.png]

You climb another set of stairs, and make it to the 5th floor.


[Image: 3X2tUVt.png]

Entering the room, you are met with the enticing smell of cooking food. Your stomach growls, reminding you that it's been some time since you last ate.

Zealot appears to be preparing food, and Questant stands idly in the middle of the room.. Oh, Infiltrator's here too.

RE: The Tower - OTTO - 09-15-2016

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RE: The Tower - smuchmuch - 09-15-2016

>Discretly use your new magic vision mojo on everyone in the room. Better to check if that black aura dealy has affected other people (and it's good pratice, might as well make it an habit to use it whenever you mett people for the 'first' time or see an interesting object)

>Is that a large crystal with skulls around in that corner ?

>So which god(s) or cause does Zealot worship ?

>hey is that's a vital root on the table ? Can you borrow it for that potion of energy for Paladin ?

>How come you seem to know so little about the members of your compagny when you've been part of it for a while, apparently ?*

>So exactly what is your role in the compagny, as an alchemist. Sure you brew potions, one assumes, but what kind, healing ? Magic ? splodey ? Do you actualy paticipate in quests and fights ?*
Also if only hero was handpicked by the captain, how were you mere mortals, recruited ?

*(I figure a little exposition on Alchemist herself as a mamber of the compagny wouldn't be amiss. If you need a pretext, I suppose ??? could be the one asking thoe kind of things ?)

I'm also curious on what you'll find to fill the X and Y spot
.. I guess a Yeoman could be in there but a Xenologist would feel somewhat out of place. I'm not sure what use they'd have for a Xylologist, let alone a Xylophonist. either. Partiulary if they are Xenophobes. :p
(Nice choice on Zealot for Z)

RE: The Tower - Elita - 09-18-2016

Use your magic vision on everyone in the room.

[Image: Bic2D9d.png]

You gaze at each of the people standing here, and find nothing unusual. That's a relief...

Examine large crystal.

[Image: grNyD29.png]

This opaque blue crystal is surrounded by stone skulls and wreathed in large spikes. It's really unpleasant looking. Oh! It occurs to you that this is probably the artifact Explorer left with Questant. "The Cursed Nexus of Titanhead Mountain Temple", you think.

You start heading to the other side of the room.


[Image: A9goWUf.png]

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: TifxZMd.png]

Q: !!
Q: Hey! Watch where you're walking!
A: Ah, sorry. I guess I was distracted.
Q: ...It's fine. It's not like it actually hurt... seeing as you're not wearing shoes for some reason.
A: ...
A: Oh hey, is that the Cursed whatever that Explorer was talking about?
Q: Ugh don't get me started. The guy just unloaded it on me and told me to "do my thing".
Q: Does he think I'm an expert on curses or something? I'm not touching that...
A: Oh alright.

Borrow the Vital Root.

[Image: ynxgLx1.png]

Great, this is just what you needed! As you reach out to grab the root, Zealot slaps your hand.

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: iu69VaZ.png]

A: Oww...
Z: Excuse me??
Z: What are you doing?
A: Ah I was just..
A: I need this for a potion...
Z: Well find your own. I'm cooking here, alright?
A: Are you sure you couldn't part with this one ingredient?
Z: Listen, this Vital Root provides the signature punch in my specialty Life Pottage! It won't work without it.
A: You can't substitute it for something else?
Z: Welll... If you bring me something else with a similar kick, I guess I could make an exception.
A: Alright! I'll look for something.
A: ...Ah, by the way, do you worship any gods?
Z: Oh, yes, of course.
Z: I'm a follower of Replete, the god of Health, Prosperity, and Sustenance.
A: Ahh, I see.
A: Well, see you around.

RE: The Tower - OTTO - 09-18-2016

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RE: The Tower - Kaynato - 09-18-2016

Proceed upward.

RE: The Tower - smuchmuch - 09-19-2016

>So what does the cursed nexus of doomy doom look like in magic vision mode ?

>So a 'cursed nexus' of something something and knight is apparenly cursed or something of the sort, looks like you may need to have a talk with Explorer later...

>Well, is there another vital root in reserve somewhere ? I mean you're an alchemist, it sound like you really should keep some stash of ingredient in reserve somewhere... And if it's used in cooking, try the pantry (if the tower has one of those)...

>Infiltrator doesn't talk much, does he ? (well that's probably a quality in his field)

RE: The Tower - Elita - 09-22-2016

Examine Nexus with spirit vision.

[Image: hS8o4zE.png]

You focus your eyes, and take a closer look at the Cursed Nexus...


[Image: 2gyOoF3.png]

...It's clean! You can't sense anything unusual about it at all.

Infiltrator doesn't talk much, does he?

[Image: Sgk0JI3.png]

Although normally pretty quiet, Infiltrator seems particularly lost in thought right now. You decide to greet him.

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: z78lwLw.png]
A: Hey, Infiltrator.
I: ....
A: Haha uhh...
A: Something on your mind?
I: ....
I: ...Say, Alchemist,
I: Do you remember when we first got here
I: How lightning struck the tower?
A: Oh, yeah! That sure did spook me eheh.
I: I've just been thinking that it's kind of ominous.
I: Because.. I found something strange in this tower.
A: ...What is it?


[Image: NX4doLv.png]

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: z78lwLw.png]

A: ...Wow, that is weird.
I: I thought so...
A: Do you think I could hold onto this? It might be important.
I: Sure. I don't think carrying it around is doing me any good anyway.
A: Thanks.


[Image: Wq5ibck.png]

You slip the Tower Card into your pocket with the others.

Proceed upward.

[Image: WxPTI88.png]

You climb to the 6th floor stairwell. Your legs are getting pretty sore, but at least you're more than half way!


[Image: G6emaHH.png]

You enter through the door and are met with a cozy looking sleeping area. You could definitely curl up in some blankets here. Though, that feeling is diminished as Necromancer greets you with a cold glare. It seems Sorcerer came here from the ground floor as well.

RE: The Tower - Dediles - 09-22-2016

>"Muggles, amirite?"

RE: The Tower - smuchmuch - 09-22-2016

>I'm guessing you aren't familiar with tarot ? Let just say the tower ain't a good sign.
> Magic vision on everyone and everything in the room because y'know, it's good practice
> How very ghotic chic. Wonder how you'd look in her style ?
> "So that kiss with hero.... ? ♪"
> So what are those potions on the cupboard, as an alchemist you should be able to tell
>hey does an alchemist count as a magic user, technically ?

RE: The Tower - Kíeros - 09-22-2016

> Talk to her as cutely as possible, because we all know that necromancy is the cutest of all the -mancies.

RE: The Tower - Whimbrel - 09-23-2016

ask necromancer how the kiss went

RE: The Tower - Elita - 09-29-2016

Use magic vision on everyone in the room.

[Image: LalL8G7.png]

You focus on both Sorcerer and Necromancer, looking for anything unusual. Surrounding Necromancer, you notice a faint unpleasant aura. This is probably some sort of passive skill, given her specialty...

Use magic vision on everything else.

[Image: OuBWzvr.png]

You attempt to sweep the room, focusing on each object, but your Spirit Vision gives out right away. Straining your eyes, you can't seem to get it to work again.

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: cMIDO47.png]
?: Ah, give it a rest with the magic eyes.
?: Our spirit power is pretty low, and trying to use it on so many things hits the limit pretty damned fast.
?: You'll be better off only using it on things when they seem suspicious.
?: If you absolutely have to check everything in a room, it will probably take a while.
a: Oh...

Identify the potions on the cupboard.

[Image: zqgcRDg.png]

Two of these are actually just empty bottles. They might be useful if you need to make more potions later. The middle bottle contains some kind of pink potion, but you can't really tell what it is by looking. However...


[Image: ScK4JyU.png]

You cast one of the few spells you know, Identify Potion.

Potion of Warmth (Rank III)
Fills the user with an intense heat, increasing cold resistance and improving Fire based abilities.
Ingredients: Arcane Essence (3), Dragon Pepper, Cotton-beetle, (Heat)

Are you a magic user?

[Image: mvVuiQ2.png]

Technically, Alchemy is considered a kind of magic. However unlike most Magic Casters, you don't use mana to cast spells. Instead, you can turn your mana into physical Arcane Essence which is used to imbue potions with your magic. Since you have no other mana abilities, you typically expend all of your mana in this way each morning.

Ask Necromancer how the kiss went.

[Image: qW0WYb9.png]

You walk over to Necromancer, and her eyes narrow as you approach.

[Image: krtenUT.png] [Image: 3hzJ6si.png]

A: Hey, Necromancer~
N: ...
A: So, do anything interesting lately?
N: ...
A: ....
N: Gods, can you not take a hint? I am not in the mood to chat.
N: Go away.
A: Well ok buut
A: About that kiss with Hero.... ♪
N: Fuck you.
A: So it didn't go well?
N: Die.

RE: The Tower - smuchmuch - 09-30-2016

> "I love you too ♪"

>To the next level