Eagle Time
All Night Laundry - In which you just have to press down hard - 2019 12 19 - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: All Night Laundry - In which you just have to press down hard - 2019 12 19 (/showthread.php?tid=1395)

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Kendra mentions a thing - 2016-05-04 - btp - 05-05-2016

That thing could sure use some more legs!

Let's see what bullets do to it!

(Maybe with enough force, it will break a part off, which will certainly remain a single broken piece and not a replicating screaming abomination.)

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Kendra mentions a thing - 2016-05-04 - tegerioreo - 05-07-2016


Oh man oh man oh man, screaming in the bathroom. That's almost never good.

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Kendra mentions a thing - 2016-05-04 - jack_fractal - 05-07-2016

Teg! You're here! Hey! I am really glad! I tracked you down on FA to make sure you were OK, and you seemed all right, so I didn't want to bother you but I'm glad you're here!

Did you manage to save your Adventures? I had mine as script files, but I know at least two people who lost the whole thing. It is a lot like being in a shipwreck.

UPDATE - 1083 - In which Kendra tries to give a warning

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Kendra tries to give a warning - 2016-05-06 - tegerioreo - 05-08-2016


Oh dear I can't decide which of the two cops I least want to die.

Let's keep both of them alive a little longer, til I make up my mind!


RE: All Night Laundry - In which Kendra tries to give a warning - 2016-05-06 - jack_fractal - 05-08-2016

UPDATE - 1084 - In which someone is unfortunate

Argh! That sucks about STEAMPUP. I liked that one quite a bit. I'm glad the Ballad survives though! Subscribed.

RE: All Night Laundry - In which someone is unfortunate - 2016-05-07 - tegerioreo - 05-08-2016

I'm not saying this is a good time to experiment, but do we know what effect Unlight has on a Naught?

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Bina looks for garbage - 2016-05-08 - jack_fractal - 05-09-2016

UPDATE - 1085 - In which Bina looks for garbage

RE: All Night Laundry - In which someone is unfortunate - 2016-05-07 - btp - 05-09-2016

(05-08-2016, 11:22 PM)tegerioreo Wrote: »I'm not saying this is a good time to experiment, but do we know what effect Unlight has on a Naught?

I think that the Naughts are attracted to the unlight, seeing how they swarmed on bina during the whole "save Elizabeth" arc.

Bina > This is bad. You want to go after that guy to save him but...You know he isn't the only one in trouble now. Everyone in the hospital is in trouble. You can't stop the naughts, you can't kill them...but you can call them.

You could, feasibly, beckon the naughts out of the hospital. With a large enough beacon, get them all in one place and trap them. You've done it before with just a couple...it's risky but you could potentially save everyone here...

...but that's just it, isn't it...in order to call the naughts, you would need un-light...a lot of un-light...It would risk being visible, others could see it...not sure you could trust Aime not to want to take a peak...

...and here we are. Ever since you've gotten into this, you've wanted something. Not just to get out or escape or rid yourself of this craziness...you've wanted to help people, to save others from this monstrosity. The botfly has given you the opportunity to protect everyone here...by giving the monster what it wants most.

Maybe this is what B3 figured out. The more you care about saving people...the more the botfly will orchestrate things so that you must use it to save them. The only solution...is to stop caring. To let yourself grow cold and indifferent until there's no reason for anyone else to be in danger.

But you can't do that...can you?

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Bina looks for garbage - 2016-05-08 - a52 - 05-09-2016

Fear not, my good teg! From a cursory google search, I have fortuitously recovered...
the first three or so panels of Steampup.

Which is a real shame. I really liked that adventure, it was part of the inspiration for Perception. (Which may be returning at some point, sans art)

RE: All Night Laundry - In which someone is unfortunate - 2016-05-07 - ForestGardener - 05-09-2016

(05-09-2016, 04:49 AM)btp Wrote: »
(05-08-2016, 11:22 PM)tegerioreo Wrote: »I'm not saying this is a good time to experiment, but do we know what effect Unlight has on a Naught?

I think that the Naughts are attracted to the unlight, seeing how they swarmed on bina during the whole "save Elizabeth" arc.

Bina > This is bad. You want to go after that guy to save him but...You know he isn't the only one in trouble now. Everyone in the hospital is in trouble. You can't stop the naughts, you can't kill them...but you can call them.

You could, feasibly, beckon the naughts out of the hospital. With a large enough beacon, get them all in one place and trap them. You've done it before with just a couple...it's risky but you could potentially save everyone here...

...but that's just it, isn't it...in order to call the naughts, you would need un-light...a lot of un-light...It would risk being visible, others could see it...not sure you could trust Aime not to want to take a peak...

...and here we are. Ever since you've gotten into this, you've wanted something. Not just to get out or escape or rid yourself of this craziness...you've wanted to help people, to save others from this monstrosity. The botfly has given you the opportunity to protect everyone here...by giving the monster what it wants most.

Maybe this is what B3 figured out. The more you care about saving people...the more the botfly will orchestrate things so that you must use it to save them. The only solution...is to stop caring. To let yourself grow cold and indifferent until there's no reason for anyone else to be in danger.

But you can't do that...can you?

Oh. Oh snap. I think you're right. And observing the unlight probably counts as observing the botfly and/or acknowledging it's existence.

And here my main thought in response is "Why is unlight the same color as the light bulb cover in Josephine's experiment (or vice versa)?" My only rational explanation is that the experiment was the actual birth of the botfly, followed by a mess of time shenanigans that seeded its own existence. Or, you know, that jack_fractal over-promised a connection and then later realized he is playing Calvinball.

Naughts are definitely attracted to unlight, much more than to regular light. They also established this by offscreen experiment.
"They seem to get really intense when she turns the light on. Even when she's using her un-spook hand. This was really useful when she was leading them away from Kendra."

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Bina looks for garbage - 2016-05-08 - tegerioreo - 05-10-2016


Why does a Naught want to abduct a guy? I mean seriously, what does it want some random person for? Is it gonna EAT him? What?

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Bina looks for garbage - 2016-05-08 - a52 - 05-10-2016


My guess is the naughts want to absorb them. The Hound had to destory other timelines in order to support its own. It would make sense if the naughts (since they don't seem to be able to time travel) have to support their unnatural bodies with others.

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Bina looks for garbage - 2016-05-08 - Heyoceama - 05-10-2016

(05-10-2016, 01:11 AM)tegerioreo Wrote: »

Why does a Naught want to abduct a guy? I mean seriously, what does it want some random person for? Is it gonna EAT him? What?

Make more naughts perhaps?

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Bina looks for garbage - 2016-05-08 - jack_fractal - 05-10-2016

UPDATE - 1086 - In which Bina does nothing

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Bina does nothing - 2016-05-09 - btp - 05-10-2016

Wow thanks for taking that suggestion! I feel spoiled. I, also, really like how you made Bina look much more angular in that panel - it really brought out the tone of the update.

Every hero has a flaw. Bina's is trust. She's seen how fragile relationships are, how manipulative and disappointing people can be. She was left lost and alone when her grandmother passed, leaving her behind again. Even her most precious relationship has been flaky at best. She's learned to trust Kendra, but even now she suspects that something will come along, something will break them apart and even Kendra will let her down.

There is a solution to this. A solution that may not occur to Bina. She has to trust, with this huge impossible thing, not just Kendra, but ALL these people. All of these flawed, unpredictable, unreliable, people. People who seem stronger and smarter than herself, but people that she is convinced deep down will fail her.

Bina >What do you do, when you're lost in thought, when you start to feel trapped with no way out? When you can feel you're being pushed to act, and are surrounded by people who have no idea how you are feeling or what is really going on? It seemed like fun at first. It was exciting, even revitalizing. You actually thought that everything would be fine.

It isn't.

People are going to die here and now because of you, and your only option is to make things worse.

What do you do when you come face to face with a reality you can't change, an experience you don't want?

> Panic.

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Bina does nothing - 2016-05-09 - tegerioreo - 05-10-2016

The cops think you're crazy? Then give them crazy.

When all of your sane options are crap, then it's time to do something insane.

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Bina does nothing - 2016-05-09 - DS Piron - 05-11-2016

> Give everyone advance warning: You are uncovering the spooky hand. Don't look at the light, and be be prepared to run on your mark.

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Bina does nothing - 2016-05-09 - jack_fractal - 05-11-2016

UPDATE - 1087 - In which it didn't splatter

RE: All Night Laundry - In which it didn't splatter - 2016-05-10 - btp - 05-11-2016

OH! So these panels are showing the Hallway/Bathroom and not the current floor and one above it?

Probably the most disturbing image I recall from this adventure is two older, grumpy people with wires breaking into the the back of their brain.

What was it the botfly said?

"Nobody has eyes anymore."

Quote:"People are going to die here and now because of you"

No, they're not going to die. They're going to be plugged in.

And now you can't stop imaging Kendra, Aime, Emmie, even the officers stuck on a couch, with wires lodged though cracks in their skulls.

Bina > They're going to try to follow it, you know what will happen when they do.

Kendra > Consider what you've seen about the composition of the naught - bullets have little effect, the skin is waxy, it didn't shatter...these guys are acting like non-Newtonian fluids. Fluids that compress well when under pressure. They can take impacts like bullets or massive drops with ease.

Amie> Yay! You're being a hero and solving a monster mystery! This is great! Follow that slime guy!

Naught > Just keep on truckin buddy.

RE: All Night Laundry - In which it didn't splatter - 2016-05-10 - tegerioreo - 05-11-2016

Would red filter goggles block out the Unlight?

RE: All Night Laundry - In which it didn't splatter - 2016-05-10 - jack_fractal - 05-12-2016

UPDATE - 1088 - In which Kendra realizes the obvious

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Kendra realizes the obvious - 2016-05-11 - btp - 05-12-2016

> and then Bina was alone.

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Kendra realizes the obvious - 2016-05-11 - tegerioreo - 05-12-2016

This is so much Amie's scene, you might as well let her run things for a while.

RE: All Night Laundry - In which Kendra realizes the obvious - 2016-05-11 - jack_fractal - 05-13-2016

UPDATE - 1089 - In which they finally give in

RE: All Night Laundry - In which they finally give in - 2016-05-12 - tegerioreo - 05-13-2016

Let's all gather around while Elizabeth tells us what we do know.
It won't take long.