Eagle Time
Waterworks - Printable Version

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RE: Waterworks - Latere - 12-06-2018

> Have a nice lengthy chat with him, animated in flash.

RE: Waterworks - smuchmuch - 12-07-2018

... Violence didn't work to drive him out when you were identifying as human and he was the goo thingy, what makes it think that flipping the script is going to do him any good exactly ?

RE: Waterworks - Suikoi - 12-15-2018

> Examine your current form abilities

RE: Waterworks - Debonaircorsiar - 12-16-2018

Connie: This thing is faster then you, stronger then you, and probably more emotionally stable then you. You're gonna need some serious backup. Use your Meteo Gambit; Might of the Lumbering Jack to level the playing field. Literally.

RE: Waterworks - LuFa - 12-24-2018

(12-06-2018, 06:55 AM)konstantin3001 Wrote: »> Use the module door as the shield

[Image: 2861.png]

You agree that you didn't exactly make an amiable first impression, but that was before. You've come around now.

[Image: 2862.gif]

Maybe things will go a little better the second time.

or perhaps the third

(12-07-2018, 12:09 PM)smuchmuch Wrote: »... Violence didn't work to drive him out when you were identifying as human and he was the goo thingy, what makes it think that flipping the script is going to do him any good exactly ?

[Image: 2863.png]

[Image: 2864.png]

[Image: 2865.gif]

RE: Waterworks - typeandkey - 12-24-2018

>Scold him like a schoolmarm and put him in a timeout.
>Or just kick the everloving stuffing out of him. Your call.

RE: Waterworks - konstantin3001 - 12-24-2018

> Take that harpoon away from him.

He won't be needing this.
Might shoot someone's eye out.

RE: Waterworks - smuchmuch - 12-24-2018

>Trip him wigth a tentacle next time he make a pass.

RE: Waterworks - CSJ - 12-26-2018

>summon the parking sign to perform TRAFFICTECH: Red Light
Once this dude's ass is PARKED we can maybe fix things up and get back to chatting again

RE: Waterworks - zobot257 - 12-30-2018

>Connie: "You know what? If you're going to be like that, I'm kicking you out of the gestalt entity based on total oneness."

Ref: https://skin-horse.com/comic/waiting/

RE: Waterworks - dasno - 01-03-2019

>Turn about is fair play, let this guy tire himself out on your bastion of newfound mental strength.....for about 10 seconds then show this fool how you really assert dominance.

RE: Waterworks - Siren-Nate - 01-10-2019

>Ask a distracting question, like "Why were you obsessed with opening the faceplate of that metal suit and looking at my face when you were first born?"

RE: Waterworks - LuFa - 01-28-2019

(12-24-2018, 09:17 AM)Wheat Wrote: »start calling it names and putting it down.

[Image: 2866.gif]

(01-10-2019, 10:03 PM)Electric-Nope Wrote: »>Ask a distracting question, like "Why were you obsessed with opening the faceplate of that metal suit and looking at my face when you were first born?"

[Image: 2867.gif]

(12-24-2018, 10:26 PM)smuchmuch Wrote: »>Trip him with a tentacle next time he make a pass.

[Image: 2868.gif]

You're not sure what your new body is supposed to-

(12-24-2018, 03:53 PM)konstantin3001 Wrote: »> Take that harpoon away from him.

[Image: 2869.gif]


[Image: 2870.gif]

[Image: 2871.png]

[Image: 2872.png]

[Image: 2873.png]

[Image: 2874.png]

[Image: 2875.png]

RE: Waterworks - Rakned - 01-28-2019


RE: Waterworks - Unclever title - 01-28-2019

If he's gonna insist on throwing a tantrum then...

>Put him in time out.

RE: Waterworks - konstantin3001 - 01-28-2019

Connie: return it to sender.

RE: Waterworks - GuardianTempest - 01-28-2019

>Connie: You've had emotional breakdowns much MUCH worse than this. Overwhelm his mind with the sheer "done-ness" you have with him.

RE: Waterworks - typeandkey - 01-28-2019

>"Let's see how you like it, smart guy!"

RE: Waterworks - wolftamer9 - 01-28-2019

> This seems like a good time for the parking sign to make a daring return.

RE: Waterworks - zobot257 - 01-29-2019

This is a mind scape and you already know you create things here. This entire place is a metaphor. Just will his gun to have a mechanical defect that causes it to break and explode in his hand.

RE: Waterworks - Shadowfyst997 - 01-29-2019

Nah, that's too boring. If we can imagine whatever we want...

>Alright Connie that's it. Summon your mega ultimate mech. Blast him with a salvo of rockets, pummel him for a minute or two, and then pick him up in your might mech hand and hold him there, so you can have a conversation without resistance. For good measure, consider summoning toilets to throw at him.

RE: Waterworks - Fellow - 01-29-2019

>Twirl the laser burst around a stick like a caramel apple.

RE: Waterworks - LuFa - 02-04-2019

[Image: 2876.png]

[Image: 2877.gif]

[Image: 2878.gif]

[Image: 2879.gif]

[Image: 2880.png]

[Image: 2881.gif]

RE: Waterworks - typeandkey - 02-04-2019

>Serves him right.

RE: Waterworks - GuardianTempest - 02-04-2019

>Alright, bust out the wrestling moves Id wished she could pull off.