Eagle Time
Man-man - Printable Version

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Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 01-27-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Pick Yer Poison.

> Hold the light out in front of you, then.

[Image: mm279.png]

> Careful not to trip over any plot rocks.

[Image: mm280.png]


[Image: mm281.png]


[Image: mm282.png]


[Image: mm283.png]

"Thought you could get away from GRIGGS, did ya?"

[Image: mm284.png]


[Image: mm285.png]

"Huh. You're not one of the usual ghosts."

[Image: mm286.png]

"Sorry about the mess. Montgomery Griggs, at your service."


Re: Man-man - Whimbrel - 01-27-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Whimbrel.

Thank Griggs, ask "what ghosts"??

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-27-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Lazro.

> Ask what he's riding on, some kind of cave worm?

Re: Man-man - Dragon Fogel - 01-27-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Dragon Fogel.

>Ask him what he's doing down here, you came down to investigate after all.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-27-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by WayTooToxic.

>Thank him with a commemorative embrace.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-27-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Lexperiments.

Can I say how much I love this adventure?????

>Be in awe of this obviously awesome man.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-27-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Lord Inglip the 413th.

>Interrogate him kindly

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 01-31-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Monstaman.

Guys, remember the pillar?
Someone's crudely carved the word "LIGHT" into the wood pillar here, and apparently signed it with "MG."
Montgomery Greggs!

>Ask why he carved LIGHT into that pillar.

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 02-02-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by crypticMushroom.

> Stick with MG cause he seems useful. But definitely be wary of ghosts.

Re: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 03-17-2013


> Thank Griggs, ask "what ghosts"??

[Image: mm287.png]

"Wow, um...thanks for the save. I'm Cool Chick, nice to meet you. I think you might be a bit confused, though - I'm not a ghost."

[Image: mm288.png]

"Huh. Yeah, now that you mention it, you don't look dead. I just got tripped up by your aura. Been a while since I've seen another living person."

[Image: mm289.png]

"I don't look like it, but I actually come from a long line of shamans, so I'm able to draw on the magic energies of the spiritual world in various ways. The downside is once dead people realize you can see and hear them they never leave you alone."

> Ask him what he's doing down here, you came down to investigate after all.

[Image: mm290.png]

"Huh. You're right, you really don't look it. Does that have anything to do with why you're down here?"

"Sort of. This used to be a mining facility, but the miners dug too deep and too greedily, and awoke a great evil."

[Image: mm291.png]

"...wait, you mean - "

"Yes, the cave worms."


"What else?"

"...uh, nevermind."

[Image: mm292.png]

"With the cave worms running rampant, the entire operation quickly dissolved into an absolute mess. They cut through rock like a hot knife through butter, and the only thing that seemed to block their progress was iron. It's like poison to them, for some reason. Although I guess non-rock-like materials also stopped their progress. They're blind and deaf outside of rock, so they generally won't chase you through anything that isn't similar to it. Unfortunately, we don't have much fitting that description down here."

[Image: mm293.png]

"So, you were one of the miners, I'm guessing?"

"Was it the pickaxes or the headlamp? After everyone started dropping like flies, my shamanism unleashed itself, and I started seeing the ghosts of dead miners. it didn't take me long to figure out that I could draw on the energy they were generating to bolster myself. Unfortunately, no one else had that advantage, and it wasn't long before everyone else had either gotten out or died. I considered leaving, but I couldn't bring myself to leave all my old comrades floating down here for all of eternity, so I set about putting them all to rest by avenging their deaths, which basically means I have to kill a lot of cave worms. Maybe all of them. I hope not, but I'm prepared to do it if that's what it takes."

> Ask why he carved LIGHT into that pillar.

[Image: mm294.png]

"Heeeey, wait a minute...Montgomery Griggs...that'd make you MG, wouldn't it? I found a pillar near the bridge entrance that had the words LIGHT and MG carved into it."

[Image: mm295.png]

"Oh geez, that thing...whoof. That was an...it was a practical joke I played on a guy a while back, but it didn't...it went a little...you know what, I'd really rather not go into it."

"Ouch, did you come off as a jerk or something? Sorry, I was just curious."

"I...yeah, something like that."

[Image: mm296.png]

"Hey, I just realized, I told you why I was down here, but you never told me why you were down here. How about a little back-and-forth, huh?"

Hmmm...he seems trustworthy, but looks can be deceiving. What do you say?

> _

Re: Man-man - OTTO - 03-17-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by BreadProduct.

>Well if worst comes to shove you could always eat his heart to gain his power.

>Perfect time to review what has happened thus far!

Re: Man-man - ICan'tGiveCredit - 03-17-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by ICan'tGiveCredit.

> Recap to him how you got here.

Re: Man-man - Crowstone - 03-17-2013

Originally posted on MSPA by Crowstone.

you should kiss this man

RE: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 11-15-2013


> Recap to him how you got here.

[Image: mm297.png]

"I'm trying to look for a friend of mine called Man-man. He vanished recently with a spirit called Hollum. Fortunately, King, who claims to rule everything here, was able to provide some clues as to where he might've gone."

[Image: mm298.png]

"This was one of the sites he thought was likely, and it was the closest so I decided to check it out first."

"Wait, did you say Hollum? I know that name!"

"You do?"

"Yeah, he - wait, do you feel that?"

[Image: mm299.png]



[Image: mm300.png]

> _

RE: Man-man - Dragon Fogel - 11-15-2013

Wall-jump between stalactites until you find someplace to land.

RE: Man-man - ICan'tGiveCredit - 11-15-2013

> Be impaled by the sharp objects

> Survive

RE: Man-man - Crowstone - 11-15-2013

do super ninja jumping around to a safe place

RE: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 05-19-2014

> Wall-jump between stalactites until you find someplace to land.

[Image: mm301.png]

[Image: mm302.png]

> Be impaled by the sharp objects

[Image: mm303.png]

[Image: mm304.png]

[Image: mm305.png]

> Survive

[Image: mm306.png]

[Image: mm307.png]

> _

RE: Man-man - Crowstone - 05-19-2014

New friends! hug them!

RE: Man-man - Whimbrel - 05-19-2014


RE: Man-man - ☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ - 05-19-2014

beatbox in the hopes of creating a thriller situation

RE: Man-man - ICan'tGiveCredit - 05-20-2014

(05-19-2014, 04:30 PM)☆ C.H.W.O.K.A ☆ Wrote: »beatbox in the hopes of creating a thriller situation

No. her voice is so bad, it could

> raise the dead

RE: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 05-20-2014

[Image: mm308.gif]


[Image: mm309.gif]

[Image: mm310.png]

[Image: mm311.png]

[Image: mm312.png]

"Can't a shaman just banish evil spirits?"

"It's closer to therapy than exorcism, actually."

> raise the dead.

[Image: mm313.png]


[Image: mm314.png]

"Stop breaking my minions!"

> _

RE: Man-man - Crowstone - 05-20-2014

>Apologize for just beating up those skeletons uprovoked. say you assumed that they were evil

>blue: complain about idiots making an ass out of you and me with their assuming thing

>blue: be evil though

RE: Man-man - Pick Yer Poison - 06-02-2014

I can't run this with such a small number of suggestions. The adventure has been moved back to the MSPAF.