Eagle Time
[IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Printable Version

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RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - TohruFhana - 07-28-2020

Casey is initially surprised when Dorian approaches him, confusion only mounting as Dorian begins to dance without another word. Casey watches in awe, and by the end of Dorian's performance he begins to feel inexplicably rejuvenated! He chuckles to himself, adding this to the list of strange things he's seen since leaving home.

[Image: casey_novice_smug.png]

"Thanks, mate! I owe you one!" With a newfound spring in his step, Casey hurries along, catching up with Sunny and Barnabas at the edge of the hills. 
"Give me a shout if you need a hand!" he calls after them. "They'll be upon us soon."


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 07-28-2020

[Image: VOoPAvA.png]

"Not a problem, my man! Keep your spirits soarin'!"

[Image: QgEQBEz.png]
[Image: nQPnUiz.png]

"Awwwwrite lads! Now's yer moment - give yerselves a little boost!"

Hondo trades his wildflower to Hound 1! Hound 1 snorts a frankly concerning amount of pollen and howls at the sky.

The birdmen continue gliding menacingly around the battlefield....

[Image: wpWddC9.png]

[Image: JqPvFLd.png]


Saya may transform as a free action!

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Anomaly - 07-29-2020

Well. All alone out here, on this side of the mountains, trying to sneak to a distant fort without getting flattened by a bunch of scary bird guys. And, of course, no Mazelina to help if things go terribly wrong. Logan's really banking on the birds being distracted with the big melee right now as they continue on their flight.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Pharmacy - 07-30-2020

Airitech zigzags in a forward motion. Two north, one east, one north.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - MQuinny1234 - 07-30-2020

Still fighting off the fear of being on the front lines of this, Barnabas's eye began to itch a bit, the old scar flaring up by it as phantom pain began, seeing similar rage in the eyes of these laguz as he had in that warrior of that bear tribe. Still he pushed a little forward anyway, falling to his arms and legs as he called on the power of his blood.

[Image: nMexSPx.png]

"Awwwooooooo!!!" He howled out, face splitting open as it elongated, teeth shifting and course fur sprouting as his skin toughened with it.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Bigshot - 07-30-2020

Lys is a ways in front of her, and Mazelina offers the other healer a smile as she makes her way by! Gotta be nice, especially since she seemed so nervous around her before.

Maz will move three North one one West! Then, she's going to PUSH SUNNY FORWARD!
[Image: a8904eff222546bfeca6ee5e24b87f95315d7715.png]
"Good luck, Sunny! Here you go!" She says.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - pail - 07-31-2020

Once Baylee sees Barney move up and transform, it inspires her to follow. She moves up the hill until she has a perfect view of the Laguz. She raises her axe and let’s it fly towards the closet body.

“Nothin’ personal Laguz. Jus’ travlin’ through. Let us go if you prefer not ta get gutted.”

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Palamedes - 08-04-2020

Milo doesn't like this. These guys, now that he's closer, look dangerous enough and they haven't even transformed like Barnabas yet. Still, if he couldn't help hold the line what could he do?

He slowly and cautiously approaches, waiting for the worst to happen.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Vancho1 - 08-05-2020

[Image: f3e2387c872f7290577e2aa85803e3b2.png]

"For the honor of Azutai! Rrrah!!"

Saya transforms into their hawk form and in a burst of speed, charges the nearest hound. They swoop in with a claw attack and then retreat out of reach, not letting the other laguz get close.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - SupahKiven - 08-05-2020

Sunny tumbles forward, the sudden force behind her that propels her forward nearly knocking her off of her feet. Luckily, she keeps her footing despite the treacherous terrain, and turns to Mazelina.

[Image: CbeI8mT.png]

"Suppose I deserved that one, huh?" She asks, offering Mazelina a grin before turning back to the approach at hand. Sunny moves to stay in some semblance of a formation, parking herself behind the now transformed Barnabas.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - TohruFhana - 08-05-2020

Casey watches as several of his friends move to take on the wolves closing in on them. He eyes the crows in the distance, a sinking feeling taking root in his gut. He's not sure if they're close enough to strike, but the looming threat of a two pronged attack is enough to convince Casey that he's better off hanging back for the moment. 


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 08-07-2020

Barney, Airitech, and Logan move! Once Barney is done with it, he turns into a puppy.

Mazelina shoves Sunny and moves! (+2 EXP)

Baylee throws her axe! It strikes true! 5 damage! (+2 EXP)

The hound transforms!

Saya lets loose on the newly-transformed hound! Their first attack almost misses, but the sight of Barnabas inspires them to strike true! The hound counter-attacks! He almost hits, but the sheen of Barnabas's dog-mullet blinds him for a moment! Saya strikes once more, this time hitting him by their own power! 8 damage total! (+2 EXP)

Sunny takes shelter!

Casey also takes cover!

As he wasn't called upon to take action by a player, Dorian acts of his own volition! He dashes to Sunny's side, and a few confusing dance moves later, she feels like she can take one more turn! (+2 EXP)

Lys follows near Mazelina, in spite of being overcome with the sudden urge to pet Barnabas. She's never pet a dog before, and that's a nice little tragedy you only get to know out-of-game.

Carlyle keeps close to Airitech.





28/100 EXP

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - SupahKiven - 08-07-2020

Sunny offers Dorian a smile, with just a slight tinge of awkwardness to it. This was... quite the unique experience indeed. She gives him a curt and peppy wave, scooting closer to the front lines while still remaining in formation. Let’s see what the Laguz wanted to do...


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 08-07-2020

[Image: QgEQBEz.png]

The ravens transform!

The wolf transforms!

Hondo remains voluntarily untransformed.

Hound 1 dashes into Sunny!


Hound 1 strikes! He hits, tearing a chunk out of Sunny's arm! 9 damage!
Sunny counters! She hits, abyssal worms digging into the beast! 9 damage!
Hound 1 hits once more, tearing a gash through Sunny's chest that will most certainly kill her if left untreated! She goes down.

The hound licks its chops, a sinister grin on his face, as your friend falls, dying before him.

+2 EXP!

The wolf attacks Barnabas!


The wolf strikes! He hits! 11 damage to Barnabas!
Barnabas counters twice! Both attacks miss.

+1 EXP

The birds caw. Now's their moment!

Raven 1 swoops down to attack Casey!



The raven attacks! A miss!!
Casey counters! Hit!! 0 Damage!

+1 EXP

Raven 2 attacks Baylee!


The bird hits! 1 damage to Baylee!!
Baylee counters! She only barely hits, thanks to Barnabas's charisma! 3 damage!

+2 EXP

34/100 EXP

[Image: wpWddC9.png]

[Image: sWbtoXx.png]

Baylee heals!





RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Anomaly - 08-07-2020

Oh, there is no way that crow over there isn't going to try to stop Logan. Unless they really don't care about the fortress, which seems unlikely. The fortress seems important! Still, Logan's committed. Time to rush forward and hope this doesn't hurt too badly.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Pharmacy - 08-08-2020

"Ach, there be a blasted bird with a shield!"

Airitech sashays two-right/east and shoots the raven.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Bigshot - 08-08-2020

[Image: a8904eff222546bfeca6ee5e24b87f95315d7715.png]
"It's a helpful shove, not an upset one, I promise!" Mazelina insists to Sunny, gripping the staff with both hands. It's strangely thrilling, to help nudge her teammates towards a battle.

Of course, that's not what she gets to do this turn. Nope! Instead, as soon as Sunny goes down she's rushing over, moving two spaces East and one space North before healing her! Did Sunny hear what she said? That's what REALLY matters...

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - pail - 08-10-2020

[Image: a2f7fde224a6dd2dcec6d884f86bcf195847dfae.png]
"Oi! Barny ya look like yer in trouble there! I'll help ya with the critter!!"

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Palamedes - 08-10-2020

Milo watches as the laguz begin their transformations, one of them pushing past their defensive line to take down Sunny.

[Image: N34quH2.png]
"Shit, get off of her!"

He runs up the hill and stabs the wolf, briefly turning back towards the others and watching Baylee still standing strong against the approaching beasts.

"Good job!  We have to hold them back, let the rest of them recover."


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - MQuinny1234 - 08-12-2020

Barnabas noms on his vulnerary, glancing around as he reels from that blow.

Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. Okay, he just needed to hold his ground with Baylee, not let them get through to Sunny. Not let them see the fear in him.

After the yelp from the actual blow, he gave more of an offended snort at that 'critter comment', needed to remember that for later, if there was a later.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - TohruFhana - 08-12-2020

Casey growls in frustration as the crow who'd attacked him retreats.

[Image: casey_frustrated.png]

"Damnit, not even a scratch?" he mutters. He quickly turns his attention to his friends, relieved to see Mazelina and Milo rushing to Sunny's aid. "I can help keep them busy, but it might be best to retreat for now!" Casey knows that laguz aren't to be taken lightly, but to see Sunny so swiftly dispatched was still quite a shock. He'll need to tread lightly if he doesn't want to be the next person with a serious injury.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 08-13-2020

Logan darts through the skies. A glint on the horizon signals danger...

Airitech takes a shot at the Laguz. His arrow sails through the sky...


It finds its mark! The arrow rips through the bird, sending it plummeting to the ground in death!

+5 EXP

Mazelina raises her staff to the sky and restores Sunny to life! Where once there were no senses, there are now some. She didn't hear it at the time, but suddenly Sunny has a vivid sense of everything which has happened between now and the mortal blow.

She heals Sunny to 8 health out of 18!

+2 EXP

Baylee whirls her axe arm up, prepping for a HEAVY BLOW!


Baylee throws her axe!!! CRITICAL HIT!!!! Unfortunately, due to the hills and the sky-high defense of the wolf, no damage is done. However, the wolf has to focus to ward off your axe blow, and his Laguz gauge decreases.

+1 EXP

Milo moves to strike...


Milo SWINGS HIS SPEAR. He hits! 1 dmg to the hound!

The hound retaliates! He hits! 7 damage to Milo!

+2 EXP

Barnabas heals, Casey advances.

Dorian moves up a space and dances for Sunny!

+2 EXP, Sunny gets a turn.

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Vancho1 - 08-14-2020

[Image: f3e2387c872f7290577e2aa85803e3b2.png]
"I'll get that hound!"

Saya attacks the hound again, flying away after their strike

(North 1, attack, south 1, west 5)

RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - SupahKiven - 08-15-2020

Sunny's eyes popped open.

Well this was certainly strange. She was standing up just a moment ago. Sunny looked down, and found evidence of a vicious rake across her chest, and a chunk out of her arm. Ah. So that contextualizes things.

Sunny springs to her feet, eyes shining with a wild energy. She turns to Dorian, his dance finishing, and then Mazelina. Her grin grows wide, even as her movements aggravate her not completely treated wounds.

[Image: YK8Azb2.png]

"You... continue to flatter me with your attention, my allies! I..." She winces, though still keeping her smile. "I've been careless, but I'll be sure to not to make the same mistakes!"

With her part said, Sunny staggers back, composing herself for a moment before her tome flies to life, and Sunny moves away from the front lines even as dark magic leaps from her tome, lancing towards her previous attacker.


RE: [IC] Swords Beneath the Starlight - Protoman - 08-18-2020

Saya swoops!!!


Saya hits! 6 damage!!
The wolf counters!! 14 damage!!
Saya cantos away!

+2 EXP

Sunny summons some fucking worms!!!


Sunny hits!!! 9 damage!!!

The hound dies!

+5 EXP

Lys rushes over to Sunny's side to heal her! Sunny is now at full health!

+2 EXP

Carlyle breaks off from supporting Airitech to lend his magical support where it might be better utilized!

[Image: QgEQBEz.png]
[Image: rEJoXBE.png]

"Drat-- are they trying to alert the Birds?! Then these must be... quick! You have to kill them-- if they make us enemies of the Bird Kingdom we're as good as roast!"

The newly transformed crow darts towards Logan.


The crow hits! 4 damage to Logan!
Logan counters, returning 6 damage!
The crow hits once more! Logan remains firm on their wyvern!

+2 EXP

The raven decides Mazelina looks like a tasty target.

The crow strikes!! 4 damage to Mazelina!

+1 EXP

The wolf continues tearing into Barnabas!

The wolf hits! 11 damage to Barnabas!
Barnabas strikes back! 1 damage!

+2 EXP

The remaining hound transforms and dives toward Milo!

The hound hits! 7 damage to Milo!
Milo misses!

+1 EXP

Panicked at seeing their men die, Hondo and Calmus decide to transform and take THEIR actions as well!

Hondo attacks Milo!


Hondo hits! 10 damage!
Milo's spear plinks off of Hondo's hide! The hound growls.

+1 EXP

Calmus decides Barnabas looks like easy pickings.


Calmus misses!
Barnabas misses!

Everyone feels squarely embarrassed.

+1 EXP

[Image: wpWddC9.png]

[Image: OdLlA0P.png]

63/100 EXP
