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+---- Thread: [Text] YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE: THE RPG: THE ADVENTURE (/showthread.php?tid=826)

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RE: [Text] YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE: THE RPG: THE ADVENTURE - TehPilot - 06-19-2014

bigro Wrote:Man you really could use the light. Try going into the cave to see if there is anything flammable.

You walk further into the cave. It's really dark. You stub your toe on a rock, ow. On top of that, you can't see shit.

ICantGiveCredit Wrote:set the darkness on fire

Stumbling around the cave (and stubbing your toe again), you come to a terrible conclusion. In order to light the darkness on fire, a means to light the darkness on fire is a prerequisite. At this given time, it seems such implements are not available. Maybe in that firetruck?

Schazer Wrote:pray

Paula's call
was absorbed
by the darkness.


Well, prayer could work, but you'd have to be pretty specific to get something. Something really specific and powerful to pierce through the darkness and uncertainty that surrounds you. Any ideas?

Also, you stub your toe again.

RE: [Text] YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE: THE RPG: THE ADVENTURE - Ixcaliber - 06-19-2014

Pray for a flamethrower.

RE: [Text] YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE: THE RPG: THE ADVENTURE - Dragon Fogel - 06-19-2014

Pray for knowledge of what you should pray for.

RE: [Text] YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE: THE RPG: THE ADVENTURE - Pharmacy - 06-19-2014

Get a light, you fool.

RE: [Text] YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE: THE RPG: THE ADVENTURE - Schazer - 06-19-2014

Pray for a light less metaphorical to guide you through these trying times.

RE: [Text] YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE: THE RPG: THE ADVENTURE - ICan'tGiveCredit - 06-19-2014

Pray for a monkey made from pure plasma

RE: [Text] YOUR HOUSE IS ON FIRE: THE RPG: THE ADVENTURE - icanhasdonut - 06-20-2014

pray to become fire