Eagle Time
Derelict Dreams - Printable Version

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RE: Derelict Dreams - FuzzyZergling - 04-15-2013

Assist Goblin.

RE: Derelict Dreams - Crowstone - 04-16-2013

see what he's doing

RE: Derelict Dreams - Dexexe1234 - 04-16-2013

[Diana]: Goblin: Find Crowbar

[Image: sOGCscl.gif]
[Image: qii9dco.png]

[Image: vkM37Ea.gif]
[Image: Wdp0SYZ.png]

[Image: 0fWrFzT.png]
[Image: 1qPnXdW.png]
[Image: DGSj9JM.png]

[Diana]: see what he's doing

[Diana]: Assist Goblin.

[Image: hxBVmA8.png]
[Image: FRwEHct.png]
[Image: JuXmPMP.png]

[Image: ub2Cemn.png]
[Image: Zmlz4g2.png]
[Image: h3zfOKl.png]

[Image: fRehiSo.gif]
[Image: 3tVqhe2.png]
[Image: Wapa6BM.png]

[Image: YAKQMZk.png]
[Image: MSz9SYh.png]
[Image: B6K3Kdg.png]

[Image: D4vOqOk.png]

[Image: FpvrRga.png]
[Image: X4oh6vK.png]
[Image: 7JoTTKw.png]
[Image: Ey4Lpv4.png]

[Diana]: Operate machinery with reckless abandon. Go mad with power

[Image: NJXMxfl.png]
[Image: 1eFzZey.png]
[Image: EigdsCc.png]

[Image: MqDKwn2.png]
[Image: LWNKnrG.png]
[Image: ScHdgIL.png]

[Image: Q9dJ1Hl.png]
[Image: J0e8ywf.png]
[Image: iIyoWlA.png]

[Image: 2qf7xuY.gif]
[Image: 9OMfXk4.png]
[Image: mJ8oenf.png]
[Image: EJ7ntXf.png]

RE: Derelict Dreams - Crowstone - 04-16-2013

alright time to move on then! grab your club and move west

RE: Derelict Dreams - FuzzyZergling - 04-16-2013

Look into cockpit.

RE: Derelict Dreams - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-16-2013

Find something suspicious

RE: Derelict Dreams - BigBurkhart - 04-16-2013

Look for something that the robot arm will attach to.

RE: Derelict Dreams - Dexexe1234 - 04-17-2013

[Diana]: Look into cockpit.

[Image: QMDYXJb.png]
[Image: UdfPTQE.png]
[Image: hqBfieS.png]

[Diana]: alright time to move on then! grab your club and move west

[Image: H2P7laE.png]
[Image: Asyf7Ie.png]
[Image: ohmusSw.png]

[Diana]: Find something suspicious

[Image: RvejtQk.png]
[Image: 4x6EWpG.png]
[Image: x33wS5z.png]

[Image: jesBzoK.png]
[Image: xArw097.png]
[Image: HJ3XNJw.png]

[Image: OE96B2r.png]
[Image: JV3kPrg.png]
[Image: 8HiTNly.png]

[Image: QVzWJFj.png]
[Image: 51htgs0.png]
[Image: DhmKmRL.png]

[Image: jPRz0k7.gif]
[Image: x5zpUob.png]

[Image: 6O5pgul.gif]
[Image: 9dYavZd.png]
[Image: 1dWAUHh.png]

[Image: lIjPA6F.png]
[Image: ZykiR2u.png]

[Image: zXWn0rB.gif]
[Image: Dled6yW.png]
[Image: HhzsOh0.png]

[Image: lUP24aQ.gif]
[Image: ZlZ35Oa.png]
[Image: wiZuhLi.png]

[Image: vucVkhZ.gif]
[Image: 38mhJi6.png]
[Image: yMEsu1B.png]

[Image: h1uPHKJ.gif]
[Image: ufny4xS.png]

[Image: r6OIiGu.gif]
[Image: kF16JS9.png]

[Image: tVpigfy.gif]
[Image: hRQAhLs.png]

[Image: lFNAZa1.gif]

RE: Derelict Dreams - Dermonster - 04-17-2013

[X] ==>

RE: Derelict Dreams - BigBurkhart - 04-18-2013


Well, you should repair the leg first, in any case.

RE: Derelict Dreams - FuzzyZergling - 04-18-2013

> Chapter One: Begin.

RE: Derelict Dreams - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-18-2013

Uhhh... yeah exploding is not a good thing for a mech to do.


RE: Derelict Dreams - Dexexe1234 - 04-18-2013

[Story]: Chapter One: Begin.

[Image: XIBBZE9.gif]

[Image: 8PDRc44.gif]

[Image: 0HLiwfg.gif]
[Image: aU91caK.png]
[Image: GktCCik.png]

[Image: NrXXRxh.gif]
[Image: MuiJAVN.png]
[Image: LSw9n5u.png]

[Image: WJ8IoEK.gif]
[Image: sPHd1bG.png]
[Image: yQaUFcq.png]

[Image: q1EhpgV.gif]
[Image: ky67af3.png]

[Image: J58alzV.gif]
[Image: 1K2GgYp.png]

RE: Derelict Dreams - BigBurkhart - 04-18-2013

Either find something suitable to use as a peg leg, or find some way to unstick the leg from the grinder.

RE: Derelict Dreams - FuzzyZergling - 04-18-2013

> Use warning sign as crutch.

RE: Derelict Dreams - Jacquerel - 04-18-2013

Use Cherrytop as artificial leg

RE: Derelict Dreams - Dalmationer - 04-18-2013

>Candy Cane Crutch! Sure, it probably won't hold the weight, but it will be funny very briefly!

RE: Derelict Dreams - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-18-2013


RE: Derelict Dreams - Dexexe1234 - 04-18-2013

[Diana]: Unstick the leg from the grinder.

[Image: jmgfP6j.png]
[Image: U1JmPsu.png]

[Diana]: find something suitable to use as a peg leg.

[Image: DCrk6jp.png]
[Image: no8yf7E.png]
[Image: i4oJtpo.png]
[Image: eiIRKx5.png]
[Image: CXYlf42.png]

[Diana]: Use Cherrytop as artificial leg.

[Image: tDv3gbM.gif]
[Image: 5pY8gIm.png]
[Image: YnPbEe0.png]

[Diana]: Candy Cane Crutch! Sure, it probably won't hold the weight, but it will be funny very briefly!


[Image: JtBLqNn.png]
[Image: CjOWDKF.png]
[Image: 81ID933.png]
[Image: fWIEY9Q.png]

[Diana]: Use warning sign as crutch.

[Image: Vk2kKar.gif]
[Image: RCKDv35.png]
[Image: onpGDvd.png]

[Image: ObCzSGQ.gif]
[Image: 1q6kEfN.png]
[Image: jMx5Jmv.png]

[Image: Z2aDkjt.png]
[Image: NChhtas.png]

RE: Derelict Dreams - FelixSparks - 04-18-2013

Here's an idea! Go back a little ways to grab the Grimeborn Grime, and the largeish rock, then turn the Grime into a nice, sticky paste to attach the rock to the Mech! It won't be pretty, but it'll work! Also, you should name your mech something awesome.

RE: Derelict Dreams - BigBurkhart - 04-18-2013

Just remember to dislodge the leg from the grinder after you find a suitable crutch.

RE: Derelict Dreams - FuzzyZergling - 04-18-2013

Examine grinder's grinders.

RE: Derelict Dreams - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-18-2013


RE: Derelict Dreams - Purple Walrus - 04-18-2013

> Just take off one of the mech's arms and use it as a temporary leg.

RE: Derelict Dreams - ICan'tGiveCredit - 04-18-2013

(04-18-2013, 10:40 PM)Purple Walrus Wrote: ยป> Just take off one of the mech's arms and use it as a temporary leg.

a mecha that half-walks like a chimpanzee? I Second This