Eagle Time
Rêve - Printable Version

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RE: Rêve - typeandkey - 02-14-2019

>Grandissimo! Give this amazingly talented individual a hearty round of applause! ... Oh, right.

RE: Rêve - Hugo Luman - 02-15-2019

You watch for a while as this big thing sings, seeming to take no notice of the surroundings. You wonder if there's a way you can show your appreciation for this wonderful sound...

[Image: 3NmByyL.png]

"Oh? A creature of this wood?"
It's looking right at you! You begin to draw back, but, perhaps those thoughts on fear...

[Image: VWGPeTV.png]

"Fear not, little one. I speak the tongues of all things of the wild."

RE: Rêve - Ten11 - 02-15-2019

Ask who they are.

RE: Rêve - Numbers - 02-15-2019

(02-15-2019, 03:40 AM)Ten11 Wrote: »Ask who they are.

RE: Rêve - typeandkey - 02-15-2019

>"So, you wanna start a band?"

RE: Rêve - Hugo Luman - 02-15-2019

(Probably gonna pick up the pace for a bit here)

Somehow, you find a perfect understanding with this creature, unlike any others you have met before. As if it were alike to you... You wonder to it, what it is?

[Image: fyI88ro.png]

"I am a spirit of the woods and the water, and friend to all wild creatures, big or small."

[Image: UXSiZka.png]

Friends? Really? You would by my friend?

"Yes, of course little one!" says the spirit of woods and water. "I can be your friend, for this morning at least."

For... the morning?

"Yes. I have so much to tend to, and my nature compels me to roam, but I make a point of coming here once every year, to this place where I was born."


[Image: 2yz0hMx.png]

Well... that explains why you haven't seen the spirit around here before...

RE: Rêve - typeandkey - 02-15-2019

>No moping! Moping time later, hang out with awesome, cool nature spirit time now.

RE: Rêve - Ten11 - 02-15-2019

While hanging out:
Born? Are any other spirits born here?

RE: Rêve - Hugo Luman - 02-16-2019

(At a convention this weekend, probably won't get an update out till Monday)

RE: Rêve - Tiruin - 02-19-2019

> Try and ask if you can stay with them! Perhaps for a year!

RE: Rêve - Hugo Luman - 02-21-2019

Well. You have a friend for now at least, and you resolve to make full use of this time.

You want to show the spirit your favorite things. Most of them are outside of this place, and the spirit says it would like to stay here, but offers to show you some things too. You tell the spirit of your favorite things for a while, showing how you wiggle around to get a piece off the fruit from this tree.

The spirit tries to teach you to sing. It seems to be working! Well, a little. But it fills you with such a good feeling, and you see that the spirit shares in your feeling.

[Image: hFBykBA.png]

You never would have imagined your morning could go like this. But as the time passes on and on, you know it must come to an end. You ask the spirit, if it was born in this place, could there be any more of its kind around here?

"I suppose it is possible. Though I have not seen any others. This tree above us is, in a way, my mother, and I would know if she had any other children."

That makes sense, you guess. You can't remember your own mother, though you wonder if you ought to. You can remember your own birth, a season or two ago, beneath a tree in a cozy hole that you like to sleep in. But no one else was there.

The spirit holds you closer. "I can feel the lonesomeness in your heart, little one. You fear it will grow again when we part."

It's true. You feel that doubt even now. Nervously, you wonder if you might go with the spirit when it leaves.

"I am afraid there are places which I travel that would not suit you at all, my small friend. But perhaps... in the time we have remaining, I could offer you some help to change your lonely life."

[Image: HMdO9yN.gif]

RE: Rêve - typeandkey - 02-21-2019

>Sounds promising, but, this isn't going to be a faustian type arrangement, is it?

RE: Rêve - Ten11 - 02-21-2019

Change how? Give you friends? Give you a way to make friends?

RE: Rêve - Prophet - 02-21-2019

>Accept the spirits offer of help.

RE: Rêve - Hugo Luman - 02-23-2019

What does the spirit mean? You wonder.

"I will show you, show you an art that might help you."

Show you? Show you how?

"This will be my gift to you, for you to use as you will." The spirit reaches up to the tree and plucks a blossom, placing it on the grass before you. "First you will need a flower from this tree. Press your nose into the petals."

You do so, finding the flower soft and slightly cool to the touch. "Now, look at yourself in the water, and close your eyes. When you open them again, the spell will be cast until nightfall."

[Image: hCXxA5J.png]

[Image: FTUO5my.png]

[Image: n0oJS2V.png]

[Image: Xk82UbS.png]

[Image: qtOweuP.gif]

RE: Rêve - Akumu - 02-23-2019

>flip out

RE: Rêve - typeandkey - 02-24-2019

>Immediately fall over since you have no idea how to use limbs.

RE: Rêve - El Santo - 02-24-2019

>Begin picking your nose, almost as if it was pre-programmed in

RE: Rêve - Ten11 - 02-24-2019

Oh no, you turned invisible and someone else came up behind you!

RE: Rêve - Cinder - 02-24-2019

> Figure out how to wear jeans. Whatever those are.

RE: Rêve - Numbers - 02-24-2019

(02-23-2019, 11:06 PM)Akumu Wrote: »>flip out

(02-24-2019, 06:10 AM)typeandkey Wrote: »>Immediately fall over since you have no idea how to use limbs.

>Flip out into the lake.

RE: Rêve - Hugo Luman - 03-02-2019

(Apologies for delays. It's been an emotionally fraught week...)

RE: Rêve - Hugo Luman - 03-21-2019

(This is not dead! I have an update in progress)

RE: Rêve - Hugo Luman - 03-23-2019


[Image: VhYO0Xz.png]
[Image: TvtRu1x.png]

You have these! And those and... why doesn't the air taste like anything anymore? And... uh oh

[Image: myvTPtz.png]

Ouch! You can't remember falling from so high before! Although, everything seems smaller now than it used to. You start trying to wriggle across the ground.

"Here, little one."

[Image: dNTFV6C.png]

The spirit helps you up, and holds you steady until your legs seem to figure things out.

"What is this?" you ask, surprised at your voice.

"It is an art I have gifted to you, to use as much as you require. It will help you learn what you need to."

[Image: 3ZKtLhg.gif]

RE: Rêve - Ten11 - 03-23-2019

Ask what you need to learn