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CHIRAL: SIDE Y - Printable Version

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RE: CHIRAL - Dorsidwarf - 11-01-2017

Sometimes I Am Not Like I Normally Am And Wish To Express That

And sometimes I'm just normal.

>IA: change the topic dude, ask these peeps how the teams were actually killing each other's players if it was all a game played through pawns

RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-01-2017

>Oh heh. Sorry. It happens from time to time. Probably not going to be the last time I switch up, but I can try to cut down on that.

>Anyways, how did you folks end up here anyways, wherever here is?

RE: CHIRAL - Lordlyhour - 11-01-2017

Poetry Is An Artform
Proper Enunciation
Is Key To Success

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-01-2017

>>Sometimes I Am Not Like I Normally Am And Wish To Express That
>>And sometimes I'm just normal.
>>>IA: change the topic dude, ask these peeps how the teams were actually killing each other's players if it was all a game played through pawns
>>Oh heh. Sorry. It happens from time to time. Probably not going to be the last time I switch up, but I can try to cut down on that.
>>Anyways, how did you folks end up here anyways, wherever here is?
>>Poetry Is An Artform
>>Proper Enunciation
>>Is Key To Success

You start gearing up your communication drive in order to talk multiple times in a single conversation. The INPUT AGGREGATOR even gets a whirl at interpreting a command to keep it up!
Fantastic. Let's see just how informative this informational expressway can possibly be.
[Image: g1rYujb.png]
[Image: rbqXNEV.png]
Epilepsy WarningShow


INPUT AGGREGATOR: im detectin somethin spooky
INPUT AGGREGATOR: what is it halloween?
INPUT AGGREGATOR: haha just kiddin i dont think time exists here

RE: CHIRAL - Lordlyhour - 11-01-2017

Maybe There's Purpose
You Said Your Heroes Played Games
A Correlation.

Is It Possible
For You To Take Up Their Roles?
You Play Games Also.

RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-01-2017

>Well, that explains how all of you ended up here.
>But uh. Now I'm even more confused.
>Cause I'm not even sure I existed before this chat.
>Even less sure where to start on fixin any of this mess.

>I guess I should start by figurin out who's team I'm really on, since that seems important. Yellow maybe? Saw my reflection and was wearin yellow in a yellow room. So probably yellow.

>Oh, come to think of it, would your typing quirks have anything to do with the Heroes?

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-01-2017

(11-01-2017, 07:08 AM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »Maybe There's Purpose
You Said Your Heroes Played Games
A Correlation.

Is It Possible
For You To Take Up Their Roles?
You Play Games Also.

(11-01-2017, 07:19 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »>Well, that explains how all of you ended up here.
>But uh. Now I'm even more confused.
>Cause I'm not even sure I existed before this chat.
>Even less sure where to start on fixin any of this mess.

>I guess I should start by figurin out who's team I'm really on, since that seems important. Yellow maybe? Saw my reflection and was wearin yellow in a yellow room. So probably yellow.

>Oh, come to think of it, would your typing quirks have anything to do with the Heroes?

INPUT AGGREGATOR: that whole dealio with the "saw my reflection" ehh
INPUT AGGREGATOR: well i got reports from 7 counties that mister narrator was just showin ya that for shits n giggs
INPUT AGGREGATOR: but to be fair youre inputs not peeps
INPUT AGGREGATOR: so i can input it anyway

The chat fucking explodes. I mean it's still intact. The chat notifies you quietly that it deals with unbelievably huge quantities of posts every day. This is just these people's status quo.
[Image: SSFCfto.png]

After reading all of that, the INPUT AGGREGATOR emits a weak wheezing noise that fills your nonexistent eardrum.

RE: CHIRAL - Lordlyhour - 11-01-2017

Could Use A Crash Course
In Terminal Functions, Please
If It's No Bother

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-01-2017

(11-01-2017, 01:39 PM)Lordlyhour Wrote: »Could Use A Crash Course
In Terminal Functions, Please
If It's No Bother

You get to typing right quick.
[Image: g4nvaVt.png]

[Image: l533u0W.gif]
Keyboard? What is this KEYBOARD they speak of? You're certain you've HEARD the word before, but having such a physical item in your vicinity is a befuddling concept. You can't imagine how such a thing would even function.

(11-01-2017, 09:26 PM)Angustine Wrote: »CHIRAL

Still, you decide to go with your gut. You will up the energy to press (?) the CHIRAL button (???) on your keyboard (?????).

Something whirrs.
[Image: S7WS6a9.gif]

[Image: Qk7Ox8K.png]

RE: CHIRAL - Vic - 11-01-2017

>User Status

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-02-2017

(11-01-2017, 11:35 PM)Vic Wrote: »>User Status

After a minute, you figure out that you have to TYPE the name of the thing you want to go to. This is tough since you don't have a keyboard, but your INPUTS eventually go through.

[Image: XDANfAG.png]

[Image: O4VNOgH.png]

Oh, hey, it's that Nicopter guy?

INPUT AGGREGATOR: lookit all this free room ive got
INPUT AGGREGATOR: dont even gotta deal with any chatloggery
INPUT AGGREGATOR: silence is sweet eh

RE: CHIRAL - Arcanuse - 11-02-2017

Since we're not in pain, it must still be linked to Nicopter.


>So uh. Nicopter's supposed to be dead right?
>Cause either I'm missing a finger, a leg, have a critically injured organ, and just can't feel pain.

>Or somethin weird is goin on with Nicopters body.

>Whether that's Nicopter in need of urgent medical treatment right this minute or the system stopped trackin Nicopter before they ended up a gonner.

RE: CHIRAL - Vic - 11-02-2017




RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-02-2017

(11-02-2017, 12:26 AM)Arcanuse Wrote: »Since we're not in pain, it must still be linked to Nicopter.


>So uh. Nicopter's supposed to be dead right?
>Cause either I'm missing a finger, a leg, have a critically injured organ, and just can't feel pain.

>Or somethin weird is goin on with Nicopters body.

>Whether that's Nicopter in need of urgent medical treatment right this minute or the system stopped trackin Nicopter before they ended up a gonner.

You bring up CHAT, simple as can be.
[Image: OXXnc0e.png]

Immediately, you begin typing up a storm, but immediately notice that something is wrong, and take a moment to read it over.
[Image: opTeNbS.png]

(11-02-2017, 12:38 AM)Vic Wrote: »>Log



After reading the extremely odd CHATLOG, you proceed to check out a few other things from the main screen.
[Image: 5KGR6LF.png]

[Image: iUJPj7J.png]

[Image: LRHnvaR.png]

[Image: VNCsohn.png]

INPUT AGGREGATOR: im supposed to blush at this point im pretty sure
INPUT AGGREGATOR: cant really reason why
INPUT AGGREGATOR: but since im, as i was sayin earlier, not sentient, id say reasoning is tough enough as is
INPUT AGGREGATOR: this ain't nothing special, meheh

RE: CHIRAL - BananaPanda - 11-02-2017

i need to open the fighter of light

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-02-2017

(11-02-2017, 02:32 AM)BananaPanda Wrote: »i need to open the fighter of light

You open the image file with feverish urgency.
[Image: ySePhWi.png]

The NARRATOR politely asks you to pretend, for a moment, that the drawing in reality looks quite a lot less crummy.

RE: CHIRAL - Vic - 11-02-2017

>open bestmoments.clg

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-02-2017

(11-02-2017, 11:25 AM)Vic Wrote: »>open bestmoments.clg

You navigate to one of the other files in the DOCUMENTS directory.
[Image: FqQ6Rlk.png]
Doculog (bestmoments.clg)Show

You're helpfully greeted with what seems to be a list of non-sequiturs and chat excerpts.

RE: CHIRAL - Vic - 11-02-2017

>open nick-the-worst.clg

>message about exploring content of terminal, noting that we found FIGHTER-OF-LIGHT.clg

RE: CHIRAL - AScWCC - 11-02-2017

that fighter of light drawing is a CUTE THING

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-03-2017

(11-02-2017, 09:12 PM)Angustine Wrote: »Look at yourself

You look at YOURSELF.
[Image: Q52ZXlf.gif]

Well, it's not precisely what you expected YOURSELF to look like, but it's an image at least! An image with stuff on it. Some kind of stuff.

(11-02-2017, 10:36 PM)Vic Wrote: »>open nick-the-worst.clg

>message about exploring content of terminal, noting that we found FIGHTER-OF-LIGHT.clg

You open the last remaining file in the DOCUMENTS directory, Nic_The_Worst.clg.
[Image: esMKYCF.png]
Doculog (Nic_The_Worst.clg)Show

You also proceed to the previously discovered CHAT to post about your findings.
[Image: OXXnc0e.png]

[Image: ziQg9QQ.png]

But something is wrong! Unlike your home CHATLOG, this CHAT is basically dead. Nothing is being posted, and you wait a whole five minutes.

(11-02-2017, 11:43 PM)AScWCC Wrote: »that fighter of light drawing is a CUTE THING

The Fighter of Light herself enjoyed it, too!

RE: CHIRAL - BananaPanda - 11-03-2017

maybe press the Chiral button again?

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-03-2017

(11-03-2017, 01:16 AM)BananaPanda Wrote: »maybe press the Chiral button again?

You hit the CHIRAL button again. This is getting easier, even though you don't think you have a real keyboard to hit!
[Image: Qk7Ox8K.png]

Goddamnit it's the go-to-menu button.

This is extraordinarily crummy.

At least this means that one of these options might lead you back to the chat somehow.

RE: CHIRAL - BananaPanda - 11-03-2017

keep hitting the chiral button

RE: CHIRAL - kilozombie - 11-03-2017

(11-03-2017, 01:29 AM)BananaPanda Wrote: »keep hitting the chiral button

[Image: TDRDDh9.gif]

It doesn't seem to be working.